Newmarket Era, 5 Jun 1903, p. 1

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t rts Era gives more home eve papera in North York combined and acknowledged to trie Leading i f i -YW- fe ill St f NORTH YORK INTE at liberty to taow to and to freely according to conscience above all other liberty AND ADVERTISER copies cent each No paper sent outside of North York unless paid Id advance Newmarket Ont Friday June 1903 I TERMS per annum if paid in l a coat of paint on an old house and youll come pretty near to having a new noose is an old saying thats proven true every day by the old houses made new with The P protects arid Its great durability beauty of finish and economy gives satisfaction to the houseowner Its easy working qualities great covering capacity honest measure and strict purity satisfy the demands of both painter and houseowner C liQDd By Rev Frank Cornell Newmarket on the Public in the ten or SOLD BY BUILDERS BLACKSMITHS CARRIAGEMAKERS HA PAINTS OIL GLASS Furnace Work and Our Specialty Ice Cream T Ice Cream ft BETTER THEN EVER J i t AT BROUGHTONS Our flavors are the pure concentrated fruit syrups made from the best selected fruits Theyre rich arid heavy just seem to roll of the Yea I It would be much cheaper to use that never saw fruit tie stun made from essences Soda reputation wasnt built on such foundation Our Ice Cream cornea as near perfection as possible and we Intend right there BROUGHTONS DRUG St Parkers Dye Works Agent Canadian Express Cartage and baggage hand led with despatch DOM That In Our School lS lhiouVt1 we employ TWELVE teachers and- use ONE HUNDRED writing machines It and that is one reason why we produce the best results We begin to supply de mand for our graduates Enter any time for catalogue Toronto Principal Usually I was in a hurry to leave worth and place me the schoolroom hut this had been School program yet one of the noisy restless days when fifteen years have been with you teaching seems uphill work when a feels like calling account to see whether he has not missed his calling whether he had not better resign at and study medicine or go as a missionary to China So alter school I sank back in my armchair to sit in judgment on myself What a lovely June day it had been No wonder the children were longing for the holidays They must have felt like that imprisoned bumble bee now buzzing in the west window That too had added to my annoyance this afternoon Twice I had called Shorts atten tion from him to the spelling have done mure than you all to make loyal Canadians- How you die ask Have we not often heard boys and girls say they airly hated his- Yes doubt you have but that was because I was not properly taught Some teacher wanted to cram all my facts and dates into a little head for an examination But when I am well presented children love to Lear my account of ti myself We cannot claim antiquity have been I cannot tell for I raised Adam and Eve were unacquainted hands to applaud this last remark with us But great age is no proof land the effort awoke me and I found usefulness Many of the most use I had been dreaming dreams inventions of the day are the product of modern thought The would have us consider him ful because of his age As well might the tallow dip stand the electric light and demand homage I because its feeble spark lightened the darkness centuries before the other to shine Then I am not so that the historys claim to years lis a just one I think the chairman would inform you that there was no history until men could read that all before was tradition and that tradition like his offspring was not always reliable But admitting the By Rev Smith Mason and Dixons line the line between Pennsylvania and Maryland being the boundary between the States allowing negro slavery and free States became a noted ex pression and still more so during the agitation that preceded the Civil War and during the war itself And then the expression Dixies Land used in song to signify the country claims of the former speakers how is south of that Hue tended still more to keep that famous line before the public There had been long disputes be tween Maryland and Virginia about their line Something like- an a knowledge of any of them to be ob tained without an acquaintance being first had with me Who ever heard of a person versed in history grant or who bore fatigue aim or and braved danger am 1 W they might plant among th tau hlS fa Indians of North There is a storehouse contaning And sometimes he would gam a foot not a boy who will not listen I the key or so many the boy will not listen eager as the teacher reads my account of the United Empire Loyalists am- that unlocks you all and brings forth your treasure for the good of men that I felt sure he would miss But- for my friend the in the quiet of be schoolroom sons have such a glorious par- monotonous humming as ho Yes Mr Chairman in con- ian said of me Heading is in fact For he Era BY A BACKER Amongst tire strangest of a phenomena of life those fabrics of a vision dreams surely be included In dreams thing is exaggerated and the Adam asserts itself far more than in hours is this the case after meal of iudigestable food some a dream of dire horror and in others a violently spirit is developed the dream thundering stentorian tones defiance at his assailant is an especially inconvenient I nightmare from which to staying for instance at an hole but lath and plaster walls the rooms Out probably most peoples are of a pleasant character with the exception of a dream of the glory land of which been privileged the most del of all these ethereal reveries veyer had it and sometimes he would thrilling pleasure of casting lose a little But one tiling he trammels of earth and rang ways gained the illwill of his neigh- will in the air on the water bow I hill and Virginia claimed and was at last j are in some part of prisoner that he might atone for to the fact that I am taught in some of trouble he had caused Public School Oh thought if school could only I There was a prolonged applause be as quiet as this and I was hall History resumed place and resolving to spend the night in the redcovered HistoryNotes low creatures The Arithmetic too Maryland also had a dispute with graceful fronds waving in the dt prides himself that he is a servant of j Virginia about the formers south breeze scotlered the Most High but if he has reasons boundary east of the Bay Wat- forest from which depend to boast how much more have I kins Point on Chesapeake Bay was orchids amongst which Hit laws His will His promises He the acknowledged limit of Marylands humming birds as abC Search read triptur my table There was at first a Arithmetic was introduced He be- Think of the Wands who know no- of voices then a modest by saying I must admit the thousands who Know exercise book and in a somewhat distinct voice said to the world in a book and south boundary on the Eastern ocean a vision of azure and thing of you yet through bring j Shore But a dishonest official diamonds stretches out surveyor ran the line so much of horizon Exploring the beaut East to the Atlantic as to give Vir- the scene we find that we twelve square miles In the line was determined be- lightly touch the ground wit foot and at each step we tho daily from the treasurehouse A Maryland and Delaware Due through the air many yards distinct voice safd wou d to K north from a point midway between any obstacle and in tor agree with him as to his and Capo and Chesapeake Bay of our delight bounding a to the acknowledged boundary veU about now in the air all up rather than but surveyed it was on land Or perhaps we fest it by the usual sign There was surely yield the palm to me for when w mc general slapping of the Great Architect planned the covers and a cry of Chair chair verse he made use of me Long be- j the reader Well thought I this it something fore Creation of Man when He covered new Many are the hours that I weighed the mountains in scales and Miwster have poured over you never dream- the hills in a balance when He lying on my table for a few days that you voices Perhaps is right and and you control authors en summi Websters Unabridged slowly moved vant of the Highest I am the friend only courteous to listen to what tho its ponderous form stood erect of the lowly His love for has stranger might have to say and the perhaps we started from a point midway bo- down a hill and up the Fake Cape m south j along without exertion as j describing on the steep Charles Mason and Jeremiah And now arrived at the clifi on two eminent mathematicians and we take a delicious flight down JS real Cape thus de- of location that had ASSLSSStj they did tor 210 miles It was at first intended to run the line to the Mississippi River but the Indians swung back its covers and Said raised many a man from the humbler Report began by saying I would threatening and dangerous Fellow I cannot walks of life to fill the highest for a moment have any of you truthfully say that I havent words the world Euclid Napoleon think I did not fully appreciate you to express my thanks perhaps tor Newton and a host of others have Mines of wealth indeed you arc and the honor you have placed upon me admitted that to me they so necessary is each to a liberal I shall not attempt a lengthy large measure their greatness 1 that I am speech for I have so often heard the think too you must all agree that I find you filled with largo teacher say to the composition class am of more practical use than any of our own importance Hut have any Dont dictionary words that you No successful business man can of you stopped to consider what I somewhat in at- be ignorant of on me you would be without another import tempting to speak in public I feel to toll the state of his business ant factor of the schoolroom the too that I am getting old My back Horn year to year and to show him tocher One of tho speakers said is not so strong as It used to be and bis gains and losses My worth Precious metals lie deep That is I true and so deep ore your veins of knowledge that they would be forever hidden from the minds of the young it the patient teacher day after day the survey was dropped This was to In I was in Philadelphia at the Centennial Exhibition for a tort- Exhibition for large ideas of In the Nova exhibit saw as a curiosity under a glass cover the original Field Notes of Mason and Dixons survey It was a substan tial stronglybound volume and open where an astronomical ob servation had been taken to deter mine the latitude I at once search ed out the U Commissioner and told him of discovery I had made and strongly pointed out that these precious historical documents ouht to be property of the United States said I had no business Interest in the matter told him who I was merely a correspondent of a Scotch newspaper reporting the and losses My worth is jonesktniofan acknowledged by all Read the ad- which shook me up and grazed the in paper and skin on my side I could have borne you will find many like this this but it- did hurt when she called ahoy must be quick at figures me an antediluvian because she In every walk of life in every not bring forth your wealth and not fine bicycle without looking in transaction from the school- set it before Ws pupils most my supplement marble trade to the dealings of tractive form The true teacher The object of this meeting is to the Bank of England play a part remember I am not speaking of the determine which of us contributes When you have given it careful conmany hoys and girls who are using moat to the education of the young sidcration I think you must all con- teaching as a stepping stone to some I shall therefore call on the Public elude that I am by far the most other appreciates School History to set forth his claims subject on the programme j your worth He you and it that was all He was in this matter The Grammar was the next speaker gives i to make others much interested thanked me During the applause that followed think I can convince you aJ4 that acquainted with you But children the History came forward and he- I am the subject of the greatest util- are loath to make your acquaintance I hardly expected to be first ity Many a man well versed in his- and indeed it is not until after catled upon but I do think my many a very giant in years school Me that even pages Contribute more to the intellectual development of the our country than any other on the table I would not rob any problems or catch questions in won of a town or any other you the honor duo you but is of little practical use after tion ho ait once goes to his teacher none of you such topics for con- jail know it is claimed that math- and the teacher is to him a great versatlon after life unfold and mature the men- fountain of wisdom where all tho contributes more to the- liberal tal powers but tho same amount of I knowledge may be had for the asking tion of- people than I do Think devoted to me will not only do What resources the teacher should of my age Long before you and from a towering height a sweep downwards then gliding oyer the heaving down into the troughs and undulating waves in a posit of gladness again ward we hover on our way beautiful treeclad combe cleft cliffs or gambol in mid-air- thfough and through with a transporting enchantment solving to explore the soar up higher and higher intc soon leaving our planet far a the dim distance And th awoke and behold alas it a dream But although but a dream time will come when on wo shall be able to explore beauties of the universes i Unless indeed by forgetting Hi to accept the medial the the world we out from it all my fhnt Stat true tic has found to be a cleverest pupils find any joy in your youth failure because he was unacquainted perusal If a child wishes to know I J and Dixon book with mc The power solve knotty the meaning of a word or tho fn warmly and said he would see into it I heard no more for six months then I saw in the papers that Secretary of State had Notes from parties in Chairman or any of you my fellows existed or were ever dreamed of was hoary with years The that Adam and Eve were turned forth fresh from tbe hand of their Maker I sprang into existence True many of my pages are stained with dark red deeds many are red with bloody wars but what that These arc but the trumpet sounds warning men of tolay to be active in doing all they can to hasten the reign of the Prince of Peace Every thoughtful boy must sometimes ask himself Whence am He turns to fte revelation for his origin but pores over my pages to learn tho growth and development of mankind I am especially prepared however for the boys and girls of Canada True Education Department of o Killed as much in that line but will give have at hand I His home should bo the student grace and ease in con- filled with the choicest with and fit him for refined so- the leading daily papers with the It is a fact lhat I am not best magazines But alas easy to learn as some of you ft how often is this impossible owing cannot be denied that more candijto tho meagre salary he receives I dates fail at examinations in gram- j His necessary living expenses take it mar than In any other subject But jail and nothing is left to provide the what ot that The precious metals reading matter which would make lie deep The fact that call for close application is only proof of my worth Think how necessary I am There are limes when each of you is very useful but I am needed at every utterance of human voice Yes and back of that you cannot even think correctly without me I ask him a tenfold more efficient workman I am pleased to say however that there is a general awakening In among the people of Canada and that tho time not far distant when trus tees shall have learned there is no thing to be gained by pinching a teacher down to the lost cent Yes you to consider- these things before the ratepayers are learning that a rendering your liberal salary is a good investment Tho Fourth Reader on being Intro- one that pays a hundredfold in the began It has been agreed advancement People that I should speak in behalf of my tho section Constantinople May Advices which reached here today from Asi atic Turkey show that a terrible earthquake occurred April at im the Vilayet of Van eighty miles southeast of on the Euphrates The town was totally destroyed with its entire population number ing souls including Ar menians as well as the troops form ing the garrison of In addition over houses in neighboring villages collapsed tn i Glory Whaler aged thirteen years daughter of Mr Henry was found murdered in the woods near supposed by a tramp A son of Mr and another tad named of were drowned at Port Col- Ontario were slow to understand my three younger brothers as well as for What the rent ot this speech would borne by their yacht foundering The Average The average baby is a good smiling and bright is cross and fretful it Is bet is unwell and be is taking means he has to let he does not feel right When cross restless and sleepless dose him- with soothing whioh always contains poison Own Tablets arc what Is to put the little one right cross baby an occasional Tab see how quickly he will be into a bright smiling happy child He will sleep and the mother will get her re You have a guarantee that Own Tablets contain not of opiate or harmful drug the minor ailments from birth ten or twelve years- there is to equal tbe Tablets Mrs Anderson River My little boy was very cros fretful- and we got no rest re until we began using Baby Tablets Since then baby ret and he is now a fat healthy You can get the Tablets fro druggist or they will be mail at cents a box by direct to the Dr Williams Co Try the Era for months i i

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