THE NEWSaigfiter STRAY Came upon Lot North on Monday June 1st ft Chestnut Mare aged Star in ore bead and one white hind foot Own- ex Is requested to pay expenses and take animal away R YORK P She Never Up I brighter and Better Issue All Printing Done at Home -c- T i or hold a reception on j Dr Patterson of gave us Stand Very lew people this friendly Riding have over him and ium Mr and Mrs Peter Brown Farm for Sale Another Salary fa Two notable political caucuses recently been held one by supporters the Government and the other by Mr J P tthitoey his Opposi tion following in the Assembly and although it was given out to the piers bis reputation and the social pest- Toronto spent last Friday at Mayor he has occupied in Toronto for Canes some time we make no doubt a Vfeit to North York- wouldbe received with J much ffltbusiaanhUe tbi reception function be mad a drawing et- accept a situation again In traction to the exhibition for the gen- former city publio and Mr gOtc land Mrs J and family Miss Gray and Miss were of XT IN OUR AD ITS RIGHT I BUY YOUR WALL PAPERS AT THIS STORE SAVE MONEY Try our Cooked Me ON J DELICIOUS That 199965 S Johnson forest and Mrs A East on Wednesday is attending Coher ing 1465 in Toronto three days this week Johnson forest ranging representative of the Methodist acres In lots and cett lines of procedure were accountable J travelling expenses District Meeting Con WKtchnrcb Plenty of wood digcus3ed and water Twothirds seeded down Stone wall under bam the real facts for which were convened only Vivian PO out during the past or ten days Both sides of the House Johnson to pay express Mr and Mrs John charges and family of York Mills and Mr- and Johnson to pay for Mrs Lewis Murphy and son of To- stamps were guests of Mrs W TO BALA FALLS THE ANNUAL to hold up the Government for an increase in the sessional in demnity just another salary grab thats all At present the indemnity as it is is session with railway passes and yearly sup ply of stationery thrown it an amount with perquisites totalling under the Auspices of the York nearly per year and yet our Society wilt be held on representatives are not satisfied Evidently it is not patriotism and glory the average Ontario Legis lator has in view for it has trans pired that request went forth from the above caucuses for an in crease to but the Premier For particulars Rates etc see vol ted and finally compromised on large posters or address the Report has it that this plea was made to the Premier KEITH of the increased cost Johnson to pay for rS lVl iipji Johnson to pay for stationery Johnson to pay for rent PO box Johnson to pay for telephone messages Johnson to pay lor travelling expenses Wednesday June 1903 J by T train to thence by Steamer to the Beautiful Summer Resort Bala Falls 2W18 Newmarket of living etc but this is only a blind to hoodwink the electorate Not a single man of them pays a dol lar a week more for his hotel ac commodation than has been charged the past four years Members are simply taking advantage of the ingmans cry to plunder the Provin cial treasury to the tune of about 520000 a year- Years ago this very tamp rii same but Smith Prospect Ave Rev Franklin J Blake late British Wesley an Minister Key West Florida who is on his way home to England spent Sunday with the Rev J Gardner I H Matthews of Toron- alter 42 years of active service in the Ministry three of which were spent in Newmarket will apply for 0 I POINTS PARAQBAPHKD Grocery and Provision v T airs is a Hoeat demaKi pie weeks with her brother Mr at that time is supposed to wro I have put in a Stock of Geraniums have cost several members their seats J Verbenas Asters in the Assrtiihl I Mr John Total The above from Vast weeks Express- thls Herald supplies the explanation which I Mis Cross who has Smith pretends to crave bowery for some days The accounts for woodranging of Orchard Beach Johnson Newmarket and John- yesterday to spend a few son have because of Zephyr Villa with her cousin of names and initials become Bell mixed The second third and fourth Mr Alexander of Gait who items in the list have to do with the is now in his year and has Newmarket man thc balance with the taught school for years of Johnson of which were in Newmarket will su- Smith has simply been bark- next month Many of the ing up the wrong tree jmen this Town will agree with us that he was the best teacher ever had I Mr E McMillan of Wimbledon writes The Newmarket Era a very welcome visitor in our fani- It is the first paper opened when mail arrives We are hav ing very cool weather Have just a beautiful shower and everything to looks promising for a bountiful AND BARRIE is It is not always possible to repeat a good thing without people getting tired of hearing it but our subject cannot be repeated too often The class of clothing we sell speaks for itself We do not wonder that as clothing was manufactured and put on sal in the old way there was a horror it and that men shuddered at the idea of wearing it and to tell the truth we could not blame them Many all sorts of clothing have not backed it up with the goods which his been a disappointment to those who bate been tempted to e GOO We set our business on merit rather than take a short cut and work on the credulity of public by bombastic advertisements Of this takes time but we have had substantial returns from the common sense people Oar Society Column if is a a Miss Laura Elliott has gone salary grab game was play- Tottenham tor a sixweeks visit- only held for one p Soules spring a KETTLEB Petunias Verbenas Asters theAwcmbly what On Thursday of last week there and Daisies which I will sell at the action may do remains to be away almost a Lowest Prices mere is a strong feeling abroad vwv dent of this settlement in the person Hams ft I that the country is being taxed un- Frank of Toronto Mr Benjamin a Bacon lb Cor the services of her and is spending a Mr Isaac of Roll Bacon ft public men while the actual work- fatherinlaws blacksmith He was in- Cooked are living on a scanty pittance Mrs Geo Rose and her soninlaw terred in the Cemetery here His left yesterday for bereaved wife has the sympathy of I r i settlement Mr Pearson an old teacher at S No was in this section last Long Clear Bacon ft Pickled Hams ft Ham Chicken Tongue each Pigs Feet Ham Loaf Veal Loaf Call on us and you will get the Beat H KNOWLES ir NOTICE Fall Exhibition The substitution of preparing poul try for shipment to foreign markets apple packing and similar features of value to the farming com munity in place of speeding contests Orders for Outhouses fajllir Newmarket should he left at demonstration last year where- residence 1st door north of Squires according io reports Pump Shop on the road to theCem- to the Government more Contracts made tor monthly than an ii a removals during the summer a of a number of societies where on a visit of six weeks Miss Butler of Toronto returned home Saturday evening after spend ing the week with Mrs Geo Trivett soliciting life insurance Mr J Green of Toronto was I Mrs Pronto was in Town last Friday He is greatly ast attending her brothers improved in health the past couple of Mrs Charles and Mr W HOLLINGSHEAD Sale Registers SATURDAY June Sale of valuable farm and village property at Royal Hotel New market For particulars see the posters and adv Auctioneer FRIDAY June A Davis Son will have an extensive sale of Horses Vehicles House hold Effects and Real Estate on lot Con King Township Terms mos credit on sums over or a per cent discount for cash See posters for further particulars Sale at one oclock sharp David Auct Stock FAKIR The property Simon James Hamilton will be at the Jackson House Newmarket from Wednesday noon to Thursday noon during the season Fakir is ft standardbred pacer and there is not a prettier horse travelling Record as a beautiful purebred the proper ty of John Smith will visit Baldwin Holt Newmarket and Sharon during the season His colts have won prizes at all the local fairs Farmers should see before premising StandardBred Wilkes Trotting Stallion the property French Hdae Mount Albert will make the season 1903 at Albert QueensvUle- Newmar ket and Zephyr- Manager horseracing and socalled amusements were elements report that their Fairs did not suffer in consequence while at the same time the funds usually devoted to this kind of attractions were saved to the Associations Speaking at Whitby fall Mr superintendent of Farmers Institutes said that the object of Fall Fairs was to help to educate the farmer in his business Unfortunate- goodbye weeks Mrs B Hewitt and daughters left on Tuesday for Grand Rapids Mich to visit relatives for or 6 weeks Mrs and daughter Beryl have been spending a week ho city with her sister Mrs Lehman Mrs E Martin got back to Toronto last week from England and is spending a few days with her parents Mr Hoover Newmarket left yesterday afternoon for Moosejaw Assiniboia and may be away all summer Mr Irwin Clerk of the Peace and wife have gone on a trip to the Pacific Coast Mr Irwin was Town last Friday bidding friends I Charles Stephenson and family attend the funeral Misses Watson of Aurora was the guest of Miss Ethel Hambleton over Sunday Miss Butler Toronto Miss Louie Love of Aurora Miss Mamie Love of The clothing we sell is designed by artists cut by experienced cutters and made by practical tailors at third tailors prices Come in and have a look one through our stock -yvi- Specials Imported Pickles Chow Chow Mixed Pickles and White Onions Special at 12c bottle Sweet Pickles in bulk 35c Jerkins 15c English Malt Vinegar B in Flaked Barley Peas Large Jar French Mustard Canned Pigs Feet can HUNTER PHONE NO SIGN OF THE HAND ONT to n and Mr Trivett Newmar ket were guests at Mr on Sabbath last The King Christian church burial ground trustees on the set apart Wednesday the as a day for fixing up the church yard and graves Cemetery to morrow Saturday to decorate Mr Leadley our esteemed clerk at the Post Office was greeted on Mon- Mr Tim Wesley a student at Knox College and son Mr Jos Wesley of this Town has been assign ed to Parry Sound District as supply for the summer ly the majority of the airs had fall en away from grace and in maiy cases the management had gotten in to the hands of hoi elmen and horse- jockeys that the bulk of Gov- eminent money went into prizes for fast horse of an undesirable ton On J type Mr prodded fur- vi the Misses to point out that the principal eXP0CtS rtmaln h objection to the speeding was the fact that ringers have been has left Canes allowed to get and in M working there for this connection lie remarked that I about 20 years and leaves for stead of horses being local Muskoka on Monday to a situation Mr Geo of Toronto is in Rapids Michigan at pres ent the guest of only son and family He arrived in time to cele brate his birthday and looks well for his age his face still retaining the bloom of youth This is his third visit in Michigan He imported Stallion the property of Phillips Wilder owned and driven by lool sports to encouragement of horse breeding the entries are horses of an undesir able type are taken from fair to fair and are followed hy nan whose sole intention It Is to make money out of their running in betting and In other ways As for the side not generally of the highest form extant has crossed the ocean five times and and if not altogether abhorrent still travelled many thousand miles by partake more or ess of a fake rail- He was born in England and character Until a better class of made his last visit there about eight side shows Is put on the round their years ago He plowed several rounds departure should hardly e regret- in order to please bis three grand children Mae and Will Wind- No doubt these observations of Mr the next day after his birthday have due consideration having taken many first prizes in by the Directors of the North York plowing in hie younger days When Agricultural Association and should a farmer he lived In Tecumseth East- they Introduce a few novelties such and Holland Landing Mr as preparing poultry for shipment to has been a highly respected foreign markets etc they will member of the M church and also appreciated by the farming classleader for may years and as lt the Long Rapids Church stands in view of this of Agrl- his sons farm he has but a the home the brides mother Pembroke St Toronto on Satur day May by the Rev Geo Webber fattier of the groom assisted by Rev Allen and Rev Sparling Flor ence daughter of Mrs R to Rev Geo Webber of Bay At Christ Church Holland Landing on June by Rev of Sharon Mr Wellington of Sharon to Miss A daughter MrAlbert Ough East GwilHto- day evening at his boarding house Mrs by more than halt a hundred his old associates on the of his departure for a new field of labor We are pleased to state that Mr Leadley has acquired very many friends in this part during the past two years Mr clerk at store and family have now got settled in their new home also Mr has moved his family into the village this week Chinese insurgents have captured two more towns in Province Yunnan Popular Authors THE LEADING Furniture Undertaking House -IN- Extension Tables and Couches For 15 Days Including Conau M A Fleming Bertha Clay etc HOUR Splitters Just For Fun Drummers Yarns Barrel of Jokes Hot Shots etc cultural Department however it would not be out of place for us to fiuggest that for the day will make the season of at School Childrens Day Baldwin Georglna Invite to Michigan friends that his son has vvjwer Manager office to take some active part the finest farms in Long Rapids or two a walk from the beau tiful farm home which pleas ant and convenient for him His many friends and Era wish him a pleasant visit We understand from gmiiwy A SPECIALTY calls to at John Millard Phono W and Tho HENLEY In Toronto on May to Mr and Mrs Arthur Henley granddaughter ot Mr Meads Newmarket a son Tomb Town on June 3rd John Blizzard photographer aged years and days Deceased was a very quiet young man attentive to business and great ly respected by all who knew him His people reside Mt Albert He was troubled with rheumatism which affected his heart and he Was taken with a stroke paralysis the day before his death The funeral will take place this- afternoon at 3 oclock to Newmarket Cemetery DUNHAM In Oast on May Dunham years and mouths at Cemetery MILLER In Mount Albert on Tues day June 2nd Edna May Infant daughter of Mr and Mrs Jas A Miller aged year and days MAIN ST NORTH All Orders will receive Careful and Prompt Attention Wagons Wheelbarrows Doll Cabs Toy Carts Rock Horses Baseballs Gloves Bats Balls Masks Complete Outfit Croquet Bets and Balls WfceOERIlg PROVISIONS Peaches Apricots Prunes Extra Quality PINE APPLES JSSaf Oranges Lemons Bananas Honey Strained Honey and by Peck lour A car arrived in condition This flour Is now on the In highly recommended by all who have It YOU tried ft AQS Good ones each Central Telephone Office a a