Newmarket Era, 5 Jun 1903, p. 3

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v J- 3 peeks OX fc ABOUT Church Great Variety cheap at Hardware ft Heavy We regret to read notice on the windows of Roche to the heavy moved here THE NEWMARKET to pm The Ice Cream Soda Fountain in Fly screens lor windows and feic a from Ottawa and they are rtfc W to sell a large part of their i stock without profit in order to se cure money to meet maturing labili ties fromSqagar Industrial Home V Commissioners met on Monday accounts amounting to jjssed There are at present the Home in- Settled by Court Judgment was given in Toronto on Tuesday in the case of Reynolds vs Sam of North the- dispute being a longstanding one over the title of to 14 acres which he supposed he had purchased and I in Toronto Monday Tuesday street parade three mite in Sib tbis wnderful display his 200 acre farm on the Lake beautiful dens lairs and Shore Judgment was given in favor rare wild animals a herd Trivett who was represented by fcrly and little wild elephants Robertson of Newmarket corses and over one thousand j connection with the Drug Department doors Your wants best supplied at the Roche Company will A Bums open every night from until County The session the York County Council wilT open Monday Extensive Change Mr Ferguson who bought the old Methodist is not only making some internal changes in- next On Tuesday the members will lar LJi I build a new and larger one and excursion to Niagara Falls The Royal The improvements are progressing rapidly at this popular commercial hotel The front veranda has been torn down to he substituted by a better one and the new steps are to be granolithic Telephone Extension brickchid the house Paint Theres a heap of satisfaction in knowing your house looks right with a load of will trick Sole aecnev tTf te for iTessrs Camp Volunteers leave next Tuesday for annual drill at Niagara- A Hardware Newmarkets is six noncommissioned I officers privates but Major Allan is the number will not be com- The services Sunday were large S dont seem to be so attended There were mare of the boys who want to go JiWf t used to be S The announcement that the church Correction Mr Walker tells us that our report of the Drain Case in East is tot exactly correct He says there were three dams put along the side of the road by Engine Gibson all- within a mile and a quarter and it was one of these dams that was removed by Mr Milne The telephone line is now open to Decision in the case has not yet been Sharon and and ere in Newmarket can now call up j any of following people without extra charge Sharon Kenyons store A Ji Hughes and While Mr was on his wayout of town over Queen St bridge on a load of M became frighted at a Pearson Dr Graham and Frank Morton passing train At this juncture the seat on the wagon slipped and Mr was precipitated on the T of With much effort he District Council was held in the threw himself On one- side but did new Temperance Hall Newmarket last not clear the wheels As a result added to the church Friday The attendance was not bis shoulder blade was broken and vevy large and head badly cut Dr Webb debt had been reduced was very Wednesday night There were two or eight stitches to close The Friends Meeting services took gratifying to the congregation to at the meeting house on Bots- pastor left on Tuesday atter- street last Saturday and Sun- noon for Vancouver carrying with and were largely attended Mr the best wishes of toe I Moore of Toronto a pleasant journey and a safe a returned missionary from return ritfi Amenta J of Iowa All ladles of the Town and vicinity Rogers local evangelist are cordially invited by the speakers from a distance to attend a meeting under their aus pices in the Church next Monday Regular meeting of of last was summoned and had to take seven initiations and one reinstated The As we go to press Mir is It not Irish new officers were partly elected the remainder to be elected next Tuesday night instead of Wednesday on ac- count of the Excursion doing quite as could be ex pected NEW STORE Remnants Factory Cotton Mill Ends 4J to yds regular price to roc per yd- We are clearing the lot at per yd SATEEN DRILLS In Navy and Black inch regular pries While they last per LADIES VEST There is no doubt about your getting what you want in this line from us as we carry a very large stock of both Ladies and Childrens Vests PARASOLS J See our dollar are worth 150 Parasols they Ladies Black Cotton Hose Fast Black from per pair upwards WABRUNTONTlie Missouri Harlem and Sheffield Iowa Nebraska Lincoln Beatrice It is impossible to estimate the fi nancial losses authorities are looking for two tramps one white and one colored who are supposed to be somewhere near in A has been limp- for a days He tenioon at when Mrs J Mentally sprained his knee in his store was a returned missionary from Honau wittHhe- Glory Every should attend the Eh- here as we have some excel- lent meeiings and attendance It erroneously stated that the China will give an address This fountain trade at Roches on 1 Industrious Pec- Pairs Shoes to Clear This Week fountain trade at on Wm probably be her last visit here I The Corporation is getting to Mr George Wright Siwrfay evening was owing to their before returning to China next Sept iP Dleces asphalt visiting in this vicinity for successful and profit- David flavored on Prospect Ave Sunday able line engagement Jamesons Irish Whiskey The A neat monument to the memory of ji jj pollock and sister were call- cash salary and all TIahhi a ml J ahiI Villi- man says to superior it was only excellence A Business The laundry business conducted Pairs Mens and Box Calf Lace Boots Goodyear Welted John and J make regular and for Pairs Mens and Box Calf Boot good wearing goods regular and while they last Pairs Mens Working Boot These will stand the racket regular to Get a pair at 115 25 Pairs Boys Youths Good School Boots reg These go at 100 Pairs Mens and Lacrosse Shoes regular Today Pairs Womens Button and Boots patent too CAp These goods were made to sell at and Our price Pairs Womens Oxfords turn and McKay sown soles broken lots regular and 175 to clear at Womens Oxfords regular and broken lots at plain and pebble leather by iiTereet Mrs New A little disturbance along Main St from any other and the extent that the proprietor Tuesday night will be aired in Iter output which is just a little Boyd in Newmarket has grown to J was erected in Mr David on Sunday travelling- expenses and hotel bills market Cemetery last week I and lady each were the guests o Mr It Smith on Sunday not essential Mention refer ence and enclose selfaddressed of any in Toronto Montreal or W necessary to substitute steam j the Police Court next Tuesday before of our NATIONAL tap cities power hand work and i taking a drive over to Queen born St Chicago tome new machinery hoi some imc Church choirs appreciate the street occasionally Fingers dammed A little girl named Gertrude Smith I Town Delivery has been thrown very late on Saturday night met with a painful w on Tuesday the Laundry has had to refuse work electric because it was impossible to get help light being turned on ten minutes sooner on Sabbath evenings Some one scattered mortar on the sidewalk on Park Ave yesterday There Is no excuse as street wh A new engine and m expected- tomorrow Monday to h the nectary connections f power will drive a washer that go a new washing machine and went over to tIme the if principle that a separator 1 throws on tbe milk instead break- Junior Templars Fred in the mm two digits were badly jam- chair and Miss Bremner organist that a piece in one finger and occasional The Misses Smith Newmarket are visiting with their cousin Miss Ida Smith Stock Market In Toronto this week exporters are It is crushed in one be has suffered considerably Remember Agricultural Excursion next to BALA A trip Newmarket at am Arrive home at pm lake trip in AH Canada with hois of attractions at falls ike is a islandstudded fairyland Temperance The meeting last Sunday afternoon opened with a hallhour song service separator A good program was given by the er mere chat rap that Recitations by Jones Olive The Wright and Campbell solo by a man of courts n inis exporters are for dirt or this eighteen you can juSge pelting at to a few is what they look like UP to The Dove Export bulls run from to Terfible Floods in ironing machine with gasoline Lush and duett by will also be run by power And has a capacity of ironing bosoms an hour Later Armstrong and Cane This is the last meeting lor the Mr Boyd intends to put in present as the attendance during the Export bulls run from 350 to with in a few cases Good to choice butchering cattle Isold at to butchering cattle and dry cows sold at from to 4 Heavy weight keep feeders Heavy loss of life estimated at i and lighter from to in North Topeka to Kansas alone and immense damage Good run about 375 to to property have occurred in central nr and eastern Kansas cows to M soulhwestern and fe am are to each A number of rather inferior milch on Mr to put in v a new Mangel with rollers heated by hot weather is not large enough to gate cows went at to but good warrant their continuance They l cows would readily bring to steam and run by power With the addition of this plant will be Mr Boyd expects to double his trade days and deliver articles in Town on Thursday that arc collected on Mon day from regular customers This resumed after summer The High School Lacrosse Club Friday and Saturday to deliver on Tuesday afternoon with to outside towns We understand that a new front is to be placed in building now by the Laundry this summer it are for round trip from which will be in keeping with the im portance of the industry within Methodist Church Sunday the pastor preached ttJjtrtary sermons on the Union- circuit and his place here was by Stanley who was circuit last year congregations were well pleased and Sheep Shears Finest Steel Me and at I Ai Calves to per lb Hogs select lights and fata are that prices rain fallen for ten days arid shows no signs of cessation All the rivers swept oven their banks se veral days ago and the water is still indications steadily South it is not in danger and efiorts arc being made to lablish a safe line of communication with North Topeka- which is com pletely inundated and Urns rescue the survivors in that section has in also Newmarket June Flour per barrel 3 JO some reports say at least White Wheat per hush a The Excursion To thence coasting sermons and the children with his address In most attractive of islandstudded Surniav School to is just at the fit is attending conference ttoe mo9t -Wp- The prayerservice last among our towns people and the the following officers President A Coombs J Doyle From the appearance of those who go over to the grounds to practise and from the stickhandlers of form er years that the town has produced 1 several people have been we ought to make a very creditable turned to death At Kansas City showing against almost anything In the loss of life so far is at fif- the intermediate line that can be and Ottawa Kansas brought here It is a pity the or- j fl have done mucham- jper bush did not take place in time to enter the A a 1 Pains Womens Good Working Boota broken lots regular for 1000 Rain Coats for Our new stock of Queen Quality Shoes II Villi Our now acock of Slater Shoes Our new slock of Clothing Our new stock of Parisian and American Millinery Our now stock of Eng lish and American Hats for men Our new stock of Collars and Shirts Cor Ma Timothy r IEL1IILEIEIEIIE DR BENTLEVS Pulmonary Balsam Compound Extract of Blackberry Compound Podophyllum Bitters Remedy for ThickNeck Golden Eye Water Hair Restorer Hair Gloss PUT UP ONLY BY Wheat per bush a Spring Wheat per hush 68 a Buckwheat Red Wheat per bush a 0 0 age are Canadian settlements No per bush a loss of life is reported from those Peas per bush a 62 places Companies or regiments ol 0 a the National Guard are under arms in Wool per a the cities and larger towns to pre- Hay per ton a 10 vent looting and give ail Bran per ton a It id calculated that Shorts per ton 10 a Mrs party who will enjoy and accepted some time ago the delightful outing provided the purchase of property in of the Agricultural Society for and around Bala has now been at residence their Sends on Wednesday next A pktcd In P fito MihCT at oclock between Maple and Agricultural Society indeed The P Buys The chose Bala as their point entrance totfic Muakoka re gion Surveys for a branch that possible a rfi per a Kansas City Chicken per pair a Armourdalc arid Argentine Ducks 70 a Geese per lb 0 a Turkeys a vicinity ed in the traffic to our Canadian lake resort but the fl worthy of the most hearty support with ite entrance at this most Profits to be derived tractive scenic point in that whole m sale of excursion tickets is the region will now become a keen com- was day by which aid re- z are til that general public in or der that the prize list for the coming fair may he as liberal as possible and the Kail Inhibition a No more attractive than W interested in Young A Brown ixi A Brown Hill -J- Simpson It Morgan and trie Bala local fl St A couple Sundays ago an excep tional musical service was held in the Catharines Church of which Dean Morris former onto K Large Turk wrleK point most of the beauties of that ly of Newmarket Is now in charge which has late years ceo- It was the occasion of the opening the eyes of the touristloving the new massive organ recently in people of the entire upon tailed in that magnificent place of the romantic inghiarxLs of In the mass offered during could possibly have been chosen as a the service Dean Morris plaice wherein a day of perfect plea- and the sermon by sure attraction novelty and summer of St MichaclB College Toronto In the St Cecilia was the organ selection and during its execution particularly In rest can bo so readily shared by all at nominal figure of one dollar and cents from Newmarket and is what thousands of our more remote the the beautiful was Ontario neighbors and of thous- flooded with a massive abundance and our American friends annual- awful harmony We spend thousands dollars and Morris on the granl success travel as many miles to sec and tKllng his ministrations in Old St joy and go home in over Kits I CREAM WANTED SWEET OR SOUR make your butter the lowest- price paid last year delivered Is worth your while to give us a trial You are not put any ex- furnish the cans and pay all express charges SAVE THE WOR And more money Wo satis fy W per cent all who sent Thirtythree pounds of cream ery butter last year Let the creameries make SWEET CREAM Special inducements for those keep ing a number of cows and having Ice who can furnish us with sweet cream delivered at the nearest station A trial solicited and satisfaction guar anteed In particulars state number cows kept whether separator or not TORONTO CREAM BUTTER CO St Haulers wanted Toronto 0 OP A A BRADLEY CO DRUGGI8T8 Newmarket TO LEHMAN o Toronto Toronto June White Wheat per busii600 a Spring Wheat per bush a 72 Wheal per tush 0 a Oats per bush a Barley per bush a Peas per bush a Eggs per doz a Butter roll per a Potatoes per bag a Hay per ton M a 0 18 15 per tt I a 0 per Bee fore a Beef bin a Chickens per pair a W 0 Turkeys per 10 It talks Comic and ScntluJental Songs Plays like a full Band or Orchestra You understand every words it It is the greatest entertainer ever made It uses the which last for years The is made In Canada A years written gua rantee with each machine Write for Catalogues free PRICES TO Sold on Easy Monthly If desired MWWrACTWED BY BERLINER 23152319 St Catherine rat Manager for Canada A WATSON Jeweller Agent Newmarket Csrca to Two aoM In past Qigifilne rabies wery it Tills signature Sfc box I w vvj

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