Newmarket Era, 5 Jun 1903, p. 7

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i HALL THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY i 7 few remarks which we know interest a great many We rt Jobbing out many odd lines Misses Mens Boys and Childrens Boots and Shoes gome are not quite uptodate in but the wearing quality and you can buy at very Inter- tfug I very Fine Lines Right at prices to suit the closest Sunday The Methodist Sunday School has decided to have their annual Excur sion on July and will visit tie Zoo at P Toronto Royal Varnish- Can be used it will with- stand the sun and elements and the- scrubbing and cleaning inside SherwinWilliams make it Sold at Binns Hardware The New Shoe The Empress Fine Shoes For Ladies please every purchaser They Fit Comfortably They Look Stylish They Wear Well They are Moderate in price Wanted Men to go to Camp Niagara with No Co 13th Regiment on June for days train ing Apply at to Major Allan King Edward and Queen Alexandra Church on Prince and Princess of Wales and Tuesday- Prince Edward of Cornwall and York After the of the bus Is artistically lithographed in pension of there was a The PostOffice Department has been booklet is from the slight Metropolitan Bank notified that navigation on the the London Printing and Li- but confidence was soon restored River will open this week The tbographing Company and is a sou- Ames indebtedness is amply first boat will sail Irom White Horse venir typographic and lithographic secured Mr Ames has resigned the j for Dawson on the of June A- Presbyterian Summer School for toe study of S and Missionary mot hods is to be held at Knox Col lege Toronto from July to Anybody wishing to attend should ap ply to Rev R Hamilton Weston art that is very creditable presidency of the Bank and Dr has been elected in bis place I City engineer Rust has been ap- Oaf Toronto Letter official Is named Lord who served with the The sensation of Tuesday in finan- force the circles was the announced beVlion has signified his consent to A press report states that the A Ames big one of the Patrons of the heaviest purchases gold dust in brokerage firm The liabilities are Canadian Militia Veterans banking history the Yukon took of thoutbnv place on May and May The of While Mr Queen St amounts aggregate This is that the was talking with a friend in front of season it is said the Yukon gold out- prohibitionists not altogether his recently a put will exceed that of last year by with the action of the Alii- thief slipped in aid finding the safe from to bold a provincial cbnveh- unlocked stole therefrom on their own account within a j One of features of Torontos the old storydrink and living be- weeks on July is to be a his meanshas caused ve display of horseflesh in an openair Queens Park and Univer- J- I- this School At meeting of the Separate School Board a- few evenings ago man to flee from toe country rather poisoning- Three parade On Friday afternoon Saw- made good He was also treasurer the Presbyterian cbuich and a bay a week ago Sunday as that of James shortage is also reported in that Dominion Parliament A bill to amend Acts relating to Naturalization and Aliens has been loans from private in- 1 Taylor a clerk in the Woods don met a simple thatK- te and Forest Department the Crown caused to limp for two or three j days She was sewing at Mrs P it is current report about the cor- Sullivan in the Shannon timber deat dressmaking rooms when a ridors of the Legislature that the has been suspended blade of a pair scissors was is trying to pull the leg of Henry Cox of Jarvis Street had dentally run about two inches into the Premier for a land grant towards both bones of the right foot broken introduced in Senate by Hon her knee jthe construction the proposed above the ankle on Tuesday morn- Mr Scott Its purport is to transcontinental railway which is He was assisting to unload a the naturalization of aliens supposed to pass through the clay heavy electric light polo which 1 where objections are not filed against belt of the new townships now being dentally tell on him notice of application Aliens surveyed by the Crown Lands It is announced that the tannery can take the oath at the Sessions or partment Cox and Leighton business of Hon- J Davis has Assizes McCarthy are camping on Prem- been organized into a joint stock com I Another bill by Hon Mr Scott preserves capitalized at 250000 with amending the Companies Act of head office in King The company has been presented It provides that There has been a breakup in Brit- will be known as A Davis Sons whenever the par value of existing Columbia political parties The Limited shares is less than one hundred Mr J Brodie has removed his rear veranda preparatory to building a new one Both Town reservoirs have been emptied and thoroughly cleaned out this week so that all domestic wa ter now will be thoroughly fresh Mr Walt Eves shipped hogs to on Monday as usual Splendid All the old cars on the Metropoli tan Railway have now been discarded for cases of emergency and the regu lar service is supplied with firstclass liptodate passenger coaches thaU make the ride down Oar Oxfords for Ladies are Yonge St a pleasure rather than a Prior Ministry has been defeated and A bigamy case was up in the Police each said shares may be new Cabinet formed under the lead- Court on Monday but was adjourned into a larger amount but no of Mr who has Mr A Steward chief clerk in such consolidation shall exceed the abandoned the Coalition notion which the office of Records and Writs and par value This bill also has obtained for sonic time And form- for twenty years provides that bylaws are not a Government on purely Hall died Monday morning from to authorize bills of exchange or lines This departure front a pneumonia supposed to have been promissory notes party agreement has caused much contracted while filing writs in a cold Mr German has a bill before satisfaction A new Provincial vault last week Mrs Steward left the Commons to amend the Railway tion will follow as soon as lists can for on a visit a few days be- Act It provides that in all actions A good investment by Mangel Sugar Beet Seed for next year Mangel Seed 10c lb ugar Beet Seed 18c Fresh Tomatoes Fresh Canadian Strawberries Fresh Cuqumbers Lettuce and Radishes New Potatoes NICE JUICY LEMONS DOZ FOR Ladys Bicycle for Sale Cheap in Good Repair be prepared I for his or suits brought against a railway worth half more Our childrens Patent Leather Strap Slippers for are away below value and our Misses Patent Leather Strap Slipper for are well worth inspecting Boys and Girls School Boots are the best to be had both in wear- quality and fine appearance We would like you to see our DIN NER SETS and TOILET SETS burden The people of York County are largely indebted to County Coun cillor for the present comfort I Day was duly celebrated by company for damage or injury sus- is expected the Commissioners the public schools of this A by fire resulting from sparks report in the Carney enquiry will be procession was formed at tiie Armor- or other burning substance of travel on this road as he was submitted to the Legislature today its and thence to the Queens Park Which has escaped or been discharged defatigable the Company with the County the franchise Pursuant to adjournment and no tice Council met at Baldwin on Tuesday May There being no to assess ment roll or changes asked for tho Holt of as presented to Coun cil was ft finally GROCERY DEPARTMENT fts good cooking Figs for The Leading Sellable Out for bark Fourteen Specialty Foremen engag ed big bus and two span of horses on Monday evening and took a ride to where a hot supper awaited them at the hotel After spending a couple of hours so cially they returned home much pleas ed with the appearance of the coun try Many of the men came from Rochester and ft was their first trip In this direction A Mr will have quite a On Wednesday Miss Josephine or resulting from such fire to to his bank account Gordon Pembroke Street show that the fire was occasioned by ther he has any to his reputation or was married Victor Howard or originated from sparks cinders or not that is if the story of of Pctcrboro The other burning substance which vative contributions towards his ex- lemony took place in Alt Saints or was discharged from such are measurably true Some- church and was followed by a locomotive engine times however reports of this class at the family residence A Ministerial caucus will be held have to be received with due allow- a new swindle has been practiced today Friday when it is expected UIAP lurinrf ha mill ance tor circumstances and the usual modicum of salt on a number of people during the past week A man wearing the of a farmer went about the city peddling The News had a bad attack on Mon- small and crocks of butter day night The editor was very anx- said to have made at Port together They may take a trip to the Lake later on the sea son Telephone peter signalized their presence along about Cap Sullivan and wanted Creamery On examination at- and Lady Minto returned yester- route and the men had a know where he had gone Why the swindler had gone the crock day to Government House Ottawa his name did not appear on the was found to contain a small layer of The Railway Committee of the Corn- rial Service List Also intimated about one pound of butter The adopted an amendment to the that the Cap may have to rest of the contents of the crock was Grand Trunk Pacific bill this week Baseball On Friday night the Alerts won a victory from the Has the score being bo 8 The fielding and baserunning were the features of the game- For the Alerts OBrien shortstop was the star being decid- the clay belt and wanted to know by the Toronto Garrison on if he had gone fishing or was cutting bait Next morning Globe an nounced that Cap Sullivan was in Friday evening was among the city that he had arrived there jllant events of season Over 2U0 the night previous and didnt appear were present Col Otter presided to care whether school kept or all the Garrison officer were at the He said if he had paid attention to function alert from start to finish everyone who came and told him he J While crossing the rail tracks at the one of the prettiest running was wanted he would have foot Street on Monday catches of the season The batting Water which provides that shall The banquet tendered to Lord Dun- be expended within two years and that the lino shall be completed with in seven years or the char tor for the uncompleted portion shall lapse of Has was somewhat re markable Manager says he has the intermediate team in New market and has arranged for the boys to have the use of the diamond for practice one evening in the week Matches with Aurora and other places are being arranged On Tuesday evening the Alerts had practice match with the Town Sen iors and played very good ball OntQrMo The Municipal Committee of the House practically completed the work before it for this session on Friday busy He further said He had wait- evening Mr Charles Irwin was kill ed three weeks on the ed by a freight car which had been and then had not been called He shunted and his wife seriously injur- The last Mil of consequence consider ed was the one presented by Mr Downey of South Wellington to re peal what is known as the Act After a lengthy discussion the bill was lost on vote for and against Col bill respecting the payment of wages has been with- not been under cover at any time couple had been down to and insinuations of that the wharf to meet some friends re- malicious turning by tho steamer Lakeside that t evening It appears he members of the j The King Edward Hotel people of Revision at Toronto do not what judicious advertising labor for their health merely The means They have everything nice Telegram says An examination of and they want the public to know it the books tor the last year shows The Telegrams cartoon of the drawn that the Court held sessions tor re the Prohibition Convention Mr bill to amend local Improvements and met on was rather hard on the John Smith the High School Act has passed the days for the revision of the city as- City nominee The thirst third reading Also Hon Mr and other matters For crowd from North York who were sons bill to amend the Childrens estimates to prevent that gentleman from Protection Act ihey were engaged altogether about getting a possible sight of the Premier Ross and Hon J M hours for which they received post were requested to leave son went to Ottawa on Friday night cash or per hour Of their furs outside the hall I Next day they had a conference with course there is more or less lost Mrs J A Solomon Chestnut St ir Wilfrid and the Federal Bros Special excursion rates of travel have been management of Brothers Worlds Greatest Shows and those who w6h to go to Toronto where this circus exhibits on Monday and Tuesday can do so at very little ex pense This will be the only point in this vicinity where the show will exhibit this season Bros circus has been the Leading ex hibition America for years This year and wonderful artiste in the equestrian delimited to pay them tor set gymnastic acrobatic and valuable services aerial line with forty fam ous clowns and lesser lights Six hundred and horses are used and time apart from the actual hours who was struck by a street car one Government It is surmised that unless ho forthwith session but as there were day last week received very palnlul subsidy question was the sub- accordance with the report sessions altogether and allowing a and possibly fatal injuries She wa3 considered The Ontario Minis- adopted by the Council at its pre- returned Saturday night meeting or else the full meter Tho special committee on Municipal to Proceedings will be ta- Assessmont and Taxation held a to collect the amount due and determine the him whole day for each session the in- to the Hospital demnity received means per diem The manufacturers of the thats pretty near the figure our Dominion have to make a performance is entirely new in the queens Park common exhibit at the Industrial Fix- slon on Tuesday and decided that it notice will be given to entails combined of haY0 would where a large space has been would not be possible to bring any supply light furnished to complete assessment measure the A young man known to a large present session Col Gibson sug- de as Dr A James by claiming Rested that a report to this effect be The peering Company have Issued privileges of a licensed MD presented to the House Mr to the farmers of Canada a handsome lJ0 requisite certificate of recommended that the committee a marvellous trained animal depart- Illustrated booklet forth in qualification has finally landed him- meet in the fall for a week or is presented The circus this pen and picture a description of the fce prison lrn up season is greatly enlarged by the opening of their mammoth works at Ideal County Weekly I l Month York perjury Fast young men arc pretty to come to grief The Toronto Conservative Club will spectacular production of Jerusalem Hamilton The fact of the and the Crusades a pantotnfnlc prejDeering Company the makers of the wellknown and beau- farming Implements In America decorate the monumenro7si7john tlful historical narrative of the JecUng Hamilton for the manufacture in Queens Park saders The vast menagerie has of their machines shows their among hundreds of features the only in Canada as a manufacturing The living pair of giraffes the first centre In the booklet they by elephant successfully bred and rear emphasize In a neat way that the Royal Commission Dill and Mr Pet ty pieces Bill for Increasing railway taxation This was ultimately agreed upon and the House concurred In the report The Legislature commenced holding The bricklayers strike was terrain- morning sessions yesterday and the Wednesday when they decided to Premier intimated that House return to work and take material would likely prorogue next week a bill providing holiday falls on follpwfng shall be was Council Regular meeting last Monday even ing Present Mayor Cane Council lors Robertson Roadhousc Lloyd and Richardson Messrs Gregory and were heard before the Council with refer ence to domestic water on their prem- fees on Prospect Ave AceTed ftDd red Bills passed on tires from Dr re widen ing Lake road from J R Stevenson re trees having be cut down on western boundary line a and others waited on Council re alterations required on Lake Shore road claiming that present condition of same Is not suitable for the of tho community J Lake was granted per mission to erect a fence across the road allowance in front of bis lota at Jacksons Point providing he put a gate Joand also providing that the corporation of Sutton dp not object said fence to bo removed whenever road Is required for use The resolution of the Council of the town of St endorsed by Inserting Inches as the width of wagon tires Council resolved to go in a body on Saturday May and inspect Lake Shore road de cide what Improvements are neces sary to said road way for public travel Henry Corner was appointed com missioner and instructed to have bridge east of repaired Road Division No was divided and the between Lots and set apart as a division and Duke Horner appointed as overseer Grants for tho Improvements of highways wore made as follows Ilk No No No No No No No 92S No No No No No No of highways were appointed commissioners to expend any grant for the improve ment of the road In their divisions Tho following accounts were or dered paid Fred uso of scra per 2 days Taylor sera- par days Riddel repairs to culvert on Con Johustou provi sions to Dafoo family Tomllnson attending Court ot Revision Jacob James Luke were appointed over- Beers of highways In place of Louis LaChappelle James Cornwall and John Leo respectively Council adjourned to meet at Vir ginia on Monday July at 2 pm DONALD EGO Clerk Rev William Alliston died suddenly at the supper table i M lumber United Factories lumber United Factories supplies for Water Works John Spring cleaning snow freight and cartage 5 Express L Packard Co installa tion account Willis rep chairs at the the Government will announce their Town Hall policy in regard to aiding Che Grand Thos burying dog 30 Trunk Pacific and Canadian Northern installation Railways I account His Excellency the Morrison Brass Works pipe Win Brown fixing Fire Hall Pay Sheet No WW 11 Pay Sheet No 34 The bill for 4707 from Era office was referred to the Printing Com The Clerk reported receipt of from North York License for 1st Distribution Col Lloyd inquired the hew agreement concerning tbe Water Works and Electric Light Engineers had been prepared and signed The Mayor replied that the Clerk had papers and would attend to Chief Anderson reported that in obedience to the instructions of tho Council he and Mr Kitchen interview ed Mr regarding electric light account He refuses to accept the proposal Council The Treasurer was instructed to pay to Geo Williams being of sheep killed by dogs Tho Treasurer was instructed to refund to paid for li cense to sell fire works The Clerk was Instructed to write the Metropolitan Ry Co and them that the Council notice that the Cos cars are not yet running to the North end of the Town nor have they completed the grading of the road The Clerk was instructed to notify Council adjourned at Two men convicted ot murdering the captain and six others of the New fort- Brunswick bark Veronica wore hang ed at Liverpool A Ames Co have issued a statement giving their present liabil ities at reduced from on May The Atlas Loan Company of St Thomas closed its doors They hope to pay in full ooo- WARTS REMOVED WITHOUT PAIN Putnams Painless Wart and Corn Extractor never falls to remove Warts Corns or Bunions without pain in a few hours Give Putnams a iria i and J ml

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