Newmarket Era, 12 Jun 1903, p. 2

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J bt THE NEWMARKET FRIDAY jUlligpj WANTED Used to Farm Work Apply to Parkins St J Suitftrt Brighter and Better Each Issue All Printing Done Home For Sale or to Rent WWW BED Mrs Ed Richardson is visiting at Bradford Oar Toronto Letter A daring pickpocketj on Monday en tered the lobby of the church where the Methodist Conference was being Held and attempted to pick the pock et of delegate Tali who caught him House on Main Street North Blacksmith Shop- in good order JAS Industrial Home of The Canadian Electrical News foe AH June is a splendid number Among illustrated articles is a capital description of the Electric Railway its house and equipment accompanied by nine engravings Two Farms for Sale Mr Millard was visiting io this week in the act The made rush for the street and a dozen people gave chased He was finally caught Hunter of Dallas Texas is in Armstrong and this week- ministers son as he Miss Lucy Brock is visiting in represented on entering brie church for a week residence was on John Miss is home from the On Sunday night the cellar of Mr city for the holidays Atkinson Crawford Street was Mrs John Eves is visiting in raided by burglars and a fruit Barrie for a few weeks Mrs Gallagher is visiting in the t to overflowing at each performance city for a month or two Hundreds had to be turned away Mr Geo- of Toronto was in gathering of the Hotel- mens Mutual Association Methodist Magazine for June is called the Wesley Souvenir Northeast Quarter of Lot No enlarged by sixteen pages and in the 4th Con of East offered at reduced price as a me- Town on Saturday night bury containing acres more or morial of the great man the Miss Lush and friend spent in this city on Monday Anoiit lessand Lot No in the Con of whose birth the world this Sunday at Barrie and Morton Park persons to the roll call of North containing celebrates It contains over a Miss Dyke and Miss Dyke They took a drive about the city in acres more or less of these score of articles with over sixty Sunday with friends in King the alternoon and held a banquet at Mr AW Four battalions of the volunteer SEE IT IN OUR ITS RIGHT I We Sell Clothing Try Us For A GOODFITTING SUIT NEWMARKET AND BARRIE Cheapest Wall in Town ptional Farms are in a good state of repair lustrations of John Wesley and his This property will be soM at a low work Some of the engravings are price on easy terms to suit from quaint contemporary documents There are many admirable portraits and almost every phase of the life of one of the greatest leaders of the For further particulars apply to BENJAMIN Newmarket P last century is presented Every Methodist and many- who are not should have a copyronly Marion garden at Sunny- bank her country- place atPompton among the hills of northern Jer seyis unique A walk in this gar den is not like a stroll among other flower beds for the vines and shrubs that constitute its heauty have been Under gathered in all parte the world priced at time hjsorjc sentimental interest The garden has been a gradual development and re presents the labor or at least the at tention some thirtyfive years In the Delineator for July Christine ADJOURNED MORTGAGE SALE OF Farm and Village Property Niagara camp in wharf Tuesday the fit iim I They o the part in the morning arid part in the afternonn 5M EP the department and who has rela tives in Newmarket severed an art ery in his arm by fall down stairs Sunday at Barrie and Norton Park I rMaster Carl Brpdie spent 2J Sunday in the city with his uncles Mr Milton spent over Sunday with Rev J W Miss and Miss Jessie Somerville are visiting at Ridges for a couple ol a Mr Ales Millard was in Town yesterday His trip to California days ago He did him a lot of good submitted to the operation of having Mrs J E Cane is anticipating Tay and is the pleasure of attending two wed- 1 in PeneUng next week continues to improve His friends now have XIrs Elliott left on Tuesday for ultimate recovery may be gone for somei A detective acting for the chief weeks to in the Jam- seized of partridge and quail at the Union Mr Geo Knowles of Pasadena Station on Monday night The ha lot of choice Cotton Dress arrived consisting of all that I is new is Dimities Ginghams Organdies and Batiste Cloths it it 300 yds only of Imported Scotch Ginghams in neat Stripes and Checks in Red and White blue and White and 1 Mauve and White very special at worth yds American Muslins several different pat lerns and colorings beautiful goods for Girls Sum Dresses at per yd yds American Batiste Cloths In Fancy Stripes of Blue Mauve and Green the Newest thing for Blouses and Dresses now on sale at per yd 300 yds English Cham brays in Pink and White Blue and White and the new Biscuit Brown and White they last at per yd California in renewing for the Era which sale there will be offered for sale by public auction at the Royal Hotel Newmarket on Saturday the day of June at the hour of oclock forenoon the following Free hold Property namely The west half of lot No Concession Whitchurch containing acres more or less This soil is clay There is a good Frame te House thereon newly repaired a bank barn with firstclass stables underneath A new Silo a firstclass Hog Fen Concrete Hen House two good Orchards Fences are good acres of good Hardwood v Bush and balance of land under cul- the manner by which Messrs Cane time he never his bed is to mature in at- Situated miles from Brothers and the Messrs Thomas up this week and is gradually where there is a good George and Chew Lea- proving s market and close to churches and of Midland secured a timber of aU arge the limit but he found our his mistake to wptta Lot No Block Plan in the Public Accounts Committee S for Mount Albert There is a good An important fact became apparent If ade Mrs J a good time left for her home Illumination of Herrick has written charm- writes Our weather is very fine of Marion souvenir here now and fruit is plentiful garden and fine illustrations add to elected by acclamation on Council of the Ontario College of Pharmacy for District No We congratulate him on this distinction is from So to for shooting this kind of game out of season The birds were consigned to the King Ed ward Hotel and were intended for banquet that evening The Home Comers Festival Com mittee of the Board of Trade of To ronto have scattered broadcast all over Canada and the United States a Ontario Li eg isl a tape Mr Geo Thompson St Col thinks he has has been laid up or six I entity attractive literature a Whole menagerie of in with sciatica over half of which that cannot fail to have a beneficial Specials in Hosiery dye Hose guaranteed fast color sizes 8 to worth pair for pair dye Hose with natural wool feet all sizes 25c pair Ideal Hose for Boys and Girls guaranteed strong soft and stainless dye double knees the best hose made for hard wear prices range from to SPECIflliS Brick House and Frame Stable with during a discussion in the Legislature Buggy House therein with bard and few days ago relating to Loan Corn- soft water panics People really thought that Terms of Sale per cent Cash on in depositing with thorn they day of sale and balance to be arrang- were depositing in- a savings bank ed for when possession is given The when in reality they were becoming properties will be subject to shareholders under the complicated a reserve bid For particulars of agreement These Companies sale apply to Fred Jack living on get an overhauling next session last week Mr Thompson of Fort Will iam son of Mrs Hell Prospect Ave the day and an openair horse show both on a national scale The fete and pyrotechnic display will take the farm or to Vendors Solicitor Newmarket UW1M A deputation representing the Pri soners Aid Association of Toronto waited on the Ontario Government on Monday and asked financial aid for the scientific treatment of pauper in ebriates Dr works this Association for all it is worth but WEEKLY MAIL AND EMPIRE Mailed to any address in Canada Great Britain or United States until January 1st for NTS This offer includes choice pictures entitled The Miners Farewell and On the Edge of the Herd The Weekly Mail and Empire during the summer months will unquestion ably be the greatest weekly publica tion which enters Canadian homes It at present contains a greater mun is spending a few days in Town ha v- place on the evening of July 2nd and been granted a months leave of will cost several thousand dollars absence He is looking well and re- Upwards of five hundred craft of port that the Fort is building up rapidly Mrs John of Hamil ton spent over Sunday at The Bowery and left on Tuesday to visit her sis ter Mrs Belfry at Parry Sound Mr sailed from New York last Friday for Liverpool to buy if those in sympathy with the Aid for the firm and expects to be Association would devote their ener gies towards removing the cause of inebriate pauperism instead of try ing to doctor the evil created by the license system they would bo pulling on the right string The business of session is prac tically concluded salary grab and all The members seem to value their eight weeks work much higher than the public The Idea of a thousand dollars stationary and the railway pass for each term is simply an un warranted raid on the Provincial Treasury The House has adjourned till next when the Commission report will be consider ed of columns of reading matter than any other Canadian weekly All Parliament On Monday last Hon Mr Fielding the news published in it is carefully l to authorize the es- to meet the varied of the readers Hie General News section will con tain the fullest and most complete information of the events transpiring In all part of the world Particular attention will be given to cable and provincial news The agricultural section be re plete with Information for the gener al advancement of agricultural Contributors to this section be men eminent in this Impor tant Industry The Magazine section will also be a mine of information upon subjects which arc at present attracting pub lic attention Many of articles will be brightened by Illustrations Altogether the pages which com prise The Weekly Mall and Empire are a library in and all for the surd of One Dollar a year Send order to The Era Office New market STRAY HORSE upon Lot Con North on Monday June a Mare aged Star la fore white hind foot Own er it requested to pay and take away YORK P of penny savings banks He explained that the purpose of the Government was the cultivation of thrltt in small matters ami the en couragement of the habit of saving among a class not reached by Govern ment banks A Statute will be en acted under which by letters patent penny saving banks may be establish ed- They will not be moneylending establishments but partake rather of the nature of collecting agencies Managers be required to pay their collections into the government saving banks and only withdrawal to pay depositors They will require to have a guarantee as evidence of good and will be allowed a per centage of onehalf of one per cent gone for six weeks The A man on bis way to see a know recently held in Aberdeen met a chum whom he asked Are you to see the show Na Jim replied that individual sadly Ive been idle and I canna af ford it Look here cried Jim in sud den burst of generosity Ive a bad my pooch- if yo care to In an pass it Ill ye it Lets see a baud ot said his chum eagerly an Ill do my he Accordingly it was handed over and off they went to to have an evenings amusement When they readied the grounds Willie walked boldly up to the pay box put down the bad shilling and was admitted Jim was Immediately at his and imagine Mb disgust when ho pi down a florin and got the bad shil ling back as change No Need to Worthy Dr Thos Hume an Irish wit and friend of Thomas Moore went into a newspaper office and silently placed on the counter the of a friends death together with shillings the usual charge for the insertion of such advertisements The clerk looked at the paper floss ed It to one aide in a surly manner Seven and six have frequently had occasion replied Hume to publish these -sim- pay the cost of management The notices and I have never before maximum limit of a deposit is fixed charged any more than flveshlU lings Hon Sydney Fishers bill respect- Simple repeated the clerk Infectious diseases among without looking up say created quite a lengthy debate He 8 universally beloved and explained the measure was de- deeply regretted I Seven and six signed to implement the old act In I additional money on excluding diseased animals from lor- counter saying quietly countries and to improve the yourself that methods for stamping out disease extra charge to which your among domestic herds The bill pro- executors will never be put compensation to the of to owners of diseased animals slaughtered Mr Geo Browns son of was fatally wounded by another lad who with Malcolm Thompson of a loaded gun In his hand was stepped In front of a train at tempting to climb into the rig in Pickering and was killed which young Drown was sitting description will be called into service and it is intended to make it a feature that wijl live in the mem ory of all who see as well as worth travelling many miles to view The horse show and parade will bo entirely free and it is expected will be witnessed by a hundred thousand people Reduced rates have been arranged for the entire week of the Festival The will of the late James Aiken- this city bequeaths to Kim Street Methodist Church of which he was one ot the founders The annual excursion and picnic of conductors takes place Satur day They go to Owen Sound The Hotelkeepers Convention this week was held at the Queens Hotel are preparing for the open season of which commences on Tuesday next Sole Register SATURDAY June Adjourned sale of Mortgaged Property In Whit church and Albert at Royal Hotel Newmarket See posters and ad for particulars Dog Biscuits lbs for bottles John Bull Table Sauce for Pure Gold Bird Seed in lb for Health Breakfast Food pkgs for Dried Apples dark but good cookers lb Choice Cooking Figs lbs for The At on Sun day May of J Ratcliff of a daughter THE LEADING Undertaking House Tables and Conches For Bays Phone Sign of the Big Hand NEWMARKET 4I4HHHHHl Keep If you strike a thorn or rose Keep agoinl If it hails or it it snows Keep no use to sit and whine When the fish aint on your line Bait your hook and keep on Keep agofnM When weather kills your crop Keep When you tumble from the top Keep youre out every dune broke aint any crime Tell tho world youre prime Keep When it looks like all is up Keep agoin Drain tho sweetness from the cup Keep See the wild bird on the wing Hear the bells that sweetly ring When you feci like sing Keep agoinl Frank Stanton Superfine A train on the Hay of Railway was ditched at Enterprise Tho nth and Field were aboard on their to Thoy lost five horses and sev eral guns were smashed tut none of the men were hurt tad A lit Mlli tort John Millard if The Altai ARM1TAOEHBACOCK At Aurora on June by Rev Mc Dowell Mr of Toronto formerly of Newmar ket to Mrs LinviHe of Whitchurch Tomb East at the residence of his sister Lydla Clayton on June Mr Isaac year Interred at on Small Medium and Large size Holland Linen Note Papa Tinted Azure Wedgewood and Cream in bulk quire envelopes to match and in Fancy Hoses Summer Popular Authors Including Doyle A Fleming Bertha Clay etc Express Wagons Wheelbarrows Doll Cabs Toy Carts Croquet Sets and Balls 1 I GROCERIES PROVISIONS FRUIT PINE APPLES Canadian Berries Fine Bright Bananas are at their beet now If you desirous to preserve them are coming in plentiful We have them upwards according to- quality MAIN ST NORTH AU order will Careful an Prompt Attentioa Campers Supplies LIBBYS JELLIED HOOKS PATE LIBBYS IRISH STEW LIBBYS CORN BEEF HASH PORK AND BEANS IN SAW BEST ENGLISH PICKLES ENGLISH PICKLES HORSESHOE SALMON CHASE A PURE Good ones each 1 Central Telephone Office si

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