Newmarket Era, 12 Jun 1903, p. 6

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THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY JUNE f nTLaughlin Buggies Repairing and General Prices moderate J COOK Agent Mount Albert Peter Hamilton 2 Fresh Jersey Cows The 9 Also Three Jersey Heifers due about June STOKES Mount Albeit FARMS FOR THE The usual large crowd attended the Market on Prlces butter e to chickens to r THE BEST LINIMENT I have derived great benefit from of Chamberlains Pain Balm Also one of J16 acres good and lose rheumatism and lumbago says w of sprained back and was also quickly would not think of being without it I have recommended it to many and they always speak very highly of it Airdcamehomeoa illy enough to to see his Bister before suc cess Conveyancer Mount Albert Private Lowest relieved In fact it is the best liniment I have ever used DP R- Wain St Albert the 2nd Tuesday of month Office la Block Office hours am to pm FURNITURE PERSONAL Miss of Toronto is visits at the home of her sister Mrs Morgan Rev JWMorgan and Mrs Mot- tet left for St Josephs Childrens Day at Baldwin Sabbath Morgans father being reported dan- School on Sunday was a great ill at his home there Mr and Mrs of Scarborough Junction are visiting her sister Mrs John Miss Maggie of Aurora is visiting her sister Mrs T Miss Anderson of Newmarket is visiting at the home of Mr Miss Lena Spalding who has been spending her holidays at her home here teft for Toronto on Monday Miss Alma Hayes of Toronto is Roy and Artie took one two three positions at Saturdays rifle practice- Theyre good shots Perhaps theyre the t happens those who for others are into them them- notice this is toe case frequently with some hotelkeepers Hes his best customer he drinks like a fish Ours is sober as a judge Never saw him full in my life The lamp of life continues stall to burn but the vital cord may be snap ped at any moment with MEN ARE KNOWN BY THE CLOTHES THEY WEAR We Keep Goods Cut from Styles Made by Hands For sale by Lloyd You can gave money by buviu your Furniture at the ft store A STOCK THAN EVER OF Bedroom and and Tables sod Fancy Chairs We are also for Pillow Sham Holders and the celebrated Carpet and Tacker Picture Framing a Specialty Goods delivered free of charge when ordered ALLAN THEAKER Mount Albert if opening DAILY Call and inspect our new of GOODS HATS CAPS BOOTS SHOES INSERTIONS WALL PAPERS Values Never Better ROSS BROS LOST Between Mount Albert and Dykes a purse containing a sum money Finder will be suitably re warded by leaving same at Mount- Albert Office Mr Geo- Richardson occupied the pulpit Methodist Church on Sunday morning and Mr John A Hopkins in the evening Miss Hayes has been suffering from a severe attack of erysipelas but is now on the road to recovery A number of our young ar ranged a trip to Lake on Friday evening last The Queens villa orchestra furnished music for dancing There was also a pleasant time spent sailing on the lake Mr Stokes of the Scott line while removing stumps from a field on Saturday was injured by having a stump thrown violently against him by his team starting too suddenly Fortunately Mr Stokes was not seriously injured Mount Albert is noted for its beau tiful scenery which makes strolling by moonlight very enjoyable Mr found the walking especially pleasant on Monday evening NOTHING LIKE EXPERIENCE Oner truth learned by actual experi ence does more good than ten-experi- one hears about Tell a man that Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy will cure cholera morbus and he wjH most like ly forget it before the end of the day Let him have a severe attack of that disease feel that he is about to die use this remedy and learn from his own experience how quickly it gives relief and he will remember it all his For sale by Lloyd here Mrs Barrett and Mrs Geo spent Sunday with friends in Newmarket Sir and Mrs of spent Sunday at the home her fa ther Mr Joseph Messrs Waiter Hayes and James took in the circus at Toronto on Monday Miss Powers is a vis itor at the home of Mr Groves Owl when a kid going to school Thompson He is at his soninlaws Wei my son father would Andrew who is unceasing in his care Andrew credit for his fidelity- He would share his last crust with a friend is preparing to put a stone wall under his house formerly the home of Brown Dakota Our sotdier laddies are now at playing at war This is quite another thing from war in reality Men usually are not so keen to go then My memory recalls the Fenian Raid of when our Sut ton Co were ordered to the front marched to Newmarket some singing obscure songs that would have made the for shame some cursing their fate others were crying Our village was quite a business ask Whos head in your class Ale be my proud response How many are in your class Just Die Then there be a laugh It is very little use in parents try ing to inculcate lessons of morality inthcyouthhil mind unless own morals are pure Do gather grapes of thorns or figs of Miss Georgia Crittenden has gone to for A months Owltown race track Samuel jr has done a piece grading on the road here free of any remuneration Samuels idea is to have a track for speeding bis fleet- footed pony lie has made a fine job and you will probably many horsemen make this a rendezvous for bit as Samuel never ALBERT The Leading Tailor We are Showing Special I N House furnishings Carpets Lineoliums- OilCloths Wall Papers Eta Etc AN AGGRAVATING COUGH CURED A customer of ours who bad been a severe cough for months bought two bottles of Cham berlains Cough Remedy from us and was entirely cured by one and a naif bottles of it It gives perfect satis faction with pur trade- Co Ala For sale by Lloyd If its a bilious attack take Cham berlains Stomach and Liver Tablets and a quick recovery is certain For safe by Lioyd SHARON T ALBERT DRUG STORE A CHOICE STOCK OF field and Golden Seeds Just Arrived Carrot Sugar Beet Mangel Turnip Seed sold at right prices A full stock of SPRAYING MATERIALS Constantly on Hand We aUo carry a full line of Patent Medicines among them Remedies and Rheumatic Cure Prescriptions and Family Re- receive personal day or night T LLOYD and AN ACQUAINTANCE We are pleased to see Mr Anderson and crew of workers in town again Mr Anderson is representing- the same firm of Bros Artists etc Toronto and we are confident that by the number of orders taken in King City Richmond Hill and other places that an extra good report will be sent from this district The crew num bers four and some one of them will call on you in the course of a few days and from our knowledge of yu not make the slightest mis take In giving them your orders for pictures to be enlarged Bros have the best reputation of any firm in America and only people who have a frame plant of their own AH their work is done by flrstrolass artists and guaranteed to give satis faction Mr Anderson has been on the road for this firm about seven years and his assistants are also ex perienced men Any work entrust ed to these gentlemen receive the careful consideration and be returned to you at an early date in style I PAINT It Ready Mixed Shades Beaver Brand Every Can Guaranted Whitewash Brushes Scrubbing Brushes thing for Time TOO GREAT A RISK In almost every neighborhood some one has died from an attack of colic or cholera morbus often before med icine could he procured or a physi cian summoned A reliable remedy for these diseases should kept at hand The risk Is too great Cham berlains Colic Cholera and Diarrho ea Remedy has undoubtedly saved the lives of more people and relieved more pain and suffering than any oth er medicine in use It can always be depended upon For by l Lloyd flic French troops bombard ing Algeria Donald Fletcher of Hamilton the new Moderator for the General Assembly of the Church In Canada A serious accident occurred here on Saturday last when Mr little boy Waller about four years old fell oil a load of gravel Alighting on bis face the fore wheel passed over hie shoulders just below the neck and then over his hand We are pleased to state however that tho the hand was crushed there were no other bones broken and the little fel low is cheerful and doing nicely We are sorry to record also that daughter of Mr Shaw who moved into our midst is seriously with appendicitis It seems all the more sad occurring just at this time as she was preparing we believe for the Entrance Examin ation The Maccabees initiated another new member on Monday evening Our Methodist preachers being away to Conference the appointment filled here by Mr Low of Newmarket Toe carpenters have Mr F Ir wins barn nearly ready to and the masons are busy with Mr W Barkers wall Mr and Mrs Cole of Kes wick were with bis brother Mr C Cole over night or Monday of this week Also Mrs A Cole with her mother and two children called for dinner oh Tuesday on their way up to Die Lake and to see the mother of Mrs Cole of who is unable to keep herself Miss Emily Wilson was the City with her sister Mrs Montgomery over Sunday The scribe forgot what day to write week until it was An organ agent from Newmarket put an organ in the Methodist church here we understand without the con sent of the officials and notified to take it away still leaves it there The members are talking of putting it Mr has replaced the walk in front of his house occupied by Rev Mr by a new one An automobile went thru a few days ago at a careless rate and caused a runaway of Mr horse with some damage to the rig No one was in it however All the talk around Sharon this week is tile big Garden Party at tie meeting House on Thursday Evening June under the auspices of the Methodist Church Besides the good things which the Sharon ladies arc noted to place on the tables on such occasions an abundance of at raw- berries and cream will also vitled To make the Garden Party more attractive the Hunter Bros of Newmarket have been engaged to sup ply a large orchestra and provide a program of vocal and instrumental music delightful time Is promise and a big crowd anticipated a a challenge The farfamed fish Market course isnt any more One of former nice young lassies boasts that her husband was the first young man to kiss her It very rarely indeed that a young woman can- say that seem to courtrather than discountenance kiss ing and like the young lady in the story are annoyed at the young fel lows for not insisting Kissing seems to be a growing comprint the you have the more you want Bill is awful fond of kissing other mens wives Hes awful Andy Miller of formerly of this burg was up last week It is said that he is greatly improved in person has the the drink and become an attentive church member This will be good news to his acquaintances What a terribly long list of unhap py marriages there are Where tilings should be totally different This is due in a large measure to unfaithful- and illkept marriage vows Im sorry to say a few of our people arc not exempt from this failing And they imagine that the public does not observe wfcat ingoing oh ears burn Out women folks of the dust as it penetrates every cre vice It truly has been a fright Those who are conversant with the works of his Satanic Majesty say it he is in a person he is bound to make his presence known He cannot re main long in concealment its not his nature If we all take a circum spect view of self well probably find in most cases hes in us as big as a and P Clark according to reports of city dailies were recently airing their views of the Liberal and Conservative parties before the Dominion Theyre place on Monday A harvest day for The H RAMSDEN J ALBERT For Spring Cleaning The Penny Ye Meant to Hi J ROWLAND Mount Albert Tko permanent force to be quartered in Montreal will be a com pany of garrison artilleryqne hun dred men and a company of Infantry of ame number so there will always be regular troops Montreal available for service In aid of civil power Eventually a of the Royal Canadian gormS will probably Montreal ftattlson C a tenyearold Otta wa boy was drowned while- bathing Large of Austrian iron workers leaving for America ow ing to the depression in trade Negotiations now pending may the purchase by the United States Stool Corporation of the entire vast iron mines in Lap land said to he the largest and the both bad so they are reported as saying Read up the evidence in election protests in North Waterloo and other constituencies and see is such men as they help improve the parties Men- seem very much similar to that lower order of creation the bear inasmuch as he seems to have a great liking for hugging It seems to he a natural impulse A feather in Baldwins cap Some of the aristocrats of Sutton arc in the habit of coming to Baldwin to trade We must have bargains here Some of our boys seem overly concerning the welfare- of our girls They not only drive them homo from church but theirklnd mo tives are further extended they also drive them to church This may bring the parson a foe I presume the reason so many nraycrs go unanswered is because men on praying for that which can do for themselves by a reason able amount of effort Pringle W J Keatcr Miss and Miss Kestec have been oh a scoot in district They had enormous luck V Rev flicks in his Introduc tory remarks in Ahhanac fore casts this summer as a dry one the amount of precipitation being small He also advances the unique Idea that Juno weather is more trying than any on irritable dispositions Perhaps this may account for the fre quency of violent crimes during this month Thomas Sunday diversion On Sunday he noticed his brood mare was not With her foal in the pasture held A search was made and she was found inextricably mired in tho creek where she had gone to drink The assistance of a number of neigh bors also an Inch rope were success ful landing her on terra firma Tho Indications are that she had been there flinco the previous day Shes O K now The prospects tor a good hay crop are slim promising Theres a funny tale of a stingy man Who was none to good but might have been worse Who went to his church on Sunday night And carried along his purse- -IrA- When the sexton came with his beg ging plate The church was dim the can dles light The stingy man fumbled all through his purse And chose a coin by touch and not Sight i Its an odd thing now that guineas should be So like unto pennies in shape and size Ill give a penny the- stingy man said The poor must gifts of pennies despise The penny fell down with a clatter and ring And back in his seat leaned the stingy man The world is full of the poor he thought I cant help them all I give what I can Ha I how the sexton smiled to be sure To sea the gold guinea fall on his plate i Ho Ho how the stingy mans heart was wrung Perceiving his blunder hut just too late No matter he said in the Lords account That guinea of gold is set down to me tend to Him who give to the poor It will not so had an investment be Our Paints are the moat durable Our Varnishes the most flossy Our and Indcllcblo the most beautiful lints Window Shades of the most handsome colors and designs Our Brushes of the beat material All at most reasonable prices SUMMERFELDTS HARDWAR MOUNT ALBERT Disastrous floods are reported in Southern British Columbia All thru the bridges have gone out and settlements on flat lands are washed out On the Spokane Falls Northern line from the south I traf fic is suspended Turnout the floods axe general At a number of residents have been com pelled to flee The cabins of and Mrs Ward Henry and liar do Anderson have been carried away and it is reported that these four have J ISSUE It OF MARRIAGE LICENSES SUTTON JUST RECEIVED A carload of field corn also all kinds of Seed Corn for sale Barrel been drowned Great damage has Salt and land salt in sacks at lowest been done at possible prices No no the chuckling sexton cried The Lord is cheated He kens them well lie knew it was only by accident That out thy Angers the guinea fell l it He keeps an account no doubt for the But In that account hell set down to thee that golden guinea my Than the one bate penny you meant I Theres a comfort too in the little tale A serious aide as well as a Joke A comfort for all generous poor In the comical words the sexton spoke A A comfort to think that the good Lord knows How wo really desire to he And will give us credit in his account For all tho pennies wo long to Witness Cemetery Notice The Public Decoration Day of Cemetery will be held on Sat urday June parties interested to meet on the Cemetery Grounds at Two Oclock in the afternoon for the purpose of Decorating the Grounds All are Invited to attend GEO FOGG MILNE President Treasurer J Secretary i Notice to Creditors W SHIELDS MOUNT ALBERT The Liverpool London Globe INSURANCE COMPANY Available of Capital 1 Total CANADA MONTREAL BOARD OF Andrew Esq Chalrraao Wtat- Buchanan Deputy man Samuel Kan Sir Alex at Lowest Current Chief for DAVIDSON AaentMt Albert All creditors having claims against Estate of John Williams late of the Township of North in the County of York gentleman de ceased who died on the day of April AD are required in pursuance of Statutes in that behalf to file full particulars of claim duly verified with Davidson Albert PO agent for the Adminis trator on or before the 20th day of June after which date assets will be distributed among creditors giving notice as aforesaid and the administrator will not be liable for any claims not so tiled EDWARD WILLIAMS DAVIDSON Administrator Agent for Administrator Albert- Ontario Albert May a7th WANT Bring your Wool to the Albert Woollen Mills and got tho Highest Prices A largo stock of Our Own Manufacture always on hand WANTED be added to the richest Iron mining tract in the promise nn abundant return j world applies to this section Competent general servant at for summer months Must be good well Small fruits- berries etc Cook Wages twelve dollars per This month Apply to Dr Pearson Try Our Own Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil with Wild Cherry Hark An Excellent Remedy Coughs Colds AND Lung Trouble Wo keep leading makes of Trusses Properly fit and guar- them Forrests Drug Store MOUNT ALBERT dp cro en I GEO SONS BflOUNT ALBERT is IS f

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