f A CHINA HALL THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY JUNE i- d Just a Jew remarks which we know pill Interest a great many We jobbing out many odd lines ldles Misses Mens Boys and Childrens Boots and Shoes Some are not quite uptodate in but the wearing quality is and you can buy at very inter esting prices Come and see We ry Fine Lines at prices to suit the closest layer The New Shoe eeks Along Newmarket Brick Yard is making good progress this spring compared in last year TCe first kiln of will be ready by the of July and they are all spoken for but ten thousand flub AND TO TO RECORD t OK For the The annual Day services In connection with the Christian Sab bath School be held next Sunday morning June Win past ten the object service is to in- the children in doing something Songs of Valour BY A BANKER Amongst the bravest of brave those gallant heroes who lime after for missions a liberal collection r asked in aid of the missionary cause Division Count Wednesday was Court Day In New market but very few people knew wild in an effort to save a annual Strawberry Festival The conference of the christian crew must surely be be held on the lawn of Mrs Jos denomination will convene in the sodier Glover on June Tea served Keswick Church commencing June ihe e from six to eight pm A good pro- gram consisting of vocal and instru- Mrs Edward of Brougham and recitations atso visiting relatives and friend i mental music miner who descends into the to rescue his comrades the doctor or the who endeavours anything about it His Honor Judge Brass Bared is expected The friends of a plaguestricken victim Morgan presided There was a ver srnaH court and no matters of public importance transpired Court ad journed about 230 pm Sprained hen Shoulder to be present will be pleased to hear hat she still improving in health Wedding bells will soon be heard our midst is in The Officers and teachers of the Sunday School for the ensuing year FRANKLIN Little Miss teachers tex of Mr John met with an teachers Jas accident that caused considerable pain Dawson Hancock Miss Lemon and she has had to carry her arm in White and J a sling the week She was lying I Mr took his the hammock last Saturday after- for the NorthWest on and tell out- upon the were he is going to stay for a age them in their good work ground spraining her shoulder bone She will be right in a day or two For Ladies please every purchaser They Fit Comfortably fa They Look Stylish They Wear Well They are Moderate in price Our Oxfords for Ladies are a half more Our childrens Patent Leather Strap Slippers for GO are away below value and our Misses Patent Leather Slipper for are well worth inspecting Oar Boys and Girls School Boots are the best to be had both in wear ing and fine appearance few weeks Mr Q Martin has been quit ill but is getting better slowly Mr John Anderson is quite ill from heart disease We hope he may re- Public At a meeting of the Board of Man- gain his S Laughton of Strat- natton of Mr J as Secretary ford are visiting at Mr was accepted owing to his intended tons removal to Rat Portage and Mr For- Mr Ed Sanders occupied the tune was appointed in bis place The pit here very acceptably on Sunday A this vicinity went on and the President was instructed to tip excursion to the on again request the Council for assist- day j At Mre S of visited Both Library and Free Reading at Phillips last week Room have been fairly well patroniz- of late and we would like to see the institution sustained for the good that it can do Regular meeting of Town Council next Monday evening Regular meeting at Mrs on Tuesday afternoon The of the Presbyterian church has a quilting bee the S S Room next Wednesday afternoon Numerous June Weddings are on the tapis The wellkept lawns in town arc very handsome to health ate all examples of mag nificent courage But who that has witnessed a lifeboat crew start on their errand of mercy refuse to award an equal need of praise to I those lionhearted intrepid lifesavers I It is a wild tempestuous evening the convulsed elements are raging in Dont forget the childrens service infuriate paroxysm of wrath so here next Sunday evening at- pm aweinspiring that the timid safe Miss and others are taking J on land are blanched with fear great pains with training the dashing peals detonating dren so everybody come and thunder reverberate in almost roar and the blue light- Frank Case Seymour Harper and strike hither and thither lady friends drove down to Churchill sea and into land A whirling is lashing the heaving ocean into an outburst maddened wrath mighty foaming billows their snowwliitc crests tern off by the tempest filling the air with great wisps of driven surf breaking on the stoop pebbly shore with a rending boom vying almost with the thunder in hollow resonance But now the clanging of an alarm- bell is heard amidst the din of the elements and soon a number of reso lute men are hasting to tho lifeboat house Quickly hauling the long car riage down the shore as far as the breaking waves will permit they clamber up into the great boat and prepare to brave the elements And Main street by the aid of a number of will- Master Wesley Longhurst drove hands she is pushed off and is couple of lady friends down to Church- afloat on the foaming turmoil ill Sunday eve to hear Rev J amidst a salute from the booming ar- of the skies Now Mi is lost Mr I Robert Brooks of Pine View was re- to view by a huge curling and wife of newing old acquaintances in town mountain now laboriously climbing Mamtouhn accompanied by his fa- Sunday afternoon jup a watery steep soon again to Mr Stephenson of What about the Picnic in Lewis disappear in a cloud of surf street were guests at Mr W bush Whos going I am an enormous windswept roller The Robin advances threateningly upon her and the spectators shudder at the appar ent impossibility of surmounting the a KrTTTLEBY on Sunday eve to hear the Rev J from many friends of Mr James Gardiner will be sorry to hear that he is lying very low The doctors have no hope for his recovery Please bear in mind- the Christian Endeavor on Wednesday night Topic or God Come and hear this explained as it is a very interesting topic A reconciliation in town lately Oh blessings on the fallings out Which all the more endears When we fall out with those we love To meet again in tears Mr Cbas Parks is making great t in hi new home on a ted at King Christian Church next Sunday commencing at pm A splendid program will be given by the children the church being decorated for the occasion The public are in vited on Sunday Mr Jas Kitchen and family of Schomberg were visiting friends in this section on Sabbath last The wild strawberries are ripening Mrs of Winnipeg Man The spring grains are looking very J nee Miss Lillian Spink accompanied We would like you to see our DIN NER SETS and TOILET SETS GROCERY DEPARTMENT Its good cooking tor Leading Reliable Grocer A SMITH telephone well on tlie farms this section by her sisterinlaw Mrs Mr Andrew Egos residence looks Spink and two little boys also of quite prim in its new coat Shade trees all over tow trimming sidewalks are NORTH Mrs Richard Pollocks Death A week ago last Monday the re- in Th in the presence of a huge towering wall of waters But though her crew is struck full in tho face by the volumes of blinding spray she is still safe now plunging down prow foremost into the very depths now mounting upwards towards the Limte overhanging the The Kettleby Brass Band are fit- a nuisance in wet wearing themselves to accommodate sur billows she reaches the stranded barque rescues the are a nuisance in wet weaing inemseivcs to accommodate f h- to people carrying umbrellas Hc gatherings with music on sLrt sistetS The Office Specialty Employees com- notice s Smith Specialty Employ their last Sat urday for the hot weather R T of At the meeting on Tuesday evening Instead of Wednesday two more applications were accepted for the Sick Benefit Department After the general business was disposed of the following officers were elected for the remaining six months of Select Councillor A Past Councillor Epworth Vice Councillor Sister Chaplin J Heard Recording Sec Eves Financial Sec Treasurer Sister Jones Duncan Auditors Bros and Herald Geo Guard Stock Sentinel- Brother Lome Cole Organist Sister Lush The new officers will be installed the first meeting in July Royal Templars arc still boom ing in Newmarket The proposition to at Morton Park on the 1st of July is with general fav or and a big crowd will drive up there to spend day As we Agent of sSsr- as 5f inC WC heard r terrible disease consumption At our We SS her The Bonds Lake tomorrow is quite a vast consideration with and this Spring a trained nurse from the city was constantly at her Mr Pottage of Toronto is engaged putting a new roof on his barn at Long Corners Mr a new roof Mr McGill of the line is moving and fitting up his barn Mr John Curtis is acting in the capacity of Road Commissioner for the North half of the Township in cluding the and lines Our village with a little over inhabitants lias 11- dogs or about to every persons and arc on ly a few eligible young Friend Campbell to the wrong democrat tie other night but of course he wouldnt if he had noticed his mistake in time Mr Art is preparing to place a portable saw mill in his wrecked crew from the cold grasp of death and midst thunder and light ning faces the hurricane at length after a weary and perilous struggle coming in on the summit of a great wave and reaching the shore in safe ty And we too are all liable to he wrecked on the shoals of error and of sin But the saviour of the world is both willing and able to men from a distance but trust ourselves to Him For He not only risked IBs life for us but gave it that we might be saved Why then should any madly refuse to be rescued Keep Cool You dont have to go to the Arctic to be refreshed Icecream ices are much more delicious when the appetite Is sharp when you are fc It takes only a minute to a few lemons and add some and water Throe minutes af ter you can have a delicious ice if you use a PEERLESS ICELAND bush in tbe immediate future comfort that loving hearts and will ing hands could do A year ago last March Mr and Mrs Pollock had a terrible bereave ment in the death thoir eldest daughter Mabel in her sixteenth year through Brights disease and this bore heavily upon Mrs Pollock who was even at that in poor health and under the care Of Dr For rest She leaves behind her to mourn their great loss an affection ate husband and four loving children the younget being only five years age Elder of the Christian church Keswick and of the Free Methodist church held at the home of the deceased last Monday week at pm at which there was a large gathering of the many friends and relatives of the do ner what FREEZER One dither construction does I The organization of the school is with all motions wceot one- generally satisfactory my an motions except can revolves around the stationary obiter is necessary in the cream the The cream has more motion in the rwrtess Iceland in any other rater the delicious Ice- MINUTES BOLD AT A HARDWARE High School The report of Inspector con cerning his recent visit to our educa tional was received by the Secretary on Wednesday ili The are n graded J s patience and submission to the Divine as high as formerly as a higher mPthely a smart old lady doing had borne her lingering sick- standing is required In order that own ncss ng tbe grounds should be graded I the being iMh vMM Inspector requires a separate side- work in the garden Her to on the grounds or In her Redeeming Saviour boys to enter school Pear- Jf l was present at bedside street the grass to be kept he flfs ro Newmarket cut short by a lawn mower along the rom tehlch curved away front entrance and flower bed to be V ndu kept in order When clean towels vcr in I and new cups are put in the fi brighter home where sickness and the water supply and teachers I roorns will be raised from to I J that sne 8tn i In other respects there is no fault find In have been ex in apparatus etc since last lo a course of treatment at the ffas present when she died No greater consola tion can remain to those she has left behind tha- he that they shall meet her again In Vi that better and We are pleased to note that Ml Mary Marshall has recovered sufil- 1 report nee Miss teaching I Jennie daughter Mr slightly previous reporta In French The character the pupils work la fair The question of a cadet corps de serves the of the Board and tbe Principal report closes with the follow ing paragraph school appears to be prosperous While in Bocae there is room for time taught the School are visiting Aggie Seymour They are now residents of Fort Wil liam the funeral of Mrs Richard Pol lock Register FA KIU The property Simon James Hamilton will be at the Jackson House Newmarket from Wednesday noon to Thursday noon during the season Fakir is a standardbred pacer and there is not a prettier horse travelling Record as a GENERAL ROBERTS A beautiful purebred Clydesdale the proper ty of John Smith will visit Baldwin Holt Newmarket and Sharon during the season His colts have won prizes at all local fairs Farmers should see him before promising ACOHOThe StandardBred Wilkes Trotting Stallion the property of French Heise Mount Albert will make the season at Mt Albert Newmar ket Uxbridge and Zephyr Manager LORD Imported Clydesdale Stallion the property of Phillips Wilder will make the season of at Baldwin Belhaven J Wilder Manager For sod inch ft Wind tod Ufa la ib Kick arid alter meal and of of of Sensations no Every will to bo WORTH A A HAMS PILLS directed Females to They promptly any the system For Weak Siomach impaired Digestion Disordered Liver they act ifko mi a few doses work wonders upon Vital Organs ibe system restoring Cociplexloni keen edge of and with the Pivfmlact of the frame admitted tboasaods Id of society and of snaranteet to the and Debilitated is Ofmohdrnm fmratMAttkU mi may It Work Poll directions with each box Prtparad only by THOMAS BEBCHAM St Helens EngUnd Sola Everywhere in Canada and America In boxes CHEAP THIS WEEK per A good investment Mangel Sugar Beet Seed for next year Mangel Seed Sugar Beet Seed 18c lb ff I r Fresh Tomatoes Fresh Canadian Strawberries Cucumbers Lettuce and Radishes New Potatoes NICE JUICY LEMONS DOZ FOR Ladys Bloyole for Cheap in Good Repair L H NOLLER Up Observing A Scotchman who had been employ ed nearly all his lite in the building railways in the Highlands of Scot land came to this country in his lat er years and settled in a new section of the plains the far west Soon after his arrival a came up in new home for the construction a railway through the district and the Scotchman was applied to as man of experience in such matOers Hoot said he to Hie spokes man of the scheme you canna build a railway across this country Why not Mr Ferguson Why not he repeated in an Mr of effectually settling the matter ye no sec countrys as flat as a floor and ye ony place whatever to tan your tun nels through The Militia Department will erect a mounted with eight guns at- near Quebec for the defence of that city It will Mrs James King Jersey is the happy mother two flno baby girls Mrs Louisa Mann of died last Saturday and the funeral took place on Monday Deceased has been ailing for sometime Mr John of anil his slater Minnie of rest the world is to are visiting Mrs Geo Pollock and usually too busy with the affairs of Negotiations now in progress in Constantinople may end the crisis in Macedonia More antiJewish disturbances are reported from Russia this time in Russian Poland Tho person who is profusely gen erous in volunteering advice for other relatives Mrs James of the Coo the misfortune to have a runaway In driving from Kes- located about yards from wick homeward one day last week others to attend to his own business At Coshocton Ohio Smith while trying to scare his two brothers Eugene aged la and Albert aged 10 who were him point- Industrious Per sons in each state to travel tor house established eleven years and with a large capital to call upon merchants and agents for successful and profit able line Permanent engagement Weekly cash salary and all travelling expenses and hotel bills ad vanced In cash each week Experi ence not essential Mention refer ence and enclooe selfaddressed en velope THE NATIONAL Dear born St Chicago Farm for Sale acres in lots and Plenty of wood and water Twothirds seeded down Stone wall under barn Vivian PO KNOWLES Grocery and Provision STO R I have put in a of Geraniums Petunias Verbenas Asters and Daisies which I will sell at Lowest Prices Hams lb Bacon lb Roll Bacon lb Cooked Corn Beef tins Long Clear Bacon lb Pickled Hams lb Ham Chicken Tongue each Pigs Feet Ham Loaf Veal Loaf Call on us and you will get tho Best H KNOWLES The Era NOTICE meat I Have no doubt fortifications where the She had a narrow escape and a gun at them The weapon the general condition Is satis- Runs will completely factory command the a severe shaking up but no bones discharged killing Albert while broken It seems gene is dying Orders or Cleaning OutHouses In Newmarket should be left at my residence 1st door north Pump Shop on road to the Cem etery Contracts made for monthly removals during summer IB TBI Ideal Weekly It York MR S- SCHOOL NOW OPEN ENGLISH FRENCH J