Newmarket Era, 12 Jun 1903, p. 8

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J J THE NEWMARKET FRIDAY JUNE liife Of disease is often the trail marked by a womans gown A recent investiga tion showed a horde of those of influenza consumption and a dozen other varieties gathered in the Li hut prey are the weak ana feeble people whose blood is poor and digestion weak Dr fierce Golden Medical Discov ery cures diseases of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition and purifies the blood It strengthens the body by increased nutrition to resist or throw off dis ease accept Hanks for the Dr Pierce Golden Medics Discovery Jus rtooe for inc writes Mrs K Co Ohio I Was troubled for over a year with the doctor indigestion- I had headache an taste in my Jo the morning end my Wood was very poor different but to no avail It AND TO The masons have finished the stone work on the foundation Mr barn Mr Wesleys barn is a fine structure It is completion satisfactory the bonds of Treasurer i The Reeve was instructed to order sewer pipe ln Irelands and halt hi Con Yppfc County Mr is a large purchase from feet complete and that the niUh hearing of a deputation from I The brothers William El- The sum of was try Toronto village in regard stab My parents insisted on my taking Dr Pierces Golden Medical Discovery I did now on the fourth bottle and feel stronger pert for than I have for ten years I cannot speak too highly In its favor A tea will be given at the home of wood and Joseph- who have- been Mrs John Williams on the evening of home since Christmastime have Tuesday June under the aus- turned to their homes in New On- pices of the Ladies Aid of church Mr Harry Graham has built an J addition to his dwelling house j The boys from the west side AURORA companied by their lady friends spent an enjoyable outing on the shores of At the last meeting of Council oh Sunday last Among were passed for expenses wno were the Messrs J gates to Toronto re Shoe Factory Jefferson Roy Bylaw and to Lennox for Hamilton and Black attendance on Private Bills j- j Black of the 4th has raised and renovated his Mr Patterson has purchased stab and drive shed It shows the the late J P Wells residence on intelligent- labor tteiltngtpn street at present occupied Cutting met- with A jby Winter fiHght week He The residence oj the late Mrs Hen- pcd t roof and fell heavily to on Spruce street was ground hurting his leg sold by public auction last Saturday fell on Monday last to wind up the estate Mrs assistance the one the heirs purchased the pro- slrawb crop The summer session opened- at the court house Monday In his op ening remarks Warden Said that and also instructed to of the east wing of the court the East estate balance In full for lisping a High School and hearing of services assessor and the a from the Industrial on account to Association were about the Northern only matters to come before them A communication was received from James Mills president of the of Revision rIo College The members after being duly Council that at present session of the sworn the proceeded to legislature sum Black as assessor of B Dr Pierces Pleasant axe easy and pleasant to take A most effective laxa tive They do not be get the pill habit Mr is using a cream sep arator and finds it most satisfactory The John scribe objects to the lengthy words I in the Era They were penned for perusal by the intelligent readers of North York Hook the baker has sold out his business to Mr Sergeant butcher J Bingham has been awarded the While murky shadows creep and crawl contract for building new Men- Along our mouldering timeworn wall church in children cry and bawl- A number of young ladies and sore distress business- One assessment was a number of appeals were allowed sev eral relieved from dog tax All the of the Court being disposed the Court finally closed for the year of J Larkln council meet at Watsons Ho tel on the of June i a bill abolishing the right counties to nominate students for free tuition at the college will be introduced This action is taken on- the ground that it is thought unfair to singtc out one applicant from a number in County and give him a privilege which others have not a chance to share Jn view of this fact Council is- asked not to In sert any further advertisements re garding the matter nor make nomina tion as heretofore i The Deputy Minister of Education wrote stating that the following grants are due to the High Schools all spent a very pleasant out and leave them at Wilcox after- To think and guess noon The members here as well allow i Dunlop Reliability You can place fall reliance In Detachable- Tires they will never your trust hardest to punc ture easiest to repair Years of excellent have them of almost uni versal adoption Every wheel with a repu tation Is fitted with them Every rider of experience Insist on Tires make enthusiasts They the pleasure or wheeling a ml the troubles Bicycling Is an assured success with The Tire Co Limited Toronto found a Coin la plate running an excursion to Jack sons point in July J of market preached a very interesting and instructive sermon Sunday to an appreciative audience in the Congregational church Rev oE Craighurst who succeeds the Rev J Cooper as rector of Christ Church arrived in on Tuesday Mr Hall East End opposite parsonage has of his bouse and property to But why attack exclusive blame Mr of Toronto for the sumTo one whos soaring on to fame of Although he edits but in name Miss Reynolds who has been organ- j His gossip column ist in Christ Church lor jus satellites ought share shame past year was presented on be- Theyve brought upon htm half of the congregation with a purse and thirty dollars in Now George stand tightly by your Mr Rmgwood met 1 Or fixing fence or driving plough I cannot well forget the row J Theyve thrust upon me But since its on well then I trow Theyre searching for me Poor Charlies voice is cracked and hoarse His jokes are rude ami almost coarse But since hes started out in verse Excuse the term His prose reads even worse And more infirm of the County 68J76 Met at Jones Hall on Aurora Weston the 3rd of June and organized Newmarket Richmond Hill- Court Revision Toronto Junction The appeal of J against Notices of motion were given to the Increased- valuation placed upon hear deputation from East lot was hot fluatained on Wednesday and from assessment of- Yoik Agricultural So- reduced Thursday The warden s excursion to Niagara Some owners tenants and sr vv Falls tool place on Tuesday voters were added to audi some names Mafkham Gets 30000 that the Five doge destroyed hV their 1 When the House went- Committee ffl the bill respecting the amended was passed by the Court Aurora as finally- revised members for airie die the north and east ridings The Council In session and bills were Town of Aurora passed a bylaw by a bonus of to the shoe Louis 20 yds gravel factory of Underhill and a P sawed cedar property established in the Graham yds gravel The Town of Aurora ask Good Roada Machinery Co for an act the amount of road machine points damages which the Village of Mark- We own a number of issues artii Municipal turps purchased after thorough expert inves tigation people who want an absolutely sure investment they cannot be excelled- We have other good Bonds yielding attractive inter est rates as high as per cent LIST MAILED ON APPLICATION Dominion Securities Corporallcnt Limited Ktrg Street Ont v i MAN WANTED We want a good reliable man to act as local Salesman in your district The position is a permanent one and offers large pay to any wideawake honest worker All our goods are guar anteed We to deal only with those who can appreciate a good position and represent us fairly We instruct you and furnish you uptodate samples free We pay weekly All freight and packing charges are paid by us From to J 150 00 per month and expenses can be earned selling our goods I IK BLACKFORD Toronto with a loss on Tuesday morning when his house and some of the con tents were destroyed by fire Just how the fire originated no one knows Mr got up early in the intending to go to Toronto Before going to the barn he put on a fire in the kitchen stove A short time afterwards he noticed smoke is suing from the kitchen which was a frame addition to the brick house On arriving at the scene Mr the house could not be saved The family were quickly re moved and most of his furniture was saved Farm For sale at Hall Price at Era Office Charles Black of old the a oar wai run over killed right such The estate la Two asm were arretted at Smiths Kails on of connected With the murder of Glory Vhalen at Coiling Kidney and Cough There have been a couple of homes here quarantined on account of diph theria Mies Flossie returned to last week to resume her studies there The Public School was dismissed for a couple of hours Friday morning for the burial of Melville one of Mrs Sydney Leonard and Mrs J Dennis and baby Fred visited the formers sister Airs Dennis at Newmarket last week Miss Flo Davis who has been work ing in the Southern States in the ca pacity of nurse is spending a few months at her home here The member of the ot the Lady Maccabees met on Tuesday ev ening ana enrolled a number of new into the order A Strawberry Festival under the auspices of the Baptist Church will be held on the Exhibition on Wednesday July 1st Miss Ruby gave a very enjoyable party at her home on Tues day evening It was the anniversary of her birth and a largo number her frieids helped her the event The windstorm which passed over this locality last week caused con siderable damage to several the farmers In the seventh ami eighth concessions Mr Shaws barn was almost completely demolished The stonework had been completed a few days before and the barn placed on It There was no Inside work and the barn was blown over ami wrecked quite completely the stone work being disordered as far as windows Mr Ellison wind mill was blown down and almost de stroyed while Mr Proctors wind mill was badly damaged Mr Normans silo was tipped over and a good deal of fence was blown down on all the Powder I US rj U AiiaVc Blood Powder W Co The Presbyterian church at was struclc by lightning and seriously damaged The courthouse and twenty houses at Hopewell Cape were de stroyed by fire which is ravaging country about there Ask Fred to bend his brawny back Root Charlie out and then to rack Your fertile brains You yet may find a to crack upon us swains i jWhen nest you write in conclave solemn To fill your silly childish column Or road aloud the Era volume In fairness to him Let Charlie see whats in Tis only due him ROBBIE KING Council met at Temperance Hall Kettleby on Saturday May AH the members present Reeve presiding i Mlnutea of larit meeting rend and approved The following accounts and reso lutions were then Win Edwards repairs to road Jab Daniels repairs Street Millgato a Holly stone Joseph Billings months salary Jos Hill repairing culvert Joseph road work Riley road work J J rep to Fred Leonard road work George Weir road work rep to Sons rep to road machine John Pax ton rep to road Joel Edwards flour tor Indi gent family while Campbell road work J Card lumber Jackson work road work moving road machine ibo Nell Campbell road work Ed Archibald show shovelling 250 Solomon Atkinson JHutt John road work Bryan bridge repairs J Davis road work John Fry road work Fry road work A road Andy road work Andy road work Gen ace Adopted The fbilowlflg sheep bill was or dered to be paid Fergu son being value of some t That F peacock be the 30b duo him us valuator Atkinson use of Jones provisions for J it fataioy Dr Ira family attending families while ham could claim for the expenses con nected with the removal of the The was fixed in committee at the sum of 5300 moved that the be of any claim the Village of JMarkham for damages and Mr antlned with scarlet fever ardson wanted the further sum of following parties claimed dam- inserted in the bill to compensate ages for sheep killed by dogs for the loss of toe factory E Buck sheep damage 1 This opened up the question J sheep damage the action of Aurora in inducing sheep damage Jry to leave authorised to said when the bill was be- v fore the committee he moved that the contract for worth of Markham culvert pipe- portion for her expenses but some- Councillor was to Wanted the figure put at erect guard rails at the following thought that if had any The Treasurer was instructed legal rights they should not be shut pay the bills presented and two- out of the courts lie opposed the thirds the claims for sheep killed by amendment of Mr Davis dogs Mr Whitneys sympathies were with The following appropriations were because the law was Blood At limca see alarming any of following made on the roads a Grading between Lots and Con on hill Con at Lot Gravelling opposite and Con Leathers Commissioner Repairs on hill opposite Lot Con Leathers Commissioner was granted to J places Con I between Lots SO and 81 Con 2 between Lots and Con a opposite Lot ID Councillor Foote was empowered to cutting hilt on Con at Lot 15 Paisley was empowered to to repair hill on Con y at Lota and 21 CouuoU adjourned to meet at Hall on the 15th of July with but the member for East York had put himself out of court by not complaining the action the committee To a certain extent had condoned the wrong by allowing the time to pass in which they might have helped themselves The AttorneyGenera said when the bill was before the committee never dreamed of further litigation on the part of Mr Whitney thought it would be unwise to the question open for further litigation A vote was taken on Mr Richard sons amendment and it was declared lost by to Mr Davis amend ment passed I yon contracted eradicated At time alarming la hope no results will Hare the symptoms Sore throat ulcers tongue or id the mouth hair out itchiness of fckln blotches the body eyes red smart stomach the secondary stage Itruat to lack t your system with the old fogy treat me at mercury and polish- which suppresses the symptoms or a time oaly oat again a nappy la domestic life let quacks you METHOD TREATMENT Is guaranteed to cute you- Oar bucked by the disease will return- Thousands of patient been already cured by our NEW METHOD TREATMENT for over years and no return of the disease No experiment cot a patch but a poli tico care worit ABILITY METHOD cure you and raak a mad new of Under Us become the Stood to that all pimples blotches and ulcers disappear become as steel so that and despondency disappear eye become bright face full and clear energy returns to the body ana the moral all drains cease no more vital waste and flex all drains cease no more vital waste the system The organs become natural and manly You feel yourself cannot be a failure and free of charge let quacks Wis CURE READER I No matter treated ton write for an opialoa reasonable BLa Tbe Golden Monitor i DiseiMsol The Wage of Sin Varicocele Strlcta afflicted to us coofidentblly rob you of dollars WE Witt CURE NO PAY Wo treat and cure NERVOUS DEBILITY SEXUAL WEAKNESS EMIS SIONS SYPHILIS GLEET STRICTURE VARICOCELE KIDNEY acd BLADDER DISEASES and all disease pecanar to men and women Are a victim lost Ate yon contemplating marriage Has your blood been dUeaaed Have yon any Our New Method Treatment will enroyou Free of Charge onDiseateaot StrictaroanOGleeU vent Free sealed nk No or envelopes pon6dnUL QuiiUon Ifjl and CojI lor Home Cure re SHELBY ST cS J MICH AX OGO acq Young Dr Kent das been tl jguil Rochester of Ethel Dingle Hamilton nurse who was employed in a Buffalo eyhad to and Kant cut her throat in Nearly every summer we hear the ita f old midsummer m f droughts and scanty suicide she and pastures Many olour best farmers Kent aKKclnK loKether have learned to guard against loss by having a supply or succulent feed to fall back upon In case the pasture fails A small silo filled especially for summer use will go a long way House for Sale Comer of Huron Street and Pros pect Ave J CANE Newmarket Corner Lot for Sale Formerly occupied the old house Hall an acre ground A good well and pump Apply to COOK BROS Newmarket Farm Wanted to Lease WITH A VIEW TO PURCHASE agreeing to together was not established and it Is more than likely that Kent took this means o getting rid her being married and she being infatuated with it is a very sad case and Mfss life seems to have been wrecked thru her own affections It was sought to bo proven at the trial of Kent that Miss Dingle had cut her own throat but tho circumstances Hum for That this Council accept highly to meet the difficulty and a partial system of soiling has also found favor among progressive Rye clover rape peas vetches millet sorghum and corn will afford a satisfactory supply of green feed ail through the summer if K arc made at suitable inter- u diet of manslaughter and the judge jsontejiced Kent to 20 years Imprison ment at hard labor Whether the sentence will ever be Inflicted is a question as already efforts are being made to establish errors In the arid to secure- a hew trial Justice not so sure on tbe other side of the line as it Is on this side aiid nr pains wilt bo spared to secure Kents release In the his father is being by the ex pense of defending him In court and Disease no summer vacation If you need flesh and strength use Scotts Emulsion summer as in winter for jc SCOTT I his wife has gone out of her mind True William Adams was killed by a train on a railway crossing at Sun- Pout Houses for Sale in Mrs Sutherland has instruct- the undersigned to sell her Houses on Niagara Street Newmarket are all desirable residences in good condition They will be sold In block or individually or In any way to suit purchasers For particulars prices etc apply to Vendors Solicitor Newmarket YEARS EXPERIENCE iTBnuon Money for A Co ether in juicily I opinion MtwUbi Commute Pi tuon rHhout t About acres preferred Must be good rich loam well watered by windmill spring or running stream Bank barn in good repair to accom modate to head of cattle with silo If possible Preference given to a place with good hog pen with pen room for to hogs House rooms or upwards If you have a farm you care to rent with option of purchase send particulars stating distance from Newmarket Cheese Factory Address Care Era Office Newmarket Kills the Bugs Feeds the Plant to a loo rail For Sale at Opposite Forsyth HouxJj Wanted to A house to be oc cupied by me cither in Juno or Hew York Branch 5 GEO A Kalapore 1

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