Newmarket Era, 19 Jun 1903, p. 2

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v a Wfc THE NEWMARKET Farm for Sale It is stated that out o One Of the best farms St near Newmarket way be for sale jf5 Hamilton bar withdrawn SSTt J Roberta Statio Committee to give taem Rev J Morris Nice tot of church mem bers we must say Worse than a lot of kickers on tie stock exchange I It is announced that Lieut Gover nor Clark 6ecure4 bis passage for England and expects to sail witfc Mrs Clark and their family on the lost Of course this is contin gent on the prorogation of the Legis lature They purpose being absent Notice is hereby given that I about two months and will spend toe FOR SALS CHEAP Hi feet of Iron Cresting without a flaw and small iron Gates at about half cost price Enquire at Era Of fice To Whom It May Concern OarSqeletporwDDOaF Toronto better cot be responsible for any Debts con tracted in my name without my written authority GEO MARTIN Card of I desire to express my sincere thanks to those who so sympathetic ally lent their invaluable aid during the illness and at the burial of my dear mother MRS J A Town Carting Having bought toe carting outfit of Mr I should be pleased to the public on short notice Terms reasonable Orders phoned to the Era Office will be promptly at tended to H SMITH Farm tor Sale acres of good clay loam along the Lake shore being parts of lots 9 and in the 3rd con North 5 acres bush and In good state of cultivation Good brick house and farm buildings in good condition Apply on the prern- JOHN LAZENBY w21 Keswick For a short time as the amount is limited INVESTORS time in the British Isles A special cable to the Mail and Em pire dated Rome June says The health of Pope is rapidly de clining His extreme feebleness and grief over the prosecution of French Associations by the Govern ment is undermining bis vitality Dr was suddenly summoned to ex amine the Popes legs which were swollen somewhat This is regarded as a symptom in view of the great age No immediate danger is apprehended but the days of His Holiness are evidently num bered Royal Commission Report Again Before the House Robertson has been arrested on charge of forging checks by which bis wifes savings were withdrawn Lloyd went to toe Lake on from trie bank while she was Tuesday for the season hospital Mrs John Spring and family Messrs Co have Spent Sunday at the Lake issued a detailed statement showing Miss Muriel Sharp of spent Sunday with Miss Reason m I Toronto Public School annual games Mrs Dr- Irwin of Toronto spent a couple of days In Town and Saturday Cups are for the Schools taking the Mr Walter Kelley est number of points in the games spent over Sunday with friends in j disciples of Isaac Walton have left Town I the city in considerable numbers Miss Dickson of OriUia was week and newspaper readers may guest of Miss Lottie on now for the usual fish stories IF YOU SEE IT IN OUR AD ITS RIGHT J BARGAINS IN WALL PAPERS THIS WEEK I Tuesday night The Star is put with its usual fishing Mrs Moore and daughter rod prise for the heaviest largest are attending the Friends halfyearly a meeting at Pickering- Sneak thieves continue to get in Mr Will Pearcy also Mrs Ed and of Toronto are vis- at Mr Cases Mrs Richardson returned from Trenton on- Monday where she was visiting her daughter notwithstanding the vigilance of toe police A dwelling on Queen Street was robbed of a watch and a till was tapped on gng Street this week Mr Lucas Fee who for years carried on a provision business in St MissSykes an- Lawrence Market died on Saturday The municipal authorities from this city to Hamilton are taking steps to oppose the bill now before lady friend were visiting the Misses Sykes over Sunday Mr Eli and wife of Toronto were the guests of Mrs W Queen St over Sunday at Ottawa granting a charter to construct an electric railway W Crosse returned to consent of the municipalities Toronto on Monday after spending a month with relatives at The Bowery Mr of Lyndon Alberta formerly of Kettleby writes it dont seem like home with out the Era Mr Jas was able to interested The Morality Department of the City is stirriog up things This week two persons were fined for de livering meat on Sunday and also two tobacconists were fined for sell ing on Sunday The fine Wednesday was one of the greatest debating days of the present session of the legislature The galleries were crowded Both principals in the famous case were present during the entire day Premier Ross spoke for over an hour day on a visit to her parents and a half and the logic of his North West iK has been week Kiimeard has been arrested confined to the house for some weeks and an inquest is being held The rne cnarges ana supported thru is able to walk around boys first commenced by throwing was made to show that Sunday be down Town on Monday to his he is getting their disregard of law around was Mrs Walter Anmtage Moscow wounded in Da vies packing house on passed through Town on the 20th of Dec by a named Kinneard who threw a knife at him died in the Hospital last pieces of fat at one another partly in fun and partly in earnest but end seriously enough The Presbyterians have entered up on aggressive mission work in the city and tent services are now being b the Town this week judges report He had no doubt CT t that the country would agree with ft that the report was just and parUal connection with fat Anthony s Mr followed for two hours criticizing the Judges finding Tor passed w its alleged nature and through Newmarket yesterday morn- AmitlH woman flrrw that the omissions from the lo Christian Con- sums of or can get the T M and has a an safest and best kind of security I spoke for two child of Toronto spent two or three communion service set The pastor and a half and had not con- j days this week with her parents Mr Mc I eluded when the House adjourned at and Mrs declaTd had been sent severely Mr J Green Toronto was on approbation but the dealer pro- the prejudicing of the case which i Town a couple of days this week tested that it was a bona flde bonds or debentures bearing inter- est at PER ANNUM payable halfyearly Usually these Bonds are not offered to small invest ors but are absorbed at net rates of to per cent in large issues by financial corporations For particulars address Box The Era Newmarket Orchard Beach Campers Lake DAVISON BROS Will open their store on the LAKE about the FIRST OF JULY As Usual With a New Stock of Summer Supplies AND SERVING SEASONABLE RE FRESHMENTS and DELICIOUS ICE CREAM They solicit a continued patronage the public on the shore as they were the promoters ol establishing this convenience and every effort will be put lorth to study the inter ests of the campers had characterized the Opposition members and journals and the treacherous independent press of the city He then entered a formal and He is greatly improved in health the Alter hearing the witnesses etc past two or three weeks Judge Morgan told the dealer that the Masters Leslie and Spring pastor had no authority to purchase gave a birthday party to their as the board alone bad the decision this ended the case proceeding reviewed in much detail i tie evidence in the case as it related en lme to himself He had not concluded when the House adjourned at During the address Mr ex hibited uneasiness and at one time rose to contradict a statement Mr had the floor again yester day morning Dead Rev died sud denly at his residence St Toronto at oclock Wed nesday afternoon He had been un der the care Dr for some time but appeared to be in very good spirits He arose in the morn ing and was around apparently in fair health He was suddenly ill oclock Dr was called in but could do nothing and the venerable divine passed away a half an hour afterwards The cause of death was a general break up of constitution Rev Dr was years of age and was a stirring figure in Can adian life as a litterateur preacher and politician He was an ardent He was also a ijfe- Mr H left for Lon don on Monday sailing from New York on Wednesday He ex pects to be gone six weeks Mr Henderson inventor of bearings and Mr of Toronto were in Town on Wednesday looking through the United Factories T wife and of were guests of Mrs Savage Monday night on their way to Conference at Keswick Mr A Coombs has the honor of reading a set of papers this week in connection- witii the Normal School Exams Mr Stephen Wallace of Toronto was the guest of Mr over Sunday and has been visiting old friends around Town this week Mr the Science Master at Newmarket High School for next term was in Town on Wednesday to receive his household effects will occupy the house adjoining Mr P Pearson on Prospect Ave Miss Richardson who Was so badly hurt by the upsetting of the bus coming from the Lake about weeks ago is still confined to her bed and improves very slowly The injuries are more serious than said many In the congregation disap proved the individual service and preferred the old form Fred Collins the pickpocket who tried to rob at the Conference pleaded not guilty when arraigned in the police court and was remanded till next Tuesday The ran a special train from Montreal on Sunday to Toronto bringing a deputation of Call and try our New England Ham the Thing for Picnics and Lunches All ready for use Q only per lb Picnic Hams per lb Cottage Hams per lb B Bacon to lb Cooked Corn to lb I keep nothing but the Best and Guarantee You Satisfaction Berries on Saturday at Lowest Prices MAN WANTED Used to Farm Work Apply to John Parkins St Newmar ket long and uncompromising Liberal As years Dr won distinction at the first when las a vigorous writer He retired from the control of that paper In and since that time had occu pied a superannuated relation to the Methodist Church He attended Street Methodist Church In- the provincial election of Dr actively entered the po litical arena contesting North Toron to in the Liberal interests He was defeated by Mr Geo by the narrow margin of votes Dur ing the the doctor was a deeply Interested It was feared she was killed The marriage of Miss Adele fourth daughter Mr Chief Justice and Mrs to Mr Mulock younger son of Sir William and Lady win take place on Wednesday the After the ceremony a reception will be held at the home of the brides parents Isabella street Toronto Mrs A J Stuart late of New market who has Just graduated as a nurse at Scran ton Penn is stay ing her mother Mrs J For Sale or to Rent House on Main Street North Blacksmith Shop All In good order JAS Industrial Home spectator He was a frequent of Toronto and will remain visitor at the Legislature during the there till the end June when she debate He leaves- a widow and J joins Dr Stuart in Mission City sons Hartley IT where he has been practising for ty Crown Attorney for York and Ed- some trims Her two children will ward the Canadian Bank her Among the long list of graduates aVthe Columbia University in New York City we notice name of KETTTLEB Reld son of late David Childrens Day Service was He is now a In King Christian Church last fl6d medical practitioner and Sunday and resulted in a pronounced earn Private source that success The church wis tastefully 9 applicants for the position decorated with flowers and evergreens and a large crowd was present The Detections were well rendered by the school and reflected much credit on those who had the work In charge The collection was to aid home mis sion work of surgeon to one of tbe New York Hospitals he has received the ap pointment The Era adds its con gratulations Enjoy the and the out door exercise Sunshine and pure air prolongs life June About oclock tiiis morning me destroyed Brothers agricultural implements works Nothing was saved and it will be a total loss Keep your children away from un ripe fruit A little fouryearold girl died in Lockport recently in horrible agony result of eating green plums A- The Cradle LUNDYIn on June J Mr and Mrs W J dy a daughter POWELL At Toronto June to L and Mrs Powell Sutton a son the Con King on June to Mr and Mrs a daughter ARMITAGEAt Port Hope on June 1903 to Dr and Armitage daughter and granddaughter to Mr Pearson of Newmarket fc THE LEADING Undertaking House -IN- Extension Tables and Couches a to at John Millard Phono and NEWMARKET AND SPECIAL IN CARPETS THIS WEEK Our Boot and Shoe Stock as complete as we know how to make it bent we can buy as far as quality is concerned and if our judgment is worth anything you are positively safe in buying here In fact safer because we insist good to every any loss in their not wearing as represented Noteworthy lines from our Shoe Department Heavy Working Boots for Hen No working boots exten sion soles chrome tan rows pegs steel slugged sewn throughout with waxed thread guaranteed solid leath er sizes to This is without doubt best working boot in Cana da regardless of prtee very special at per pair The Peerless Boot for Women Waterproof Boots for Boys No Boys Rubberized Boots perfectly and waterproof sewn with waxed unread a nice neat fine strong boot for hard wear ol the Canadian boy I to special at per pair Youths to We control for Newmarket this famous for women It is made in a number of different styles Rod lasts In Box Call and Kid a fitting shoe at a mod- erate price It Is the equal two- thirds of the extensively advertised shoes at and superior to the other onethird All sires One price per pair argains for This Week a Ladies Oxfords regular per pair now Clearance of 25 pair odd lots of shoes worth from to now pair 5 Mens Blue and Black Jean Overalls All sizes regular goods for pair Boys Blue Serge and Lined Moleskin Pants all sizes regular goods for pair e doz Mens Gingham and Mole Lined Shirts all sizes each worth Grocery Specials COOKED MEATS ON ICE READY FOR TABLE USB Picnic Hams in whole or half hams very special at lb Mild Cured Hams lb Choice Bacon lb lbs Farmers Cured Bacon lb lbs Choice Cooking Figs for 25c HUNTER BROS SIGN OF THE BIO HAND NEWMARKET to Id a fire at Rochester last week property was damaged to the extent of and one man was I killed tationery The RICHARDSON Aurora on June by the Rev A Pearson MA Dr Chester Charles Richardson brother of Alderman Richardson of Newmarket to Elizabeth Lau der Rutherford daughter J It Rutherford Rev Sargent Toronto on June Mr W Thompson of Scott to Miss Sophia Swire of Ontario Co formerly of Newmar ket On- street Toronto the resl- dence of brides stepfather Mr William Reive on Tuesday June by Rev Alexan der McMillan assisted by Rev Alice Leslie Howard A bro ther of the groom P Howard of Toronto to Margaret Rose Rogerson only child the late J A Rogerson TELKERDOAN At the residence the brides mother on June by Rev MoAr- tour Mr Robert Teller Lincoln Co to Miss Emma May daughter of tbe late Mat thias The Tomb MANN At on June 1903 Mrs Louisa Mann In her year TRAVdSSIn East on June Dante Edward Tra- vlseraged 66 years months and days Interred at Cemetery Medium and Large size Holland Linen Note Papa Tinted Azure and Cream in bulk by quire with envelopes to match and In Fancy Boxes Reading Popular Authors Including Doyle M- A Fleming Bertha South worth etc Express Wagons Wheelbarrows Doll Cabs Toy Carts Croquet Sets and Balls a GROCERIES PROVISIONS FRUIT m PINE APPLES desirous to preserve are coming in plentiful Wo have them fresh My- Canadian Berries m Fine Bright Bananas per upwards according to quality MAIN ST NORTH NEWMARKET All Orders will receive Careful and Prompt Attention s Supplies LIBBYS JELLIED HOOKS LIBBYS MELROSE PATE LIBBYS IRISH STEW CORN BEEF HASH PORK AND BEANS IN CHILLI SAUCE BEST ENGLISH PICKLES ENGLISH PICKLES HORSESHOE SALMON CHASE PURE COFFEE BAGS Good ones each Central Telephone Office i

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