I v i 1 J V ONTARIO PIPITS branch Banking TRANSACTED Interest Allowed on Deposits DRAFTS ISSUED s fl Good Offer The Era and the Montreal Family Herald will be sent to new subset Tor balance of for or the Era alone for Tell your friends about it THE NEW MAR JUNE Sill THE CONFESSION OF A AT ALL American Draft to JSaptif Two Off Mr Harry Ward one men at the fire- ES CELERY COMPOUND Was The Medicine That Saved My Life This is a closing sentence of a to do me any good and my friends I Oar Sunday PAULS CHARGE TO TIMOTHY June Tim to Golden Test is laid up lor me a crown of righteousness INTRODUCTION Here is an ideal installation charge to a Christian minister The honor His Simpson Good prank AUCTIONEER Collected Street Remarket fiolton Painter PaperHanger and House Lane and WJ SMITH smrrtf DOUGLAS CO and guaranteed Block Canes factory accidentally f grateful letter of were greatly alarmed The doctors scope and solemn issues of the one the holes where Wet- said 1 suffering from kidney torate are outlined by a master hand the refuse is shovelled in front of the Windsor She ease and heart trouble and might Nor was mere theory of preach- boilers and putting out his hand to drop off at any time My aunt pro- It was the fruit of a long ex- save himself a nail ran thru the wmca resisted the best treat- cured of Celery Corn- unrivalled to thick part of the thumb It was When all pound for me and I used it Alter width and variety very for some days and he gloomy with the taking the second bottle felt has been two weeks work in con- Celery Compound stronger and had hopes of getting this day in sequence PRACTICAL SUGGESTIONS There is no preaching- no teach- is every promise of a fine crop of fall in this section The holidays soon be here Week from Wednesday is Dominion Day The shade trees on hill have been trimmed and look well was brought to her attention Mrs well again Six bottles used with Celery Compound made me a new the place of a and was happily cured- Mrs woman- I am now strong knowledge of ones own Bible are those who continue in Wetmore writes as follows R0O appetite splendid digestion arid A year I was in such a like Celery condition health that my life was Compound was the medicine thai saw despaired of medical treatment fail- life Death of Dp We are now having our longest oar- light Next Monday the days will begin to grow shorter York He was a brother of Mr Al bert of and also of Mrs T Peregrine at QucensvillB God would have all mankind prepar ed The funeral was at the home Thursday afternoon at oclock and the services were conducted by Rev A- Clay Centre- Ellis and Engineer Boon Manning Chamber Toronto flu ud of buildings made for all Jackson of MARRIAGE- LICENSES At the Office Newmarket Paper at private If fiftep Coal following particulars are years pastor of the It begins to look as though the from the Eta Tqcumseth church Tneat who control the sltua- USA tendance was large and included with tion planning to put the people The news of the deatti of Dr P those who desired to pay their in as bad a plight as they were last which reached spects to the dead members the winter as a revenge it is presumed Tuesday morning was entirely Masonic and for the public sympathy manifested looked for and very shocking to our deceased was a member things they learned in early days in Christian homes This certainty future recompense at hand of Christ the Righteous Judge blends with what has gone be fore and adds to this legacy all that was wanting to its completeness output for the months when prices will prevail high Is Responsible In some of our Townships cattle pigs and sheep are allowed to run at large on the highways and the ques tion Is often asked in case damage is done who is responsible In reply we may say that our Provincial Dr and Mrs spent a part of Sympathy is extended to the in California and about the griefstricken relatives In be- first of this year went down to Fiotida where it was proposed to remain several weeks in hope that the change be beneficial to the doctor health For a great many years he had suffered somewhat with a lung trouble hut little was it imagined j that the end was so rear Up to the Smith Council Disaster at St Thomas A- million and a half of dollars is the mintrpum amount by a Loan Co of St Somas two weeks ago followed Monday by the suspension the What the district no one can s savings of hun dreds of have been swept away in tte Irretrievable ruin following up on ttye collapse of the boom stocks Two men acting under the of the speculation mania brought all disaster upon the Elgin I Mr A Wallace the meeting last Monday even- ol ing All members present Mr A Rowley manager of the Elgin Co courts have already the suffer- point the owners of domestic ani- to S of Council with reference to the pur- Tom fjg the Council does not change the dam- in electric age responsibility so far as the law xuRenn following bills passed many thousands of dollars is concerned NEWMARKET IN Monuments and Head Stones Call Order where Allan Door PHOTOS How the time to have your when and and the Is tot too thick Police A little- fracas occurred at the North End just the town Shortly after he a hemorrhage and continued at short intervals until the end The doctor expressed a desire to return Morrison Co supplies Jackson costs re case with drawn Thos at once and Mrs fear- Duty on supplies fc the worst started for freight i Montreal June 15 H Bar ber and his wife Alice Barber were sentenced in the Court of Kings Bench today for having used unlaw ful violence and restraint with intent on the to the annoy with him at the earliest possible mo- freight B of the neighborhood Complaint first Bell Telephone Co rent a wealthy was lodged against J Robinson Ed a retired merchant to the extent J SMITH Andrew Hunter Contractor reached here was a teie- and his wife Viola charg- Al Frank from them with a breach of toe bylaw mother asking Al and Dr A of East relating to the to meet them in St preservation of public morale The message reaching here at charge was ventilated before Squire oclock Sunday afternoon Ac- Jackson on Friday last when the Al and Dr parties were fined and costs which the first train as requested amounted to another According Death occurred as stated and the to the language on the rem were taken from the tram at street was not in accordance with Macon City to be placed in the care parliamentary etiquette It is some- undertaker Mrs and times stated that are made Dr came home and in heaven but if this be true remained to accompany the remains by what the above case develop- home the following morning we are led to conclusion that j was born near Belleville this thing we have here is a Ontario Canada December poor imitation The days of bis boyhood were spent there and attended the town school education was continued in the lie market last Saturday was not Senary Prince to expectation in the quantity produce and the hucksters Btttniies Given On Short Notice Ja Porches and Door Mot elsewhere consult went away with light oads The following prices prevailed Butter to J lb to We Potatoes to hag Apples basket lettuce onions and barb per hunch Homegrown strawberries boxes for 25c Dressed chickens to pair Dressed ducks pair Live chickens to pair Old hens to pair Roosters to pair Live turkeys lb Lamb JO and by Pork and lie by Hides lb Young pigs to pair ANDREW HUNTER ft Box aa Newmarket THOMPSONS REPAIR SHOP Prospect Ave Alt OP JWIf OH KolOa A time and then took up the study of medicine He took his first course of lectures at Victoria Medical Col lege in Toronto and went to Saginaw County Mich where ho resided a short time then returned to Toronto where graduated in med icine May He practiced las profession at Canada un til lStiG when he emigrated to Illi nois settling at where he opened a drug store and practiced medicine Dr was married to Miss Ca rolina Nelson in Knox County I Us April Three children were born to them the two living ones be ing the sons heretofore mentioned They adopted a daughter Miss The family moved to in September and has resided here ever since The doctor continu ed the practice of medicine and the Too to conducting of a drug store here and William Cook a middleaged man his place of business was one of those who was said to have done a lot of lost in the fire of He then talking respecting his alleged the substantial structure with the murder at where the has been carried of Glory was arrested on on since A few years ago took Thursday of last week at his son Frank a graduate pharmacist and taken into Toronto by Constable into partnership with him and the Cook was examined by Arm as it stood up to the time High Constable and Magis- the doctors demise was P V Woodcock and allowed to go oe Son druggists and For several years past Dr hud The man declared that it he had practiced medicine but little told anybody that he knew Glory In the Dr the and had left loses its head truest friend fearing arrest it must have been and most ardent protector The when he was under the Influence of church loses a faithful member and a liquor Mrs Park of East diligent worker for be had been a bury he explained was the firet per- member Methodist church since Bon who told him of the murder the The community loses a acoount which she read in the pa- did citizen and a good business man per Cook accounted for his move- world loses a man who always to the time he secured befriended his a man of employment at the home William principle who at all times exerted at where it was himself in acts of righteousness a claimed he made the state- man whose great desire it was that which resulted In his arrest humanity should be placed on a Cook has living and broader plane morality and at Christianity But the world Divine The action taken by Magistrate made a for Dr was Woodcock was communicated to Pro- fully prepared end The vineial detective the engaged on the murder case United Factories plank refer- t red to Inspector and paid if found correct S Imperial Co Electric supplies Can Gen supplies 12 Poape Wash Tune Tele- Patterson Co coal tar and telephonic advices from Pay No fl Arlington Oregon state that the Pay Sheet No town of Oregon was de- of J Robertson by a Hood that rushed down re unpleasant drainage across Millard Williams Creek between and last property was placed on evening Reports from lone state Communication of Lowe 51l are rebate on waterrate on ac- drowned count frozen pipes was referred to t was that bo- inspector for enquiry dies had been found but only meagre Communication of P Si Board re- reports disaster have been ferred to property Committee for gained is a town oS about tion The Clerk was instructed to prepare a deed of the gravel lot on Prospect Ave to Allen for the erection of a factory on payment of Mr Robertson reported that he found on enquiry tnat Mr had received rejjarding the locating of the Office Specialty Co in New- and a motion was passed de clining any further grant towards this matter The Inspector reported that he had Ideated a good gravel pit on St At least one ratepayer appreciates the gratuitous labors of the Council Mr Morton very kindly treat ed the members to excellent oranges while The Clerk was Instructed to notify the Metropolitan Co that Main St Is in a dangerous condition for want of macadam and requesting that it be attended to at A grant of was made to the Public Library Board for The Council instructed the Inspec tor to read the meter in Mr residence up to the 30th June and bill him for the amount The Inspector reported that Water bridge needs recovering and the Clerk was instructed to write lor sufficient Inch cedar to do the job Council adjourned at inhabitants j There are no more important or gans of the body than the bowels If they fcre irregular health must be Imperfect Constipation Is the common ail ment of the age Nothing worse for the than the frequent use of cathartics They do not euro Constipation they aggravate It A laxative dcicare IRONOX TABLET i f and Ton I A VEOKTABL13 CORN CURE Putnams Corn Extractor contains no acids but is entirely vegetable in composition Putnams never stings or causes discomfort It cures quick ly painlessly permanently There every indication of a heavy yield and an early harvest thru out Manitoba- As a general thing the man who Is continually grumbling about his surroundings seldom makes any ef fort to Improve them The tor SO Buy Your Field Seeds Strcpth and vigor come of good food duly digested Force a readytoserve wheat and barley Mangold Sugar Turnip a Carrot CORN I ft A Improved Incoming White Cap P Rod Cob Yellow and North Dakota Flint HURON of lifes busy harvest found the toil- food adds no burden but ready for the everlasting rest as nourishes Invigorates sustains Telephone THE LEADIN a Latest AND SHELF HARDWARE COMPLETE IN ALL LINES GIVE US A CHANCE TO PLEASE YOU AS REPRESENTED J A ALLAN CO TELEPHONE CONNECTION JACKS FOR HIRE ij The Newmarket Next door to Post Office We have now a complete line of Pure Drug Sundries comprising choice SUVmnery Toilet Prepara tions Soaps and Sponges Brushes Combs Atomizers Hot Water Bottles Ac A Full Patent Medicines at lowest reduced prices We pay special attention to our Prescription Department A Call Solicited The NORMAN L ROGERS CO J PATTERSON B AGENTS FOR THE GREAT NORTH WESTERN TELEGRAPH COMPANY OF CANADA Phone No S FINE SUITS Bought at 50c on the TORONTO SEE THEM I8BING HOUS E33ZCBm ICECREAM AND IGECMM Made Fresh NEXT TORONTO JOBBING HOUSE be