Newmarket Era, 19 Jun 1903, p. 8

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i rV 8 THE ERA FRIDAY That the young girl has of womanhood is not seldom a painful one She learns to know what headache means and back ache and sometimes is sail I he rue down by this new experience of life AH and misery which young girls commonly experience si such a time may in almost every instance be entirely pre vented or cured by the use of Dr Pierces vorite lion It j regular ity It tones up the general health and cures headache backache nerv ousness other conse quences of weakness or disease received letter some time ago with advice about your ilcrfiil medicine Stella Johnson of Brady Street Pay toil Ohio troubled with pains every month when I wrote 19 you fur advice Alter receiving your letter and following its tions I am now happy to say that after five of untold suffer tie have not had any since firt using your Favorite ou I was induced a friend to write to you and follow your advice I God and Dr V for the I no- J shall urge other women who suffer as I did to medicine Prescription makes weak women strong sick women well Ac cept no substitute for the medicine which works wonders for weak women Weak and sick women an invited to consult Dr Pierce by letter free All correspondence is held as strictly private and sacredly confidential Address Dr V Pierce Buffalo Dr Pierces Common Sense Medical Adviser is seat free on receipt of stamps 10 pay expense of customs and mailing only Send onecent stamps for the book in pa per covers or stamps for the cloth bound volume Address Dr Pierce Buffalo around Hie flub PINE Seat cob- wxd to STOUFFVILLE I Me Bert Reynolds had a aid ing on Wednesday last passed off to the entire satisfaction of everyone present ICO ft when be the first in There was a large turnout of during the session to see the raising and the sociality THURSDAY The County Council this morning re Equalization an increase equal ized value- of the county year The motion to Mr H has the occasion was greatly brick on the ground for theerec- tion of a new brick house close to the line The Public School picnics from the Before the Legislature adjourned effect the Rail- last week the resolutions passed at Wbe required to maintain a tele- the s Provincial subsidies were was over There was op- concurred in by the House after an was over l u position k the proposal on the surrounding country will take place Miss Cole has been by Mr Whitney claiming ground that the Council was Lake on Saturday a few days in the city Ontario was not getting enouRh had ably exceeding its authority and that Saturday spending a tew days in the city Ontario was not getting enough had friends Also Mr William Cole rejected on a vote at June 27th According bylaw and wife arc visiting in the city this Council all business in town week are expected to close at pm on Wednesdays and Fridays it looked too much like a case of hounding the company A communication was received from According to an Ottawa despatch There were a lot out to prayer the the Marine Cowan secretary the East- meeting Wednesday evening at Railway Co for about cm Ontario Good Roads Association Mr Brown preached an excellent Dominion Sunday morning arising out of some alleged I Mr Silas is very low of subsidy by the late Tory i Mrs Joseph Hood is in a fair way of set- spending a Jew days with her been to A number of Boltons business men met Reeve and Councillor J of King at what is known our midst- as Halls hill on Saturday last and Mrs Moulds is discussed the possibility of putting lor the Garden Party this very troublesome hill into shape The sum of having teen sub scribed by residents of Bolton it was He is getting a month finally arranged to spend in cut- ing down the hill the King repre sentatives agreeing to provide for the purpose Messrs of King and Proctor of Bolton will Miss Irwin Deputy Organizer of oversee the work which commenced the is at present engaged Monday morning It is expected in the interests of that order here that will put the hill in much and is meeting excellent success shape The ballasting on the A Ano Railway is raoidU an The whole asking that the Council do their part in an effort to induce the Dominion Government to establish a Good Roads Bureau FRIDAY mother We are glad to have her in largely political and The County Council this morning history of about two adopted the report of the Industrial getting ready decades ago Home Commissioners The report v that some repairs be Mrs Moulds has gone to it is announced that the work plan- done to portion of the Home work with Mr James Sweet by the Educational Department It recommended that two Ontario to give a course in ex- arate apartments be provided for the agricultural in accommodation of two aged couples schools now become a certainty and that two or three special chairs the Government having voted be purchased for the use of cripples to assist the scheme Schools are to at the Home Attention was called be opened in County in the to the fact that Robert an east and Went worth in toe west and ablbodied man who lost both bis j if they prove successful other feet from bite was prepared to tics will follow work if he could be provided with feet at a cost of It If the County Council could some pigs to the be purchased and housed to be used Toronto Industrial an outside muni- source of profit Railway is progressing rapidl and j the road seems to Rearing comple tion It is now ballasted as far as After some discussion it was eliability You can place full reliance in Tirc they will never your trust hardest to punc ture easiest to repair Years of excellent service them of adoption Every wheel with a fitted with them rider experience Insists make bicycle They ho pleasure of wheeling and troubled HI cycling insured with The Tire Co Limited Toronto lithe found t Corn la the line cipality and help East York oi Aurora gave The Rifle Club had their Society pay for its grounds edthat most interesting address at the practice on Friday evening last buildings with a grant of Council would meet again on Jul worth League on Tuesday evening in The range is fiud on the thinking common jus- for the purpose of a by- connection with tie life I grounds and number of to York Society which is t of county One of our farmers citizens intend to practise laboring under a debt The Councils of the different thought he sowed his turnips last The Public and buildings ought also to municipalities toited to J week and then loaned his drill to a hold its annual picnic on Saturday an grant At any rate on July to couple of his neighbors When the June in Grove A thc last one finished seeding he thought good program of sport is being pro- he would take the cylinder out and and a pleasant afternoon is Legislation asked of the Do- Council declared evw on doing so found about six pounds promised is invited to Parliament by a private appeal from the equalization of is ol turnip seed in the spout They bring a basket and join with the te chacl and to em- are sowing the seed in earnest now said company to construct an abide the decision the The Sunday School and A Strawberry Festival under thc electric railway between Toronto and League intend holding their picnic to auspices of the Baptist Church will or some point west look The Commissioners Bond Lake on Saturday Jtme 20th be held on the grounds like an infringement of Fro- to soil S Conveyances will leave the church on Wednesday 1st it was proposed to to the Council sharp at am and take the There will be an excellent tea served a line from one province ill- w with an abundance sbrawberrics it would from and a good progrannnc of musjc etc lt is wholly within Ontario the line today at four oclock will be rendered A firstclass band looks like a dangerous precedent next Wednesday was the date set car from Aurora to Bond Lake Park returning leaving at AURORA MAN WANTED We want a good reliable man to act as local Salesman in your district The position is a permanent one and large pay to any wideawake honest worker All our goods are guar anteed We want to deal only with those who can appreciate a good position and represent us fairly We instruct you and furnish you uptodate samples free We pay weekly AH freight and packing charges are paid by us From to per month and expenses can be earned selling our goods P BLACKFORD Toronto Ont CABLE The next league lacrosse match to be played here will be on Saturday June between Bradford and Au rora help to enliven proceed ings Sensation in From reports received at of mines Toronto mining when the Council would meet deputations one from the East York Agricultural Society at pm and both eastern and northern Ontario the other from East Toronto with will he more than usually active this reference to school matters at pm summer The mine in the m Township of near is SATURDAY I being operated by an American Co York County concluded Service and Pastor has to Avert and a plant is being placed in fhcir weeks session on Saturday- Impending Panic of this place intend holding a picnic at Bonds Lake on Saturday A large drain has been run on the east side street north from While the organist in St Marks the sewer which crosses street Methodist Episcopal church Pleas- north the Post Office for the pur- Plains was playing the pi posc of draining the cdlar on that to Old Hundred a stir in the side the street centre of the crowded auditorium in- ladies of the congregation in- terrupted the service tend holding a garden party on j Mrs Elizabeth Setman one of the day evening on the members of the congregation Parsonage Ice cream had suddenly cried out and their had straw berries and all thc deli- fallen forward dead of season It is ex Many of worshippers who did on for the separation the fibre Six hundred dollars were granted to from the serpentine- In the Town- the Industrial Exhibition and to ship of too thc the East York and- Co is increasing its plant cultural Society The estimates lor for the treatment of iron pyrites and year are for general is constructing a siding to connect purposes requiring mills with the CPU prosecuted in the at a mill on the dollar The town of Profitable Poultry Farming re- East Toronto was created into a conned purposes requiring I mills Work is also being for the Industrial Home Ilolland lead mine quiring of a mill and f85773 for debenture debt requiring vised edition has been received at High School district this office from Chief of the Mr J St John appeared before I Poultry Division Department of Agri- the Council and announced that band wui not know the cause of con Ottawa It is a bulletin of loss was paid to his client started to leave the church there construction Thomas Realty who was injured seventyfive dollars was danger of a panic for a few the feeing of poul- falling over the cS try the hatching rearing fattcnirig ton Mills bridge last January he and marketing chickens and also would bring suit for damages against diseases and parasites of poultry the County A resolution that the peeled the be present The offer of seventylive dollars was danger a panic lor a made by the Council to Mrs Oscar minutes but it was averted by Stevens to her claim for dam- pastor Rev Dr Jones for injuries received by her by I Doctors were called and Mrs an alleged fall on the sidewalk on of August lust year has been in lull of all claim money paid over to her Lennox the i-ce- m guide is illed with practical in- Council holds that York is and the wit apoplexy and that and is well illustrated liable to pay the a the Poultry Farming will raised the raaicd l0 A composed vioc In wlebration the tact Urn Ottawa Postage is Chairman Evans There was no enthusiastic Hie semianiiual election officers worker In this than Mrs aSec- O 4 May ARE GUARANTEED ASK for the Royal Templars resulted follows VC Miss A Sec Miss J Chap Kin See Miss Wells Herald Mr Herald Miss J Guard Sentinel Ferguson Organist Auditors man She had toiled for years to The Highways man was appointed to consider application of the Toronto of the 0 Railway Company for just to extend the electric railway assist in raising the money required published is full of interest as luc tme SSXSw 10 project movements No less Town- Her face was aglow with pleasure ships or per cent of the total when she entered the church to townships of Ontario have crowning event of the plans commuted their statute labor The municlpai- Cattle OvettboQrd I I younger she told her j gives a list at friends It as If I have have taken this forward been waiting all my lite lor this day re But excitement and it soon after The British meeting Thc old his faithful Supreme Lodge America closed its- at Winnipeg squire lay and coachman was summoned A garden Party under auspices a the faithful woman the Methodist of place and the cut will he held on Mr Carsons lawn on evening June j cream strawberries and all the The reservoir on mountain side delicacies of the season will be acrv- Columbia step for systematic road making A overcame her number Illustrations are the pastor had en thereby much valuaole announced hymn that she information respecting a cry and sank to the floor The report will be read a praise service the meeting ho- with Interest by who value the of good joadn and who long to sec the bungling of some but wellmeaning road become a thing of the past developments in the town waa nearly copper mining industry are torrent water In the near future in Ontario The Well John said going now on a to the bedside the gallant I longer journey than ever you could drive me Never mind squire never mind cried the servant in a broken voice Itll be downhill the way eu During the evening a urogram will be follow- overwhelmed by AZa stance Star say Mining On rm ley Misses Case vocalist were swept Company with a capital of Misses Hall Instrumentalists St Johns Juno Allan line Norwegian Captain for a general cargo and cattle went ashore at Cod Roy on Satur day It is likely that she will he a total wreck Her crew threw her cargo and cattle overboard Toronto firms directly interested in the wreck are head or cattle head W IT Dean head and 50 head The cattle are worth about a head and are in sured for that amount fc- R Sag ttrjn bit Bold by file Co Oak Powell Miss J ctiUonist Victoria Square Miss Kiink Vocalist Victoria Square Misses Lizzie and Jean Bruce Vocal inti Thos Campbell Hill 10A Pearson Aurora Robinson King Hill hand will- be- present J a rues the Kingston convict who assaulted Keeper Kenny handed in his solitary cell A man named Cuay his wife and two were drowned in the St near Bout Que Z53CZX Violent rain storms flooded many has applied for a charter from mince in the St district of Provincial Government the France compelling cessation of work capitalists In the project are Mot Ear a in MOTHumm Ate in that that SCOTTS EMULSION Aho t pom mot fur a Toronto pally men who have made fortunes in the copper of Calumet in Michigan and they pro pose to go in for copper mining in Ontario now The company lias I boon organized by Mr John McKay of Marie and two most prominent directors are Mr Joseph Hermann of Calumet and Mr Peter Premcan of Marquette Mich The company Is making preparations to install worth of machin ery Immediately I Temperance at Do Point on Dominion Day Are you Bilious Do you Have Head- aches You can be quickly and easily relieved by taking In number of J 11 l a I Issues of Government Municipal Deben tures purchased after thorough expert ligation For people who want an absolutely sure Investment they cannot be excelled We have other good Bonds yielding attractive inter est rates as high as 6 per cent LIST MAILED ON APPLICATION Dominion j- Kirs Fret Limited AVa SlRICTUB a it Varicocele A it of organ it produces loss of ikroahUt of the pain in the loins in the back of the heart a Iheae results in cocuplete Loon of Manhood Thousand and middlv are troubled Stricture If you have reason to jo art afflicted with It It will rain jou Dont doctors on yon by catting stretching or tearing it Our Method Treatment I the hence it disappears and can never Varicocele and Strtctare without operation or loss of time The treatment nil be homo privately Send for oar Free Book on Varicocal nod Wo to Curt- or No Fay All complxInU affect the area Of disease Hare or weakness He small of the frequently deposit la urine of bands or feet Iho your Oar Wow guaranteed to core any disease of these organs or no pay Names Without Written Consent of nays I bad la secondary and two strictures of I operated on twice great suffering but only temporary relief I waa finally advised to try Now Method Trontruent of enlarged veins disappeared In fllx weeks stricture tissue In eight weeks and my energy and vitality returned so I was a man In every respect I you doctors with my whale heart Before Treatment CURES GUARANTEED HO CURE HO PAY i We treat and cure Debility Manhood Varicocele St Gleet Weak Parts Qouorrhcea and Unnatural Discharges Com Books Write for Question List for SHELBY STREET Detroit Kennedy I House for Sale Corner of Huron Street Ave J Farm Wanted to Lease WITH A VIEW TO PURCHASE About acres preferred- bo good rich loam well watered fij windmill spring or running Bank bam in good repair to to 20 head of possible Preference tfwto a place with good hog pen with pa room for to 150 hogs House- or upwards If you hare farm you care to rent with Formerly occupied by the old store- purchase send particulars stating l house Half an acre ground Newmarket good well and pump Apply to COOK BROS i Newmarket Corner Lot for Sale ml Pout Douellitxg Houses Jot Sale in Mrs Sutherland has instruct ed the to sell her Houses on Niagara Street Newmarket They are all desirable residences In good- condition They will be sold in block or individually or any way to suit purchasers For particulars prices etc apply to Vendors Solicitor Newmarket YEARS EXPERIENCE TrUOK Marks AC Anion afendlril fcxsteh and our opinion an agency Ihrouah A Co rial bsr In Scientific A of any JoumiJ Factory Address Care Era Office Farm for Sale and 31 100 acres in lots Con Whitchurch Plenty and water Twothirds scried do Stone wall urnlcr barn Vivian Kilb the Bugs Feeds the Plant- I In Canada Nov 8tm 16 Journi W a Bold jail njistBm4 Hew York Walilntool For Sale IIIJAX I Hoi

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