I THE JUNE peeks boeal Ses PEAT IK A ABOUT postponed to the very disagreeable wet either on Wednesday the Methodist Party was indefinitely post- Last Saturday Mr Richard Os borne foreman at tinsmith de partment met with an accident that jiid off work for several days He had been fixing around the cbira- on Miss residence and coming the ladder it turned at the top when he was a few feet from he ground He hung to the ladder ffith his left hand to save himself from falling and swung around his shoulder very badly The doctor he will not be able to it for three weeks fa Mr Ireland on the on St about two miles south the industrial Home met with a bad loss last Sunday afternoon through the recklessness of somebody should also be made to His big barn went up in smoke to- with a span of horses two head of cattle a new mower many otto implements and a quantity of feed fire is supposed to have been started by two young men who were seen there trying to catch some pigeons Mr Ireland was away Irom fcome at the time and his children say these fellows were smoking Christian Conference The annual Conference of the Christian Church in Ontario held at Keswick from the to the June inclusive was largely attend ed and one of the best held for years The officers elected for the ensuing year are Rev Newmarket SecretaryRev Sargent Toronto Treasurer Mr Ed Wilson am The Church Sabbath School and Endeavor reports were very encour aging and steps were taken to launch out into the mission work of the Through the generous offer of Mr Richard Kirton of Newmarket it Is expected that the denomination will either purchase and refit or erect a new church in Toronto in the near future The outlook appears to be very encouraging in the city Killed For some days a ditch was dug along south end of Prospect Ave to extend the waterworks to the new house being erected by Mr John Gregory bat on account of the pipe being delayed arriving the ditch was open longer On Sunday night a here belonging to Mr John Spring that was pas turing on the roadside into the ditch was found next morn ing Fortunately it was hot a very valuable animal Mr Ben Manning has purchased the property on Huron St West Next Sunday morning will be Chil drens Day alt the Presbyterian Church A handsome monument was erected in Newmarket Cemetery last Satur day by Messrs Cass Allan to the memory the family The Office Specialty Co is excavat ing under their new addition for more storage room to On Tuesday afternoon the remains of Mr Addison Rogers only son ol Ontario f The Ontario Bank has passed an other very successful year At the Mr Walter Rogers of Toronto meeting last week the report were brought here by for in terment at Newmarket Cemetery The griefs parents were presented to the contains the gratifying announcement that so- the rest account had been increased by half a dozen friends balance of profits Badly Scalded Eleven weeks ago today xood Friday little Charley Thompson about years of age who evidently has ah inventive turn of mind like his father and namesake was exper imenting on power of steam Sud denly the top blew and Charley was scalded from head to foot All this time he has had to be cared for like a cripple His knee got the worse dose and it is only this week that be is able to put his foot to the ground However it is hoped that the worst is over now and that he soon be able to join his companions in play as well as de velop his mechanical intellect We expect to hoar great things of Char ley if he is spared to manhood Produce On the market last Saturday but ter was inclined to go down and eggs to go up Poultry scarce Vegeta bles and strawberries plentiful Ruling prices were as follows Butter to lb Eggs to He Potatoes to Si per bag Chickens to Live ducks to pair Pigeons pair Hides Calfskins Sheepskins to each Lambskins 25 to 30c each Green onions lettuce and rhubarb per bunch Lamb and by Young pigs to pair including Mr I Moore who conducted service at the grave Quite a number of also at the depot here to extend their sympathy- The deceased was an exemplary and very popular young man He had been sick about a year phthisis The casket was co with flowers In two hundred years ago John Wesley the founder of Method ism was born The Methodist church all over the world is ing this bicentenary anniversary his birth and the Newmarket worth League is right in line They purpose having an evening with Wes ley next Monday night which prom ises to be very interesting- will occupy the chair and sev eral papers embracing the following subjects will be given John Wes ley the founder of by Miss Millard The church in Canada by Jackson and Wesley as a missionary by Mrs Belfry This promises to be a very literary evening and a large attend ance is anticipated The Ware that Is Steel Enam el ware Sold only at Hard ware- carried forward was officials were congratulated The Grant The Government grant to the New market Library Board this year being per cent less than the Toe Ontario Government sets apart a certain sum each year for Public Libraries and if the ex ceed sum a is de ducted to reduce the amount to the sum apportioned fiBle of Bedding etc on Market Square Newmarket Saturday at it oclock Also a good organ i SPHCIHU yds Flannelette inches wide regular per yd To clear this week at- White Lace Stripe Muslin regular lOo for yd Ladies Black Mercerized Sateen Skirts at and These goods are iold everywhere at 125 and each mens SPECIAL Outing Shirts soft fronts Braces to match for Outing Shirts soft fronts for 38c Ply Linen Collars 10c each Mens Smocks and Overalls at almost any price you want Floor Oilcloths from upward Rubber Blinds complete at A fl Trick The morning the Volunteers left for Camp a despicable trick was played on Mr Albert who akes charge of the express A consign ment of cigars for the Royal Hotel being among the parcels on the dray it was opened during his absence for a few minutes and one of the boxes SPECIALS Canned Corn Canned Peas Sardines in oil 2I Tin Pigs Feet Large Bottle Ammonia Cooking Figs 7 lbs for Pure Sulphur lb Epsom Salts 3c lb Tomato fine quality pec Bottle The of Miss fourth of Mr Chief justice ot the Kings bridge to Mr younger son Sir William Post of Canada- was quietly in the sacristy of Our Lady Toronto at 30 ocloek Wednesday afternoon in the presence of the immediate relatives of both The bride was given by her father and the Rev Father J Cruise officiated Alter tte cere mony the party drove to the residence of the hrides parents street where a reception was held Mr Chief Justice Mrs welcomed the long stream of callers inside ttio It is announced from Montreal that a new fast freight service between Montreal and Port Arthur and Fort WiUiamwilUbe inaugurated June Canadian Lake and Ocean Na vigation Company Thev sailings will bo weekly and the will call at Toronto Hamilton aCfeyeland The line will con- with the and Canadian The new Company is ownl eSfCarjadians most of whom live I rohto CREAM WANTED a door the bridal couple standing in the bow window which had been con- SWEET OR SOUR verted into bower of palms us make your butter IS pink- and white- roses banking the the lowest price we paid last year stolen As he approached the rig mantel piece Congratulations were delivered at your nearest station it he noticed several redcoats run away j expressed and then many Wander- worth your while to give us a trial You are not put to any ex pensewe furnish the cans and pay HN oilers Old Stand it Everything Fresh and and Prices Away Down at the rear of the station but he ed into the drawing room togazot was not close enough to tell who the beautiful presents arranged in Police Court day last week Mr Wilson teacher of Union School No East and King St was before J Woodcock Mayor Cane and Jackson with undue and improper punishment of a lad between y and years of ageson of Mr McCiure Old Survey The case was adjourned after hearing a witnesses till Monday evening to hear the Public School Inspector in regard to some points and for decision A widespread in terest in the School Section was awakened It transpired that the lad was disposed to be selfwilled Was inattentive to his lessons and on being admonished by the teacher still The teacher then administered a small punishment after going to his desk when the boy thought the teacher was not observing him put out bis tongue in apparent derision On questioning lad lor this unseemly conduct he denied doing so Meanwhile it would he stated that the teacher bad previously warned his school that any pupil he caught in telling untruth he would wash their mouths out with soap and water In curving out this promise the gave the a flogging with a strap and then proceeded to wash out his mouth with soap waterusing a feather for the Purpose There are other details this briefly is the outline of the The strapping had left coloration on the flesh The did not consider the flapping was unduly severe as the of young children la easily but did not feel Justified in colder the use soap and Jte the manner indicated a ind of punishment they were to as being within the the Act which prescribed must he that of a parent and the pupil should J governed- as far as possible the affections rather than otherwise They therefore imposed of 2 and The decision was at once appealed weed it seemed to be an tiling among tte parties wd that an appeal would follow matter which way the decision the interest ot teachers JM the public generally we are glad Weal has been decided upon ft authoritative decision will be Jl for the future Trouble Yourself wood or coal when Wc per coal oil will Co all your Wjuhi Baking and Washing on one of blue oil yuarartecd or stove Genuine HouseWorming Mr Canes commodious new the interior of which is is handsomely finished in hardwood beautifully furnished being all completed except the verandas on the exterior a number of city friends came up last Saturday after noon and assisted the family in hav ing a rousing housewarming No less than 30 sat down to tea among whom were nits Auger Mrs Bald win Mrs Sarah and Miss Mabel Baldwin Miss Louie Marrow Messrs Bert Cane Warmington and Jones all of Toronto A most delightful evening was spent afternoon Mrs Cane and Mable gave a reception and another is announced for this afternoon Mr Cane and family are to be con gratulated on occupying their well- appointed new home they were The loss was reported to Major Allan but just at that mo ment the train arrived and there be ing quite a number of people at the depot to see the volunteers off the thief got away unobserved Mr bad to make good the loss and an effort was made at camp to dis cover the guilty parties but not one was man enough to admit his fault some of them said they were smoking cigars that were given to them will last longer and cost one third less than any pure white Lead and Oil you can mix Sold In all colors at A Hardware On Monday afternoon a Juvenile Mission Band was organized in the Methodist School Room under the auspices of the Womens Auxiliary Mrs Young of Bradford gave a very pleasing address to children after which the following- officers were elected Mrs President Mrs Robt Manning Vice President Mrs Atkinson Cor Sec Greta Playtex Sec Evelyn McKay Treasurer John Morgan It was decided to meet once a month after the 1st of September the girls to meet the alternate two weeks for sewing There was a good attendance and the prospects are that an energetic Band will be maintained l Hardware Christian Church A missionary meeting was held on Tuesday evening in the body church under the auspices of the Wo mens Auxiliary that was fairly well attended a special invitation having been extended to tle other Mission ary societies of the Town It was expected that Dr Barrett a returned missionary from India would give the address- of the even ing hut was to Je present thru illness and Rev Sargent of Toronto took his place The ad dress was Very interesting and well received Miss Edna also favored the audience with a beauti ful solo At the the service refresh ments including were served by the ladles of the Auxiliary and a social was enjoyed piaCnilliQmsSheppord On Wednesday afternoon June Miss Josephine one of Torontos most popular young ladies and daughter of Mr manager of the Princess Theatre was married in All Saints Church at half past two to Dr V of Peterborough Rev A Baldwin rector of All Saints as sisted by Rev Joseph of performed the ceremony At the close Miss Adelaide of Orillia sang with much expres sion Dream of Paradise and a lit tle composed by Mr Blake- ley The bride was given away by her father and wore an exquisite gown of ivory satin the white chiffon an gel sleeves of which fell In graceful cascades to the hem of her dress These and the chiffon yoke were lights trimmed with gossamer lace dalfionSj outlined with small silver sequins The skirt was beautifully finished at the top of deep fan pleats with these same dainty me dallions and a- sash of chiffon with looped ends Tho bride carried a lovely bouquet of orchids and maid en hair Jem a gift from Mr John Chambers tho Park Commissioner Miss daughter of the Aid the maid of honor and the bridesmaid Miss Olive were daintily gowned In white silk organdie and carried bouquets of white silk rosebuds Their hats wore pretty pink chif fon and rosebuds of the same groom was attended by bro ther Mr Roland McWilliams Dr OBrien Mr Collie Ross were ushers The grooms gift to each of these gentlemen and to the bridesmaids was a shepherds crook stick pin set with pearls After the ceremony a reception and breakfast was given at the Home of the brides parents Pembroke St where the decorations like those at the church were of white and green About one hundred and guests were invited The presents were Very numerous and costly among them an elabor ate display of cut glass a crown Derby tea set a large silver a lace centrepiece rose point a pitcher of hammered silver lined with gold and a beau tifully engraved tablethe gift the employees of the Princess Aftei the reception which continued for some time the happy looking bride accompanied by the groom came out to the marquee to cut her cake a fairylike but sub stantial aflair of three layers stand ing on delicate columns and exquis itely decorated with white rosebuds and lilies of the valley His Honor the Lieutenant Governor proposed the toast to the bride- adding a few ap propriate remarks- The groom re sponded showing himself to be a most fortunate and happy young man A few more toasts were then pro posed they were well chosen and the speakers in a witty vein afforded much merriment the company Al lusion was made to the fair bride who only fifteen days before had been a bridesmaid and who so quickly fol lowed the example of her two newly- married sisters present there this af ternoon Not so many years ago the bride of today had been Bower girl at tho wedding of the elder sister of the groom A delicious dejeuner was enjoyed by the guests the table be ing decorated with three large bas kets of peonies a huge salmon vari ous salads fee cream strawberries everything in fact to tickle the pal ate of an epicure The orchestra could now and again be heard the chatter and laughter of the numer ous guests being mostly in evidence When the time for the going away the bride came near each guest with a handful rice prepared to give Mr and Mrs a hearty fare- wall and as they rushed past the congregated together they were literally covered rice A special train left Toron to at oclock and conveyed the brid al couple to Newmarket In an hour A number of people were on the plat form to add their congratulations and as they drove through Town bows on both of the street were duly acknowledged They expect to re main for a month at the farm on Street and then leave for a three months trip to the contin ent all express charges SAVE THE WORK And make more money We satis fy per cent all who sent Thirtythree million pounds of cream ery exported last year Let the creameries make it SWEET CREAM Special Inducements for those keep ing a number of cows and having ice who can furnish us with sweet cream delivered at the nearest station A trial solicited and satisfaction guar anteed In writing for particulars state number of cows kept whether separator or not TORONTO CREAM BUTTER CO Jarvis St Haulers wanted Toronto Almost Every Kind of Christies Confectionery Biscuits Canned Goods and Choice Fruits- Our Lunch Room will be Open on Saturday the Glasses that beautify product that worn worried discontented which otherwise removoytrolrr and lha disappear The Summer Girl waists a dainty light and stylish hat with her warm weather costumes and pretty dresses and we have In filmy materials In lace chit- ton and fancy straws and trimmed in airy and delicate trimming to set off the plainest or prettiest face Such charming creations in millinery were never seen at such prices as ere now being shown at if Special Line of Hats this week at Some say Children are Easy to Please but they know as well as grownups when thoy have foot aches We make a specialty of supplying shoes for tho little people with the aches left out but spare no pains to make the youngsters happy little shoes for little people at little prices ATKINSON Optician NEWMARKET fOOB CLOTHING In order to get balance of Spring and Summer Clothing out wo will give oil Cosh Purchases of Clothing this week Main Timothy Sis Sale SATURDAY June Adjourned sale of Mortgaged Property in Whit church and Royal Hotel See posters and ad for particulars TUESDAY June Mr dy will havean extensive sale of farm Stock implements and furn iture on lot 1 the 2nd of East Positively no serve credit on all sums over except for hay or per cent Sale at On sharp CANADA PERMANENT A HO- DR BENTLEYS CANADA MORTGAGE CORPORATION STRICT The happy couple left by boat for Montreal the bride wearing a tailor- made suit of navy cloth flecked in stripes with white strapped with navy broadcloth and a blue straw hat trimmed with two bunch es of white rosebuds fiat on tho roll ing which was Inserted with folds of navy chiffon Mr and Mrs will re side in Kccne near Peterborough and upwards received on Interest pi compounded halfyear 100 posit Interest paid or and upwards received for which debentures are Is sued with halfyearly coupons G attached for Interest at fro Under provisions an Act re cently passed by the Legislature Arthur Jukes Johnson has been ap pointed Chief Coroner for Toronto duties of the position will bo to decide when an inquest is necessary j and to apportion work among the two dozen or more coroners of the city In casea of railway accidents the Acts provides that the County Crown Attorney shall the cor oner to act Cupful Pulmonary Balsam Compound Extract of Blackberry Compound Podophyllum Remedy for ThickNeck Golden Eye Water Hair Restorer Hair Gloss AST PUT UP ONLY BY -i- A A BRAD LEY DRUGGISTS Newmarket TO gagss profit In post CemQrlt Two Days