i Out of Your Food I I TO dont and your stomach I Aq been A weak stomal not Government i that ordinsriiv taken Into it grri ell thai is ordinarily tired easily and what it tail to SZ Is wasted Among signs of awtak stomach era after eating fits of tad disagreeable belch- I I fcTt been with it for IS Wed I beard of got lhat ears ma relief releasing for exploration and pros- acres p land in Algoma Held back cover toe Algoma Central lanigranVpenaV the choice or Mr The total amount withheld was about 500000 look Hoods I cannot tads too for it good always Use It would not be without NEWMARKET 93 Other Dr Williams Pink fills Restore Young to Health and Strength -f- Word comes from Ottawa that the Senator who has been ab sent the Senate for two consec utive sessions had his seat formally nurses recommend Dr declared vacant by resolution of the Williams Pills because they Upper House instant have seen their wonderful power to There are others that might as well new red blood iic cure all diseases due to poor blood Hon Sydney Fisher Minister of and weak nerves Williams Agriculture has introduced a bil re- Pink Pills are not a common Inspection and sale seeds cine They do not purge and weak- The object of the measure is to They contain no purchasers of agricultural seeds A Hoods Strengthens the stomach and fee whole digestive Post Office Department will issue They are sate sure simple who through carelessness ignorance new postage stamps Dominion and TOat otherwise are Day We understand the new stamps rteSe iil6 M niwn il u M sometimes imposed LEGAL my m J BArrUter Public Street to Loan on good Farm seourUy Solicitor Notiry Money Court BuiWIng Ontario liennox Barrister Ac South or Pest Of fice Newmarket T Herbert Lennox will best and Court Day try Solicitors for J Co Ontario Bank Aurora Reformer Block Money to bear the likeness of King Edward those who are weak bloodless nerve- I Mr Germans bill incorporating the coined from a piooure painted on his St Catharines accession to the throne representing vejy the- wonderful Railway Company is empowered to him in royal robes A crown to conquer disease which Dr construct and operate an electric is on each corner or stamp Pink Pills possess Miss railway from St Catharines to Esther Lewt6 Lynn says thence aTong the Niagara At the recent meeting the Grand At age of sixteen my health River to Niagara Falls and back to Lodge Good Templars it was faired me completely At that time St Catharines a triangular to drop tbe publication of the I was attacked by la which route official organ It was also resolved followed by measles from the A bill is before Senate bo shut that the per capita tax be raised after of which I waa left in a- foreign labor agitators out Cana- to cents It was likewise deplorable condition I became very da it becomes law the to make a special effort pale suffered from headaches lies the States will not be able to during the coming year to secure and want appetite I tried employ agitators to cross the border signing temperance pledges by tbeseveral medicines but they did me to engineer labor strikes to their ad- no good on tbe contrary I was grow vantage weaker and finally became so bad The Government bill to increase the that I would take of poll tax on Chinese entering Canada sciousness lasting from fifteen from to 00 per head is likely utestoan hour at a time and I had to pass this session During the become so weak that could hard- discussion in the Upper House Sir move about At tbis stage I was MacKenxie admit- A I DENTIST Over Toronto Jobbing House gatUf action Guaranteed J A children of the Province Tory Senators are now trying to drag the fluke into the polit ical arena at Ottawa Senator Hen derson introduced an Act designed to prevent judges from acting on Royal Commissions in During the advised to try Dr Williams Pink ting Chinese were not desirable Pills and I have good reason to citizens stated that tbe real purpose bless the day I began their use I the measure was to shut out only taken them a lew weeks The bill passed the Senate unusual brief discussion which occur red on the first reading the Hon Senator was plainly told that bis mo tive was to help the leader of the when I began to recover and under on a vote to Only about Opposition at Toronto re the business The Conservative party should re member that so long as it has within its folds the Piggery man and Col- Matheson must take a back scat- The exhibition A Kent for j their continued use for some time halt the Senators were present but longer I fully regained my former the whole crowd are not backward in good I will be glad it my drawing their indemnity An will be of benefit to some tive Upper House would give the other poor sufferer country some show for the money When buying the Pills see that the On Friday last thirteen private full name Dr Williams Pink Pills bills were put through their final for Pale People is printed on the stages including the hill to pay there are too many at- wrapper around each box Sold by ate the Hamilton Berlin or the money Dr all dealers or sent by mail art 50c wood Railway Co and also the love for the man from Man- a box or six boxes fox by writ- and Georgian Bay Railway itoulin reminds us of an incident the Dr Williams Medicine Co Co an excursionist on a Scotch pleasure The Railway Committee the steamer A party oh board House has passed the bill tor the corporation of the Marconi Wireless Thirteen tot Telegraph Co While passing the Committee it was amended by making ing a friend rushed up to him and exclaimed Man are ye Are ye for pleasure or are ye wife Money to At Office Newmarket A A Ramsay Fire Insurance cow Kate on Farm and Isolated Town Property Shoo Newmarket J J Co TORONTO AND J SI S3 S3 339333519 Rates every Wed nesday and Saturday Afternoon GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY NORTHERN TABLE o Q A i I- 1333 as 1333 A A despatch from Ottawa dated June states that Mr Da vid City Clerk of Montreal has been calked to the Senate to succeed Sen ator who forfeited his seat by nonattendance at two sessions in succession The new senator an intimate friend the Prime Minis ter and a gentleman of literary tastes Like Sir Wilfrid himself he is noted for his amiable disposition Tbe Premier is to be upon making the first nonpolitical appointment to the Upper Chamber The choice of a successor to late Senator OBrien will not be made for some days yet American exchanges state that mail carriers connected with the free rur al delivery in New York State dis play weather signals from car riages on their different rounds rep resenting forecasts Old for the hours beginning at am on the day display This is done by means of flags displayed from poles placed in tbe whip sock etsthus furnishing desirable infor mation to farming community Flags are intended to be read from the top downwards- The following Rags are used white flag indi cating clear or fair weather blue flag rain or snow white and blue flag local ram or snow black tri angular flag warmer j white flag black square in centre cold wave The triangle above the white or blue flag Indicates warmer temper ature with weather as indicated by the flag The triangle below tie square flag indicates colder tem perature When a cold wave order is or when forecast contains a warning of cold wave coldwave flag will be displayed alone The other day Mr Tarte road his protectionist brief in the Commons when proposing a motion in accord with Us theories for an increased tariff but he failed to arouse any enthusiasm for his oft repeated tale Mr Brock MP for Centre Toron to seconded Mr Tartes motion which they urged cm ground of keeping bread in the mouths of the wives and children of manufacturers They seemed oblivious however to fact that while tbey advocated a policy to fatten manufacturers and give their families plenty of bread Forever A national song by Give thanks to God for all the grace Bestowed by His Almighty band Ot France and Englands martial race He planted us witb firm command To do and dare And guard with care This Canada our native land Canadians forever No foe shall dissever Our Glorious Dominion God bless it forever It is the land we love the best The our loyal gave In battle fires it stood the test And valient heroes died to save In summers glow In winters snow A people true and brave A land of peace lor friends we A land of war if friends assail We place our trust in God above And British hearts that never fail In least or fight And cause of right Our word and deed shall aye prevail From Newfoundland at break of day Tbe cheer is westward passed along A hundred bright meridians play Like to nations song From sea to sea United be One great Dominion just and strong Cape Race with lofty beacon lights Our oceangates by tempests blown And half a world of days and nights And lakes and lands is all our own From sun to sun Our waters run Niagara midway thundering down i Our axes in the forests ring Our rifles mark the hunters track Our boatmen in cadence sing Upon the rapids foaming back freedom gives The joy that lives Beneath the glorious Union Jack I By spreading oaks and towering pines Our loyal yoemen speed the plow And reap their fields and dress their vines And jovial fill the With sturdy toil They till the soil And rest beneath the maple bough Then deck Victorias regal throne With May flowers and the maple tree And one for all and all for one The watchword of her empire be And heart and hand United stand Confederate and great and free Jim Dumps a Inn Who by her led her class The teacher the How eon you best digestion By eating Force When told to him This story tickled Sonny s ii iimiiiiiMiimn I Page Metal Ornamental Fence durable ft ad lowpriced or IwA orchard etc fee CENTS PER RUNNING FOOT the can pat up Writ for fall Use Farm and Poultry Netting Toe Pais Limited and John WWWW I ft -i- was ma King rates to the approval of tbe Cement Wall Gives Way power to carry on a land business in telegraphy was given the company New Hamburg Ont June On committee having the shortly before Bill in hand is five clock a very serious accident tu along nicely with its work Us meetings are now open to the John tteber in the Township Wil- mott about two miles east of this village whereby about been decided teen persons were more or less sen- are DRUGGISTS ARE AGREED Mr Weber was building an add tt the most reliable Corn and Wart willsponsor an Act TOttifttt Vila rfi at ttTSloS ST d timbers SSlsT When one the heavy timbers of being Placed in position the cement fauttec ftUo wall which bad only been built afew sale of renovated adulter days ago and which had apparently or other substitute those who were handling manufactured wholly or in to the lower portion of part any fat than that of milk or cream providing full examin ation stock in packages and pro- A fffinn oneMi pecuniary A TRUE BRAIN FOOD penalties contravention must replace feeling lassitude be payable to the informant and mental tiredness by clearness and the House last week- Sir of mind Not it goes Cartwright stated that neither of the two tenders for the fast Atlantic tbe timber the stables directly to the brain that were fool ish The true brain food must be carried by rich red blood If men tal fatigue worries and alarms you look not- to the brain but to the stomach and assimilative organs No remedy yet discovered possesses the marvellous strengthening power that has demonstrated in the thousands of cases Ferrozone does not stimulate brain into a fitful glow but by improving diges tion strengthening the nervous sys tem stimulating assimilation giving new strength to the heart It sends a stream red vitalizing blood to the brain Thus it is a true brain food Is sold by all reliable druggists i It is easier for a man to him- self than it is for him to fool others Soft water cisterns In the south are all made galvanized steel and placed above the ground at the back of tbe house thus making warm soft water always on tap It will cost about to give home farm a name of its own and have a batch or neat heads and envel opes printed with the name of the iliiil THE ERA OFFICE advantage farm and its owner on them It is ttd butter they vocating the adoption a trade pol icy calculated to take the bread and butter out of mouths of the great agricultural community which labor hard and long to produce what service had been accepted One of them might form the basis for future negotiations The following clause has been added to Grand Trunk Pacific bill so as to preclude the line running In close line with CPR Provided always that before construction of any portion of any of the prairie In the NorthWest Territories is commenced the location thereof shall be subject to the approval of the having regard to the princi ple that except for the purpose of reaching proposed common points or for other satisfactory reasons such location shall as far as practicable be so made that such main line of railway shall be constructed at such distance generally not less than thir ty miles from any other main line ot railway running in the same direc tion already constructed or located by plana sanctioned by the MiplsteT of Railways and Canals prior to the passing of this Act as the Governor- may deem reasonable The Banking and Commerce of the Commons has passed the committee quarters of the bank will be in To ronto and tbe capital Is placed at Some members of the committee expressed opinion that tbe country had too many banks chartered already but this bill was repotted An Act to incorporate the Canadian WHY CATARRH IS FATAL because it pours a flood of poisons Tarte policy wanted to give to a into the circulation that gaps mtmopolialng minority to get fat on strength and digestion so materially ftnil ftfcft Mr urged certain to render the body incapable re- and Storage could not be successfully Ming disease and consumption carried on in Canada because of com- result is quickly petition in this cured by wtarrhozone a fragrant with a considerable duty at present germ destroying vapor that goes to against foreign producer To the root of the disease It enable Home men to overcome this he wanted to tax consumers at home high enough to exclude foreign pro ductswanted the farmers to pay ex tra In order to enable local manufac turers to make It profitable to carry on unprofitable trades here tfcats what protection means as urged by at Ottawa and heals inflamed raucous sur faces clears the head and throat and positively never falls to cure Asthma or Catarrh Nothing Is so good for diseases the respira tory organs as Large outfit Small size Drug gists or by mall from Poison Co Kingston inally asked power construct tramways telegraphs and telephones but this was struck out and tbe bill confined to transportation and to mast a suJ ton at Take AU ruata money it tails to cure Groves signature is on each box Sail at London June The most bril liant court ball at Windsor Castle since the lifetime the Prince Con sort was given tonight There was eight hundred guests and these filled the State apartments which were loaded with flowers and illuminated Their majes ties and practically all the Royal family except the children were present Dancing began at oclock The display jewels es pecially was probably never excelled Supper at which the famous Windsor gold plate was dis played was served in St Georges Hall Toronto on the 1st- The great Home Comers Festival prompted by Board of Trade of Toronto is close at hand Since preliminary announcement was pub lished considerable changes have been made in the program which has been considerably elaborated and added to As it reads now are to be Dominion Day July of contingents from Detroit Rochester Buffalo Cleveland Chicago Milwau kee Pittsburg Boston Philadelphia New York and other United States cities strong some bands some in uniforms some with singing choruses and all with ban ners badges and other emblems amateur regatta open to all lacrosse matches baseball matches etc Thursday Juy 2nd Old Boys Parade huge garden party on the University Lawn evening grandest Venetian fete ever held on this con tinent and brilliant Illumination of the bay and harbor with fireworks and innumerable beacon fires This fireworks fete is to cost thousands dollars Friday July 3rd Magnificent open- air horse show and parade many re ceptions and garden parties and en tertainments at the Island Saturday July Demonstrations In honor of United States visitors- drives around the city canoe regatta championship lacrosse match and farewell gatherings Between forty and fifty thousand dollars will be expended on these entertainments fetes and recep tions rates have been se cured on all lines of travel particu lars of which can be had of local sta tion agents E SoYereign We One Hundred toe- ward tor any case of Catarrh that canaat be cured by Halls P J Co Props Toledo have known J she last years and transactions West At Wholesale ftliaan A Marvin Toledo Catarrh Cure la taken inter nally directly upon blood and surfaces of Urn system Price per bottle Sold by all Druggist free HalPa Family Pill are best 4 The wilt the collar tbe heat day Many a time the worm turns only to find ltoelf on fish hook If we cannot always get what we let us like what we can get Cold storage Is revolutionizing the methods of handling and distrib uting the apple crop country Never before has there been such a lame quantity choice apples on the market during march April and May as this year glut and awful waste ftne fruit so common in the past are thus In the future to be largely avoided and as with butter eggs dressed poultry game and other products a perishable nature apple crop will be saved profit to the grower Authorized Capital Rest Head Office Toronto Clinton Bitter 49 Marmora Mllvertn Mount Montreal Bod Newmarket Toronto Union OP OfjB Savings Bank Department allowed be is paid a You are not obliged to or With draw tke or last da or tbeneoth at any time rt OOUn4 one of our Bokfletaor write and we will aeodyou one Wallace Ja fiKANOH Far Oaks acres Urea tars el mile of Pis Orchard la fee of of Paymeota to suit purchaser a a low kate of interest J Newmarket i ADJOURNED MORTGAGE SALE OP VALUABLE and Property Under certain powers In mortgages which will be produced at time sale there will be tor by public auction at Royal Hotel Newmarket on Saturday the day of June at tbe hour oclock forenoon the following Free hold Property namely The west halt of lot No Concession Whitchurch acres more or less This soil is clay loam There is a good Fran House thereon newly repaired a bank barn with firstclast stables underneath A new a firstclaas Hog Pen Concrete House two good Orchards are good acres of good Hardwood Bush and balance of land under cul tivation Situated miles where there is a good and close to churches school I Lot No Block Plan for Mount Albert There is a good Brick House and Frame Stable with therein bard soft water Terms per cent Cash day of sale and balance to be arrang ed for possession is given properties will be offered subject a reserve For particulars el sale apply to Fred Jack living farm or to Vendors Solicitor SUMME OFFER WEEKLY MAIL AND EMPIRE Mailed to any address in Canada Great Britain or United States until January 1st for GENT This offer includes choice pictures entitled The Miners Farewell and On tbe Edge of the Herd The Weekly Mail and Empire auiw the summer months will unquestion ably be the greatest weekly publica tion which Canadian homes It at present contains a greater num columns reading matter than any other Canadian weekly AH the news published In it is carefully selected to meet the varied tastes the readers Tbe General News section will con tain the fullest and most of the events all parts of the world Parties attention will be given to cable sal provincial news agricultural section will be re plete with information for tbe gener al advancement of agricultural at Contributors to this will be men eminent in this impor tant industry The Magazine section will mine of information upon which are at present attracting Ho attention Many of the article will be brightened by illustrations Altogether the pages which com prise The Weekly Mall and Empire are a library in themselves and aw for the sum of One Dollar a year j Send order to The Era Office New market its