THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDA ONTARIO REST bud General BRANCH I General Interest Allowed on Deposits t DRAFTS ISSUED at ail bobs Mrs Simpaon ftnd Good prank auctioneer Collected Strict Bolton Street EVES J SMITH EVES DOUGLAS CO per cent Original secured and guaranteed Office Keformpr Block A and Sanitary Toronto and Estimates toe all or ana MARRIAGE LICENSES I At the Omoe Newmarket XT Papers at private If NEWMARKET WORKS IN Monuments and Head Stones Before Ordering Out Door Now the to have your fcazso photographed wbea everything and and foliage is tat too thick J 8RAITH Andrew Hunter Builder Contractor Given On Short Notion Setting Granolithic Porcato and Door Steps Before consult ANDREW HUNTER St P 0 Box Newmarket Good Offer Toe Era and the Montreal Family- Herald will be seat to new subscrib ers lor tbe of fox or tbe Era alone for 40c Tell your friends about it Pauls Church Sunday School Newmarket will hold their annual Picnic at Bond Lake on Friday July leaving Newmarket via Metro politan Cars at Lob sharp Tickets good on all after noon cars- Adults children cts Day Newmarket cemetery is Very pretty just now and is visited every Sunday by hundreds people At meeting or the Directors last Friday decided Decora tion Day should be observed on of July The service will be commenced at and several ad dresses may be anticipated Next Wednesday is Canadas natal day A new postage stamp be is sued on Dominion Day Mr has erected a very neat monument In Newmarket Cemetery to the memory of bis late wile The Metbodkt Sunday School Ex cursion to Toronto is on Wednesday the of July Cheapest Excur sion of the season only King Council meets at Loch Erin on Saturday law all public schools close next- Monday for summer holidays but some are closing today by permis sion of the Trustees The 3rd of the series of Excursions to Manitoba and the Northwest will take place on Satur day July Methodist Church Next Sunday is to be a RedLetter Day in Methodism when the anniversary of the birth John Wesley will be commemorated In Newmarket special sermons will be preached morning and evening by the pastor and special music by the choir In the afternoon the Sunday School will be held in the auditorium and a special program has been prepared for the occasion which will include addresses on the life and work of Wesley by Mrs Messrs P Pearson Kitchen and A Coombs A profitable hour is assured and parents are invited to enjoy it The League on Monday evening will also continue tbe Bi centenary Celebration by an appro priate program Last Sunday evening the pastor is sued a warning note bo young people against the evils of gambling and its insidious merits strongly denouncing this growing incubus on on the body politic trudging Poultry According to toe American Poultry Association the standard for judg ing poultry at competitive exhibi tions by points is as follows To the head may be given four points breast five points legs and feet two points and so on These points are again subdivided into formation and color whereby in the use of the score card where this system of judging is carried out judge may find a specimen perfect in color in a certain part and therefore not Sub ject to a cut or in other words a reduction of a certain portion of points allotted to that part How ever the same part of the same foul he may find a defect in forma tion warranting a cut of say one or two points These cuts are deduct ed and the total being deducted from the full score points the re mainder will skew the birds score or record This system of judging by points fixing a total as tie standard may be adopted in judging all ani mals and many articles placed on ex hibition Help Women This Gonad of We have made us a Dominion In this region the West And thfs Canada of ours Is the land we love the best For our homes are halls plenty We have peace on every band And our people are as noble As the lords of any land And if foes too strong oppress us On a little island shore Dwells a lion that can shield us By the terror of bis roar A large share of evils and and strength to the important female which women are liable to organs The experience of years SSSlrs- result from special female weakness medical testimony and letters from wWal battles and diseases From the girl entering tens thousands of cured women womanhood to tfce woman who point to Celery Compound as rives at tbe Grand Climacteric or j womans friend Hie giver Change ol Life there are troubles PQ says The Worlds Medicine for the Cur of Female Troubles ailments and irregularities too often in undermine the health and result in disease Where such conditions exist Heaven the poor sufferers to fully realize penis and dangers It is well known that ordinary med ical treatment too often fails to build up the delicate nervous system of woman give necessary tone It me much pleasure to testify to the great good that Celery Compound has done for me And can brave a thousand more VViSv Johnson Haste vs Deliberation Mere briskness is not always to be Inttvefttiog Gathering A unique part met at the home of Jacob Doyle street Newmarket on Thursday June when eleven of the oldest residents of town were invited to dinner Among those present were Squire Bolton James Boiton street in his year Aunt Phi- la Mrs Thomas of Victoria Ave in her year Ellis Hughes of Park Avenue the mile stone on his lifes journey and Mrs Hughes bis companion almost and Mrs Pratt also of Park Ave nearly 8t The total age the eleven guests was years or an average of Naturally enough the conversation turned to the Good old days of yore One remark made by Squire Bolton was I met one of the mem- I was completely rundown in health commended if unaccompanied by dc- a victim of female weakness and results In the use of a gun after using three bottles of for instance the ability to fire Celery Compound I was completely quietly or repeat rapidly is not the cured It is the best bipod purifier greatest it is the man who- takes I know of and I recommend it to all deliberate aim and shoots unerringly who are troubled as I was who does the most execution It is the hurry that makes flurry and confusion that is to be condemn ed The folly of this sort has al ways been conceded and caution against it has been populariz ed in adages in every language The Persians said It is useless to run Oar Toronto Was the deceased hurries finds more fce were heavily draped carefu A new general for safc west end or the city nas been his this week near the Queen street fc be way It is known as Staton to em0 sion while ie careful deliberate On Saturday night 1 traveller nam- mm maps and straight Herbert had a thrilling about hja purp0e without being In his sleep he walked emotions or the of a window and attitude of others He wakes had his right hip broken by the fall THOMPSONS ALL OP IRON WORK a A ITtrfilnUt We clip the following from the Montreal Star of June The marriage took place yester day afternoon at halfpast five oclock at tbe American Presbyter ian Church of Miss Cameron to Mr Howard Porter Rev J Ross officiating The bride who was given away by her brother Mr Frank wore a travelling cos tume of gray earners hair tailor- made and trimmed with blue taffete and gold braid and a hat trimmed with blue and carried white roses Miss Bertha sister ol the bride was bridesmaid She wore green canvas with trimming of string colored lace and a hat and earned pink carnations Mr James Wilson was beat man Mr and Mrs Porter have left for the Maine Coast and on their return will reside at Park avenue The of this company over years ago Yes said Aunt I remember his coming to my parents home with his father when 1 was a girl of sixteen Ellis Hughes during the- conversa tion said wonder what Newmar ket will be in another hundred years And explained that he had heard his parents say that the first timber was cut on the present site of Newmarket in The first political demonstration in Newmarket witnessed by Squire Bolton was in the great ques tion at issue being building of the Northern Railway vs the mac adamizing of street Several of those present could re member the Rebellion of and conversed with as much freshness and precision on those times as it it had been hut six months ago Lord Durham who was sent over by the British Government to look into the cause of tlie trouble was a guest for some days in the home of Mrs Irwins father James Pearson The residence built by Peter Robertson on tbe site now occupied by the of David Lloyd on Water street honor ed by the presence of Lieutenant- Governor The same old residence now on Eagle street the property of Mrs Bos worth might almost be called Historic for be side the guest above referred bo within its walls was comfortably housed at a later date Sir John Franklin when on his fruitless over land journey in search of the North Pole Ellis Hughes also spoke of his mo ther having come to these parts in with her parents Isaac arid Phillips for Pennsylvania and a year later Timothy Rogers with his colony of families came from Ver mont These with many others who emigrated Horn Pennsylvania about the same time found the col ony of Friends who organized a Friends Meeting on Yonge street in These were among the pioneers of this part of country and ances tors of those bearing their names in these parts today As might be expected in such a gathering the table conversation was somewhat difficult on account of the detective hearing many of those present but this was happily over come when they were seated in groups in the diflerent rooms of Mr Doyles comfortable home No company of and girls of be happier or spend an af ternoon more pleasantly together than did these young aged people whose conversation mostly turned to days of more than years ago but fre quently to the bright future to which they look forward On asking the secret of such in people of advanced years the explanation given was We our Creator in the days our youth and He has not forgotten to Rive us His beet gifts in our old He is now in the Hospital Rev Mathews wife and daughter left for St Elmo Lake Muskoka last week It is hoped the change will benefit the Row gen tlemans health his best effort calmly and is thus prepared to meet calmly and is all the better equipped for trying again He is as strong when ho fails as when he succeeds while the man is blown out of his way by every adverse wind and easily succumbs Mr Win is called by an niaster the other the evening paper the apostle of hide- slave The one political action in the tem- situations with deliberate care peranre movement At the Bath- question or street Hall when he discrimination arose to speak two- bouquets j men whose achievements are were presented In accepting the recorded in history were never flowers thus given Mr Munns said however quickly they may have they were unlike those presented at lh ne- and Aurora by those appeared tobe in a hurry Their temperance friends According to all thinking and their doing were the re- accounts the odors the bouquets sults deliberation rather than also different pulse The Toronto Horticultural Society j whether in business- in the practice held its first summer rose and flower profession or engaged in show this week in St Georges Hall humbler work of life he who so mas- fair attendance of visitors his time and his as to good An automobile In trying to turn keep his work well in hand and never behind has time to concentrate his man out for a street car on Queen street power while the man who hurries east on Saturday evening was system soon finds his work turned owing to the speed at which driving him and he dissipates bis it was going occupants energy Our advice to a young man unhurt though two of them were entering any career would be Be thrown under the vehicle The au- slothful work as fast as was considerably damaged Bakers are giving 22 bread tickets for a dollar lb loaf It was rumored In legal circles ear ly in week that AttorneyGener al Gibson was about to take a seat on the bench but this is now denied authoritlvely The priests of the Roman Catholic church of the Archdiocese of Toronto went into a weeks retreat last Mon day at the Carmelite monastery at Niagara Falls Report have been received from Detroit and Chicago to the effect that visitors from these two cities will take part in Torontos on the 1st to of July He Missed His Opportunity you can calmly but avoid hurry rami You know if a la badly drained Only a or a criminal would him ell Incur the subject others to it for one minute But A you realize the danger of a badly drained body Are you aware that it blood the very fountain of life Bad age SKASICKNESS Mid of this type yield quick- bride received many handsome to Vie magic power of including a gold watch the gift and It you suffer periodically the groom whose gift to the from any of these troubles just keep bridesmaid was a pearl pin at band A few drops in Miss I ma- Is a sister of Mr I sweetened water will give in- in the city makes people A and a New- relief and In tho course of half stupid Era Joins an hour the core Is completed Your in extending money back you do not find it so Trv the Kra for Henry Uncle Amos from who was visiting his city nephew whos that man in the on the otter side ol the street Every morning he stands in front of a window an shaves himself Hes done it now for three days hand- running suppose he has done it every morning for the last ten years Unc le replied Henry Has he lived there all that lYca and than that lor all I know Ive been here only ten years myself Who Is ho I dont know What does he toller I havent the slightest idea unc le Amos put on his hat ana went out In an hour or two he re turned Henry he laid that chaps name Is He runs an Insur ance office down town Hes about twentyseven thousand dollars owns that house an lot belong to the Presbyterian church has throe boys an one and hes fortysix years old Ive found out more about him in an hour than you have In ten years Blamed it I dont CURE CONSTIPATION Twentyfive Adult Cento Buy Your Field Seeds Mangold Sugar Beet Turnip and Carrot SEED Looming White Cap P Red Cob Yellow and North Dakota Flint AT HURON Telephone fall AND signs SHELF HARDWARE COMPLETE IN ALL GIVE US A CHANCE TO PLEASE YOU EVERYTHING AS REPRESENTED J A ALLAH NEWMARKET TELEPHONE CONNECTION JACKS FOR HIRE vvQ he Newmarket Pharmacy Next door to Post Office We have now a complete line of Pure Sundries Stationery Toilet Prepara tions Soaps and Spongea Brushes Atomizers Hot Water Ac A Full Stosk of Patent at lowest reduced prices We pay special attention to our Prescription Department A Call Solicited The NORMAN L ROGERS CO J PATTERSON Phm B AGENTS FOR THE GREAT NORTH WESTERN TELEGRAPH COMPANY OB CANADA Phono Ho MENS ought at 50c on the SEE THEM JOBBING HOUSE