Newmarket Era, 26 Jun 1903, p. 7

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vis 1 THE NEWMARKET FRIDAY JUNE HALL tat wo know A interest a great many We out many odd lines of at very inter- Come and see We gome ire not quite uptodate in rtyle bat the wearing quality is you can buy fare Lines Right Up-To- prices to suit the closest Shoe For Ladies please every purchaser Fit Comfortably They Look Stylish They Wear Well They are Moderate in price Our Oxfords for ladles are a half more Our childrens Leather Strap Slippers lor are away below value and our Patent Leather Strap Slipper fcr are well worth inspecting tor Boys and Girls School in fee best to be had both in wear- and fine appearance We wild like you to sea our DIN NER SETS and TOILET SETS DEPARTMENT iced cooking Figs for The Leading Sellable RA Telephone Daniel Edward farmer of East died intestate His widow for herself and the four adult children seeks of the estate which is put at in personality and the rest land in East and Perth County The Woman Who thinks all men are angels had better remain single and nurse the delusion unless she is prepared to cook the meals in im ported Ware Sold only at Old mark Gone The old man Pat Shine who was struck and hurt by a metropolitan car a few days ago was taken to the Industrial Home to he cared for The other day someone put a match to his castle on the sideroad at the rear of Sir locks farm and it went up in smoke Pat will have to be continued now with more com fortable quarters and the neighbor hood will be spared his regular visits Grand Gordon Party Dont miss the Garden Party of the season on Friday night of next week July 3rd under the auspices of the Presbyterian church It will be held on the commodious lawn of Mr Silas on St op posite the Industrial Home The Bat Band of Aurora has been secured for the occasion and the band music will be a treat for Newmar ket people Free bus to the grounds Admission including refresh ments Strawberries and ice cream extra Tea served from six oclock Big crowd expected Taking Core of The beginning of last week infor mation was laid before Jackson Esquire for a search warrant to find some jewellery stolen from the resi dence of Mr Wesley Allan of the clothing factory Newmarket As the party suspected of taking the ar ticles had removed to Toronto ra ther than put County to the ex pense of a constable and possibly a prisoner up and down st two or three times he sent the papers to Squire in Toronto Ac cordingly a search was made and a city paper reports the case as fol lows A little girl named Maggie Nugent aged years on Monday pleaded guilty to stealing a ring val ued at from Wesley Allan She admitted the theft but Squire Ellis found that the girls bringing up was responsible for the act Maggie will be all right when the is in better hands he said as he took her from her parents and gave her into the charge of the Childrens Aid Society At the Brigade meeting on Wednes day evening it was to hold ths annual excursion on the of August to and commit tees were appointed to complete ar rangements Very Quiet Whats the matter with the York Old Boys Association in To ronto While other associations are making themselves conspicuous in connection- with the Home Comers Gathering our county seems to have dropped into oblivion Death of Last Monday Mr Fred Webster a former resident of King and a brother of Mr Webster of this Town died on his farm north of The remains were brought to Newmarket on Tuesday evening and funeral service was held at toe residence of Mr Webster next morning Interment at Newmarket Cemetery Since the item on page 5 of this issue was printed we learn that among the many gilts were a hand some china cabinet from the Saturday Night Meeting Committee of the Young Mens Christian Association of which Mr Porter was chairman a handsome gilt clock with orna ments to match from Messrs Henry Sons and a cabinet of silver from the fellow employees ol Mr Porter with the same firm Boil together water and v for five minutes Remove toe leaves from ten good sized stalks Wash them carefully chop fine then pound them to a Work this gradually into a Jet stand until cool the juice of two lemons mint Free and serve with it mutton Death of Doyle Nearly years ago Mr James Doyle brother of Mr Luke Doyle of this Town Pine Orchard for the States where be has been residing ever Being in very poor health spring he decided to return to Canada a few weeks ago but on ar riving at Toronto he was taken so ill that he could come no further He was removed to St Michaels hospital wnere the angel of death ended his sufferings on Monday The remains were brought by and interred in St Johns Cemetery a number of the relatives and friends of deceased being at the depot on the arrival of the train Stoek In Toronto this week exporters are selling from to with poorer ones down to Export hulls run from to Good to choice butchering cattle sold from to Ordinary butchering cattle and dry cows sold from to Good run about to Calves from J to per lb Dry cows 375 to Milk cows are in good demand at to each Ewes and wethers to bucks J to He Spring lambs are to R Lesson Hogs are down again for A short time ago Mr sciccts and 5525 lights and fats discovered that the store which uses as a warehouse had been broken into and both bananas and fire- crackers were missing The matter I was reported to Chief Anderson and last Monday no less than four boys had to appear before the beak They admitted the charge and after being severely reprimanded they were al lowed to go on suspended sentence in the meantime their parents to make good the loss It occurs to us that the mania some around town have for robbing birds nests is largely responsible for the above action Parents should ques tion their boys and they are in dulging in this practice they should he remonstrated with and severely punished if continued- It is this thing allowed to go that leads to offences against the law warehouse and Hills bak ery adjoining have been entered since the above occurred Oranges were ex tracted from and ice cream from There is strong sus picion of the guilty parties and de velopments are expected shortly KESWICK A very pretty Reading took place at the home of Mr Main on Wednesday afternoon June when his second daughter Amy was united in matrimony to Mr of Sutton At the ap pointed time the wedding march was played by Mrs of The bride was tastefully dressed in a gown of white Organdie trimmed in lace with handsome wed ding veil and carried a bouquet of white carnations Miss Nellie sis ter of the groom and Miss cousin of the were also dressed in white carried pretty bouquets composed of white flowers and ferns and acted as bridesmaids The groom was sup ported by Mr Main brother of the bride The ceremony was per formed by the Rev R J Simpson pastor of the Keswick Methodist church in the presence of about 50 guests and took place on the veran da under an archway composed wreaths of maple leaves The whole front of the house was decorated with leaves maple leaves and seats arranged on the lawn for the guests After the ceremony the party proceeded to the dining room where excellent wedding breakfast was served The bride was the re cipient of a large number of valuable presents including a very handsome family Bible with an address from the Trustees of the Methodist church where she has been the organist for the past two years After many wishes for success in the future the happy couple felt amid showers af rice to visit friends in Mount Albert and Toronto LEMOHVILLc m w Especially nice Frozen tuth as these give to the appetite They are to com little and are had notice you use a Peerless Iceland Freezer One Motion Sft construction noes with all nv If stationary Jo ftS delicious ice IN MINUTES SOLD AT On Friday evening last The Fos- once again tried to get their hand in shape and show The Al erts how to play ball but met their Waterloo The Alette took the field first and knowing how they won before allowed their op ponents to score runs juBt to en courage them Alter that they got down to work in earnest pitcher Stone holding them to six hits and three At finish third in nings the score stood for the Fossils and things looked Interesting The Alerts scored runs making it for their opponents to get but one to tie an two to win- which they felt confident doing Hut by this time youngsters were well warmed np and a complete shut out gave them the game the crowd cheering their garrison finish A doubleheader on for Saturday afternoon where our team was so handicapped by the rough field and only beat then by a of to last Saturday- Robert Craig formerly a commer cial traveller with cigars and latter ly engaged selling aged years was found dead in his on Tuesday at his lodgings Finding another deserted baby on a door step in the east end on Mon day morning Inst has led to the dis covery of ttie existence of a wellor ganized gang which includes several women who are obtaining large sums of money from the On Tuesday last Mrs Henderson Rooedale Road received a telegram from Manitou Man that her hus band Rev Dr Henderson Associate Secretary of the Methodist Mission ary Society who was injured by the kick of a horse Is doing nicely Officials expect that the work on the new freight sheds on the old parliament buildings grounds will commence next week The Masters Painters Association adopted a resolution at its last meeting declaring their shops open for the future and strikers are now on the ragged edge so to speak The resolution says Believing it to be the rights and privilege of ev ery man to work for the support of himself and those depending upon him without fear of molestation As sociation shops will hereafter be con ducted as open shops regardless of unions Thieves are becoming rank in this city Nearly was stolen from the cash box of the Union Hotel street on night by a thief who broke open the box About a year ago was stolen in almost the same manner Four guns are now being mounted at the old tort for the firing or mil itary salutes which may be ordered by the Militia Department It many years since salutes were fired from this historic spot The Coroners inquest in the case of the young lad who died from in juries from a knife thrown by young Kinnard In the Davits Packing hoise some months ago returned a NORTH Camp meeting of the Free Metho dist Church will be held this year in Mr Henry bush North beginning the 1st of July While at Camp Meeting at Junction last Sunday Mr had the misfortune to lose his little daughter thru diphtheria Mrs was alone with the child a doctor having called a few days previous and pronounced the sore throat of the girl as not serious Campers have taken up their abode for the summer months at Orchard Beach and Roachs Point but the weather has been unusually cool with frequent showers this summer so far too much so for the pleasure- of the Campers generally Schools have closed and the rest less barefoot boy awakes at dawn and hies him avay anywhere and ev erywhere for rambling sports and romps Blessings on the Barefoot Boy I Some from this section attended the excursion to and the trip an unqualified success both as to excursionists and the enjoyments of the trip The crops in this part of the coun try are looking excellent Fall wheat barley and grains generally as Well as root crops promise a good yield The weather has been rather too rainy recently but the rain came just in time to save many crops in this section Surely Cana da Is one of the most highly blessed countries under the sun and Cana dians have a heritage for which to bo thankful Quite a number from this vicinity took in the excursion to on Monday Mr White who has quite ill for several months is not improving in health we are to say Miss Mabel Cook of Toronto is vis iting friends in this vicinity Miss of Mount Albert visited friends here last week Miss Stella Cook spent a couple of weeks with friends at Newmarket Mrs Davis and Mrs Baker spent a couple of days in Toronto Mrs W visited friends at Queensville last week Mrs Derby of Toronto visited at Lemons Mr and Mrs of Strat ford visited at Mr John Anderson has been quite ill for some weeks of heart disease Quite a number children have been sick with measles in this vicini ty 50 q- Quite a number from this section accompanied the Cornet Band to on Saturday last and spent a very nice afternoon On Thursday June another opportunity of hearing some choice music by the band will be given un der the auspices the Ladies Aid of the Methodist church when straw berries and fruit will be the order of the evening on the church grounds Kettleby On Wednesday of last week Mr Jos- Rogers jacked up a large barn for a stone cellar The grading or our streets the past week was very satisfactorily done but they stopped a deal too soon Much more needed Mrs J spent the past days in the city and attended the marriage of Miss Susie Matthews her cousin Mr Burling has recently been presented with a son and heir and Mr T a bouncing girL The Directors of the Kettleby Cem etery are certainly deserving praise for the appearance of the grounds this season It seems as though a new era had begun with them and they inform us that by the united of those interested they will make it more appropriate than heretofore Mr Peter of is visit ing with Mr J family Mr Brown of has been visiting friends at Jacksons Point here and elsewhere Mr and Mrs John attend ed the Christian Conference at the Lake also Mr Baker Mary Lemon Delia Cook Mary Walter Clark- son Lome Viola Maud Webb Morris Watson are try ing for the Entrance at Aurora this week ooo GO for onsignment or Saturday DAY Mr is at present in the village Mr Ross has been success- J in completing his work at Mark- I ham High School until the hoi- The entrance examinations arc in tickcts wi issued progress here at present Single FirstClass Fare Mrs Alex and Mrs J are spending a lew days this SUTTON week with friends at Holland Land ing The Presbyterian congregation pur pose making some improvements at the Manse A Lawn Social under the auspices of Bethel Ladies Aid will be held at the residence of Mr Sennett on Tuesday evening June Tea served from to after which a choice program of music Recitations etc will be rendered On Saturday evening June the home of Mr Mrs John was the scene a very pleasant Between all stations in Canada al so to Buffalo Suspension Bridge Y Detroit Huron Mich etc Good going June and July 1st Valid returning from destination on or before July 2nd FESTIVAL TORONTO JULY to Return Tickets will be issued at SINGLE FARE Newmarket to Toronto good going to July inclusive and 30th or prise party the Children and Grand- returning from Toronto on children and a few intimate friends before gathering to celebrate the birth- day of Mr When all had Slimmer arrived order was called and the j Lakes Lake owing address was read by Miss Kawartha In last weeks items we referred to Thompson tn6 River Dear father and only by the Grand Trunk assembled here this evening to offer SHARON Mr A and family were out for tea on Sunday evening Miss Mabel Cole and her grand mother Mrs Small wood of Toronto arc visiting at Colos Thursday this week being the an niversary of Lundys Lane the school flag floated in the breeze Mr wishes us to state and we do so conscientiously that In is not the man who left lle organ in the Methodist Church without per mission The Mason agent justly claims to he clear instrument however was removed soon after the item appeared in the issue of June Our genial stagedriver donated the carriage of the strawberries and choir hooks for the church Thanks Mr Morton Trouble never pomes singly About two weeks ago Joseph was taken 111 with blood poisoning in his arm and Friday last his brother complained of not being well When taken out to the doctor he al so was found to be suffering from bloodpoisoning And on Tuesday George while working at Mr Hod- gins was kicked by a horse and hie leg was broken Mr Fred and Mrs MacMillan took in excursion to on Monday and report a grand day be ing particularly well pleased with the beauty of the Agricultural Farm Mr and Mrs Harry Wilson of Win nipeg were calling on friends this guests at the home of Mr Abb Wilson Miss Muriel Wilson of Toronto Is spending a few weeks at LtCol Way lings Mrs gave a pleasant tea to a number of lady friends one day last Week Miss Nora Shaw Is recovering very slowly from a severe case of the return match The Uno Athletic Club of Toronto ixe tending verdict to the- effect that he died team which will give the New- from injuries by Alfred Kin- Mrs Ik making quite a visit Maude spent Sunday at Home near members of the Legislature voting themselves an increase of indemnity This week we desire to alude to what in our opinion is one reason that leads to such a course viz tho unceasing demands that are made them to contribute to almost enterprise thruout the County he represents The idea scorns to be that because he is a representative pressure can be brought to bear that he cannot well refuse and hence must launch out with a liberal donation for fear of withdrawal support at the polls It is a sort of blackmail and bribery combined Rev Canon of visited here last week with his son Mr druggist The vs trial at on the I Inst Mr An derson being prosecutor for trespass on the part of was deckled in Mr Andersons favor Mr Geo Kay who in his edu cational studies has met with unin terrupted success has been of late taking a course in the Ph work in Chicago and has obtained a follow ship which entitles him to one years free tuition In the University He is at present engaged for three months with the Ontario Government In geological work in New Ontario after which he will return to Chicago to prosecute his studies in the Uni versity Confirmation service was held in the Anglican church here by the Bish op of Toronto when a large number were confirmed Mr Bailey of the Toronto Mail was home with parents over Sunday Mr Joseph Cad leu spent last Sun day here with his family Mr James Johnston many years ago a resident and owner of the Flour Mills but now of the North West is at present visiting friends in and Sutton Mr Percy and Leonard Kemp spent last Sunday hero with friends The rifle match here between Bald win and Sutton resulted In a victory for Sutton by points Mr Peter McClelian has made a great improvement in his Block on High Street for which be Mr John and his you the oldtime greeting Many hap py returns of the day and also to beg that you accept as a token of affection from your children this Extension Table at which festive board we trust you may welcome us for many years to come on similar occasions We all unite in wishing dear parents that deepest joys thy portion till through the coming years The tables were then laden with good things and about forty sat down to tea The evening was spent in various games music c until near ly eleven oclock when the company dispersed after singing God be with you till we meet again on and a Hardware tussle Jnard friends in the city Jersey HOLLAND LANDING The Benefit Garden Party held Friday evening last was largely tended The night was fine warm and some three or four persons were present The Gar den Party Committee met on Monday evening and found that the proceeds amounted to expenses leaving a balance of Mr McEchcrn Village Treasurer who will be away on a few weeks vacation resigned which necessitated appointing another Treasurer Moved by Thos seconded by West that Mr Lloyd be appointed Treasurer Carried Moved by seconded by that Mr Lane Mr Lloyd and J be ap- as committee In advancing Mr Killoughs money Carried Moved by Jas Artt seconded by that the commit tee appointed give Mr Killough per week or more if necessary Car ded A vote of thanks was tendered to the ladles who so ably assisted at the Garden Party also to Mr Webb for the use of his lawn for the occa sion and Mr for the use of Hall in holding meetings In connection with the Garden Party Mr John Taylor and wile of Sut ton spent Sunday last with his fa ther Mr Wm Taylor Mr Brown of CoMIngwood spent a couple days with friends here last week Railway System Excellent Hotel accommodation healthy climate etc Descriptive literature and all Information from Agents A Agt Two Farms for Bale The Quarter of Lot No in the con of North containing acres more or less and Lot No in the Con of North containing acres more or less Both of these Farms arc in a good state of repair This property will be sold at a low price on easy terms to suit purchas ers For further particulars apply to BENJAMIN Newmarket P North York License District Notice hereby given that appli cation has been made to the Board above District for a Trans fer of Tavern License from A of Sutton to Will- of Sutton Dated this day of June A J HUGHES License Inspector Farm for Bale One of the best farms on St near Newmarket may be for sale See J i i Mrs and Mrs Williams of Sut ton spent a few days this week with Mrs M J Miss Lottie Jones who has been spending her vacation at her home returned to Newmarket on Monday last Mr Geo Tate sold his driver for a handsome price last week Mr Martin Taylor who has been poorly for the last month we aro pleased to say is gradually recover ing

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