Newmarket Era, 26 Jun 1903, p. 8

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V THE ERA FRIDAY JUNE around the lab SEAT WTORAWAS FIND TO Mr Webb of Toronto who figure The of Hay BY A Many a man would bet ter go without lunch at all than eat the hurried lunch which the noonday of many a business Hasty eating foods bard to digest and no time allowed for digestion Are the cause of many a case of stomach trouble Disease of the stomach seriously the health of the whole body should be promptly cored Dr Pierces Golden Medical cure diseases of the stomach and other organs of digestion tion It enables the perfect assimilation of food and Ike proper nutrition of the body on which physical strength depend or tea rears ago my became poor mod wo good doctor my cue wont they bad write Mr Ala I bad meat complain catarrh and was to inch Xtnf I not ftlcep fiOtUf ifarct of Dr Pierces Wfeorery add Pellets Took them to the and In a few day noticed a decided Improvement to more re When I is going to turn out bring from Calming- July prize At the meeting on Saturday night it decided to come out in last Udora full head to the of was I wis a new eat mince pie for aupper go to bed seven P and until aeren A M I am now working at ray trade carpentry in ail of and think If had not taken I wooW now Be the Dr Pierces Pleasant Pellets cleanse the clogged system from accumulated impurities gears form Mr Ardiand had a fork run through his hand one day last week from which he is suffering consider ably Road work is all the go here now KING CITY A grand strawberry festival will be held under auspices of the Metho dist church choir on the beautiful lawn of Air J A McDonald on Fri day evening game to start at five oclock Tea will be served from five to seven p following together with lo cal talent are expected to be present and take part program of the evening Theaskay Quartette and mouth organ band tjie Hope Quartette Revs Dr A Pearson and Beck to draw large congregations at the Pine Orchard service on Since hay crop is likely to be Sunday evenings has promised to light this year it is doubly import- conduct the review In connection with ant that it be handled to the best I The mothers of this town who the Sunday School here at next possible advantage and cut and responsible forthe girls that Sabbath afternoon No doubt there in such a way as to secure the the atreete should stop and think will be a largo attendance and a pro- est amount nutrients in the most what they are doing Those are friable service and palatable form no longer children They ate at I To end it is well at this sea- impressionable age Where will you to bear the following facts in their come AURORA is relatively the street or league lacrosse match was hotly richer in flesbiorming elements home to tor the mothers contested here last- Saturday between more- pa and Bradford anu the home team The game was clean and fast although disadvantage of being much more Bedford clearly bowed to cure Grass as it proaches maturity gains consider- ox ours a series ably in weight part of this increase wild convulsions and cataclysms of consists of starch and sugar which length settled down to its present is valuable to the feeder and part state of quietude and perfection the consists of crude fibre which decreases majority of the feathered tribes digestibility and renders the bay twice in each year ventured less palatable cut hay is ipurney those In they valuable per ton than late cut favourite habitat is In the sunny will reside was a farewell par- but alarger amount of digestible w at the residence of Mr James nutrientsper acre is obtained by d more at Knowles Street by a largo later cutting Late cut hay has also Wf tt number of friends After a sump- the advantage of being more easily J lh repast had been served the and rapidly thus colder We journeying southward was went fisk telf r w excessive rgour and darkness of Mr Edgar Andrews met with an cut bay is especially valuable draw near accident Tin his factor to and dairy This most marvellous phenomenon week has laid for cat- the life of birds can bet he oi of lumber he missed his footing and good results eon- channel w the backwards struck a nail by Prof Sanborn of New Heligoland which though falling backwards struck Hampshire and Prof Henry of Wis somewhat out of direct route For Era Travels in the the better stickhandlers The re sult was to in favor of the vis itors Miss Wight of is the guest of Miss Love On Wednesday evening Mrs Frank Packer who is leaving here to join the season of es- constituted for a Dunlop Reliability You can placo full reliance in Pneumatic Tires- they win never fcotray your trust bard eat to pane tare to repair Years of excellent service hare made of almost adoption Every wheel with a repu tation in fitted with them rider of experience on the Tires make bicycle enthusiast They increase the pleasure of wheeling ami minimize troublea la an with The Dunlop Tire Co Toronto St Ttr you found Coin la Inspector visited the Pub- He School on Monday Mr Edgar and Dennis of Newmarket day at the guests Mrs- and Miss Davis A Strawberry Festival under the auspices of tire Baptist Church will be held on the Exhibition grounds and cracked one shaking him up badly consin the relative val- early and fate cut hay for little in favor from Africa to England yet appears to be a favourite resting place for the the advantage was travellers Throughout the of the late cut January until December early or countless birds on the a evei the Society was in a good financial dairy cows and- young stock- v slate over being found to the The season if the The Tents of the The following officers and l it is generally wiser to noon was filled up with sports fol lowed by a match at six oclock The tables for supper were set in the Agricultural Hall where the ladies served a delightful supper A very successful and enjoyable af ternoon was spent LAKE WILCOX MAN WANTED We want a good reliable man to act as local Salesman in your district The position is a permanent one and offers large pay to any wideawake honest worker All our goods are guar anteed We want to deal only with those who can appreciate a good position and represent us fairly We instruct you and furnish you uptodate free We pay weekly All freight and packing charges are paid by us From ISO to per month and expenses can be earned selling our goods I BLACKFORD Toronto King TT should bo cut King Plowmen Association held late will append therefore their tel The asm day after day night vast flocks of thrugbes and Kniehts and the ladies of the rectors were appointed for the the cutting until somewhat later- otherspecies arrive from bees held a picnic on te Agricultural 13 The acreage to grounds on Monday last The alter- Fox Kettleby the crop be large it will be necessary K rt VicePresWra Temper- to uUer l8r SQiinda in By earlier cutting is meant cutting Sec J Maple at or before the time of full I V George By late cutting is meant cutting be- of the lighthouse is D King tween the time of full bloom and rip- brightly that the wonder of this Frank Trent in any case however bay migration is most apparent Phillips should be cut before it Is by the dazzling light like Aurora J W enough for the sted to shell readily round a candle vast flocks cir- Sutton A crop of mixed clover and timothy round and found- bright rays Stewart Linton hay is at its best if both quality and Kettleby Peter King quantity are to be considered when Kettleby George Phillips from one third to one hall of the King Simeon Lemon It clover blossoms have turned brown McDevitt Linton Alex Hurst Hay should be cured and stored as rapidly as possible after cutting It was decided to hold the match this in view it is better to the north part of the township on i CABLE Q May ARE GUARANTEED ASK A sad drowning accident occurred here on Tuesday afternoon the se cond that has occurred at this beau tiful summer resort during he past fifty years On Tuesday the Metho dist Sunday School at of Vaughan held a picnic at the lake During the afternoon several games were played among the number was a spirited football At the conclusion of the match of the young men went in bathing and among the number Mr Neil McMil lan Mr McMillan and another young man went out in a a short distance from the shore with the intention of diving from the boat In doing so the boat was cap sized and both Were thrown into the water McMillan sank almost Im mediately and notwithstanding the fact that his companion made every effort possible to get him out he was unable to do so and came very near ly being drowned himself The oth er young men- bathing thought the two were only fooling and did not come to their assistance until it was too late The body was recovered in about twenty minuter The young man was years old and was a gen eral favorite among his companions and much sympathy is felt for his bereaved family Thursday Nov Wen de fer cutting in the morning until most of the dew is off If tons more are to be handled in a season a tedder will be found a good instru ment Care must be exercised to avoid storing hay while at all damp glinting upon their rapidly moving pinions causing them to appear like flitting spectres And from time to time many a bird flies with such vio lence against the glass shields that in the morning quite a hecatomb of slaughtered gulls and other birds is accumulated on the rocks beneath The distance travelled by many of these nomadic tribes is quite incred ible The swallow which year after year rears its young in the same identical nest beneath the eves of our Glasgow June j the ground Moisture of this kind I had a very fine time at the quicker than A Camp at contained in its own sap in company with Mr Kerr I Last- year attention was called to Manager of the Restaurant in curing clover hay over tho weekend Left successfully by Mr Henry by pm train Friday anu a number of other riving at Port pier about prominent and reliable farmers Mr going via train to Bay Glcndcnning thus outlines his thence per steamer across Firth bloom or of Clyde From Port contain the most we drove across thc Isle of Bute to Cut in the morning after Etterick Bay a distance of miles the dew has dried off That cut in and a most delightful walk jthc morning may be cocked up in the At the camp were staying eighteen afternoon The mower should not be on Sunday the majority being there only for weekend enclose should be put into barn next day picture of same showing twelve tramped into mows lie tents large marcue kitchen specially emphasizes the following c with large open space in front for games and sports One cut in morning un- and feature is excellent sandy beach for vading and bathing j o allow fresh cut hay to During the ebbing of tire tide on the ground over night iex- out half a mile and rfcw tide is fully out it is great any hay should get wet with dew or absorption from date seldom var- Garden Party under the aus- youngsters to run the cocks ices of Christ Church will take the smooth sands Bradford District have de cided to celebrate the approaching July in The house of Mr Ben Fisher a fanner of Tweed caught fire while he was out milking Mr Fisher bad a hard time to save his children who were in bed Twentyfive Chinamen were cap tured on the frontier while stealing from Canada and Imprisoned at r Kidney and Cough J- la lit lW J ft ALr If- Or it j v- In ls I mi j i iAj jiif IU Powder Sold by flie Roche Co pices place on July 1st on the grounds of the The annual Public School Picnic will be hold at Lake on Saturday June program will consist of canoe and boat races trustees race jumping football tour nament prize and ladies base ball Mount Albert Band will be in attendance Messrs Graham Bros met with a heavy loss last week They shipped from the Northwest a hackney stallion Grand Duke of York and on the way he contracted pneumonia Every effort was made to save him but he died three days after he ar rived Mr Frank Stiver who had the misfortune to fall down his elevator here two or three weeks ago re covering nicely and able to be out again A the new pastor of thc District of Christian churches will begin his labors on the district Sunday June 28th He has already moved to where he intends to make his home In the Pork Co the liquidators statement shows the lia bility to trade creditors of which 1400 Is secured by leans on machinery reducing it to 500 The machinery on the other hand runs up to and the building an- while thc amount ow ing by shareholders is apparently some Proceedings will be taken to collect the latter amounts Many larger per- thoroughly dry before taking to thc sons also enjoy same sport On the sand here I saw my first jelly- states that his hay fish What a very peculiar creation W when It went it is in with the blossoms a beautiful With tike exception of this bay theP color which would Indicate that coast Is bounded by immense boulders had not heated so much as one some of which arc very flat and make a good spot to get a of every description would naturally expect The advantages of this method arc tho saving of between cut- teem along shores and the storing lessening the risk fields arc densely populated damage from rain all leaves with rabbits and hares The land Is and the most valuable all owned by the Marquis of Bute the plant are saved and no person is allowed to do any hay is cleaner and brighter than that shooting- However I had heaps the old way sport chasing the burrowing animals I course hay cannot be cured by They were so thick that one of tho conditions vary A good methr crowd stepped on a rabbit and did- curing on a gravelly upland nt know it till after it squeaked and farm would bo quite to no ran flatter clay and A brake came over to the Camp to length of time for which bay convey to Port those who should be exposed In the swath will wished to return by first boat and he determined by Its ripeness by the all hands were astir at oclock mak ing roady EDGAR L I It pays to In the Era SCOTTS EMULSION nuke hump back neither will It lonj but rd bout and the few of recovery rickets bone consumption Stil humidity of the atmosphere the temperature and molstnoss of the soil thc presence or absence of wind Ac fio that every man must bo In large measure a law unto himself and his practice must be governed by personal experience It appears to be a fact that when the conditions are favor- able and the accessary skill and Judgment exercised may be stored muoh greener than was thought possibVe and that thc very quality of hay may bo se cured In this way Live Stock The City Council have to take over thc street railway more than a few days makes its way to Africa and passes the winter on the sunny slopes of the Atlas mountains the swift one of last to arrive and the first to depart mi grating still further to tho banks of the Zambesi or even to But the most extraordinary feature In this annual journey is that the youog birds lead the way How do they know in which direction to fly How can they be sure of their destina tion And yet though they have never seen their winter home with unerring instinct they soar upwards and take their flight direct towards it evidently therefore possessing a sense which is wanting men But wanting only for time being For when wo have put oft our earth- trammels then on spiritwing shall we be able to travel with tho rapid ity of thought to very confines of the Great Universe to any sun or world we desire to visit But not all of us for some who refuse to conform their lives to Creators laws and who forget their will bo fettered in gyves and manacles of a remorseful thraldom A Wonderful Medicine FOR ALL I Bilious and Nervous Disorders Sick Headache Constipation Wind and Pains to Stomach Impaired Digestion disordered liver and Female Ailments pm a omit run mourns Thorrui St Helen by ail Druggists la Canada and America In boxed ascents We own a number of Aiv Issues of Government and tures after thorough expert Inves tigation people who want an absolutely sure Investment they cannot be excelled We have other good Bonds yielding attractive inter est rates as high as 6 per cent list Mailed on application Dominion Corporation King East TORONTO j f Ho other In the world the establish for and A Their New Treat and perfected fitnhuat tor I happldeevaod to of With 30 la treatment of her can Deb it ttjjO and Bladder fill Their u f Blood drain yon feel at in morula You ax not retted war jroa deapondeiil no astbUroii Dont Xue be bo Par fit It not tea crime to hate fee allow It to remain tb evil em Like lather- liBoaoa Mercury and wo rat case or no Pay Varicocele a The Trefltruint cart these afly and pain The stricture DiaKAI Bladder Your acbla the experiment n K A can cor not beyond ia They to Car or Pay WO COO PAT ffae Book meat wiled Writ for Question Horn DRS KENNEDY KERGAN fcS House for Sale of Huron and Ave J Farm for Sale acres in lots and Con Whitchurch Plenty of And water Twothirds seeded Stone wall under barn Vivian Comer Lot for Sale Formerly occupied by the old store house Half an acre of ground A good well and pump Apply to COOK BROS Newmarket pout Dwelling Houses fop Sale in Mrs Sutherland has instruct ed the undersigned to sell her Houses on Niagara Street Newmarket They are all desirable residences in good condition They will be sold in block or individually or in any way to suit purchasers For particulars prices etc apply to Vendors Solicitor Newmarket W YEARS EXPERIENCE Kills the Feeds the Plant ffi W CO Pat In Nov J 5 a sum For Sale at FEED a Opposite opinion free probably ansa n tit af fa Kit CO t Good neighbors always on one willing to w concession in the matter oo ions and ways of T J

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