1 Ik l T T The Era more homo news every week than any two other papers in North York combined and is acknowledged to bo the Leading bounty Paper J 3 INTELLIGENCER AND Gin ros the liberty to know to utter to argue freely according to conscience all other i A ADVERTISER No paper sent of North York unless paid in ML No each Newmarket Friday per annum If In advance sBEM Always has an eye for business and seldom fails to carry its point Funny isnt it Thats just way with us when we have half a chance to show Stransky Enam eled Steel Ware quadruple coated Our eye for business is that we want to sell you something that will please you you will come back We seldom fail to carry the point be cause you are sensible and do not fail to its marly excellencies upon A Transferred Ticket BY FRANK SWEKT As the train began to away front the Alexandria station an old whitehaired negro hurried across the platform and swung himself into the rear car He was very black and very dusty and passengers who had seats to themselves looked a lit- rr him by the vm Dont do that si put me off I she implored got to go My husband has written for me to come and a great sob rose to her white lips but was absolutely choked back I tried to raise lowering her voice so as the other passengers not bear but couldnt We sold everything we had so he could go South as the doctor ordered Now hes oh my God my j see them SOLD ONLY AT through the car but he did not offer to sit down he reached the opposite end he took hold of a seat to steady himself and gaz ed round curiouslyj his big wonder ing eyes coving from one face to an other with the eager scruitiny hi a Evidently he was very tired for his shoulders began to slope and every few minutes he shifted his feet as though they hurt him At last a young man lowered bis newspaper Heres a scat uncle he called look tired The negro shuttled forward eagerly Yes sah sah be said gratefully as he sank down Ise plumb beat Done walk monst rous long way Yo see as the young man folded the paper sank weakly into her seat The con ductor shook his head Im sorry madam he said kind ly but we have only one rule You- must pay- or get I risk breaking the rules Ticket please The negro rose slowly to his Ise feared to put mo on too- boss he said Hits hard work poor nigger like me to raise money ticket Off at the next station broke in the conductor harshly Well be there in a minute If it was not so near Id slow the train and put you this poor woman has some ex cuse but you Before the conductor reached the end of the car the speed began to and slipped it into his pocket The old BUILDERS f CARRIAGEMAKERS TJVi PAINTS OIL Furnace Work and Our Specialty NEWMARKET Marse an me lib sober in Prince George County an last week he up and die let me by rose and turned to his companion Tank for sandwiches an I hope youll member me Here missy to the who was gazing you are going south the window and dropping his ticket into her lap hmVyo tick I reckon done hill I for work No back home back to Intoibis tyes came an- eager of expectation and he stroked the back of the seat hope you fin so bad before she could recover from her bewilderment he had eft the car Was down platform The young man home in faraway Georgia I bean dare in triutty then a year he went on slowly not of Ms own resources per- r ce uream -AND- ream TTER THAN -AT- Ojr flivora are the pure concentrated fruit made from beat Theyre rich and heavy to roll out of I It would be much cheaper to that never caw fruit from sceocea out reputation wasnt built on Ice near perfection and wo in it then i A i1 intend to Dye Works Agent Co- and baggage handled despatch Telephoo No lMl 1 How you rt by MARION J sense men took niggers was whole of em but dey all done away Den de sheriff sol plantation dar want tef we but bleeged to money to lib And you stuck to Henery V The old negro looked at him in sur prise Ob he answered simply body sarbent an coultlnt get long thout me Hes a and tvk care But bleeged to be way in day time a cyarpentor an plenty wuk What did do Marse Henery indignantly why hes genlcman I telte He aint do He ain learn do tfnga like common white He niggers You dont mean that you have supported him ever since the war The old negro drew himself up with unconscious dignity Yo talk like dat I got mo to I beg your pardon said the young man hastily please go on The black face relaxed Yo am know commisscrat- no dont Ob I for him A boy came through the car with a basket of sandwiches The young man bought two and handed them to his companion The old negros eyes glistened Tank I tank sah I he said gratefully I did nt no an moneys too ficase to buy tlngs on de road I was to up I done reach Georgia A few later there was a alight through the car The conductor had entered and call ing for tickets The man produced and held it In readiness The negro fum bled anxiously through several pock ets and remembered that he had pinned his hat Done cent I could scrape up to buy lie said tri umphantly as he produced It But all right kin wuk an dont need money home Moneys in the scat behind them was a J bily dressed woman whose face had an anxious frightened expression Crowded on the seat her were several bundles and In her arms was a whitefaced bigeyed baby When the conductor touched her she stared uneasily Ticket please A red flush of shame spread over the womans face then it disap peared leaving her white and I havent any she said- Tha conductor grew Very well If you get oH at next at At ton It will save us putting you off and he turned to the opposite seat The womans eyes grew big with haps of someone waiting for him to sink back on his sea and stare blankly at the window As the train moved out he saw the old negro trudging along beside the track evidently still bound for Georgia The Sickly Babies Weak sickly babies are a great trial to mothers They need constant care both night and day and soon wear the out Babys little stomach is the cause of most of the trouble it is very weak and in con sequence very easily upset Babys Own Tablets will cure all baby trour They arc mildly laxative and give prompt relief Concerning them Mrs It J Balfour Out says J have Babys Own Tab lets for stomach troubles and consti pation from which my girl suff ered and they entirely cured her They produced sound sleep and I regard them as in any home where there are lit tle ones Mothers from all parts of Canada write in favor of Babys Own Tablets proving the claim that they are the very best medicine for all the minor ills of infants and young children Guaranteed to contain no opiates Price 25 cents a box at all druggists or direct from The Dr Williams Med icine Co IIt fins Summoned Fridays Globe Mr William Munos the wellknown temperance advocate and President of the Grown Manufacturing Company street was summoned yes terday to appear the police Court this morning for an alleged breach of the liquor law Crown Man ufacturing Company arc wholesale dealers in wines for sac ramental purposes and License Hastings alleges that these wines contain an- illegal percentage of alcohol Mr stated last night that he would ask Magistrate today to adjourn the case for a week In or der that a proper analysis of his icwnented wines may be made The sale of the wine will he admitted and all the prosecution will be called on to do will be to prove that the Crown Manufacturing Company s wines con tain too great a quantity of alcohol Mr is a trifle annoyed oyer the prosecution He thinks that his attempt to run in North York against Hon J Davie may have some thing to do with information laid against him The wines have been on sale tor nearly two years and no complaints Mr says waa ever made by Inspectors till a few days ago The developments in the case as soon as the City has been bled enough From conversing with peo ple who have been in other post houses I as a rule they are run on the Question To Editor of tfie am reminded my subscription has run out and here with you will find the needful for an- arm inconvenience and loss of other year You dont know how thankful I was when toe election was over for judg ing by the Era I came to the con clusion that there must be something very wrong going on when people re sort to calling independent thinkers Windjammers and pelt ripe eggs dead cats skunks c- pub- lip meetings I- admire tie man who corner out over his own signature and states his reasons for changing his opinion My favorite mottoes arc To accept any authority as final and to dispense with the necessity individual investigation is true- live to all progress What you have learned verily by cofpflrience by knowledge is in vain to change the subject I no ticed in a late Era some inquiry about Smallpox and as I bad it last I may be able to give you some facts from my I found it not as dangerous a of sickness as it is commonly consid ered and if the public could be per suaded to that fact there would be less deaths as lots of smallpox pa tients die from fright also found that vaccination is not a sure preven to an attack neither does it modify it It makes no difference whether you are vaccinated or not if your system is in the right con dition you will contract it and no regulations of health boards can control it Sickness comes from causes beyond the control of health boards violation of the laws oi na ture brings sickness and the public are educated to live according to nature sickness will prevail found that a person can have small pox more than once because I saw it proven so if an attack of smallpox docs not immune you what is the good of vaccination Dr of Pa told me recently that in he han dled three thousand cases of small pox and had deaths all of whom were vaccinated but two and among many who had it the second tipie was one who was blind from a form er attack eight years previous sur vived a second confluent attack and was the only one of a family of Ave who took Last year he had cases in the same territory and stamped it out in three months no deaths Of these cases 16 were of the confluent form of whom were vaccinated of which were recent and his ex tensive experience he was of the ion that vaccination was not a pre ventative When the facts get to the public there will be an end of vaccination These facts are concealed and only certain statements by interested par ties are given out Many health of ficers favor vaccination because they are bribed by the vaccine manufac turers who have millions invented in the manufacture of the poison School Hoards listen to the health officers and act on their rules not laws to exclude the children from school because they are not vaccinat ed and these rules are always made when schools are in full blast not whentbe children are out on vaoca- when it would not interfere with their schooling sodoing they think to force the people to their childrens Mood with the virus The boards of health have the same and power to ex clude- public from churches thea tres and other places of meeting when there not as much sanitary precaution observed as In the schools Why do it Because it would raise such a storm of Indigna tion from the mass of the public there would be such an honest inves tigation that they would be swept out It Is a cowardly act to Impose on children something that adults Would nob put Up with How few think justly of the think ing few How many never think who think they do By a decision of the Superior Court the State of Indiana Judge Children in good mental and physical condition cannot be de nied admission to school This was the result an antivaccination fight I found also that when a per son has been exposed and is then vac cinated he Is more to con tract it This Is easily accounted for from the fact that the virus In and our best authorities on BacterloJ- or will now tell you that there is no such tiling as Cow Pox As only one person in has the smallpox is it lair to insist that persons be vaccinated and made liable to it to say nothing about ttio time just because one person is lia ble to get it As well say that be cause one person in gets shot persons be forced to go with heavy armor plates around them or because one in gets struck with lightning that be forced to carry a lightning rod of it The best thing to do after an ex posure to smallpox is not to get vac cinated but get a forty per cent so lution of make ten per cent solution of that with wa ter and whisk it around the rooms furniture and clothing and to you wont take small pox or any oth er infectious disease Nov was taken to the contagious disease hospital by courtesy called a house and a pest house it was for it was the fil thiest place ever saw lor a hospi tal It was a disgrace to the gang of politicians who run it and spent tens of on it each year of Citys money The reason that from boulder to boulder in pest houses get so rotten is that no from the thoughts the one will go or is allowed to go to possibility of a false step with the investigate them only the interested attendant probability of being carried politicians J will say though far joy the inky flood into the blackness the sake of our city that they are of darkness perhaps into the very building one and it will be finished of the earth itself the the Bra Delved in the BY A BANKER In various parts of the earth caverns have hollowed deep be neath its surface by natural agencies the nature of which is more or iesa conjectural The most notable ex in the British Isles these subterranean chasms are in Derby shire one district being completely honeycombed like a gigantic ants by tunnels and underground chambers The visitor desiring to of caverns delved nature in Hie depths of earth de scends a long narrow rapidly sloping tunnel for a considerable distance He then finds himself on the banks a rushing torrent cleaving its through the rifted rocks the white foam dancing weirdly in theVIUrd light of guides torch the of the stream being in tensified by the Cimmerian darkness reigns down in murky sunless It now becomes necessary to cross these heaving anil tossing rapids at a point where the waters are appar ently more shallow by springing who does not wish to be con sidered a coward boldly leaps into the semidarkness and quickly finds himself safe the opposite side He very badly Nine of us had to at of sleep and live in the same room proportions decorated with was anything but clean That is stalactites and ornamented only way to learn about small pox clustered pillars of Most of those who claim to be Ketone grotesque natural statuary never had it or lived with and naturecarved alcoves and gal- it- They only go into where it The guide now fires a Bengal protected by a rubber suit and then however brilliant fails only remain a short time so I place to reveal the terrible proportions of very little dependence on what vast subterranean palatial hall say about it learned many valuihe remoter parts being lost in able facts that are not recorded in the darkness Far upwards over books and these authorities would head any spar which may talk and write very differently if Projecting sparkle and scintillate had it and stars in the empyreal I contracted it from a case that convoluted health department called chicken I of columns gleam If these departments were com posed of medical men not politi cians of different schools of medi cine and held responsible for their acta there would soon be a better condition and statistics would be more reliable in the dimness Leaving this impressive scene the traveller now perhaps arrives at an extensive lake of dark black waters its unruffled melancholy surface ever still and calm for no breeze ever penetrates here no tempest ever While I was at the hospital I quiescent the opportunity of investigating flood cases Fifteen had been successful- But now palled with the stillness vaccinated Ten of these had it and yea for very bad two of whom had the hem- and light of the upper day the visitor retraces his steps again crosses those slippery stepping stones over that torrent and hastens upward glad to leave the sombre obscurity and murky gloom of these regions and once more to the pure fresh air and to revel in the splendour and the bright ness of day But there is one dark leaden stream which all will cross some who have taken no thought of the bourne to which they are travelling in a state form winch is considered the worst form of it and one died of neglect and exposure Five had it light Five had been unsuccessfully vac cinated from one to four times three of these had it and two light Twelve had not been vaccin ated six had it severe and six had it light So you see that there is nothing in favor of vaccination in that lot see Dr I II Sec of Board Ontario will likely be watched with terror as she sprang up and caught interest in a paper read by him Jan 03 at Albany says that Vaccin- others who see the Saviour whom they have loved and served standing with hands on protect absolutely against TV small pox lor ten yUrs I think that river steps be bad more experience and less wat more theory ho would not make such an outrageous statement I saw four cases had been vaccinated three they took down with the vaccination and smallpox work- side by side a one- year two years and so on in variably in a family the vaccinated ones had it the worst I sec Dr Sec of Provincial Board of Health Ontario offices c should be fumigated of ten during an epidemic of any kind with or some other equally good Pre vention is better than cure Hoping the old town will never have an epidemic of smallpox I remain yours truly K8 WCOOK Toledo Ohio WANTED Several Industrious Per sons in state to travel established eleven and with a large capital to call upon merchants and agents for successful and profit able line Permanent engagement Weekly cash salary and all travelling expenses and hotel bills ad vanced In cash each week Experi ence not essential Mention refer ence and enclose dressed Is taken from cattle THE NATIONAL Dear- have been smallpox born St have no terror For they know that His loving handclasp them Killed Madrid June telegram from Tangier today confirms the report circulated June of the defeat of El Moorish War Minis ter in a fought with the re bels at but It says he lost men not 00O as previously announced Prisoners Paris June A despatch from Jibuti Abyssinia says the Mad Mul lah has destroyed five British posts between and in Som- Thirtynine British officers out white men were kill ed In the engagements Two thous and native soldiers were made- prison ers One hundred and four candidates wrote at the examination at r Four Indian boys were committed for trial at on a charge of setting ire to the Mohawk Institute and surround LiLt ZS -A-