THE JNEWMAWCET Good Farm Horse For Sale filafck Colore supposed to be in foal Weight about lbs Hunter jr Newmarket Town Carting or carting will be promptly attended to Moving a specialty Good bus kept lor hire HUNTER JR Rear of Public School Newmarket Mouse and Lot for Sale The fiTst bouse west of blacksmith shop on Street SixRoomed House hard and soft For further particulars apply to LAMBERT PEARSON Prospect Avenue Newmarket THE REPOSITORY GREAT AUCTION SALE Ranch Bred Horses Consigned by Mr Wood Uialla Mexico wilt be held at THE REPOSITORY Cor Nelson Toronto OH AND THURSDAY JULY AND AT OCLOCK AM SHARP These beautiful young horses are now at Union Stock Yards To ronto Junction after a tedious jour ney of fourteen days Although they are bred In Mexico they are by im ported stock and will undoubtedly make useful drivers saddle cobs and business WALTER SMITH Auctioneer and Proprietor NEW GROCERY Devonshire Dairy IceCream HOT LUNCH FRUIT GROCERIES PRODUCE ALL THE CHOICEST Lemons 10c and 16c Cans Corn Boxes Axle Grease 30 and 35c Tea for 25c Heads New Cabbage Choice Pickles 10c per Bottle Egyptian Onions per lb Butter and Eggs Taken Mrs Flanagan Main St Newmarket Commission Report Adopted On a vote of fortyone to thirty- seven to amendment of Mr St John setting the finding of Commissioners appointed to en quire into and investigate tie charges of bribery made by Robert not supported by evidence adduced before commission and averring said evidence stowed that tbe conduct of Hon J Skat too was discreditable corrupt and scandalous was rejected by the Leg islature on Friday last by adoption of an amendment to tbe amendment proposed by Mr Ricard censuring R for bis mas- conduct The main motion of Prem ier Ross was then adopted on same division as follows l this House adopts tbe report and thanks com missioners for their just and partial conduct in matters re ferred to and this House re grets it bad become its duty to place on record its expression of censure of the conduct of member for in the matters forming tbe subject the investigation exploded bub ble and the author instead be coming a Minister of the Bureau of Mines for Ontario is compelled to return to his island home a discredit ed falsifier calling forth censure of a majority of bis fellowmembers in tbe Ontario Assembly In the commencement of bis career in Queens Park he went up like a rock et at tbe close of session be comes down like a stick The cur tain is run down on his political per formance and the chapter ends with an unenviable stigma on bis reputa tion On Saturday the session was to a close after a three and a half months The remaining bills passed by House not previously assented to received sanction of Lieut Governor and tbe formal speech proroguing Legislature was delivered Much useful legisla tion has taken place but it is a matter lor regret that tbe episode took up so large a portion of Urn time of the House as to pre vent the enactment certain mea sures of importance which the Ad ministration desirous of placing upon the statute book of the Prov ince this year It has been officially tbat Coulter lately Crown Attorney for lias ap pointed to succeed late Judge Snider A parent who neglects to provide medical attendance for his family leaves open in case of a death occurring to a charge of manslaugh ter This is the decision Court of Appeal on Monday and will settle Christian Science doctrine that has been before the courts for some time The action arose out of the of boy Lewis of age from diphtheria was without medical treatment The case was instituted by Crown on moral grounds only that no pun ishment will follow this action in question but it places tbe law beyond dispute for future neglect Oar Society Column POINTS PARAGRAPHED GRAND TRUNK Toronto Home Comers Festival to 1803 Return Tickets will be issued at SINGLE gas FARE From all Stations in Canada where FirstClass Fare to Toronto doe not exceed Good going June to inclusive Valid returning from To ronto on or before Jo Special Reduced Rites to Tickets will be issued at reduced rates good going July valid to return up to and including Sept Special Reduced Rites la Effect For Convention Denver Col July fttb to Tickets will be issued good going July and valid lor return arriving at destination on or before A Convention Boston July to tickets good going Jul EDITORIAL Canadas growing time still contin ues customs revenue for the fiscal year closing June is toe largest in history ot tje country being an increase of over last year session Ontario Legisla ture prorogued on Saturday was longest since Confederation three and a half months What a blessing Province does not a to pay for in addition to the increas ed indemnity It is likely tbat there will be an other election to the Ontario Legisla ture in North prey An appeal has been sustained extending the time for filing a petition against the re turn of Mr A the Lib eral candidate Report is current that Mr Gardiner editor of the Hamilton Times will bo appointed superintend ent of the Institute for the Blind at to succeed the late A Tbe position fa worth a year We hope the rumor may true 2nd to Inclusive valid for return leaving Boston on or before July For further information and tire literature of Summer resorts In Highlands of Ontario apply to A Agent To Kent con old survey King good orchard well watered and four miles from Hew market T PO The Standard East Toronto sug gestively When It comes to a question of an Increased indem nity to members of the Legisla ture we dont hear anything of Lead er Whitney making any violent pro test against this raid on the Provin cial Treasury No hes not built that way like tbe proverbial jury men he of the cheese During the closing hours de bate on the commission report reso lutions Mr Arthur made a vigorous speech id support of the Governments proposi tion He denounced Mr Smyth MPP as an accessory be fore or after the fact to a conspiracy to furnish Mr with money which be said was paid to him Mr Also Mr Smyth had been dodging behind board fences cm rainy nights playing tbe spy An important decision to be by insurance agents was in Toronto on Monday ft was held that an insurance agent who un dertakes to place insurance for a firm la liable to insured if he tails to give notice to tbe companies al ready having insurance on the pro perty of the amount he places on a plant or building A Hamilton man has to pay and costs for his neglect in this respect Mr Walt Cain was home on Sun day Mr Em Dickson was in Town on Tuesday night Miss Ethel is visiting in city for a week Master Stanley Brock of Toronto was home over Sunday Miss Marsh spent over Sunday with Mrs Allan at the Cedars Mrs Coombs leaves next week to spend a few days at Sandhill Mrs Manning gave a five oclock tea last Saturday afternoon Miss Ada gave a party to her schoolmates last Friday even ing Miss Edna entertained a number of young last Friday night Mr John Warren of Toronto was calling on tbe boys in Town last Saturday Mrs Dean and Miss of Toronto were visiting Mrs Coombs over Sunday Mr John of Toron to was in Town thte week to see his invalid father Mr Lloyd Kettle- spent with Mr J Miss Moore Mqaford was visit ing over Sunday with her cousin Mrs J Av Allan Mr A Coombs was In Rich mond Hill this week presiding at Departmental Exams Mrs of mother Rev J was here on a visit over Sunday Mrs Elliott has returned to New market and Is making her home with niece Mrs Coombs Mr Frank and bride spent over Sunday with his parents at tbe Industrial Home Mr and Mrs A West attend ed tbe wedding of Aggie Morris at Ravensboe last week Mr and Mrs Doner of are visiting their daugh ter Mrs A Mrs Alex Fletcher and children are spending a few days at her mo thers in Holland Landing Mrs Brown and Miss Brown Elgin Milts were guests of Mrs Coombs over Sunday Mr John son of Mr of this Town has gone to California to reside Mrs Elliott and her two daugh ters of St Catharines are visiting for a low days with Mrs Coombs Miss Clarice has gone to the city to spend part of her vaca tion with her aunt Mrs J P l Mr E V Hughes took his moth er Mrs Hughes for a trip through the Niagara peninsula last week Mr and Mrs Walter Wismer Toronto were here a lew days ago to see his father who is crippled with rheumatism Mr Workman wife and child were here on a visit last week with Mrs Workmans parents Mr and Mrs Meads Mrs and children al so her father left for the Eastern States on Monday Mr will remain another month yet Mr Frank liar try is home on a months vacation also Miss of Minne apolis Miss Hartry of Brook lyn Is expected this week Prior to leaving Stratford for Broadway Tabernacle Toronto Rev Baker was presented with a handsome oak China Cabinet Mr Baker was formerly a boy and clerked In Newmarket Mrs Br Wesley Mrs J and Miss Maude Smith took nearly little girls to the on Tuesday afternoon whero they had a picnic They belonged to tbe Primary Class in the Christian Sunday School Mr of Man writes We are having very flrra weather and have bad tbe finest spring that ever came to any country Prospects are the brightest they pos sibly could be and If no hard luck comes there will be a bumper crop again this year Family are all well Kind regards Bert Willis of Toronto spent 1st at borne Miss Nellie has return ed to home near Enfield- Mr Win of spent Dominion Day with friends bare Geo Simpson of Toronto spent over Sunday at Miss Blanche Clifton of Toronto is visiting friends in Town for a few days J vnstone proprietor of roller mills at is dead Mr and Mrs Lehman Toronto spent Dominion Day in Town Mrs Isaiah Johnson and daughter left yesterday to spend a month at Lake Miss Anderson of Toronto was the guest of Miss Mamie Millard on Dominion Day Mr Hunter and family of spent Tuesday night with Mrs Mr and Mrs Louis Hanmer and son arrived home on Tuesday from old country Master Andrew and Miss Irene of Toronto are visiting old friends in Town Angus Williams has charge of Lawyer during bis absence at the Lake Mrs J E leaves for in a lew days to visit mother and sister Mr Archie Thomson left on Tues day fox pa to visit rela tives for a couple of weeks Mrs went to the Lake on Tuesday to occupy her sum mer cottage for season Miss Mary is home from Midland where she has been teaching school the past term Miss Mabel is visiting in the my for a coupieolweeas with her sister Mrs Mr and Mrs left for yesterday Thursday where he secured a good position Mrs and left yesterday tor Toronto and and expect to be gone for two months Mrs leaves toinorrow for Minnesota to visit her two sons at for a couple months Mr J Cane and family left for yesterday to spend a couple of months their new house boat IF YOU IT IN OUR ITS RIGHT I i SEE OUR NEW COLORED SHIRTS AND SUMMER TIES SPECIAL VALUES TM MENS ODD PASTS THIS WEEK NEWMARKET AND Misses and Bessie of Ontario Street are spending the summer holidays friends at Al monte Mr Hunter and wile leave for Winnipeg on Saturday and expect to be gone a month for the bis health Mrs Edgar Lee of Winnipeg and Miss Lee of Toronto were the guests of Mrs J A over the weeks end Mr who had a stroke of paralysis last week baa al most completely recovered but be is quite Mr J A and family left for Orchard Beach Wednesday and will occupy Col Lloyds cottage for a couple of weeks Mr H and family leave tomorrow for tbe lake He intends to build a new cottage ad- Joining Mr Mr and wife of Howell Mien are over on a months visit with his parents Mr and Mrs Hall Pine Orchard Mr Frank Kavanagh and bride were given a Reception at the Indus trial Home last Friday evening at tended by people The Toronto News says Miss Clara Is being congratulated by her numerous friends on ijio re markably creditable examination the has just parsed at the training school for nurses at the Toronto Hospital She fs now enjoying a holiday visiting various Miss is and Newmarket and is the daughter of County Councillor Lundy Town on June to Mr and Mrs Jos a eon THE LEADING Furniture Undertaking House Bargains Tables and touches A SPECIALTY to at John Millard and On Summer Goods this There are numberless all through this store whereby you can save money and a good deal of it by making your this week The bright showing of summer style i as com- piece as it will be this season and the prices are a low they ably will be when season Is over and the brightest goods none so why not get a full seasons wear and have a complete assortment to choose from Beautiful Wash Goods at Exceptionally Low Prices Pine striped Dimioy Muslins in all the newest I i yd per yd Fine and Ginghams in excellent variety yd Fine American Batiste Cloths in stripes of Blue and Black New Patterned Prints in all the latest colorings I Bargains for Saturday July J Pink and Blue Checked Apron Gingham inches wide fast colore yd AH Linen Hand Towelling inches wide Red Borders yd Flannelettes in plain Pink Blue Cream and hits 36 Inches wide 9c yd and good patterns for only Ladies Oxfords this season latest styles sizes to regular value for pair Specials ii- Baked Beans Can Heintz Sweet in bulk Cucumbers in bulk Canned Corn cans for John Bull Table Bottles for Large Jar French Mustard Good Cooking Beans lbs for Cold Cooked Meats on ice fresh daily 2 HUNTER BROS THE Bid HAND PHONE NO NEWMARKET to IL p The flltnp In East on June by Rev Smith of Bradford Mr Bradford to Jessie eldest daughter of Mr Albert of East GwlHinihiry PERDUQARMSTKONGOn Wednes day June at Lloyd town by the Rev J the Rev Richard Per due rector of to Vio let Keith voungest daughter of Major Armstrong At viltc June by Rev Geo Brown Albert Hen derson of Toronto to se cond daughter Mr Geo ardt the Methodist Parsonage on June by Rev J Mr Herbert to Miss both of Newmarket Tomb In King on Juno Lirzle beloved wife of John In her year Interred at King City Cemetery the con of Whit church June Wtb Infant daughter of Geo Baker At on June Rose wife of Michael Gould aged years Interred at St Johns Cemetery Newmarket yesterday morning Scott on Thursday June Nancy Jane be loved wife Job Graham aged years and day Interment in Cemetery on Saturday j Superfine Stationery Small Medium and Large aire Holland Linen Tinted Amre Wedgewood and Cream bulk by quire with to ma and In Fancy Reading Popular Authors Including Conan Doyle A Fleming Bertha Clay etc Express Wagons Wheelbarrows Doll Cabs GoCarts Toy Carts Croquet Sets and Balls GROCERIES PROVISIONS FRUIT PINE APPLES are at their beet now If desirous to preserve them- Canadian Berries Fine Bright Bananas are coming in plentiful We them daily per do upward according to quality Campers Supplies i a jlKITlfflEill MAIN ST NO NEWMARKET AU Orders will receive and Prompt HOOKS MELROSE PATE IRISH STEW CORN BEEF HASH PORK AND BEANS IN A BEST PICKLES PICKLES HORSESHOE SALMON PURE CHILLI uGocd ones each Telephone Office I f I