Newmarket Era, 3 Jul 1903, p. 5

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VT v THE NEWMARKET mm JULY roQ CAPITAL BK8T BRANCH general Banking Business TRANSACTED Interest Allowed on Deposits it roawrr airs I St Pauls Sunday School Newmarket will hold their annual Picnic at Bond on Friday July leaving Newmarket Metro politan Railway Special Cats at abarp Tickets all after noon cars Adults children j DRAFTS all woti and Draft and Simpson and prank AUCTIONEER S Bolton flonio Decorator Can and Street PtoimPkt High There were candidates writing here last week on to Entrance Ex aminations being more than last year Out of this number were sent up from Model School and from Newmarket Sep arate School Jhe papers were very fair and it is expected that very few of the candidates will be plucked At the Cheese Board held on June 540 boxes were offered Three buyers were present Ail the cheese was sold at WJc Board adjourned till July butter coming down and cheese advancing many patrons of Newmar ket Factory will be wishing that they had stuck to instead of butter especially sines tie Factory has clos ed for want of patronage to make it pay For ttso Era- of the Snow Died in We clip the following paragraph from the Globe of June 25th After a lingering illness of sever- Amongst the many transcendent lavish on Thursday last aged BY A BANKER years and months The child was one of the most striking and oomphcation of- K PkUr sun is K Preed summits the A Id to withstand the tie Alps- and other high Standing shortly sunset upon the- ledge of rocks the sympathy many in tter OTer the Mer- a veritable sea Mr Gray is a native of Holland Lanmng monarch Blanc In a curving course down IilbPftrty to valley beneath the scene Owing to the reduction of be Gov- ernment grant by about the Pub- Immediately below is the weird lie Library Board is financial em- sea purchase of books ts ever and magazines amounting fo was made by note payable on receipt of Government grant The notes are now due ami the treasury is wards to the sky some arranged a A meeting was on Saturday while are J SMITH smiTHt DOUGLAS CO per cent Block Newmarket A Ellis and Sanitary Toronto pliaj foe ail of Jaokaoo of MARRIAGE LICENSES I it the Era leu4 at If NEWMARKET LATEST IN Monuments and Head Stones Call ft Allan Out Door to have your km when everything and and the foliage ia tot too W J SMITH PjlOTOORAfUKIt Andrew Hunter Builder Contractor faVmata On Short Granolithic aad fctttt ANDREW HUNTER Gotham St Box Garden Party tonight Town Council meets on Monday evening Council meets at Virgin ia next Monday Who played joke on Billy Smith hast week Telephone orders are not always genuine Mrs Hunter was very unfor tunate in losing a beautiful necklace on her way home from church on Sun day evening The abundant rains have given new life to the grass in meadows and the hay crop will be greatly improved By waiting a little before cutting the grass farmers are likely to make up a part at least of toe threatened shortage in the hay crop Next Sunday morning Rev T A Moore Secretary of the Ontario Lords Day Alliance will preach in ths church Mr Moore was Presi dent of the Hamilton Conference last year and is an eloquent preacher We hope the church will be filled to hear him He preaches at Aurora in the evening At toe close of the prayerservice on Thursday evening of last week the following were elected by ballot to represent the congregation on the Quarterly Official Board Messrs Geo Trivett B Maw Hunter Richardson Jos Wesley Mrs Jackson and Mrs Geo Rich ardson Travel in The following paragraph relative to an Newmarket Old Boy we clip from the Ottawa Journal Mr J William who for the past three years has been accountant for The Two Macs Co has accepted a position as traveller for the Otta wa Valley District with the Cope land Co Limited of Toronto makers of loose leaf lodgers Mr will be connected with the Ot tawa of the firm and will make this city his headquarters He will begin his duties on July Mr is a very popular young man well known in the city and his many friends wish him continued suc cess evening when the matter was fully discussed Unless the Town will as- an measured battlement a control making it an entirely ft Free Library and Reading Room and V6ry providing the running expenses by a special assessment the chances are plled the institution will be abandoned shattered into fragments some seems too bad that this action almost on thin should be upon Board just ar S with the when everything is in good running white others order the Library and Reading Room located in a convenient and S situation and with increasing And a whew patronage to both branches of its work probably projecting ridge of rock It was decided to make another frozen glacier is rent and torn as peal to the Town Council and also Vasyawnuig to the School Boards for assistance What makes the situation more translucent ice abysms tinted in acute is the new Act passed by the ov of everdeeping seagreen recent Legislature forbidding the their icy gorges purchase of books in future note airyravines lovely but awe-inspir- borrowed money But the shadows of evening are fast gathering around the ice columns Wedding Bells appear like pale the fancy GrassGarth Farm was conjures up strange forms in the scene of a very pleasing event on ice clusters below and the Wednesday June the occasion darkening shades are casting their being the marriage of Agnes L the gloom over the valleys beneath But third daughter of Mrs John Morris suddenly the summits of the snowy to J Edwin Griffith only son of peaks and cones of the great Alp James Griffith of Weston monarch towering high above are The ceremony was performed by the lighted up by the sunken orb of day Rev A of Buffalo Y in a very flood of glory First a The beautiful home had been lovely ever Reopening into with ferns and flowers fitting for still more startling hues until they the occasion Owing to the shine in a vivid lustre of deep of the weather ceremony mine And as the great luminary took place not- under the evergreen sinks yet lower and lower the car- arch so beautifully arranged on the mine has changed to subdued lawn but in thc parlor En the or violet until at length ence of over sixty guests Amid the tain tops are merged into the gather- strains of the Wedding March as gloom of the night sky played Mrs J the But with ourselves the conditions groom assisted by Mr of To- are reversed For as we pass thru ronto entered A few moments everdarkening valley of the the bride on the arm of dow if we grasp tightly the hand of her brother J and attend Him who endured far worse horrors by her sister Miss Polly appeared in that dread valley than mortal and passed to the side of the groom man for He the sinless One was the impressive ceremony pressed with the loathsomeness of She was handsomely gowned in a the sins others was pretty white organdie en traine very bearing we shall suddenly emerge trimmed with valenciennce to the glory But if He Is not our lace and insertion A long tulle veil Friend there but the wreath of orange blossoms I made a charming The bridesmaid wore white organdie over blue prettily trimmed with lace and Insertion After the ceremony guests re paired to the dining room where the genial hostess dispensed her IxISTHHltfG Mr Timothy who is a as well as a member of Parliament known hospitality tables look- as lately opposed in the assize extremely attractive with vases court to a distinguished barrister of ferns and rose- They carried a remarkable for his capacity to talk bounteous repast and if life of the and be as happy as were throng whom they against time This lawyer asked for the postponement of a trial in which he and were interested on op- Sunday Lesson m ISRAEL ASKING FOR A KINO I Sam 8 your hearts unto the Lord serve him only INTRODUCTION Two scenes from Samuels life were presented in our lessons last minis try while still a boy and his public affairs as a judge During many unrecorded years be was recognized by the lion as its chief executive and its court of last resort he travelled an annual circuit The greatest reform er of Hebrew history be impressed his life deeply upon the national Character But in advanced years his sons to act as judges to remote tribes and their ven- brought Samuels administra tion to to disfavor Samuel was a witness that an her editary priesthood derives all its worth from a divine presence which is not shut up in it or limited by it Samuels reformation awakened in the people a sense of order to which they had been strangers before The degeneracy of Samuels sons made the people long for a different of rule The Hebrews were asking for heavy punishments which they needed with out which the evil that was in them could not have been brought to light or cured Let us consider carefully lest in waywardness we too should reject the divine decree and in seeking our own ends make choice of some without remedy or hope m OfehaPd Cultivation There is a danger that on account of wet orchards will not receive their usual cultivation which is urgently needed to destroy weeds aerate the soil and conserve moist ure for future use If the ground is not stirred it bakes cracks open and evaporation goes on rapidly By stirring up the soil through fre quent cultivation thus keeping a loose mulch on the surface capilarity is broken up and moisture retained As soon as it is possible therefore to get on the ground after a rain the cultivator should be started in orchard and kept going as stead ily as time and weather will permit Miss Myrtle of was run down by a Grand Trunk train and killed At a meeting of the Atlas Loan creditors in St Thomas Liquidator Home said the shareholders would get and the depositors divi dend would depend on the realization on securities held Ames Co Chicago June with homebound an Atelier Ave trolley car crashed into a Belt Line freight train at Archer avenue and St early today Two passengers were killed and many were seriously injured It says a new It become Immediately be a tenon for Only after the box of THOMPSONS REPAIR SHOP Prospect At Newmarket AM or IRON WORK OH SHORT Climbing the The following clipping is taken from the Advocate Rev A- Howard M A pastor of lh6 Presbyterian church has been asked if he would accept a fellowship in Psychology at Cornell University NY for one year with a prospect of a lectureship at the end of year Mr Howard is an Newmarket High School Immedi ately on tbe close of the session of Knox College about a month ago he took charge of Presbyterian Church at Cayuga That he should receive such an important call to soon entering his work speaks volumes for future career Jligh A special took place on Monday afternoon when the Inspec tors Report was duly- considered and the committee on repairs received In structions to carry out certain sug gestions about the grounds and build ings The Board to enter tain the expense of a new Pearson Street to the north en trance for the exclusive use of males as required by- the to grade the grounds No I The organizing of a Cadet Corps was introduced by the Chairman but laid over for further consideration A grant of was made to assist the Public Library Board in financial embarrassment as tbe jrary is very useful to too pupils for supplementary reading The Supply Committee was In structed to a car of wcrcsurroJnflcduron wedding sides On what ground do day they will certainly have no rea- you seek this postponement regrets Some very handsome costly presents of furniture silver delicate thc court replied the barrister have been arguing a case al day in Court I am china cutlery paintings and cot glass completely exhausted At this wereTcxeived all signifying Mr aroseand explained wishes of tlieir many friends The at he was weary and would present the bride was a consent to a postponement gold set with pearls His What have you been doing to tire present to the bridesmaid was a gold judge Me answered Different snapshots were taken of a suspicion a yawn I the occasion where the tasteful dc- have been Renins to my learned pretty costumes and hap- World py faces all formed an ideal picture TABLETS Soon after the bride donned Iter gown of newblue with white waist Her SPINAL PAINS Weak back pains in the side was white trimmed their victims in thousands with ospreys showers rice very powerful and penetrating boots happy couple left will reach these distressing to take the evening train for their complaints is as sure to future home near Weston them as anything in the world Atnpng the friends from a distance be sure One drop equal In pain- were noticed Mr and Mrs James subduing power to Ave drops of any Griffith Mr and Mrs Joseph Griffith Potent penotrating perslflt- Mr and Mrs Pearson Mr action those express the and Miss Griffith all of Weston Druggists Mr Rogers Mrs Miss fie Ho Miss Emma Williams Mr and Mrs and Mrs Watson of Toronto Messrs Bowman and Charles Htndlcy of Dunn vilte Mr and Mrs Minor and Rev A and Mrs of Buffalo A THOMPBOH Practical Board adjourned CORNS TUB TOES or on the soles of the feet car be cured by a tew applications of Put nams Corn Extractor which acts painlessly quickly and with certain ty genuine Putnams always coal ftt per ton delivered at tfte Try It ithool By an explosion gas in a mine in Mexico men were killed and BO Injured The first conviction under tbe ci garette bylaw has been made A dealer in tobacco was fined and costs in all tor soiling cigar ettes without a license Brampton Banner to a in bat Take Tub- Jets All druggists the if it fails to cure left lh la New id every pi Territory Why Was It It you try the or any who ha tried them you will have he answer It is a great medicine for the Stomach for the Blood for the Nerves Seeds Mangold Sugar Beet Turnip and SEED CORN Improved Looming White Cap P Red Cob Long Yellow and North Dakota Flint It pays to advertise In Era Graves signature la on each HURON STHHT Telephone AND SHELF HARDWARE COMPLETE IN ALL LINES GIVE US A CHANCE TO PLEASE YOU AS REPRESENTED J A ALLAN GO NEWMARKET TELEPHONE CONNECTION JACKS HIRE J The Newmarket Pharmacy Next door to Post Office We have now a complete line of Pure Drugs Druggists Sundries comprising Stationery Toilet Soaps and Sponges Brushes Atomizers Hot Water Bottles Ac A Full Stoek of Patent Medicines at lowest reduced prices We pay special attention to our Prescription Department A Call Solicited The NORMAN L ROGERS CO Limited J PATTERSON itfTi AGENTS FOR THE GREAT NORTH WESTERN TELEGRAPH OS CANADA Phono No SUITS Bought at 50c on the SEE THEM TORONTO HOUSE ICECREAM AND ICECREAM SODA a SOOi I resh Every Day NEXT TORONTO JOBBING HOUSE v sva a 4 rf iiii a fl

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