Newmarket Era, 3 Jul 1903, p. 6

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WE JULY 1 BURGEON Brooks Block Mount Albert Monday Tuesday and Wednesday of of wot Buggies Repairing mi moderate J Mount Albert Ages tor Fresh Jersey Cows Also Three Jersey Heifers due about June STOKES Mount Albeit Dp DENTIST Wain Mount Albert every cedar lo Block upstair You can save money by buying your Furniture at the lit Stdrn Bedroom and Suites Extension and and Fancy We are alao or Pillow Sham Carpet Stretcher and Picture Framing a Specialty delivered free of charge when ordered in quantity ALLAN THEAKER Mount Albert Wo busy opening Spring Goods DAILY Call and inspect our new range of GOODS HATS CAPS BOOTS SHOES EMBROIDERIES INSERTIONS WALT PAPERS Values Never Better ROSS BROS ALBERT DRUG store Pure Paris Green in bulk and put up in packages by outselvee Poison and Tanglefoot We alto carry a full line of Patent among tbem Remedies and Rheumatic Cure Prescriptions and Family Re- receive attention day or eight LLOYD Ready Mixed All Shades Heaver Brand livery Can Guarantee Whitewash Brushes Scrubbing Brushes Every thing for fix J HOC ROWLAND I Mount Albert THE MARKET The usual crowd attended mar ket on Tuesday Prices as follows butter to eggs 12 to chicken to LLOYD will refund your money it you are not satisfied after using Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is everywhere admitted to be tie most successful remedy in use lor bowel complaints and toe only one that never fails It is pleasant sate and reliable eef STATION There were shipped Munt Al bert Station the last week in eight carloads of cattle and hogs one car containing hogs sheep and cattle by Hayes car toad containing hogs and car loads cattle by J B Shields The tie shipped by Mr were the finest that ever this station and were obtained as head weighing from J Shields Model Farm weighing lbs purchased from J A Hopkins weighing lbs J H French weighing lbs from Eugene 3 weighing lbs from Job Oldham 2- lbs from Or alum i weiring lbs from John HOUR CHANGED in the Franklin Christian Church on Sunday July will be J steer weighing lbs and changed from pm to am on account childrens service in the Scott church No man or woman will heasitate to speak well of Chamber tns Stomach and Liver Tablets after once trying them They always produce a pleasant movement of the bowels improve the appetite and strengthen the digestion For sale by Lloyd Remember ladies you get a better price for your butter it is wrapped in printed butter paper Neatly and cheaply printed at the Mount Albert branch The Band played at and at Lake on Friday and Saturday respectively and received great praise at both places Dr Clark dentist visits Mount Albert every Tuesday The Misses Cunningham of Holt re cently received a present of a side saddle from their brother Herbert of It known as the Western Cow Girls saddle and is attracting much attention The commodious band wagon was utilized to take a load of Mount Al bert people to the garden party on Monday New Ads this week Lloyd Shields Miss Alice Woodcock PERSONAL Miss Cunningham of Philadel phia has returned after spending a week at the home of Mr Cun ningham Mrs J McLean is visiting at her old home in Thornton Miss Rose left on Tuesday morning for a visit with friends in Toronto and elsewhere Mrs J Hamilton of is visiting her mother Mrs A Jones Mrs R Peregrine of is visiting her daughter Mis George Richardson Miss returned to her home in Thornton on Tuesday Mr Grose and son George are spending a week with friends in Miss Allie has returned Ladies College St Catharines Mr J left on Wednesday bull weighing IGD lbs from David Graham weighing lbs from Joseph weighing lbs from Frank I weighing 1220 lbs from Bain bull weigh from Jas steers weighing lbs from Geo Bum- ham weighing lbs from Burns weighing lbs from sbn weighing lbs from J 1 weighing lbs Crone weighing lbs from Harrison J weighing lbs from George from Lewis Toole weighing lbs Total cattle weighing lbs car load cattle was solo in Montreal and five loads were shipped to Liverpool Over 100 peo ple were round the station to sec the cattle shipped Mr J Shields went to Liverpool in charge of his shipment SHARON Miss of Toronto is spending a couple of weeks with friends here A garden party In connection with St James Church took place last night Thursday NORTH A Festival was held under the auspices of Church last Friday even ing at the residence of Mrs Joseph Glover A large gathering of young people assembled to enjoy a social evening The hand was present Farmers at their haying this week The not equal to the grain and root crops this year as the rain came a too late for the hay in these This summer last has been unusually cool with considerable rain We read with considerable interest Mr Jacksons sketch of Newmar ket fifty years Newmarket ha seen slow steady but sure progress No mushroom growth like many towns and villages of present day especially those in the United States What wonderful changes have taken place in those fifty years in inven tions in manufactures in tho arts and sciences in everything for advancement of man and improve ment of nations It seems as though man through the ages has been asleep for his home near Hamilton Miss Forrest and Miss Terry took is just waking up in arms of part in the program at the tireless energy garden party on Monday evening on Miss Johns of Sutton is visiting at the home of Mr Stiver Mr and Mrs and daughter left on Wednesday morning for a two weeks visit with friends in Durham Mr Cameron who lias been studying dentistry in Montreal re turned to his home here on Monday Miss Olive Shields is spending a month in Toronto studying vocal music HIS LAST HOPE REALIZED From the Sentinel Mont In the first opening of Oklahoma to settlers in the editor pi paper was among the many seekers after fortune who made the big race one fine day in April During his travelling about and afterwards his camping upon his claim he encoun tered much bad water which to gether with the severe heat gave him a very severe diarrhoea which It seamed almost impossible to check and along in June the case became so bad he expected to die of his neighbors brought Mm one small bottle of Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy as a last hope A big given him while he rOJHjig on the ground in great agony and in a few minutes the was repeated The good effect of tte medicine was soon noticed and within an fiour the patient was taking his first sbund sleep a fortnight one lit tle bottle worked complete and he cannot feel grateful The season for bowel disorders being at hand suggests this Item For sale by Lloyd a boy named In the river had his legs caught between two logs and before he could he res cued bin had been broken and the flesh badly lacerated Upper dropped dead in a harvest field near Allanburg WANTED Bring your Wool to Jit Allert Woollen Mills and get the Highest Prices A large stock of Our Own Manufacture always on hand a GEO SONS MOUNT ALBERT BALDWIN BREEZES but an idle rumor The re ported marriage of and George Is false I regret that the item crept into my news For her age Grandma is quite active She delighted that she able to walk to church nearly three fourths of a mile There are a of others who have reached eighty and past and whose physical and mental are still vigorous They include Morton Charles Squire AW Jos Mrs Cameron and perhaps others Results of Saturdays rifle practice and 12 and Artie and Char lie are about ties Art had scored highest in two consecutive shoots and was- figuring on winning the third then making a raid on the treasury and having a big blow out and bun feed on the proceeds but alas his real izations were not equal to his antici pations Charlie headed him off Miss Arnold daughter of John Ar nold Butte City formerly of our neighborhood is visiting her aunts and uncles hereabouts making head quarters at Aunty Shes a bouncing hearty damsel of about 60 pounds not so had for a 6-year- old A healthy climate must be there Our new merchant took a winning move when he secured the services of Misses and Anderson They popular pretty too if I must say it For the information of the intimate friends of Mrs Dr Mrs Josephine I would ay that her new place of abode is one of prettiest rural vil lages I know of It is located on a lofty eminence overlooking tho wat ers of Rice Lake dotted with numer ous islands And Say boys theres the ideal spot for bass arid lunge fish ing It is probable that not of you know that Mr is a veritable millionaire in his own right having inherited the millions of If he is benevolent as Sir- ho can ac complish much in charities- and reliev ing the distress of needy You are William tho young man cried Now tell me the reason pray So runs an old rhyme The reply to thia is to the effect that lived a sober upright and Godfearing life The probable reason that so many die before reaching three score and ten is that they have sown such a great crop of wild oats in their youth that the exertion of reaping them is too great task for their strength Brownhill in its old days is catch ing tho improvement fever Rebuild ing fences the work of stump machine large addition to polios are somewhat noticable The races at Sutton attracted al most as well as a circus Our Charlie Parks Maud led the field- winning a purse of Some good rising trotters were there so I under stand including Howard unbeatable colt Our Owl town rep resentatives viewed the phantasma goria from reserved seats on a fence rail Using a Woodbine racing wore railbirds Borne of the lads who for some weeks past boon moping around looking as disconsolate as a hen with her tail oath or all pulled out are looking happier now cloud has rolled away and all is sunshine more Theyve fixed it up Spats with sweethearts heart breaking affairs Young Samuel has a driver of which ho is quite valo It is as handsome a bit of horse flesh as youd wish to see and of a very graceful quite after the Royal George or Erin Chief types It a prerty smart goer plenty fast enough to lose money on in race has great expectations Those who were so fortunate as to lay in their ice crop last winter real ize its value now By its aid only can thoy market butter in sale able condition James has sold his spring colt for sixtyfive dollars to be deliver- at five months old A tidy figure of our have boon offered exorbitant prices for their fine driver but theyre holding out for something bigger Nature just Everythings to beat the na tion I look regularly every week for our young Edgar Jacksons old country as folks do for Breezes Ho is a knowin lad com bining profit with pleasure his chance to see historical spots Three down tickets were issued hero for excursionists to tho Ag All spent an enjoyable day and imbibed a few good ideas too we trust Suits for boys and men A fine range at prices to suit every one Fit as well as ordered clothing H RAMSDEN MT ALBERT CHAMBERLAINS COUfC AND ARRHOBA REMEDY The uniform success tils remedy has made It the most popular pre paration in use for bowel complaints It everywhere recognized as one remedy that can always be de pended upon and is pleasant to take It is especially valuable for summer diarrhoea in children and is undoubtedly the saving the lives of a great many children each year For sate by Lloyd laugh at weaknesses others and yet we object to others laughing at ours Mm MUSIC Alice Woodcock wishes to an nounce that she is prepared to re ceive a limited number of pupils on the piano or organ at her home Albert or at pupils homes if so de sired Terms on application The Liverpool London INSURANCE COMPANY For Spring Cleaning Our Paints are the most durable Our Varnishes the most glossy Our and Indelteblo the most beautiful tints Our Window Shades of the most handsome color and dtsigns Our Brushes of best material All at the moat reasonable prices RFELDTS HARDWAR MOUNT ALBERT Available Assets or Subscribed 8mSOJ W118TJ8I5 tin OFFICE CANADA MONTHS BOARD or Andrew Esq Chairman J- Kan Deputy Samuel fiCloue- Ran Sir Accepted at Current DAVIDSON FOSMITH Ml Albert Chief Agent Dominion Binder Twine Now on hand Plymouth Binder Twine Barrel Salt and Land Salt in at lowest possible prices SHIELDS MOUNT ALBERT Try Own Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil with Wild Cherry Bark An Excellent Remedy FOR- Coughs Colds a RRB OF MARRIAGE LICENSES Lung Trouble We keep the leading makes of Trusses Properly fit and guar antee them Forrests Drug Store MOUNT ALBERT INSURANCE To Insure In the beat company always the LONDON A GL0UE INSURANCE COMPANV With aaacta of will best of risks low at Mutual panics CWDAVIDSON Notice to Creditors In the matter of the JAMES late the of bury in the County of York flovr i- In pursuance of Stntuca of Ontario la that behalf notice Is hereby creditors and having claims the of Gardiner late of lb Township of East Hour the Of Juno are hereby liver or send by post prepaid to either of undersigned Executors or to DsvMmi Albert PO agent on or tho day of July AD name an address and partic ulars of their respective claims and of lor or securities held by them date the said Executors will to distribute tho assets of the said EMats those entitled thereto only to tho claims of Which shall tut then received notice at Albert this Jay of June Alexander Cameron Albert Albert or Executors All accounts due the are required to be without delay to any of the above or at Hi grist mill EVER That it conoontratlon counts in long in this world That this gives entire thought scd it entire energy to the buying and selling of goods both wisely and well and that every effort is put forth that customer mi rooflivo both hotter Roods and bettor than eJsowhore And added to our experience the cash of doing Cash in and cash in selling Do yon think that counts for nothing The at the price side of l wo submit below but wo have many and very many bargains addition that we simply cannot put in an but will not permit Dry Goods About CO hi light loco Insertion regular each CO cont kind with only at cento Tho kind at for Ono Dollar ICO yards at Over- yards Print regular and at 8o All our Print at lOo yards regular at yards Pink Flannel re gular at So Ladles Vests a beautiful line regu lar at loo Linoleum regular yard at 1 all new pieces In all at a straight dis count of to per pair Kid samples but not or discolored a tlclo In black ponrl grey or brown regular to 9125 at balance of our Mens Wom ens Straw Hats and 26o at Ladles a line silk regular at cents Black a yard at Sateen regular a yard at Muslin at White Swiss Muslin at 26 Colorod Organdy and Dim ity Muslins at and at Lot Fancy Silks at cents Pins 1 cent paper Wall Paper the rolls at 8 at a discount of to por cent Bordering to match a yard Mens and Womens Cotton Hosiery to a pair Groceries Royal Yeast a box at Sugar 25 lbs Tor boat granulated for Croam Tartar Baking Powder regu lar lb at Boat White Wine regu lar at Laundry Starch bozoa Corn Starch at Weils Butter Color bottles at Rod Salmon regular at for 25c Tapiocaregular lb at for 26 cents Jolly rogular at 8 for Tanglefoot or Lightning Fly at ishoot Now California Prunes hew lot of fresh lb Caddies Sodas at Prunes par lb Evaporated a for cents Black Tea Ceylon Pekor regular at Sulphur lbs for Baking Soda regular at Good Soap good as Com fort bo our customers at bars for Only caeca left at this lbs for 25a Paris Green regular at 20a Tea Sets In blue green pink regu lar our price regular our price Colored Cups and regular at Dinner Plates rogular at each 4 Ill Hardware Turnip floea regular at Stove alto at gallons toft of Floor Paint to Axle Grease boxes for Screen Doors about left regular- for 18 only Axes regular to at Razors the Dollar ones at only regular at free only fine quality Hammer each A quantity of Furniture now Font eto at greatly reduced Pipes and at Boots and Shoes Boota and Shoes wo selling at J very alight on cost J got thia stock at a very on and can cer tainly give you 1 Specials Corking Hot Extra In addition to all these totM Day June and July lbs Sugar Wire Nails fioo yds and Shaker at

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