Newmarket Era, 17 Jul 1903, p. 2

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THE NEWMARKET ERA J saw FOR SALS ft Barn Frame in good condition size by Apply to LOST On the road between Roachs Point and Sharon a Mans Long Overcoat Finder will be rewarded by leaving it at the Era Office Board For a few Boarders at per j 1 The appear tob reversing order of occupations over in Womans invasion of fallowed not widely exclusively by men may tie possibly personally outside of his own responsible for toe information of Quebec eicipt by repu- According to tboRubHsbed returns it but In reality bo is a man chambermaids five quite above the average In his girls and sir male sion and will make His mart upon housekeepers Massachusetts can the page of history in the Dominion Brents speaking of Hon Mr- Ottawa correspondents to Western Patrick says He is a natural dailies give currency to a rumor in tor and a ready debater lb the House circles that a general Commons In the prime of life the House is just approaching towards the evening on toe cards for the coming autumn bis forties be may be said be probably in November The motive assigned a hardworked man- At a recent fi constitutional t St Mrs A Gordon No On- dinner in his beautiful Ottawa which a redistribution- on the of the seats may be held to give the Minister or Justice mentioned the a speedy dissolution of tbe House It fact that he never at suggested that the continued j- prosperity of the country renders- the time auspicious for the Government and that he invariably rises at hall t electorate past six in the morning Anyone who knows session- of parliament the Government no Servant Wasted Wanted to go to tbe Highest wages Apply to Mrs Bremner Main St N Purpose Mare and Buggy Apply to Prospect Aye Newmarket arm for Sale acres in lots and Con Whitchurch Plenty of wood and water Twothirds seeded down Stone wall under bam Vivian PO FOR SALE CHEAP feet of Iron Cresting without a flaw and 2 small Iron Gates at about hall cost price Enquire at Era Of fice at Ottawa will at once see that Fitzpatrick is cut out for the coun try gentleman in the manner of hours for rising Indeed he has other qualifications being passionately fond horses and the good friend of well bred dogs Perhaps the most pre eminent characteristic of the man is his alertness and what might be called mental courage When be applies his great skill and mental acumen to a case it is like a strong acid biting into hard metal and leav ing a permanent impression Alto gether Mr is one the inner group of brilliant Irishmen in America- whose tastes and accom plishments are as diversified as they are entertaining admirable tion as to its policy with regard to the matter House for Sale Comer of Huron Street Pro Ave J CANE Newmarket Hon Resigned On Tuesday last Sir Wilfrid announced to Parliament Hon A Blair Minister of Rail ways in the Federal Government had What is the sense of the Mail and Empire whining about the present Governments redistribution bill being unjust towards Toronto because only eight members are given to that city when its own friends the Tories on ly gave three in their last redistribu tion bill ten years ago Like Sam Slicks dog it is barking up the wrong tree It thinks rep by is Conservative to apply to Toronto in the estimation of the Lauder Government but with sin gular fails to remember that its own party friends from Sir John A to Sir Mackenzie Bowel never approached half as near the principle of rep by pop tor To ronto as the Government that jour nal now declaims against House and Lot for Sale One of the Government amendments to the Railway now passing thru resigned his portfolio on account of Parliament makes it compulsory on tail railways to carry members of being out of harmony with his col- as the leagues oh the Grand Pacific r have been largely subsidiz ed the country- the Government considered it might very well be de manded of them as a right or as a I policy of the Administration As might be expected this action on the part of Mr Blair created quite a flub- i a Z condition of receiving aid that they The first bouse west of should carry the peoples representa- shop on Street other changes free and thus save the mileage SixRoomed House hard of portfolio among Cabinet Minis- now paid to members Another tea- for the same place immediately after For further particulars apply talks of leav ing lor the Old Country next Tues day on a visit Toronto was guest Mr Starr a couplefof days last Mrs Atkinson is visiting this week with her sister Mrs Leh man in the city Mrs A Peregrine of Indiana is here on a visit with her sister Mrs- Foster Miss Marion and Miss Et ta left on Friday to enjoy the Mackinaw trip Miss Mat tie Watson of Toronto spent over Sunday with her aunt Mrs Miss Powell of Toronto spent over Sunday with her cousin Miss Wythe Toronto is visiting this week with her friend Ira hie cousins the Misses Cody a couple of days last wec v Mr and Mrs- Vernon and children of were visiting her Mr John Rogers for and Mrs Travws are vis iting their daughter at Allandale for two or three weeks Hon J Davis has to his after a ten days his summer home St Elmo Muskeg Mr Chas Toron to who is spending holidays with his wife atSharoo was in Tpwn on vl Miss Irene Braundof Aurora has for the past week been the guest of Miss Dennis Mr Harold Garrett junior type setting machine operator on the Era staff is enjoying a weeks holidays at Midland Mrs J Jay Watson of New York City is visiting with her parents and Mrs Daniel Philips Maple Lawn St Mr Lee Henderson of Ottawa a former resident of Newmarket was in Town on Tuesday and Wednesday calling on old friends Dexter and bride nee Miss Ethel of Brooklyn were guests of her aunt Mrs Jackson on Tuesday Mrs Webb has gone to De troit- on a visit to her ton Mr Webb Mr Webb intends to leave and ONE PRICE AND EARLY TO AVOID THE AFTERNOON CROWD THE PEOPLES STORE Why You should shop at the Peoples Store during the next few days The following are Extraordinary Bargains i Shower Coats Parasols 14 only Mens Shower Coats Sizes to Regular Coats for 15 Suits 12 only Mens Fancy Engliah Tweed Suits Striped patterns Sizes to only Parasols Fancy Handle Mixed Silk Tops Sold all season for now only Finish Medium worth going at 15c Hose 10c Boots 98c Ladies Black Cotton Stock logs fast colors While they last 10c only Mens and Laced and Button Hoots aires Worth to a job lot Muslins 10c yds Fancy Muslin Floral De signs All shades This seasons goods Worth 20c for 10c Pants pairs Mens all- Wool Check and Black Serge All sizes to waste measure Rex for 250 Hats 150 only Mens Soft Felt Hats ted shapei and colore Regular for 1 Shirts hi 35c Linen 25c ii 2 Boots Calf pairs Mens Satin On the new toe All sizes where Our ever- NEWMARKET 225 150 pairs Ladies UptoDate and lice Boots Pat or self tip Always sold for now 25 Mens Soft Front Shirt Fast Colors Best makers Regular for cenla 50 yds Imported Irish Table Good width Regular 35c Sal price while it lasts 25c 25e only Striped Un derwear Sires Cheap it While they last at to 4w23 LAMBERT PEARSON Prospect Avenue Newmarket pout Houses Sale in Mrs l the undersigned to sell her Houses on Niagara Street Newmarket They axe all desirable in good the fact that he TOiiditlota They be Id Government at Us block or Individually or In any way to suit purchasers For particulars prices etc apply to WIDDIFIELD Vendors Solicitor Two Farms for Sale Northeast Quarter ol Lot No a in the con of North containing acres more or less and Lot No In the 5th Con of North GwiiUmbury containing acres more or less Both these Farms are in a good state of repair This property will be sold at a low price on easy terras to suit purchas ers For further particulars apply to BENJAMIN Newmarket ters So far as Mr Blair is con- real interest Flower Show it appears he entertains or public is to be in thej Mrs that members will in Admin last conviction that the proposition of the under no personal compliment to Government to construct another lino the railways for their tree ticket J says the never saw better crops of railway Moncton to Quebec and there will also be less suspicion WW not prove beneficially the In- Harker which been his Newmarket a couple days this ambition to make a success as well as week on way home to Hamilton I Tbe tocompatibiltty In the alter visiting heir sister Mrs t0 t Parry Sound for a month Speaking Hon Blairs ad- An American exchange observes flna ministration Minister of Railways notorious fact that in I parte of the United States no very Weighty reasons need be offered when j asking the law to separate those w formation in July and in Aug- Qod hath together of that year was elected for The increasing number of divorce As Minister of become a racial danger Railways he had charge of She union of the clergy of all do- IOC 19 60cTea40o Mens Latest Flowing End Ties- Choice Colors Just the thing for wearing without a vest Regular for 25c yds of Checked Glass Toweling A good seller at 10c Special at cents Our Special Blend Ceylon Black Tea rich full flavor refreshing sua- ulatiog A Superior Tea at now Lustre 3 ks Hose 25c Cans and Canals the correspondent of the land Scotland Jersey and France Mrs nee of Toronto accompanied by her cou pon of the Intercolonial from Levis nominations has been formed to try Mrs and to Montreal which was approved by to stem this tide of divorce They daughter Hazel of were Parliament in 98 bringing the out that in twenty years more D Sbrubmount and Hymns An old gentleman of eightytwo occasional cynical speeches always tinged with good humor was asked his opinion of modern music Its all very floe he said dryly arid I like to bear it but theres one thing Ive noticed It may be Jut chance hut Ive noticed it a good many times When I was a boy the people went to two services a day and sometimes three and they sat on hard seats straight backs and sang with all their hearts My God the spring of all my Joy a Now the congregation lean back in softly cushioned pews and to ttie choir singing Art thou weary art thou languid I may be mistaken but it comes home to me every now and then that Homology changing to suit the minus to a shipping centre instead of leaving it in a ploughed field Under his management the railway the heavy yearly deficits of his pre decessors have given way to a satis- factory surplus while the service of the line has vastly improved until service and will now com pare favorably with that of any other line on the continent The St Law rence canals have also been greatly Improved and the fourteenfoot wa terway completed from the to the sea At the general election of Mr Blair Hon Geo Foster for St John by Hon Mr Dominion Minister of tbe Interior is now In Manitoba and will take part In the Provincial elections now on in that Province Nominations took place on Monday last polling next Monday The output of coal last year In Great Britain was tons more than over before Dr has more than children his care in various liomfca for wails and strays Lady Roberts reports that there are now branch tem perance societies on British warships She asserts that it la wy to mate J fl The question of Provincial Rights In the control of railway lines was brought up by Mr Borden in the Commons this week The re ply of Sir Wilfrid Lauifer will be very gratifying to the country He assured the House that his Govern ment has no Intention of invading any right of the Provincial Governments The Bill to grant a charter to the Toronto and Hamilton electric rail- way waa ordered to stand according- than divoroee have been grant in the United States During same period In all Europe with population as against 80000 there were divorces More than American chil dren have seen their homes broken up The lawyers have been paid for services in divorce suits The number of persons divorced are more than the population of each of twentyfive States awl territories of the Union A PERSONA POINTS Mr Hodge Was In Town this week A bus load of the Cody family spent last Friday at the Lake Crawford Toronto is vis iting with Miss Jessie Mintern Mrs Miller had a lady friend from Toronto visiting her over Sunday Mr Bradford Toronto waa the guest of Mrs J on Tues day Mr A Coombs is visfling in Toronto and St Catharines this week Mr and sister of Toronto spent over Sunday at Mr Geo Woods Miss Beacon of Toronto was the guest Mrs Dr over Sunday Mrs Wm and daughter The Conservative press has recent ly Juiced in ffW criticism of Hon Sidney Fisher because It was thought the Montreal Herald Mrs A K Widdifteld visited He which had during the past year Its full share of government I Mt patronage belonged to him The criticism however all Its force as the Hon Minister has no connec tion with the journal referred to The same may be said of Sir William who has been criticised for give up strong drink alleged interest in the Toronto Star they have good food This la also without foundation is low Mrs Richard Morton and chil dren are visiting Emerald Hill for the holidays Mrs and three children of Toronto spent a couple of days last week visiting her brother Mr John vicinity last week Miss Margaret eldest daughter Rev P Addison has re signed her position as teacher in Lindsay Collegiate Institute She Is a young lady great ability and both at Stratford and during her two years and a ball at Lindsay proved an successful teacher so that she has been appointed dean Hall the new residence for women at Vic toria College Toronto which to be opened in the fall Before leav ing Lindsay Miss Addison was pre sented by the pupils of the coMegiate with an address and an order for an expanding bookcase About 26 yds Black Stripe French Lust suitable for hot weather dresses Reg while it lasts 30c 120 Ladies Plain Black Cashmere full fashioned Sires to J Quick sellers at Sale price 16 only Nice River Salmon While they last cans for 25 At the home of the bride Willow Farm Highland June the Rev Moore Milton Price Wood of King Township to daughter of the late George D Harman is very poor- Dr Scott after a successful sur gical operation Is able to be around again I Mrs Cane and part her family are summering at Orchard Beat Miss had the pleasure a visit by two sisters from Chicago this week Dr of and Miss Delia Davis of were mar ked on Tuesday Ed teacher in the Collegiate at Is home for part of the holidays H Lloyd and her mother Mrs were visiting at Waubau- Jfr Hoag went up on Mon day having received a that his wife was very ill and they re turned him on Tuesday Geo Rose returned from Manitoba on Friday after an absence of Aire weeks She was delighted with country Her brother Mr Wm has 1000 acres In grain and there Is prospect of a big yield THE LEADING Undertaking House Barg -IN- Extension Tables and Couches and A Night calls attended to at Residence John Millard phono and The Holt on July to Mr and Mrs Joseph a daughter the homestead of Mrs Newmarket July to Mr and J vldge of Pembroke a daughter Tomb PEARSON In Toronto on July Christina Pearson wife of Mr Silas Pearson aged years his residence Main St Newmarket on July 1903 William Brown aged years and days OUT Of China and Glassware Odd Pieces at a Bargain while they last Express Wagons Wheelbarrows Doll Cabs GoCarts Toy Croquet Sets 6 and PROVISIONS Campers LIBBYS JELLIED HOCKS LIBBYS MELROSE PATE LIBBYS IRISH STEW LIBBYS CORN BEEF HASH AYLMER PORK AND BEANS IN BEST ENGLISH PICKLES ENGLISH PICKLES ICo HORSESHOE SALMON CHASE ASANBOURNS PURE COFFEE CHILLI SAUCB a MAIN ST NORTH NEWMARKET AH Orders will receive and Prompt Attention GARDEN GROWN FRESH DAILY Black Onions Lettuce read So Pastry Flour In small quantities or by the barrel Sugar by the Barrel for Preserving- Telephone Office a V

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