Newmarket Era, 17 Jul 1903, p. 3

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t FRIDAY Weeks rv yflit a about power Postponed At a meeting of the Directors evening Postpone the on it was decided to Flower Show for one was attired in white silk shirred en train elaborately trimmed with in sertions of lace and carried a beau tiful bouquet or bridal roses and of Co people go up the ELECTRIC ROADS maidenhair fern bridesmaid of tie City Hall tower every was Miss Lilian of To- During two days when the who wore a dajnty gown of In- Old Boys were here about The York County Council iiaJawn tucks and insert ions availed themselves or this means of day afternoon passed a resolution season segms later than dates are July and Skirt Bargains for or for MOO for it Hughes- was About half of Canes Factory reccing yesterday Mr Eves shipped his of fcegs to on Monday There was no meeting of the Public Board on Tuesday night for tut of a quorum of commending Dominion Parliament to pass the Toropto and Hamilton 1 an Accident saving of a wreck on the Met ropolitan on Monday evening must live teen pi evidential a heavily leaded cat was coming in from Au and the conductor rang the bell Jo some of the passengers who to get out at the srwitchiif it bad not been for this the car might plunged into the pond with its freight When the car stopped the observed that was open At such a crucial point the company should bare- a signal with a lamp at night to in dicate to the which way tte switch is placed Very Sudden Death Everybody was astonished on Tues day morning to learn of the very sud den death of Mr William Brown car- tester his residence on Main St North He was taken a bad coughing spell about half past eleven the evening and died in half an hour in the presence of two doc tors Mr Brown was down Town tee evening before and appeared to in his health Although working at his trade every day he not been feeling well all spring Acute oedema of the lungs was the iiKe of death as revealed by the on Tuesday afternoon The remains were interred at Newmarket tfcsetery yesterday afternoon of Valenciennes and carried a obtaining a view of the growth tbeoity groomsman was Judge Winchester and City Crown Railway bill The resolution read brother of the bride- whir little Attorney Curry KC are away for part Nora Cook made a sweet little flow- three or four weeks holidays It is highly in the interest of the girl The drawing room in which A fraud from Buffalo named municipalities of toe of York the ceremony took Abbott who represented himself at that an electric trunk line should be tically decorated with white and the Walker House as a nephew of the built from Toronto west and also roses and ferns The bridal party late Sir J J Abbott gave a bo- that some means he found by stood under a canopy of- roses and gus cheque of in settlement of which passengers and could be ferns After congratulations had bis bill On Saturday the Police transported to the railway station been received the guests assembled in Magistrate sent him to jail laud the market without incurring the he dining room where a dainty AB Ames Co have resumcJ inconvenience and delay and in some luncheon Was served business tbetr settlement with cases incurring the damage to goods were decorated with pink roses and at cents on the dollar be- caused the necessity of trahspprt- hair ferns At six oclock arranged Cheques for the from the suburban railways to ex- Dr and MfsDunlop took the even- cents on the dollar have been press carts and to the- city line of train for Owen Sound whence to creditors and the remainder is to railway We request and recommend they intend touring the upper lakes be paid in three instalments at the Parliament of Canada to permit After they will be at home 1 and IS months dating the Toronto Hamilton bill in Shallow Among the bead- July loth now before Parliament to be passed presents am upright sfo and several check noted- The groom bride was a beautiful ostrich feather Paper Box Company gutted the third Speaking of th resolution County boa and to the bridesmaid a pearl flat of the four storey building The Councillor Evans said he thought the loss is about fully covered by County Council should- strengthen Ihe insurance hands of anyone who wanted to build The home of Edward J at A into Toronto was Jameson avenue was entered on SU thing he said that Toronto Sunday evening by thieves who should stop all suburban lines at her ated successfully while the inmates borders J were at church The intruders got Councillor of Mr OHearn at forcing a rear door and made ion that tfce county has a to Lake for a couple of weeks oft with 20 in cash which was found get the Jake front Toronto had Simpson is visit- a bureau drawer I gobbled up lake front Six in Detroit and Ann Arbor carpenters is declared the county but just the same for two or three weeks think the City Council could Dress Skirts brooch Every Skirt a Perfect Fit Our new fitting room is a great suc cess You have the opportunity of trying on before purchasing if you wish to Your money refunded if you are not per fectly satisfied HOT WEATHER HOSIERY Ladies Fast Black Cotton Specials Pink Salmon Tin Perfect Baking 10c per lb Canned Corn Pork and Beans 1 The New Store -j- 1 ft Aldermen of Toronto could see fit to NewmatJSet July 1903 Flour per barrel CO a White per bush a Red Wheat per bush a Wheat per bush a Spring Wheat per bush a 0 a Barley per hush a Oat per bush 30 a Peas per bush a Si S Aldermen of Toronto could see fit to per ton a iaTier jet suburban railways into the city ton a 0 00 Mrs A Franks andMiss Ma- Six or seven thousand Orangemen However he thot it was not a mat- Shorts per ton a ter Dominion Parliament j Joseph the great English deal with but rather for the house a week with Mr and Mrs Low Queen St- is dead aged Mrs Allan head farmers near London arc com- Roches left town on Wednesday liM ore objection morning to enjoy her holidays down the St w 0 a Potatoes per bag a safe s Ducks M a Rev A J Martin of j Fire and flood I County Council yesterday morning Geese per lb twelve miles of Dominion per about the representatives from the Turkeys telegraph various municipalities with a view to a a 0 0 0 00 11 The Summer Girl wants a dainty- light and stylish hat with her warm weather costumes and pretty dresses and we have in materials in lace meline chil- and fancy straws and trimmed in airy and delicate trimming to set oil the plainest or prettiest face Such charming creations in were never seen at such prices as now being shown at Cochenours Church formerly of New- Yu deciding what township roads the market has been elected moderator potion in will take to maintain of the Presbytery of Paris mo as County Roads the roads to be Pev J has been improved with York countys share of this week among his Union l tie Ontario Government milHon-dol- Wheat hiih n a pafieboners making last calls I dollars in coppers and some roads ttlieat 4 a and will preach in on Sunday tobacco were taken from markets Toronto July grocery store at Hamilton A falling trolley pole inflicted On Tuesday the Fos- turned out with the hope of do the Alerts for once at is had made the acquisition good men But it was useless the again turned them such a battery as and opposed The was to with an innings to for the Alerts The batting average of the Fossils was consid- lowered by tlie absence of and Smith without them ft ojifHld was simply a failure On Saturday the seniors go to Aurora and the Alerts to Holland where tearqs expect to work for a victory Methodist S S Tie Annual of took place oh of striking moulders have been loyal Orange Celebration at Harris- a Crawford sheep claim and W general success The arrested It is alleged they took ten Upwards of people flock- Ami Cameron gravel ratur a cool in- the him for a nonunion moulder- to town tiheppard gravel 11 the lime the crowd Wlulc a runaway trolley tar was A London farmer slated Municipal World blank forms Toronto it was just comfort- dashing down Stale Street hill at a day and board is being paid to rep Bridge the temperature remained so at tle rate of men for the haying season and still I 2nd Con seventyfive miles an hour the con- it is difficult to get enough hands Geo Shier along were greatly delighted sat on the two passengers to A great Conservative roadway Park The prevent them from jumping and thus was held at Vallcylield Que on animals and birds doubtless saved their Sunday in connection with the annual Spring Wheat per bush Goose Wheat per bush Oats per bush Barley per bush Peas per bush Pursuant to adjournment Council Butter roll per lb a a a a a a a Italian Laborer was drowned painful but not serious wound on trie while bathing at Tweed head of Thos Gardiner Hamilton Fire did 16000 damage at the I Charles a Windsor factory switchman had his foot taught in a at Virginia on Monday July 0 Potatoes per bag 20 a The Pope has passed the cricis but and at pm Members all present j Hay per ton 12 a lacks the physical energy necessary A terrible cyclone struck Minutes of former meeting adopted Wool per lb 15 a for recovery French possessions in June destroy- j Communicationn received and read Dressed Hogs per cwl 25 a Michael Carroll was drowned at many villages and natives as follows I Beef fore a While crossing on the dam Over people crowded into re Beef CO a he and ell Forest to witness the parade of Chickens per pair a The death of the late Senator teen lodges comprising Orange- 1 From County Clerk re meeting Ducks nmShSoVty men r Senate since the accession of the The strike of employees of the a County road Government Conn street tar com- At the lamination Which began in May W on a Bosnian woman died at the lapsed rep bridge at of 10 years found that I Wm McCleary address- 0 I a a 0 70 5 50 too 12 Special Line of Hats this week at Some say Children are Easy to Please but they know as well as grownups when they have foot aches We make a specialty of supplying shoes for the little people with the aches left out but spare no pains to make the youngsters happy little shoes for little people at little prices LOTH lit ami Summit out we will off Cosh Pufohoses of this week Cor Main Sis she had new teetu during the a gathering of between three and Johnston rep scraper last year of her life four thousand Orangemen at Port Crittenden rep A farmer was assaullctl and injured at and four Forty lodges participated in the It sheep claim Stock Market In Toronto this week exporters arc selling from 5 to with poorer 3 5 25 an 3 bonus re wire I fence ones downto Si Export hulls run from 4 to Good to choice butchering cattle sold from to Ordinary butchering cattle and dry cows sold from to rood Blockers run about to Calves from 11 to ior lb Dry cows from to Milk cows are in good demand at 45 to each Spring lambs are to each I Hogs about the same Selects arc Fruits Vegetables Groceries Fresh Fish Meats lights and fats 510 it- children with the j- at variety of VrV M T strike of the corporation la- pTcnToftlw Lake bonus re wire- fence the gjj- Looted to day re Ll very ST ST A put gate leading to Mr J Booth intends i0 t K summer carnival ant lo and pulp mills it Ottawa had the pleasure of fiS gravel to be taken from to employ several hundred number of former Toronto township Dr was paid for at- there wore about on the and all were well except of the man was at ft just took an hour for cats io reach Aurora on the Way fl which nude the last four cars late in arriving Again he crowd had waft an Dr was paid for at- f tendance and medicine re Mrs Industrious Per- consumptive patient this amount state to travel for house be in full of all demands established eleven years and with a m Prussia July former rates were and fcav J iiood line bed of the destroyed fifty houses at Pacific has been scorned by a villaKe o Austria in the val m lu the United States Pacific Cafe Com l0y The Clerk was Instructed to notify capital to call upon merchants survey steamer between Guam who was ar- Hart Sherwood to remove his fence and agents for successful and profit- BREAD lice Ore am 4J ana CAKES Lunches MAIN ST SOUTH g While his nurse was getting a glass of water Baxter rose his bed in a Chatham hospital and jumped out of a window on the se cond storey He died a few hours ad allowance opposite lot make it necessary for the cable to be tto taken round the groat depression Winchester and before Stevenson and Taylor I was sentenced to instructed to have the ditch lots and 13 on 2nd Con- line able line Permanent engagement Weekly cash salary of 18- and all travelling expenses and hotel bills ad vanced In cash each week Experi ence not essential- Mention refer ence and selfaddressed en velope Dear- tor at North Toronto for cars Sleeping cars arc built in to ft oclock when pair an eastern a trolley Uroad flff0 cleaned out rs io Newmarket running and Indian A a delegate took an excursion out of a two old j I to Council born St Chicago the rfm 4ay miles probably from her July16 re to for our cars in the morning will Mr thenext thiriganV so on till gJJ system we to for theirs at trolley equipment provides for as unsatisfactory piece of much comfort and luxury as the patient The however will steam road affords weJ Fi is I A bylaw to empower the Reeve and For Treasurer to borrow funds to meet j probably have a good balance on the PeWrboro July drown Widdlcombe of side the finances are Ing AI- lon haa a fruit picker and ghtwfdup Artrtiur with K of Artnnir left morning in a Toronto and has formed a Children Hata lo down the company with capital and is lot of Colored 50c Straw at About three miles below Peter- arranging to begin at Hughes the canoe upset and in due season became entangled In the weeds and Trenton NJ July 18 Charles was drowned He leaves a family of who was paroled from State children last July for good conduct and copy the Portland Ore July An for having invented a blind stitch received at trie carwas held up by high- sewing- machine while serving his I fclgnlfying that the follow- fthot one man and rob- fourth term for burglary has sold his current expenses- was passed after which Council ad at Virginia on Monday Aug at pm DURABLE ROOFING Hi Paragraph will be of bed for passengers ofthefatuables rights for 55O0OO At Immediately boarding the car the revenue of June robbers shot and dangerously wound- the year ended June i was for year June reached solemnized Day a passenger after the largest annual revenue had complied with of ever realized in the colony and up and then rifled his pock- more that the total for the prc- at the Mrs P- l Janet secured and was married to Dr some aged years was drowned at Frankfort while bathing She tripped over a large stone Prosperity has struck the South and the prico of cotton has soared until there is a danger that American women will have to wear July 13 What is said here to be the greatest railway in the been taken possession of by four railways cost of the building was Two hundred trains will be H PHILLIP NEWMARKET Roofllilf v L ATKINSON NEWMARKET Reliability You can fall In will betray your to to repair them loiot veral adoption wheel with a repu tation with them Every or TIr4 minimise is with The Dunlop Tire Co Limited Toronto found a Coin While going out to pick berries Mrs Burlington of Watford was kicked in the head by a horse and probably fatally Injured The break ing of the caused the kick- year prosperity of the Rud m passengers will colony Is grtatec than ever lleharJdlcd Seven toits Id pt 3 igsss

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