Newmarket Era, 17 Jul 1903, p. 4

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THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY JULY 17 licking Skin Distress by day and lb complaint of those who ere unfortunate as to be afflicted Eczema or Salt Rheum and out sold applications do not com They cant of toe trouble is is the blood make thai pare and this seat ing burning disease disappear I en on my which vary I conceded fait and a fccttb In two days batter and it loni I was cored Hare bad any ain alnoa Has Ida Point ID FAIITIG J An order has been entrusted to Mr Walter by Premier Ross to a statue Sir Oliver towards which a grant oi JOOO was voted during the last ses sion of the Legislature Mr Ail- wards satisfactory work in monument Is an assurance that bronze wiR be satisfactory THE SAD PLIGHT OF ANAEMIC PEOPLE Bibles to London July Lord Roberta has addressed an official to all officers and soldiers including the members of too Canadian contingents urging them to return all Thcy and Backaches of which the may have come into possession In the course of bis memorandum Are Languid and Unable to Stand Exertion f Win July Americans today recaptured the trophy Her team scored an aggregate of out of a possible Great Britain was second with Canada third with grand a were Australia Na tal France LEGAL Robertson Notary Public Street to Loan on rood Fa aoourltyv J Barrister Solicitor Public wo fa Lea Building Newmar ket Ontario lidnnox Barrister Con Sec 8 doors of Pott floe Newmarket Herbert Lennox Aurora Days or Bom A Banker and Ontario Bank Aurora Barrister Block Woner to During evening Friday last announced on floor or parliament that Sir Van Home had stated definitely that Hoods Sarsaparillar blood The Government now have ftll to decide await Sir Van Homes convenience or nominate some other person on the People who read the linentations ofMr Clarke in the House of Commons are amused at bis crocodile tears on of To ronto being allowed not more than fire members under the wmiog Re distribution of Seats Bill but ten years ago under Tory auspices his whole party was satisfied with three members and everything was lovely consistency jewel 1M isnt in it Mr Hartley to make out a case by bis special pleading for Dominion legislation incorporate an Electric Railway Company within bounds of this Province To say the least tbe Company is seek ing an infringement of Provincial Rights end because of this feature ought to be defeated no matter what the pecuniary or other consequences to those more specially interested As a Liberal we are sorry to see Mr name to the letter in Sat urdays Globe Report conies from the Parliament Buildings Toronto that plans are about completed for a cottage to be erected at for weak minded women in accordance the prom ise of the Premier and Mr to the deputation from the National Council of Women which asked for an experiment in the care of un fortunate women and Mr Stratum was greatly impressed with the facts presented by J he deputation and will endeavor as far as possible to carry out the suggestions made the says It appears that Boer tants of the South Colonies From Sun their family bibles You can always tell men and antiquity and even in some headaches and repository such They can in of cant what little they do voMabte destruction of church regis- eat And it comes from poor blood and unstrung nerves Banish Roberts feels sure that if anaemia at once by persons have in their- possession leaving their respective headquarters blood and up your serves with thefie Vtd fleW The Over Three Hundred Surveyors Going North I M Toronto The men being sent out to survey fifty odd new townships In New Ontario are now Williams Pink Pills- Thousands ly return them they learn how A I to Jobbing House JuviniQtced J A for to at Current At Office of grate women have said that are b these pills have restored alter sess and he it all other means tried had failed Mrs em of our a great sufferer for several years fow Stt and spent much money looking for a cure To a reporter of the Sun Mrs said Several years ago my health gave out completely I was so weak that 1 could not do my house work I went upstairs my heart would palpitate violently add some times I would faint away through weakness nerves sere unstrung and I suffered much from dizziness tried many medicines but that did not me was advised try Dr Williams Pink Tills and de cided to do so I am glad did for the pills soon built me up and made me a well woman My health re mained good until last spring when I was again taken with weakness- I now knew by experience the value of Williams Pink Pills anil at once got a supply The result was as beneficial as before and I can consci entiously say pills have done me untold good I am ftrateful for this and hope my esperiance will bene fit some other sufferer Dr Williams Pink Pills have more sickly palefaced girls and wo men than any other medicine ever disoverafl for they supply new rich red blood and so strengthen every part of the body They are equally Lord Roberts feels the above facts and the that it is his wish float all relies should find their way lack to their former owners wilt be to insure that their present owners ever much they may value them will readily part with them for this pur pose Fiends Wegrto fl A Ramsay fire Insurance Agent Kates on Farm and Isolated Town Property Shop Metropolitan Co TORONTO Wheeling July A de spatch to Register from Blueneld says The full details of the blackest crimes that has ever blot ted the history of the state just this city In Devon a little old girl was assaulted by a negro The negro was after wards lynched by an mob of over 200 men The little girl was caught a short distance from her home by the negro and carried to a neighboring wood where she was tied to a tree bound and Her was noticed by the neighbors who immediately formed themselves into a searching party The girl was founa in an almost dyiig condition There are- twentyfour parties in all each comprising from twelve to twen ty men For the purpose this work the Legislature voted during the session just closed Seven of the new townships will be sur veyed the Rainy River District several north of Port Arthur four between Lake Temlskaraing- and the height of land but the great major ity about over acres will be beyohu height land in ie great clay belt This is the first organized invasion belt and projected to meet immediate de mand for land from the veterans and other applicants it will in admir ably with the expected development of that region by the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway and pave the way for the extension of Railway now being built northward from North Bay The surveyors will be absent until late in October and no reports expected from them prior to their re turn 4Moa Vf asaaa si saas S8 go The Yankees will now saying sweet things about King A London cablegram says for mally welcoming American naval officers to England King Edward took occasion to make an emphatic declaration in favor closer rela tions between the United States and Great Britain His Majesty aid not speak of an alliance or of an understanding but the impression was clear from his remarks that he desired that the two nations move together the interests of peace for the whole worM Work on the first portion of the Railway commenced this week This may be regarded as tbe first tangible evidence of the approval by the Liberal caucus at Ottawa of the Governments proposal to con struct that section from to Winnipeg of the new transcontinen tal railway Lake is miles long and we are told by those directly interested in this enterprise the ikjw transcontinental line will pass perhaps thirty or forty miles north of lake A junction with the new line will be the next objective point for the Railway and the extension from the foot of the lake of a miles or so will probably he undertaken next year suitable for men women and children and cure not only but ableto dine consumption indigestion CODSU t was decided matfsm St Vitus dance and the to ih r special ailments which all women dread These pills can be thru ay in wait for me ant In a short time appeared and was about to renew his assault any druggist or will he sent post helpless child when Hue paid at cents a box or six boxes lvnchccs him was for by writing direct to the dragged to the village common and Dr Williams Medicine Co Brock- lOUnd lo a tree Only by he Ont Look for the full name leaders that on every bo so that no worthless crowil the man be palmed on you His clothing was from his body and pins tacks pen knives and every conceivable weapon One hundred and five thousand dol- st Into negros in Klondike gold arrived at flesh he struggled and pleaded for Seattle A Methodist college to be called Hie The almost lifeless form of his McDougall will be established at tie victim was then placed before the Edmonton eyes of the negro white willing hands Mr Carl Anderson superintend- cut the tongue from his swollen of the copper mouth- fits cries became incoherent Parry Sound was blown twenty feet and before the enraged could into the air by the explosion of a be checked the skin was literally cut dynamite charge that had hung fire He Is expected to recover working cm the lop of a from bis body and distributed among the villagers negro died with his eyes on the little girl he had chopped off and carried Away as mementoes His mangled body was then soaked with keroseae and fired Rates every Wed Saturday GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY LEAVE NEWMARKET LIS Daily tor Wharf connecting with boats for point on Lakes North Hay am Daily except Sunday for AUacdale Meaford Muakoka Wharf pm Dally for Meaford Orillia North Bay and points In the Canadian Northwest pm Daily except Sunday for Meaford Barrio ARRIVE NEWMARKET Dally from Bay Wharf Orillia and am except Sunday from and 163 frm Cana dian North Bay Orillia pm except Sunday from A furnishes the aOouot of an accident which caused consternation in the House of Commons on the afternoon oftlie when an employee nearly fell through the roof An sensation was caused In the House of Commons this afternoon by a work man falling thru the glas roof of the chamber and dropping a pall of ice to the floor below The ventilated from above and during the hot weather rhe air is copied by being forced through ducts whlch ice is placed Patrick rell one of the was the Ice supply when be missed his and fell upon one of squares of prism glass of which the roof is Composed The window was shattered and fragments clashed to the floor feet below saved himself by catching one of beams supporting the celling He hung suspended with both legs through the roof and with some dif ficulty drew himself up A piece of glass struck of Centre Wellington on his forehead in flicting a painful Wound from which the Wood poured down over his face in saving himself fractured one of Angers The accident caused the wildest excitement the members A lump cf ice weigh ing over pounds and a heavy metal pall fell within a foot of Mr and everyone Who trie accident realized that It by the merest chance rhat a double fatality had been Mr able to resume his place in the chamber later In after- load of hay on tbe farm of Edward vaulted His heart was then cutout Kellum about eight miles north of With his toes ngers Edward Fitzgerald suffered sunstroke in consequence of which be died a few hours later yon acute and RHEUMATISM influenced by the almost magical painsubduing power of Ner- vilinc equal in value to Ave times the quantity of any other rheumatic remedy Penetrates at once through tire tissues 1 caches the source of the disease drives it out is undoubtedly the king of pafn for it is unequalled by any remedy In the world Your mon ey back if you do not find It so Three people were billed and fifty injured in a Missouri Pacific wreck on Saturday night The infant child of Charles Wat- son of Blair fell out of his carriage and strangled to death by the strap II Deafness Cannot be Gored by application as reach tbe diseased portion of the ear There la only one way to cure and tht la by constitutional rcmKts Deafness is caused by an of the mucous lin ing of the Dube When tola tube gets inflamed you have a ruxribling or Imperfect bearing and when it is entirely closed deaf ness is the result and the can be out and this tube restored to Its normal will he for ever ftine ten art caus ed by which is nothing but an of the mucous We trill give One Hundred DoUfa for any of caused by that be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure Seed lor J CHENEY CO Toledo Sold by all druggists Haifa Family are best PIMPLES AND BLOTCHES How unsightly sometime disgust ing mortifying to tle and unpleasant to all An evidence of poor blood and lowered vitality j of eliminating organs They need toning up the whole system does You can quickly bring about the im proved condition by using Poisons are driven out of the blood organs grow stronger the blood rich er the nerves stronger Pimples and disappear color liecomes good Glad just try and see how much Joy can be gotten of a box of Damages Ottawa July The House spent most of yesterday in consideration Mr Blairs Railway Commission bill Some important clauses were adopted Mr Sutherland of North Essex presented an amendment dealing with tires cattle guard question as follows Whenever any cattle or other ani mals at large upon the highways or otherwise get upon the property of the company and are killed or injured by a train the owner of such animal so killed or injured shall be entitled to recover the amount of such loss or injury against the company in any action in any court of competent jur isdiction unless the company in the opinion of the judge or jury who tries the action establishes that such ani mals got large through the neglt- gence willful act or omission of the owner or his agent or the custo dian of such cattle or his agent But the fact tfiat such animal was not in charge of some competent person or persons shall not for the purpose of this subsection deprive the owner of his right to recover Mr Blair who had an amendment of a similar nature but which did not go quite so far said that his objec tion to Mr Sutherlands amendment was that he thought it was placing too great a responsibility on the rail way companies In Insisting that they should assume the onus of proving the negligence of the owner Mr Sutherlands amendment was carried by an overwhelming majority A IN OX DAY Take Laxative Quinine AH druggists refund the money If it falls to cure Groves signature In each box Forty Poisoned by Wis July Ml For ty persons are under the doctors care from eating Icecream furnished by a local dealer and Rockwell who have the cases in charge say they are not certain that the Ice cream caused all the illness Some of cases may be due to oth er causes but many can be traced to the cream Petersburg July At a family reunion held yesterday at the home of James Arnold Id Monroe township twentytwo persons were poisoned by eating ice cream Nine are in a serious condition and are not expected to recover Exeter July little son of Atcbeson keeper of the Central Hotel Is dead of burns re ceived by his Clothing catching fire at an acetylene gas Port Arthur July planing mill was burned af ternoon The fire started In the engine room Two box cars full of lumber were destroyed also a lot of shingles in the close to We mill Loco A Chinese Haiku ay Shanghai July final con tract for the construction the and Nanking rail way has been signed by and the representatives of the British- Chinese Work must be begun in a year and be completed five It is certain that the un dertaking will result in a great devel opment of trade on the lower CREAM WANTED OR SOUR Let us make your butter IS cts the lowest price we paid last year delivered at your mares t station It worth your while to give us a trial You are not put to any ex pense we furnish the cans and pay all express charges SAVE THE WORK And make more money We satis fy SO per cent all who sent Thirtythree million pounds of cream ery butter exported last year Let the creameries make It SWEET CREAM Special inducements for those keep ing a number of cows and having loe who can us with cream delivered at the nearest station A trial and guar anteed writing for particular number of cows kept whether separator or not TORONTO CREAM BUTTER CO Jarvis St Haulers wanted Toronto TT We own a number of issues of Government and Municipal purchased after thorough expert ligation For people who vant an absolutely sure investment they cannot be excelled have other good Bonds yielding attractive inter est rates as high as 6 per cent LIST MAILED ON APPLICATION Dominion Securities Corporation Limited King Street East TORONTO Ont tv flUaiac la o is Varicocele Aa It Interfere it Ion of oia ttriae decay of pxlau la too la the back of the heart conatlpuloa and a combination of una with If hate to yon art afflicted with It doat It It will ruin too aiiiiiut or it Our atrfcture tlaaoa It dlaappeara and can attar return Varlcocale and or of Une The treatmiat cay takes at Scad for Book a Vnrtcocsw and to Cur or Pay All affect the area you or weakaeas orer the am all of th la or fcellaf la the year kidney Our How It to cure an of or no par Without Consent of I had la the and two ftyaara atandlnr I operated twice great but only relief fiaally to r try ho Hew Traotmtnt A enlarged remoTed la eight weeks and my and vitality no I a man every I doctor with my whole heart SE CURES GUARANTEED HO CURE NO PAY After Treat cent We treat and care Debility Varicocele Strlctare Weak Parta and Dlecaargu CoaaultaUoa Writ for for Home late SHELBY STREET DETROIT Kennedy Sovereign BankoiGanada Authorized Head Office I- Toronto- IB If I BRANOntJB Harrow Mar wore Mount Albert Bod Dr Montreal Mount Ottawa Penh l I rung Waterloo Zurich OF OOK Savings Bank Department allowed from date of deposit may be fa paid a Too are not obliged to or With draw on the 0rat or day of month may do either at anV Call and gtt one or our Booklet or Write and we will you one W Wallace Bruce Mansr We J ALBERT NOTICE Any persons having claims upon tbe Estate of the Late Louisa Mann of North are to toe to either Elder of Kewmarket or J A of on or before July as the Executors will not be after said date Kills the Bugs Feeds the PI CO p w w Is Canada 5 For Sale at mm stork I TOURIST RESORTS Lakes Georgian Bay Upper Lakes Lake of Bays Wagnetewan Quebec Portland Me- Old Orchard w Town Carting AU orders for carting will be promptly attended to Moving a Good bus kept for hire HUNTER JR Rest of School White Mountains above resorts arc all via the Excellent set connecting steamers for Royal A and other on Lakes also at for on Lake of Bays Tourist tickets arc on sale a trip through the the Highlands of Ontario to ports on Upper takes Eastern points For Ifcbte and descriptive jg Canadian Resorts as to routes and rates tours apply to A Agent OLD RBALBAT

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