Newmarket Era, 7 Aug 1903, p. 2

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mm L 4 i-Pi- I THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY AUG Bicycle for Sale A Ladys Wheel Cheap for Cash Address Box Newmarket Cloth Jacket Lost On the way up to the Lake from Newmarket Mottled grey color and puree In the pocket Reward for leaving at Smiths grocery store Acres Sale Situated on the cod of East being part lot Mostly wooded birch pop lar Good pasture and living stream Terms easy Apply to PEMBERTON Raveasboe PINE LUMBER Flooring Rattle Siding Matched Plane Plank limbers Lb x x BC COAL HOAG PEARSON Park Avenue TORONTO INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN GREGG SHORTHAND TOUCH TYPEWRITING BOOKKEEPING PENMANSHIP Expert Instructors Complete Equipment Student Agisted to Positions College ReOpens Sept 1st Catalogue Frew Chartered Principal GRAND TRUNK 6480 Vancouver and Victoria BC Seat tle and Wash Portland Ore Tickets on sate daily until August Valid returning until October NEWMARKET TO Los Angeles of San Francisco Tickets on sale daily until August Valid returning until October 1Mb TOURIST RESORTSSplendid ser vice or trip or tour through the Lakes Lake of Hays Kawartha Lakes River or to Quebec Portland Orchard White Mountains All reached via Grand Trunk For Tickets and Descriptive Litera ture apply to A Agent Newmarket 3 Boarders Wanted Enquire at Comfortable home Era office Good General Servant Wanted to go to the My Highest wages Apply to Mrs Main St Newmarket Caretakers Wanted The Newmarket Public School Board requires the services Care takers lor the Model and Primary Schools at the respective of and per annum References required Apply at once to DAVID LLOYD Sec Public School Board For Sale at a Bargain I Hall Book Case without a scratch Sideboard and Secretary combin edgood condition 1 Common Bureau Enquire at Era Office A strong boy to handle Express Apply at DRUG STORE The JrflDk Pacific A STUPENDOUS KINO Laurier in a speech of two hours and a half duration presented to House in detail the agreement made by the Government with the Grand Trunk Pacific for another railway way line across the Government will build the line under a commission from to Winnipeg and Grand Trunk will construct the line from Winnipeg to the Pacific coast receiving a guaran tee on its bonds to the amount of per mile over the prairie sec tion and per mile for the mountainous section The Grand Trunk is to operate the line from to Winnipeg for years and after the first seven years will pay tfce Government 3 per cent on the cost of the road The line is to be available for all companies at rates to be fixed by Government The road is to be completed in five years After the seventh year of operation and up to the tenth any deficit that may accrue in the operation road will be kited to the cost and regarded as principal upon which the company will pay per cent interest for the remaining years of the lease The Government will also pay the interest for seven years on the cost of the construction of mountain section up to per mile The Government will deposit to secure its carrying out the contract The Premier in the most concise language outlined the project upon which tbe Government has been work ing and for which the country has been waiting so many days He reviewed ambitions and mistakes of Canadian railroad building in the past He pointed to the present needs and the present dangers of our commerce between the interior and the seaboard He peered into the future showed what Canada is to be and invited Canada to make ready for her future Time after time the House respond ed to the burning words of the ora tor Time after time the Chamber rang with deafening applause Even on the Opposition side of the House members could not refrain from tes tifying their approval of the senti ments uttered At the conclusion of his speech there was a tumult of en thusiasm in the House and none join ed more heartily in the applause than the exMinister of Hon A G Blair The agreement diners from the one made with the in that it gives away no great stretches of public lands of the country arid grants no huge subsidies and as observed by tbe Premier it provides for an air line from ocean to ocean from a Canadian port on the Atlantic to a Canadian port on the Pacific through new territory at a minimum cost and reserves to people a voice as to what passenger and freight tools shall be Practically speaking the people built the giving that company in cash and in lands and yet the people have noth ing to say in the ownership or man agement but in regard to the pro posed Grand Trunk Pacific while it will involve perhaps forty or fifty millions for interest guaranteed this spread over a period of year and in no year is the sum guaranteed by the Government likely to as Sir Wilfrid staled in Parliament the Dominion surplus for the past fis cal year and In the end the Hallway Company is to recoup the Canadian treasury for its outlay This Ik the way the scheme has been presented before- the House Mr Robert a prominent number of a Company who are for the Dominion the Thomson and Lord steamship lines speaking of the Governments Grand Pacific policy gives it his entire indorsa tion He says Why the act should be opposed I am at a loss to understand see ing that the opening up of such new territories and the invest ment of so much capital must be for the benefit of tire country It Is possible that disappoint ment may arise in the working building or earning power of the parts of the road but that Is to bo expected In such a gigantic en- terpriac and Should not for a mo ment be allowed to discourage Its projection Nothing could have been more discouraging iban the prospects of the Canadian Pacific Railway at its inception many wellinformed railway peopfe say ing that It would never pay for the grease used on the axles of its cars and yet that railway now stands almost at the head of the earning railways of the world From ail reports tbe Trunk projected railway runs through a more easily built and pos sibly richer section of country and there Is little reason to doubt that it will prove as good a paying railway as Canadian Pacific is and do much in the de velopment of Canada Had the Government ignored the claims which the Grand Trunk has the country refused la to thecn or unduly delayed the balding or this great transcontin ental railway future generations would them as unworthy of their positions as Canada and rightly so As the proposition is discussed in Parliament we shall be able to get further insight as to details but pres ent appearances indicate that an ex cellent bargain has been made Oar Society POINTS Miss was the gutst of Mrs Ed last week Mrs Ed visiting at Mr Robert s Miss Ethel of Toronto was visiting friends in last week Mrl Dickson was calling on friends in Town on Wed nesday Agnes has gone to her home at ftp a sis weeks vacation Miss Lucy Brock left on Monday evening for Toronto Ho accept a Situation Mrs Wilkinson of was on a visit to see her Miss Richardson l Mrs John Johnston of St Paul Minn- was the guest of the editor over Sunday Miss is away on a months holidays visiting her sisters at and Miss Ida Wythe of Toronto is spending a couple of weeks with friends in town Mrs of Fergus mother of Mrs M Hughes was here over Sunday on a visit Mr Simpson of Ottawa Collegiate Institute is- spending a few jays In Town Miss and her mother spent last week at and the latter is remaining this week Miss Urouhart of Toronto is home for vacation accompanied by friend Miss Robertson Rev A Belleville Is quite ill Mrs is visiting in Town this week Ada Pringle is spending her holidays at Point Mr Garrett of Toronto spent over Sunday at Mr Posters Miss Christina Spring of Ro chester was home for a few Miss Mabel Wilkinson Brant toW is holidaying with friends in Town Mr and Mr Ironside spent the holiday at Mr J ironsides- Mr Blake Hewitt the popular comic singer was seriously ill this week hut is improving Miss Mamie of The Roche Co spent over Sunday with friends in the Mr and Mrs and chil dren of Toronto pt of at Mr John Spring Miss Edna Pringle left last week for Syracuse to visit her cousin Mrs Dr Weaver Miss of Toronto was heme over Snnday accompanied by her Miss Ford Miss Gill of Toronto has been spending a lew town the guest Mrs Joel Black and a visit for three weeks the of the Misses sqnVvtrr and Miss L Thompson of Toronto were visiting at Mr John Springs for a of days Mr J Woodcock has gone to Port Arthur and pleasure and expects to be absent a month Belfry and her mother are preparations to Town thh and Mr Isaac has their house from Advance Clarice of spent Sunday with her cousin Miss Ethel iunter who is spending summer with her Mrs Hamilton Journal At a meeting of the School Board on Monday even ing Miss Cane of Newmarket was engaged to fill the vacancy on the Public School teaching staff at a sal ary of Dr Jos and wife of Water loo dropped off at Newmarket on Tuesday and spent the day with his Mr They are just returning home after spending THE CASH STORE THE PEOPLES STORE over Sunday with his daughterinlaw j three weeks on the Northern Lakes at Mr Jared Irwins Amohg those from Toronto who Miss Olive has gone to Cherry Creek Ont to visit her uncle for three or four weeks i Mrs W is visiting her sister Mrs randy at Alma Co of Wellington Mrs Geo Pock ami daughter of Toronto were visiting friends in Town and vicinity over Sunday Mrs W Hunter and daughter of Toronto spent over Sunday at her fathers Mr Meads Mr Morion and family re turned from Roachs point on Mon day after a months outing Miss Maude of Bradford is spending this week with her cousin St Mrs Little and two daughters her sister Miss Mitchell are home from Dctroib for the holidays A bakers dozen of ladies exceedingly a thimble tea last Friday afternoon given by Mrs A J Crip- pen Mrs Shaw of Toronto nee Miss Sophia Burns Newmarket was visiting with Mrs Albert Starr at Farm for a week Mrs Sterling and Mrs Kenneth of are spending a few days at Mr Allen Codys Mrs of Nebraska la spending two weeks with her sis ter Mrs Smith at Long ford Rama Mrs and Miss Etta are visiting in Milton Miss May Is home from Toronto Hospital on vacation The Misses Wesley teachers at are spending part of their va cation at home with their parents Mr and Mrs Jos Wesley Miss MA classical teacher of the Sydenham High School Kingston Is visiting at Rev Cornells for a few days Mr Ed Barry of Marie Mich was in Town on Fri day last He was visiting with his father Mr Barry at Mfss and her sister Margaret have loft a months vacation visiting relatives at St Catharines mid Niagara Falls Mrs Wesley under went an operation at Toronto Gener al Hospital last week is doing nice ly and it is expected that will re turn home in a couple of weeks Miss Walton of Washington formerly Mies Kirk her son Melville Mr from the same city were visiting last week with Mrs and Mrs Bar bara Mr Albert Stephens of Whit church was partially paralyzed by a stroke on Thursday of last week He was not laid up entirely with it but his power of locomotion was badly affected We are pleased to learn that he Is Improving spent over Sunday in Town we no ticed Miss Chan tier the Gray Muir Messrs Willis Stanley Brock Frank Osborne John Montgomery Montgomery and wife Br and wile came from his home in about miles from Buffalo in his commod ious automobile arriving at Major Allans bis brotherinlaw on Sat urday evening They are spending a few days in town and vicinity very en joy ably Mr Johnson and wile Mr Johnston wilt and daughter of Indianna Miss Lancaster of Hamilton Mrs Uriah Young of Green River Mr and Mr of England all spent Toron tos civic holiday at Mrs Emma Fletchers Miss Louie Richardson who was so badly hurt by upsetting of the bus on the way home from the Lake on the of May underwent an op a few days ago It was found that the end of the spinal col umn was broken and rofued to knit The diseased bone was removed and she is doing nicely now The Pope has definitely decided that his coronation shall take place on Sunday An order In Council has been pass ed reducing the period of Quarantine on cattle imported into Canada from Great Britain from ninety to sixty days The Alt Toronto July at the Parsonage Univer sity avenue by Rev Dr German Rev George pastor of Ag nes Street Methodist Church to Mies Emily AT Smith of Albany THE LEADING Undertaking House All Lines of Summer Goods are being cleared at Prices to make a speedy clearing up of all onr odds and ends left from our Spring and Summer Trade Last week made a big hole in most of the HalfPriced Goods We still have about WORTH OF I I Including Prints Muslins Delaines Lusters Embroideries Gloves Hosiery and Parasols In fact all Lines of Summer Dry Goods must leave our Store at once Hot Weather Shoes of all kinds Light Weight Clothing Mens Furnishings are all included in this Great Clearance Hundreds of Bargains are being offered MoneySaving Inducements for every person Our limited space will only permit us to mention a few of the Hundreds of Bargains to be seen at I I I I 25 Muslins for Cotton Hose for Fancy Hose for White Counterpanes for Embroidery for Parasols for White Lawn for Mens Oxford Shoes for 99c Ladies Strap and Oxford Shoes or Mens 50c Underware for Mens Soft SMrte for Mens Soft and Stiff Hats for Mens Cotton a pair for 25c doz Mens Linen for Mens 2 pee Summer Sorts for HUNTER ATTRACTIVE PRICES AT Our Grocery Counter SHOP EARLY TO AVOID THE AFTERNOON CROWD OS The Money Savers AND BARRIE SIGN THE BIO HAND PHONE NO Lightning at Bracebrldge Ont on July struck and killed Jessie nine years old youngest daughter of Mr John Keall farmer as she was sleeping with her elder sister In a downstairs bedroom elder sis- ter escaped unharmed Windsor July 28 Mr Sam Buchanan agent of the here has received word from Banff Springs that his wife had been seri ously Injured and may die Mrs Buchanan while out with a party of sightseers tell over the edge of a chasm to the rocks below Mr Bu chanan leaves today for Banff Springs Mrs Buchanan is one of Windsors popular society ladies Of China and Glassware Odd Pieces at a Bargain while they last Express Wagons Wheelbarrows Doll Cabs Toy Carta Croquet Sets 6 and 8 Balls Tables and A SPECIALTY to at Millard I Cvsdle to Mr and Mrs A Mar land a son July to Mr and Mrs D Hall a son July to Mr and Mrs W J Davis a daughter FERGUSON At July to Mr and Mrs We Fer guson twin daughters PARISH At Toronto on July to Mr and Mrs Herbert Parish nee Miss Taylor of arttown a soni At King City July 13 1603 to Mr and Mrs P a son Tomb At on Monday Aug Hannah Jane wife of Allen aged years Town July Mary wife of Mr John Mil lard in her year PINTS J and QUART HALF GAL es Phone and Hi a ST NORTH NEWMARKET Orders will receive Careful and Prompt Attention GROCERIES Black Currants Cherries omatoss Cucumbers Onions read Pastry Flour In small or by the by the hundred weight or taw Central Telephone Office Special

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