Newmarket Era, 7 Aug 1903, p. 4

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V THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY AUG Rotary Oleics to Street Solicitor Court Ontario i era c Cbcjpulu J South Peat Of- Customs revenue collected in for the pi July or of- last year Considering Liberals are still W growth prosperity Ol the country is a won- to old line Tories flee Newmarket Herbert Lennox Aurora also beat and Court solicitor for J Hubs A Co and Ontario Ban Aurora Block Honor to Loan line It is announced Agricul tural Department will send out expert judges to visit i53 Fall Fairs ot the Province- Possibly these experts may also be requested to report as to whether in their opinion the fairs they visit are con ducted in with the Agri cultural Act SALLOW JHIN fie Troubled Headaches with and Sharp Inter nal Pal Who Composed Canadas National Song r Interesting Story How He Game Write- and Publish the Maple Leaf A I Jobbing House Guarantee A Agent fire Life to Loan interest Current Kates the Newmarket fl A Ramsay Fir Insurance Aft ni tow on Farm and Town Property Tin Shop Newmarket iHetropoIitaii it Co TORONTO AND NEWMARKET 91 S3 8S 8SS3 to o S3 S3 ffl S3 a if it da7 GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY LEAVE NEWMARKET am Daily Cor connecting with boats for points on Lakes Or j Ilia North Bay am Daily except Sunday lor Meaford Penfttang Wharf pm Daily for Stay OrilIla North Bay and points In the Canadian Northwest pm Daily except for Meaford and ARRIVE NEWMARKET am Daily from North Bar OrilUa and Barrio am Daily except Sunday from Peae- and pm Dally From points In Cana dian North and pm Dally except Sunday from and Orillia I WLES Grocery and Provision The Ex pressHerald editor has adopted the habit of making sport of A personal appearance of his neigh- fl Of course a man like John Smith with the form a Roman and the features an Apollo has license to poke fun at people less fortunate Now if be were a slab- sided lanternjawed crooked nosed Jack he have to refrain from such criticisms Construction work on the line of the Lindsay this The contract for the entire stretch of line between Burketon and has Ineu let to Mr Fauquier of Montreal who is under bonds to have the road completed before December and to accomplish this about men will be required Some eight miles of the section have been let to a contractor named and perhaps other portions be farmed out The Mail and Empire makes the following announcement Mr Carneys utterances at Gore Bay it is evident that he knows how to call a spade a spade Well thats won derful Possibly judging by the evi dence given before the Royal sion the Tory Organ fancied be just as likely to call a spade a pickaxe or a sewing machine as otherwise Under any circumstances it is a favorable omen or that its redoubtable member has got to calling things by proper names Who knows Perhaps he may yet give to the world a true version of that transaction Talk about watering places and summer resorts Bala Falls according to a correspondent in the Gazette takes the plum This is the description is again gay with the beau of Avenue and its equivalent from Washington Philadelphia anil would you Mieve it from the Argentine Re public Diamonds are almost as common as icicles will be later in- the season Muskokas fame is reaching ends the earth and should it reach the aristocracy of Terra-del- we may possibly have visitors whose entire personal adornment could be covered by one of the small est diamonds at present worn No one deserves more sympathy than the sufferer from Indigestion men lead Ms cheat a good meal him hours of The dyspeptics slavery cant he builds up hie sys tem with Dr Williams Pink They strengthen the the liver and sharpen tbe tite There never was a case of in digestion that Dr Williams Pink could not cure IX given a lair Proof of this given by Mr of St Jerome Que who says I suffered from dyspep sia for five years The agony I en dured at times can only be under stood by those who are similarly tried a number of home and advertised medicines but they did cot help roe Then I decided to the family doctor and took for a long time the medicine he gave me hut the remits were no better in fact I was getting worse Some days I could not eat at all and when I did eat the meal was followed by pains and cramps In my stomach that made life almost unendurable Then stopped the doctor and again began trying other medicines but the result was always the same no cure and scarcely even temporary relief And so the trou ble went on for years until win ter I met a friend from St ite who asked mo if I had ever tried Dr Williams Pink Pills I had not but after some con sented todo so This was the be ginning of the end of my trouble the first box of pills were finished the pains after eating were less severe continued the Pills for a couple of months and at the end of that time I was wholly cured I can eat as hearty a meal as anyone and never have the slight est return of the pains and cramps that so long had made life miser able I have proved that Dr Wil liams pink Pllle will cure this trou ble all other medicines fail and I would strongly urge other dyspeptics to give them a fair trial These pills will cure all troubles due to poor blood or weakened nerves such as neuralgia rheuma tism partial paralysis Vitus dance heart weakness the all- meats that burden the lives of so many women If you do not find these pills at your dealers send di rect to the Dr Williams Medicine Co Ont and the pills will be sent post paid at per box or six boxes for Do not let any dealer persuade you to take something else J J t ALEXANDER Call and try our New England Tiling for Picnics aad All for only per Picnic Hams Wc per ft Cottage llama pec tt 15 to ft Corf laic to keep nothing but the Beet and You Satisfaction Berries on Saturday at Lowest Prices KN0WLE8 is now Pope Pius New Head of the Roman Catholic Church Rome Aug Cardinal the Secretary of Apostolic Briefs an nounced to crowd assembled be fore St Peters that Cardinal had been elected Pope and that he bad taken the name of The troops on duty immediately pre seated arms having lined up on the plazzs At ten after twelve this Pope Pius appeared the balcony of the Basilica and blessed tire amid the ac clamations of tremendous crowd assembled upon the piazza He was elected on the seventh bal lot after three days and a halt of de liberation HIS was born in diocese of on June 2nd and was created cardinal by Leo XIII at the consistory of June 12th receiving the title of Saint Bernardo Terms He Is also patriarch of Venice June and Bishop of He belongs to the ecclesi astical congregation of bishops and regulars sacred indulgences and sacred relics Cardinal enjoys great popu larity in Wis diocese and is honored by all for his purity for the strict uprightness his and for liberal ideas He Is a modest and agreeable man highly cultivated kind- hearted still strong and robust la spite of his years He has never taken great part In the political and public life of the church but divided his time between study and good works Altho most faithful to the Holy See he was presented to the King and Queen in Venice He may be considered among the more liberal member of the Italian Epis copate and Sacred College He is ra ther Urn Id In expressing- bis opinion It Is said that Leo very highly of htm and sided with him on one occasion when approved of policy He has been known for many years as one of the greatest preachers In the church the Er to 300 Plotters filled Constantinople Aug A strange chariot laden with forty dead bodies mysteriously left the Sultans palace at dawn a few days ago Some young and students the military School inspired by the Belgrade assassinations had plotted to kidnap the Sultan and force him abdicate in favor of his youngest brother Bey The Alban ian guard surrounded the conspir ators and cut them to pieces The number of bodies carried away clandestinely said to have been more three hundred Deafness Cannot be Cured by local applications as cannot reach diseased portion of the ear There is only way to cure deaf ness and that Is by constitutional Is caused by an condition of the mucous lin ing of tEeirrafcbian Ikibe When this tube you a rumbling or imperfect hearing and when it ia closed deaf- net is result and the in- be out and this tune restore to normal coo- hearing will e for ever bine out tea are caus ed by is nothing but an Inflamed of the mucous surfaces We will give One Hundred for any of caused by cannot be cured by Catarrh Curs Joe free J ft Sold by all druggists Family Pitta are tie beat Western railroads are forming a employment tight the workmen dead and eighteen by sol dier tea Take Laxative Quinine Tab All refund money if It falls to curs Groves signature fa on each box vj Didnt somebody say somewhere Canada First let me write songs of a nation care not who makes its laws Well some body said something like that some time and it goes which brings me down to the question as to whether Canada and Toronto more than any part of it does not owe more to Al exander the author of Canadas national song The Maple Leaf For ever and the manly muchloved Principal of Gladstone ave Public School Why there are now thou sands of men and women who nave as pupils come under the wholesome in fluence Mr and owe much of the loyalty and ardent love of coun try within them to the veteran schoolmaster his kindly simplicity of manner is a robust manliness that has had its effect on the present generation of Canadians As a schoolmaster alone there is no man combines in this materialistic age the faculty of preserving wholesome sen timent in the modern educational methods in such a degree as Mr There have been few scboomasiers have the respect and love of their pupils as Mr has done and have held that regard through the pupils after lives Mr a picturesque unique figure in the his tory of the educational life of Toron to and Central He now for over half a century labored hard and earnestly as a teacher Cana dian youth and his country Province and particularly the Oily of Toronto to which nearly fifty years of that service have been devoted owe him a debt that It can never repay Fifty years of continuous work in this arduous profession should claim its reward Mr in his buoyant hopefulness and edness would be the first probably to repudiate the idea that Toronto owed to his years of service an ac knowledgement seemly to the com munity and probably disavow it by the simple remark that he had mere ly done his duty It would be a be coming act on the part of the city through the Public School Board to superannuate him on a reasonabVe al lowance and permit him to follow the pursuits of literature music and re search for which his present duties allow him scanty time Mr was born in 134 and came to Canada an infant in arms Educated by his father a schoolmas ter Tie assisted in the paternal school at the age years Afterwards he attended Queens College Kings ton where he graduated in He chose teaching as his profession and his long professional life has been spent In Toronto district now part of Toronto and other places He was a volunteer at the time of the Fen- Ian raid and is a past president of the Army and Navy Veterans Asso ciation and is Bard of the Militia Veterans of W Maple Leal not the only patriotic that Mr baa written Other songs of his are Canada Forever and Canada the Land of Maple Few know the story of the conception of The Maple Leal Forever A -In- the autumn of when the echoes of the Fenian Raid had hardly died away the new Dominion had Just cradled Mr was walking with a friend In Leslies nurseries In the east end and a maple leaf in all the crimson glory of the atttuzn on his coat sleeve He tried and again to shake it off and laughingly drew attention to the tenacity of the leal Why not write a song about te maple leal hit friend knowing the ability of tbe Scottish- Canadian Schoolmaster In two hours the song was written and next y while with his chil dren he repeated tbe words lira attracted by the words sug gested thathe should set them to mus ic He did so Not long afterwards s group of oldtime Torontonlans were waiting turn in King Street Barber shop and the spirit of national life have been abroad in those Province welding times for regret was expressed that Canada bad no national song have one said Mr from chair when the razor of the barber gave him an opportunity There were the necessary windingup proceedings with towel brush and whisk and there in the little barber shop was first given to the world the national song of Canada in the re sonant voice of author A short time afterwards in response to the of one of his auditors he wrote put the song and music and upon request of the editor of the Christian Guardian it was publish ed in that paper Judge of Mr surprise He a short time afterwards was handed a bill for its publication A prominent music dealer with true com mercial instinct realized the of the song republished it from the Christian Guardian copy righted it and the only sum of money that Mr has received for the Maple Leaf was given to him by a small King Street stationer who haHded him that sum as moral roy alty on his sales of the song Died of Renfrew Aug Tbe Mercury says A you man named Watt fore man on Mr A farm in met with what seemed on ly a slight accident White driving a nail he put his knee against a to better hold it against the nail The nail went through the board and into his He was laid up for a few days then went about his work again In a day or so after complained of difficulty in eating Lockjaw developed and he died from its effects Bowmanville is to have a cus tom house post office town hall and market to cost Work has commenced r DRUGGING WILL NOT CURE CA TARRH This loathsome disease Is caused by germs that invade the air passages of tbe head throat and lungs and can be cured only be in halation of medicated air Stomach medicines atomizers snuffs are Inef fectual because they fail to reach the cause of the trouble Is successful because it is inhaled to part of the breathing organs and has power to kill the germ heals the inflamed tissues and prevents droppings In the throat Catarrh- ozone treats more than one thousand square feet of the mucous surface at every breath taken through the Inhal er and affords Instant relief It per tly cures Catarrh Asthma and Bronchitis- Sold by Druggists- A Twomonths treatment price Small or by mail from Poison A Co Kingston The British Fleet Is expected in Quebec on Aug By the upsetting of a canoe the Upper Ottawa a aurveyln party was drowned Winnipeg July Jean Baptist young of St district been sen tenced by to five years at hard labor In the peni tentiary and fn addition to receive twenty lashes He robbery with violent to a man years or age 1 Institute The Canadian Railway Instruction Institute corner and College streets In Oddfellows building Toronto Is open for purpose of fitting young men and ladles for posi tions in railway business This the only Institute of- its kind in Can ada and should meet with pronounc ed success as they guarantee to fur nish wellpaid positions on the sever al leading railroads Canada and the United Immediately on graduating in the capacity of tele graph operators train freight and ticket clerks agent and commercial operators Write or call on them tor particulars number of Government Deben purchased after J am For people who want an absolutely M investment they cannot be excelled We have other good Bonds yielding attractive Inter est rates as high as per cent LIST MAILED ON Dominion Securities Corporation Limited King TORONTO i I i A t r BLOOD If yon rcr contracted any Blood yo art safe or beta eradicated from the wUrnilntf but live In hope do eerlotK will follow Hare any of tat Son throat ton or la mouth y oat of the akin the body eyre of the itcoadirj Deal I to lack Dont with the old fogy treatment mercery only atlmeoaly to break out life Dont let Our NEW METHOD guaranteed to yon Oar ore backed that the will of lUCvw fceea already cored by METHOD TREATMENT for and No cora aolldud HEW will care yon and make a Under Ita lofUenca the brain blood purified to J til and become Heel thai and despondency eye become face fall and Clear anergy to the body and the moral jicil and tea are alldrala no more vital The organ become and manly Yon feel yonraeH a men and kern marriage cannot be a failure We Invite all the afflicted to and free of charge Dont Sat qnjcki and Ira rob yon of hardearned dollar COBE NO PAY treat and enre NERVODB DEBILITY SEXUAL WEAKNESS SYPHILIS STRICTURE VARICOCELE KIDNEY BLADDER DISEASES and all to and woman Core gtaiin- I teed Mi Are a Have yon loet hope marrUge Has blood been dlead in new Oar New Method Treatment will who treated yon write for an Free Golden Monitor llUntratedlonDiMJeo Chargea The Golden Monitor men of The of Sla- and Gleet- All No MM list and Cost FREE tor Horns Curt 148 ST DETROIT MICH E Sovereign BanManada Authorized Capital Head Office fta5ooo Toronto- Ciloton Harrow Mount Albert Mount Albert Newmarket Ottawa Hi Oat flUrtlrtg Waterloo Br Savings Bank- Department allowed from ChaquM may be la paid twice You ere not obliged to or With draw money oa the or day Month either at Sail and get oneof our little Booklet or Write and we will ad one W Wallace Bruce Martasr W Stark n MX- ALBBBt BE Kttk the Bugs Feeds the Plant I CO Canada a For Sales STORE Farm for Sale Co the beat on Yonge SI Newmarket may tor tale See J House for Sale of Sirs J J GANG FOR 8ALE CHEAP feet Iron Greeting without a flaw and email Iron Gates at about half coat pries Enquire at Bra Town Carting AU orders for carting will to Moving penalty Good bus kept for HUNTER Real Public School NOTICE lot Ctewiog a should be door Pump Shop w the Coott made lor the Stray Lamb Came upon lot In the Coo Whitchurch about last Juno a Leicester tall Owner is requested to pi property pay charges and SILAS VAN

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