Si THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY A DENTAL Brooks Block Albert Monday Tuesday and Wednesday of of each week Laughlin Buggies Repairing asd Prices moderate J COOK Albert Peter Hamilton 2 Fresh Jersey Also Three Jersey Heifers due about June STOKES Albert Dp Clark Mount Albert every Tuesday Office In Hopkins Block upstairs You can save money by your Furniture at the Furniture Store A stock than Bedroom Extension We are for Sham the celebrated Carpet Stretcher and Framing a delivered of charge wfaen ordered in quantity THEAKER THIS The heavy rain on did not materially interfere with the daricj at the market although it was held somewhat later than usual Prices as follows butter to to chickens to I VALUABLK TIME SAVED Slight injuries disable a and cause several days toss of time and when poison develops some- times the loss of a hand or limb Chamberlains Pain Balm is an anti septic liniment When applied to cutis bruises and burns it canses them to heal quickly and without ma turation and prevents any danger of blood poison For sale by T BALDWIN BREEZES A Christian Endeavor in it not at 11 coniJuciVr to secure dry grain mi time set so as The brilliancy of he of the Toronto on Sunday night oiewht remarkable here if first of a series of outdoor Con by the Mount Albert Band was given in Mr Vandewaters capacious summer house on King on Fri day evening last An excellent pro- grain music was given which was Appreciated by the residents of that locality and the members of the bang were entertained to choice re- by Mrs SAD FATALITY A sad and fatal accident happened on Monday when the little year old son of Airy Geo Meek of 1th of was almost instantly killed The little fellow was playing around the barn- when the wagon loaded grain came in from the field The driver did not see the land men by their present one wheel passed over his chest J interesting of the if Hon with the Christian Church here j was organized under direction of Mr Fred last Friday night Fred is very well thought of is a model young man in my humble esti mation The announcement of the decease of and Mrs John was a surprise jVe known them nearly my entire life and have the kindest memories of them- You can depend upon it theres no sham alxut the illness of a kid who is unable to enough fortitude a The Deacon button Scribe deals sledge hammer blows at tobacco Im of his opinion it is indeed a filthy riabit But thin more than say Dealers tell me the demand season for binder twine exceeds all previous years Hand binding will soon bo a lost art the same as hand spinning and weaving An occasion recently arose for one mother to give her boy salutary advice on evils of un truthfulness It Is indeed a thing to feel that you cannot trust ones word Little white lies and fibs soon to perjury etc I can recommend Artie Tomilson to the young ladies model of about the home He delights in lawnmowing hedge trimming and laying out flower bed Mr and Mrs spent Sunday at Mr John Springs in Miss- Emma St raster visiting her two sisters Mrs John and Mrs at Newmar ket the past week HOLLAND LANDING a- and Repairs Harvest Tools of all Kinds S MOUNT ALBERT s I Death ensued in about half an hour The family have the sympathy of the community in their sad bereavement I Mount Albert New We are busy opening Spring Goods CHOLERA INFANTUM This has long been regarded as one of the most dangerous and fatal dis eases to which infants are subject It can be cured however when pro perly treated AH that is is to give Chamberlains Colic era and Diarrhoea Remedy and castor oil as directed with each bottle and a cure is tertain For sale by Lloyd DAILY Call and inspect our new range of DRESS GOODS HATS CAPS HOOTS SHOES EMBROIDERIES INSERTIONS WALL PAPERS Values Better ROSS BROS ALBERT DRUGJTORE Pure Paris Green Bought in hulk and put up in packages by ourselves Poison and Tanglefoot We auto carry full line or Patent among and Rheumatic Cure and Family receive day or alght W T LLOYD Druggist Mr Gorman has greatly improv ed tho appearamc of the Hotel here by the addition of a nice lawn around which he has planted a row of ever- trees Mount Albert can boast of one of the best and most peace ably conducted hotels of To ronto A typographical error in one of last items made Mr A- Jones real estate transactions in read instead of The Hand acknowledge with thanks the receipt of a cheque for from Hon J Davis to assist in pay ing for the new band wagon Mr Herbert Shields was thrown off his house last Wednesday and was badly shaken up Recommends Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy Abott months aj Mr W Manning of Albany wide ly known in trade circles as the ry- of the Albany Chemical Co was from a protracted attack of diarrhoea tried Colic Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy ho says and obtain immediate relief I cheerfully re commend this medicine to those afflicted For sale by T Lloyd Ready Mixed All Shades Beaver Every Can Guaranted Whitewash Brushes Scrubbing Brushes very thing Time PERSONAL Miss Miller returned from St Michaels Hospital on Wednes day evening and is convalescing at her home here Mr Zephyr was in town last week Mi Thos Jennings of Toronto spent a few days at the home of his patents here Mrs James Maxwell of Port Perry ban been spending a few at her borne SunnyaWe Holt Mr Norman Douglass of Toronto has been enjoying his holidays with in town and vicinity Mr Mae Douglass and Mr OCon nor Toronto were at Holt with friends from Saturday until Miss Cook of Drayton is viHlUuK at home of her uncle Mr J Cook J ROWLAND J Mount Albert I nearly lost his in experiment inj Xrays A ran into a buggy at a crossing near the of the line rig was and the car was laid up for repairs i The in the mill of Mr Arch Toronto Junction was entered on Tuesday last and the blown by of little Only a few dollars rewarded the clumsy who nearly wrecked the office with the force of the ised that our rifle shots are not to bo caught napping They are pepper away at target at every avail able opportunity Some of them must have used upwards of ten worth of ammunition Whos to pay the shot Better look out or therell no shot left in the locker Madame and Miss Alice Arnold arc devoting their spare time to art decorations anil works of vir tue Mrs has a con cot eye for the selection of beautiful things look at her table drape and docs ox fine rugging Master Harford Riddel has a great and uncontrollable desire to be a engineer So ho packed his little tiunk bid them all good bye and took train Tuesday morning of last week enroute for Lindsay to carve out a future for himself Wed nesday evening back he came dejected and forlorn He had been misin formed They only repair engines at Lindsay I guess Kingston Locomo tive Works is the spot suitable for him Doubtless somebodys Hello would be considerably elongated if indeed it were not entirely reversed to oh last A limb of a tree fell on the wire and drew it taut No doubt such mishaps are the cause of profane remarks Mr Walter Thompson a barn raising last Wednesday to which his many friends gave willing Three year ago he moved here from ince which time ho has orocted a house and barn and cleared many acres of beside doing considerable contracts zealous workdr as you will so by- above arid is very popular about hero His barn is the best in that part the country Borne minor accidents occur rod other wise the raising success The Yates family had a very suc cessful blueberry excursion They brought homo 23 pails They had good forty no to have privileges on private property where fruit was plentiful Odr little friend Viva Cole daugh ter of Colo Sharon spread sunshine of her presence in our burg last week She is a general favdrile here Tommy Graham has a remarkably fine class of cultivated raspberries They measure over two inches Grandma Tomilson is on her annual visiting tour has been over Lake at how she hospitality of friends at Roach Point Present indications point to he root crop for many seaAons past Hen fluid calls for John Taylors oat crop is almost too to stand up Hi- land is like rich lands of the valley Four Weary on Shanks mares passed south thru our burg en route Inst week Does their movement an early winter Just about time a fellow gets ready to enjoy life he has to turn up hi toes and die Much is- tho Jaw of nature Moral Youth the time to enjoy life very important element in harvesting is in good shocking of axplo- 1 grain In our catchy weather I way of setting up grain VERY REMARKABLE CURE OK fAboiit six years ago for the first time I bad a very sudden ami severe atteck of diarrhoea says Mrs Alice Miller of Morgan Texas I got temporary relief but it came back again and again and for six long years I have suffered more misery and than I can tell It was worse than death My husband spent of for and trea without avail Finally we moved to Bosque county our present home and one day I happened to see an advertisement of Chamberlains Colic Chopra and Diarrhoea Remedy with a testimonial a man who bad been cured by it The case was so similar to my own that I concluded to try the remedy The result was wonderful I could hardly realize that I was well again or believe it could be so after hav ing suffered for so Jong but that one bottle of medicine costing but a few Baseball Match The Pump Co and the Lauding place here on Holi day resulted in favor of the Pump Co score being to 12 Land ing boys put up a good gar if but the Toronto boys were top strong I v spent civic holiday May Brandon Miss Parsnip wf2 John Joshua Chap man Art and Ln Chapman all of Toronto I severs Miss Chapman who has been visit ing friends in Wyoming and the past three weeks returned on Saturday At out from here took n ex- cur to on Tuesday report a good time little in the morning Suits for boys and men A fine range at prices to suit every one Fit as well as ordered clothing D WIT ALBERT cents cured T Lloyd me For sale by the SUTTON Miss Phillips of Brougham guest of Miss Clark The football match between Raven- Last week Mr Thos Scott lost two and McMillans Corner on valuablc animals a cow and a steer night resulted in a tie fcilltJ by lightning The was valued at two hundred and fifty dot- match will be played later was home for a few days visit twin mdst Will greatly missed not only in a tie as neither side could score The game was fast and interesting A return Air Joseph from the city with family Mr Toronto friends WANTED Bring your Wool to the Albert Woollen Mills and get the Highest Prices A largo stock of Our Own Leonard Kemp is home from school but in the church and the Manufacture hand for a weeks visit with his Endeavor I am sure we all join in Wishing her a happy and prosperous Mrs and her son Tom formerly of Sutton but now of are visiting with friends here Miss Hawkins is home Gleanings the to spend a few holidays with The Christian Endeavor intends holding a lawn social on Lawn oh Tuesdayeening Aug A good tea and other provided also a good program The Misses of are the guests of thtir brother Rev Arthur at the Manse Miss Rose a sister of Mrs is visiting- her Mis Simpson of Thornton is at the parsonage for a visit Mis of Toronto is her holidays with her aunt Mrs A Miss of is the guest of Miss Irene Moore thru August Mis John has a number of visitors among them tier sister Mrs Miss Lois JoveM Aurora is at Miss Wights for a fpw weeks Mrs and her voung daughter have arrived from New York and arc spending a few with Dr son Mrs P Steward is there also Mis Mildred of is at her grandmothers Mrs J Master Bedford Is joying his holidays with his cousin Master Dan Moore Miss Arnold a cousin of the Mfesc is visiting them Mr has just return ed from a visit at Miss is In for the remainder of the holidays Mr ami Mrs Morton Miss Mr Geo and family Mr Hill and family are enjoy ing the Lake breezes near for few weeks Mr Spalding Mr Frank Mi Inn Messrs Perry and Arthur Vantfant former residents of spent Sunday here Miss former school teach er who has just successfully passed the Normal School spent a week at this place before returning to her home In Stratford runs over the pros pect of the Metropolitan railroad running their Uric thru just east or the village and are now trying an other line farther eastup Union St Among other Improvements a new fence is being put up In front of Mr A number of frlcnu attended the funeral of Mr at the Home on Saturday Much sympathy Is felt for Mrs and family their old friends The services of Methodist Circuit for Sunday July will be as Mr Morton will preach at at am Sharon at pm and Hope at Mr at Kes wick In the morning Christian Life vivishoc at pm and Queens at The Waiting In the Holland Landing Church there will be services of an evangel- Is said nature every night next week Mis Smith and friends- Miss Mary is home from the city for a few days visit with her mother and friends Mr and Mrs Bert of the city are at present the guests of Mr and Mrs John The Lake Shore people interested in the church at Jacksons Point purpose to hold a jovial en tertainment the proceeds be ap plied to the debt on the This entertainment will be confuted by Toronto citizens and the of tal ent will be furnished Miss Allie Fountain is on a visit at home here with parents Mr Toronto also North Bay August An echo of the awakening of New Ontarios long quiet was carried down from the region on of July by Hon Iatoh- Com of Public Works and As sistant Commissioner Mr A who have returned from a two trip in which they the ogress of colonization roads also and Northern Ontarios Railroad now un der construction There was some question also as northern term- of this road which at tention but the most Mrs Kemp and their daughter May of ft visiting with at of tint Government- Railway point which hither The Garden Parly last was as usual a great success both socially and financially Over were realized Miss Leigh was quite iii at the Garden Party but is now improving Mrs of this town is the hap- pv recipient of a new piano D P McKay of Toronto will occupy the pulpit of the summer church at the lake next Sunday Rcesor of was the of Miss Bailey a week ago Sunday Mr and Mrs P had a visiw from Mr and Mrs of last week Mr Archie Ward son of Mr Ward of Sutton has been appointed on the of surveyors who are engaged In surveying the fifty Hew Townships in New Ontario grain elevator here was let to Mr Todd of Goodwood Mr Merchant ol will do The weather was unfavojVile yes terday the for the Indian Ex clusion and it has postponed for one week A writer in last weeks Herald who stylo himself a ratepayer was seiz ed with severe stomach trouble as a resuit of high pressure thoughts con cert a Town Hall and lockup and for relief took a of and spued up a mass of gangrenous stuff about several of our most respectable We trust he recover Iron the dangerous malady A very large crowd came up from the city to Jacksons PL last and enjoyed a pleasant outing RAVENSHOE J Mr Atkinson a respected res ident of Victoria Harbor and son of the Late John Atkinson of who had a consid erable time died on July bed was laid in Victoria on the a large number of his and acquaintances pacing last token of respect to the depart ed The sorrowing widow and friends have the sympathy of- the whole com- munlty- person in this vicinity Is looking for fine weather crops arc all good and are very fast engines have started and to been looked upon as term- of the line Tin are hat the Govern ment will undertake the extension of the load past New which will the length of the road It will lie remembered tin was road purported to an Election last general elec tion Hon Latch ford and Mr A ill arrived at North Ray hist to present at Rev Father picnic Other prom inent will be present and will give addresses Italian gang out on strike as usual cry Their places fillel at once Special Correspondent Tiie strike of the Hamilton bak ers has been declared off and the des patch states that the union men arc In a worse condition than they were before as to their union which the master bakers will refuse to recog nize MUSIC Miss Alice Woodcock wishes to an that she Is prepared to re ceive a limited number of pupils on the piano or organ at her home Albert or at pupils homes it so de sired Terms on application Binder Twine Now on hand Plymouth Binder Twine Barrel Salt and Land Salt in at lowest possible prices SHIELDS MOUNT ALBERT Liverpool London Globe COMPANY I WI187JSI5 to turning out well Newmarket is visit- j I- HEAD CANADA BRA or Andrew Went- J Deputy Ihalr man Clou t r1r at commenting at ling Albert Chief for her Miss Ida Smith I Dominion era PR GEO ALBERT Try Our Own Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil with Wild Cherry Hark An Excellent Remedy FOR Coughs Colds AND Lung Trouble Wo keep leading makes of Trussed Properly fit ami guar antee them Forrests Drug Store MOUNT ALBEKT Farm for Sale acres good clay loam all good state cultivation except acres of pasture a spring pasture being part or jots and In the 3rd con of Good house fairish i es plenty fruit apples pairs cherries and raspberries In sight of the beautiful waters Lake Terms easy on the premises ROBERT or rtARWAOE LICENSES BUTTON II FIRS INSURANCE To Insure In beat stock always tho escape TUB with or fiuiuSoia- class or rim p c