THE AUG J HALL jut remarks Tie know Interest a many We ex Jobbing Hisses odd or Christian tie paragraph printed on the we learn that A Miller will preach here again next morning and and al so t- Union St Church in after noon Church The Quarterly Services last Sunday were well attended considering the number of people out town The pastor was ably assisted in the sac ramental service by Rev A Mr first superintendent on the circuit are not quite uptodate in but the wearing quality Is and you can buy at very inter- prices Come and tee tare We Got Their Cheque Mr Lehman insurance delivered the cheques this week in connection with the burnt barn at Holt Mr Thompson owner of the Lines Right w at prices to suit the closest got on the contents Both the men were well satisfied The checks were received ten days alter the fire which is a very satisfactory way doing insurance business The Empress Fine Shoes For Ladies please every purchaser Fit Comfortably They Look Stylish They Wear Well They arc Moderate to price Our Oxfords for are a half more Our childrens Patent Leather Strap Slippers for are away below value and our Misses Patent Leather Strap Slipper for are well worth Inspecting Boys and Girls School Boot are the best to be both In wear- fas and fine appearance We would like you to our DIN GER SETS and TOILET SETS A Dangerous Trick- Lately some persons have been will fully with the- alarm signals at the Timothy and Water Street crossings this town Such a practice if continued may result in serious consequences because if the alarm rings when there is no danger people would soon lose confi dence in the warning and the danger increased instead of being diminished Last Wednesday morning three vehi cles were held for several minutes alongside of the Office Specialty Works but no train appeared One of tne rigs turned around and drove to Queen Street rather than run any risk while all the time it was a false alarm by some boys on the track Section of the Criminal Code says Every person is liable to five years imprisonment who interferes with any points signals or other on any railway And person committing any the above acts with intent to cause danger to life is liable to imprisonment for COB- WORTHY TO KETTLEBY Harvesting is the topic of the day in this section Farmers very busy cutting and drawfrog in their grain and on Saturday last Cur tis engine whistle could bo heard far and near after threshing out J Curtis fall wheat and some barley Souk has already cut and housed while others are prepar ing to cut A very pleasant evening was spent on Saturday last in honor of the Kettleby Brass Band at Mr Joseph Rogers when watermelon and ice cream together with other delicacies were served in apple pie Your scribe also felt that it was good to be there not that bis taste perhaps was any more adapted for melon and cream but it always does him good to see other people themselves along that line The Misses Walker Toronto are guests at Mrs John Mr Frank and wife of To ronto spent Sabbath last with his parents here Owing to Field Meeting at Pottage ville there was no service in the King Christian Church nor was there any Sabbath School here IteLe1tct How Mortons Store attracting a great dual of attention Mr Morton has this sale every year to clear out his summer 50005 and other goods which are- not sellers One will on doubt secure great bargains for the next days Mr Alfred Draper Mortons spent Tuesday Cubing and in about fish Miss is visiting at Mr Wash Winchs I Mr Kings father is lyin in a very critical condition Mr- King sr is a very old man and has been ailing for some time We are very much pleased to hear that Mr Francis Morton who was so seriously hurt ten days ago is some better His many friends wish him a speedy recovery has commenced here How quickly the year around We have not seen the Owl hoot ing around here for some time We believe if the Owl wouM move up here in GwJllimbury he would have a better chance to show his feathers and might some one of lhe Fair sex ORCHARD BEACH PHEASANT VALLEY -Lv- Our Sunday School was visited last week by in hW ca pacity as President of the Conven tion Mrs Frank Lundy and are are visiting at Mr Dan Lundys Mr Watson Ph and Mrs Watson visited his sister Mrs J for a few days be fore their departure for flatty on coast of New Hampshire Miss Leta Haw tin is holidaying With friends in for a Air and Mrs Webb of Toronto are visiting in this locality for a week Mr J Dicks paid si oil visits to friends here in day Farmers are very busy in harvest and the familiar whistle of the thresh Constable Savage was notified by Company to take such steps as will prevent the recurrence of the Wilson is alarm signal ringing when there Hope oon re no danger Parents should their children to keen the track Ethel has gone to or they may get into serious difficut- if weeks ty The Is very strict eh are looking forward to when any trouble arises- the opening of school next week GROCERY DEPARTMENT til good cooking Figs for The Leading Reliable R Telephone Obituary The late Catherine of Kings most highly respected Mr Ferguson from London was a resident of that plate foe land will address the Society over fifty years living most of the In the Hall at on Sunday time in tte beautiful ytute house on evening Aug at oclock All the farm adjoining Kettleby Mrs who heard Mr Ferguson at the last was the widow of the late Gospel Temperance meeting will be FARM FOR acres being lot in eon of North good itate cultivation Good hank barn and fences in good condition Neverfailing spring water miles from Keswick PO House and Lot for Sale Tie fitfit house west of shop on Street House hard and sett wa- to 4w23 For further particulars apply LAMBERT PEARSON Prospect Avenue Newmarket Farm for Sale acres in tots and Cos Whitchurch Plenty of wood water Twothirds seeded down Store wall under barn Vivian PO FOR SALE Acres of Farm Land the Corporation line of owned by Mark Brown She was year jot Con of lying on North tide of lty Street The is day fe desirable for market gar- All under cultivation There frame barn on same with wKrouiid For apply to Solicitor For Sale or to Rent flt lioute on Church St Just and he was well known as a mechanic and at one time was ine was the mother of eight children four boys and four girls Two sons Angus and James and laughter Annie who was Mrs being dead One son Alexander is in Michigan one daughter Mrs Mar garet in Long Rapids Mien one daughter Mrs Red Cook and the youngest Mrs Will J Kettleby and the youngest son in Charles who is single and with whom his lived Mm- ling ers has been with her mother a great deal during the last few years and little Chats Rogers Vita son of Will J was a great help and com pany to his grandmother and he dearly loved her as every toy should do for there Is nothing a dear oldfashioned grandmother During her last illness she Spoke a great many her gratia daugh ters Misses Mae and ross of Michigan wished to see them before she died It not thought she was so low till almost the last and relatives would liked to have come home were to be present- We are sorry Hats that word was not sent until too late to Mrs John of Long Ra pids Midi lor her to attend the fu neral Mrs was a good and Mad neighbor a highly respected member of the Methodiot Church for over years- She a wo man of pure Scobch decent and will be greatly missed the in which she noble mind won for Iter laurels among her nu merous friends The hand of is extended to the- bereaved Si is a sisterinlaw to Mr of Newmarket and a sister to Mr William of Vaugh old on the toot February ait July and was hurled on July In Newmarket Tie hard to break the tender cord When love has bound Tis hard so bard speak We must forever part Dearest Mother we must lay thee In the peaceful graves embrace But thy memory will be cberrished Till we see thy heavenly face Contributed in loving remem brance to listen to so able a speak once more Farmers are complaining of so much rain It is injuring the crops con- sideiably The scale men have been trying to sell our townspeople a new set scales but no deal be made as the sufficient number of shareholders not he raised We need a new set of scales here and it would be a great benefit to the village and the peopie in this vicinity to have one It is to be hoped the owners of the present scale will take the matter in hand and either repair the old ones or buy new Miss Lewis and Miss Myrtle Draper are visiting at Fox Island Tor a few days Mr J Morton has returned from a visit to his sister Mrs McKay near A good number from here attended the funeral the late James Kava- keeper of the Industrial Home Mr Kavanagh was highly respected by all who knew him Mr J A Irwin has finished dis tributing nearly maps of the Now Ontario Survey They are cer tainly well worth the money and re flect much credit on the puWiBhers Mr Warren Prosser has accepted a situation with his uncle David Sou lea of Ashtabula Ohio Warren Is a young man and one who will make a good business man We wish him success Duncan King is erecting an Immense barn this summer The foundation is the best quality cement Mr King is one of our uptodate farm ers and deserves great credit Mrs V Connolly of Toronto is visiting at Mrs Jas tor a short time The Free Methodist Camp Meeting which was being held about two miles south here closed on Sun day evening Much good has been done Miss Rogers who has been very III Is much better Miss Forsyth is visiting with her aunt Mrs A Winch for a few day Gilpin of is visiting with friends around here for awhile W Cutverwell was in the City Moiday and Tuesday attending the Races and reports a good time Among those who have purchased Steel Ranges in this section arc James Phillips Tims The Australian wealth Maloiiey Albert Dafoe Kills Jackson v Terms prepared to spend to They say they arc excellent on a new capital ranges More than the usual number of vis itors arrived here last Saturday and remained over the Sabbath especial ly from Toronto The boarding were pretty the first time this year Saints had occupants your correspondent noticed Rich ardson Dr Coombs Gamble Walter Jackson Leslie Jackson Mr and Mrs A It Watson Mr and Mrs Wat- on Mii E Cane Miss York Miss Cane Miss Elliott Mr and family the latter have moved up to their new cottage for the rest of the Birth At Cottage on Tuesday of last week Mrs of a son doing well Thrre was a social dunce at Mr Casaidys one night last week Mr and Mr and Si a Collins of Toronto were here on Sunday Messrs E Jackson Geo Simpson and one or two other kindred spirits are on a cruise around the lake this week in the Skylark Sunday was duly observed by the usual religious services which were well attended The Young Peoples meeting at Mr Oartshores cottage Echo Hollow in the afternoon and at the usual place in the evening were especially helpful Mr Ferguson Mr the after noon meeting Mr Chapman de livered the address in the evening Mr Mackenzie and Mr Moore Holland landing were here over Sun day Ellis had all the passengers bin boat could carry last Saturday evening for Roachs Point and Orch ard Beach more than a dozen were seated on the upper deck Col Lloyd also had a number for the Beach Among the campers at this point during the present season are a num ber of schoolteachers The seeks joya Her labor being done And she who tanned the little Ikyb Is now tanned by the sun Mr Frank Lloyd and bride of De troit are spending the honeymoon at Orchard Beach camp It is too late to learn that you may be too previous Thats what is said of the canoeists who think they know how to manage the risky thing real well but somehow in having an upset whenever they attempt to show their smartness Tuesday was a wet and rather dis agreeable day to campers to those who are of boating however who are fond of indoor amusement and games and who en joy sociality didnt care a cent the weather was like Monday was a red letter day at this rapidly growing summer resort Col Lloyd and a kindred sports decided to get up a Regatta and along with it include a program of aquatic feats The day was delightful and just fitted the occasion Somewhat cloudy- nice breeze in the forenoon for the sailing race but and calm water all afternoon and evening for the other events A charming concert took place in the evening in front of Ottoweko followed by a brilliant display of fireworks on the shore Gasoline yachts rowloats canoes Ac galore floated about the bay filled with happy campers and At a moderate estimate riot less than between and people gathered together to witness the days proceedings not only regular campers of Orchard Beach but people from Roachs Point Belle Ewart Mortou Park Keswick and surrounding coun try and a bright merry crowd they were During the canoe race two In each boat one of the contestants in the drink Several rushed to the rescue the only harm done was a wetting to the young men and a scate to some who the accident and who feared serious resuits But soon all danger pass- mirth agin reigneJ clays proceedings were brought to a close about pm Following is the prize list of the var ious events Sailing Race Van Normans ft skiff Dr McDonalds Ladies Double Scull Misses Rata and Andrews 2nd Misses Helen Robinson and Enid Double aid Norman 2nd Fred Rosamond Ladies Single Scull Kate 2nd Miss Gentlemens Single Scull Frank 2nd Geo McDonald Double Benson and Fred Thompson Mixed Double Scull Miss Kin- near and Benson 2nd An drews and- A Tilting Contest Lawrence and Lawrence Boys Tub Race Frank J 2nd Lawrence Gills Swimming Race Helen Boys Swimming Race First- brook 2nd Lawrence In the evening before the concert were several running races for the lit tle ones Frizes were presented at close of M P P of To ronto presided Lloyd was chairman of Committee and M Thompson m v if AT ELHA NORTH Mrs Geo Pollock and daughter Annie of with her sister Miss of Toronto went over to Lockport New York State to visit relatives there They expect to be gone a couple of weeks Mr Geo Pollock has been invest ing in machinery recently having re ceived from the Manufacturing Co of Toronto last- week a new thresher clover mill and engine He brought it home from last Saturday forenoon and be gan threshing clover the afternoon of the same day at Mr John Green woods con E The people of this section were shocked last Friday to hear of the death of Mr of the Industrial Home at the To ronto General Hospital where he had been undergoing an operation Mr Kavanagh was for many yeans the beet and most widely known auction eer in North York Scarcely was any other auctioneer to be seen for many years in the townships of North and East To the friends and relatives of deceased we extend our sincere sympathy A Close Coll Sinks Shortly THE WlIAHF Last Friday the Steamer Enter prise made her regular trip to Jack sons Point with about passengers on hoard Shortly after leaving Big Bay Point on the return trip the pack ing round the stern pipe became dis placed awl permitted the water to pour in syphon pump was at once set in motion and the steamer headed for the north shoie of the bay As no danger was appro bended Captain McDonald continued his trip to but exercised com mendable prudence by keeping within a short distance of the shore in Order to beach the boat it it became necessary the creaking of the syphon and running of mes sengers from the hold to the captain at the wheel the passengers were un aware that anything unusual had oc curred The coolness of the Captain and Engineer McLood doubtless avert ed a panic had the serious state of affair once become known among the passengers it is impossible to say what result might have been Tim boat is equipped with double boilers engines and the last part of trip was mado with only one- half of her machinery in operation one fir being extinguished Not wishing to take any chances the Captain ran into Street wharf instead of mooring at Bayfield Street The steamer was filling fast and about listed and sank The bow was run Into the bank and the stern is now resting in twelve feet of water She was inspected as usual this spring by the Government Inspector who pronounced her sound and sea worthy The steamer is owned by the Co of and was chartered for the season by Mr A Harris of Atherley rie We beg to announce to the public that we are Opening a Branch at in the store lately occupied by Mr Gilpin We will carry full lines of Tailor- Made and ReadyMade Clothing Hats Caps Hose Boots and Shoes Underwear Peajackets Cardi gans Staple and Fancy Dry Goods Groceries of all kinds in fact all the store will hold of Finest Goods Money Can Buy and best of all will be sold at Rock- Bottom Prices We will handle any quantity of Butter Eggs and Poultry and in fact anything you have to sell we ask is a trial All PARK We Open in a Week HODGIN Consignment of Cherries On Friday and Saturday This Week will end them Nice Large Ripe Bananas 15c Huckleberries 10c lb Tomatoes basket Peaches 15c Plums 10c Pears 10c doz Watermelons New Cabbage Cucumbers Lemons Pure Lard 20 lb pails 240 For Sale Globe Hotel In the thriving Vil lage of Hillsdale with stock and fur niture Proprietor retiring from business Terms to suit tho pur chaser Apply to JOSEPH COCKSEDOE Hillsdale Oat THE BEST TALKING MACHINE Jit talks Slnga Comic Sacred and Sentimental Songs like You can understand every words It Vs It Is the Hard full Band or Orchestra the greatest entertainer ever made It uses which last for years The la made in Canada A five year gua rantee each machine Write for Catalogues re PRICES 1600 TO Sold on Easy Monthly Payments if desired BY E BERLINER 23152319 Catherine Montreal Manager for Canada A Jeweller Agent Bulgarian bawls have murdered John was fined and Mohammedans in cost on the Kingston Police Court Indictments were returned on Wednesday for selling cigarettes on United States officiate lor Sunday frauds