Newmarket Era, 14 Aug 1903, p. 4

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a J I j-i- i THE NEWMARKET iypy J editor W Printer New York informs us that tie PAINS THAT MAKE THE LIFE MISERABLE KITES a fco and time immenrla Resold genres the kin inflame the wastes the is the public Williams Pink Pills Never Fail a candidate for Local Assam reduce the power ate to present- to and Ailments a in of Honor having sworn average lor Liberals of met in con cot ion yesterday afternoon to to disease and capacity for and coo- of my bad acrofoia kept and them from to for three end medicine did no good them Hoods medicine- cads tort to roods yon I radically and la rid thousand Points in Fashionable The high crown remains a popular sty So in straw as well as in lace chiffon and tulle In almost instance the brim is wide alt around with a slight flare off the face Plumes and tips offer manifold possi bilities in the adornment high- crowned hats The revival of the lit tie bonnet with strings will J Public Ac Newmarket on t flirrUUr Solicitor Public etc to Court ket fl Cboopin door douth of Put this Kind Mrs Walter the jfijsir The Opposition master is well known currency to the rumors of the An Ottawa despatch to the residents that locality SfSSii the problem respecting fishing and family well known The w la the thought y mttX states that the question will likely Lom County whore to re- Sir mi straw braids are used to fashion be at tbe conference of Pro- fi ratified- with it the to the electorate of viocial Premiers The Ontario Da- for four genera ions In the Dominion form decoration with the of Fisheries is inclined to speaking of Dr Williams Pink Pills strinzs velvet ribbon The view stalest of the Hon Ray- Mrs Book says In giving my tee- Twelve years Kingston espocialYy well as merely Do- I do so frankly without should be a wholesome fl or new sal minion side of the question Out- as I am convinced of the or people not to use prim e funds a fl at pi atea rio still retains the right to complete reliability of the pills For speculations That is what Geo or with a ether census and to prohibit taking of a of years I had been troubled Rowley the I shape e j particular fish The question is a severe in back which Loan Co a Thomas got sides or ral plicated by the fact that sometimes extended to my stomach J Seau that Ontario Quebec retained with it I StitK Cboppin door Herbert Aurora wilt Newmarket in and Solicitor for J Bom a Co Banker and Ontario Bank farmer Block s Loan ft I l to Jobbing House Confederation cause I had doctor and had a number Commissioner at and I he oth er two commissioners at 58000 each an interesting debate took placed harvest- excursions to Manitoba and the NorthWesl Territories are Si to announced to take place a little ear- Her than year It is expected- Jt I noticed an improvement grain harvest in ll flw some places in the Territories and complaint a thing of the ffW1 Manitoba as fifteenth I was feeling better I Manitoba as I keep pills for wte tor the house and whenever I feel in need fl0T trimming Velvet ribbon in varying from hall an inch to two inches is much in demand in but the first of the excursions will leave here on the This will farm laborers to harvest fields in ample time clerks who are not to farm work are warned to remain at home Persons to the wort usually disappointed and tell unfavor able about tire country a medicine take a few always at the International Congress splendid tonic and of Geologists at Vienna and will l rt to meet in Canada system Dr Williams Pink Pills are the greatest blood builder and nerve ton ic in the whole wide world That is a fact beyond depute and it ac counts for the fact that there is no corner in whole in Mr John P McKay of Woodstock who has been appointed man ager the Toronto has a hard iql J ft Acm HMirnflr Money Current Interesting statistics out re cently by the Education Department lhc have been published in daily press And made a good selection relating to the spools of ihe Pro- to of pupils en- rolled in the fccocls of On- cure in was being a th3t from the preceding Pink Pills for Pale People is printed on the wrapper around every box Sold by all med icine dealers or sent postpaid at the districts in SwS fcilfSJ by show an increase The total amount paid for Public school teachers sal aries was an increase of crease of year The decrease is noticed in townships and many of as well as in all the cities with ce tions Chatham and St Catharines Brock and almost from en the bill constituting tbe cemmis- millinery world The broad widths ana aim fojm encircle the low crowns of the new An Ottawa despatch says Dr Bell sailors as well as for bows and ros ettes Both fruit flowers are to be popular decorations for the early autumn hat and in the reds deep greens and sere brown shades they are particularly seasonable Birds too are used and are admirably suited to the present flat style of trimming From the Delineator for September in BUILDINGS AND CROPS DESTROYED Forest Aug This afternoon at oclock a disastrous cyclone swept tbrouh a portion of town- ship two west of Forest and tre damage done by wind and hair is serious ftre en farmers bed their barns blown a down or unroofed Dozens of wind mills were wrecked several chimneys wore blown oft dwelling houses and were levelled to the ground civilized world place to where some sufferer has not been cur- Mr ed by building up the blood by these no other medicine so Position a The Railway hill was amended in several important par ticulars among them is ajTOvision i hat no change in the class ideal ion of rates can be made by the railway without six weeks no tice Another provides for tlo pav ement of fair wages upon construction S- a number of issues of Government and Municipal Deben tures purchased after thorough expert For people who want an absolutely sure investment they cannot be excelled We have other good Bonds yielding attractive inter est rates as high as per cent LIST MAILED ON APPLICATION Dominion Securities Corporation Limited King Street East TORONTO i mm and tbe total amount for all purposes was Mr bail which accompanied the A spiia taMtm states hat Russell Winnipeg school dele- stripped lc 4 fl A Ramsay fire Insurance Agent low sod had bis final intern the last morning J t out was given out It is y to data relating SEVERAL PERSONS reply re- til inch deep- and the trend of AND MANY INJURED j the Catholics to injured by Premier lor any It Portland Ore July 31A section sm them ttat education ol the bridge the William if In Forest some damage was done river here collapsed after- the British America Act to the tbj tapn more than one Provinces a brick building being blown in and dian large manufacturing establishments to seek locations in our smaller Towns the Toronto News says The industrial figures published by Metropolitan it Co TORONTO AND NEWMARKET the Provincial Dcpartmnt of Labor wilu their- statement that between hundred persons forty feet into f j it trees riddled and new industries have been water Three people are known to Canadian in tM was started in Ontario during tbe pastime been drowned and it is feared off Frank Jerkins ham and year illustrates the intensity of the the list of dead will be much were badly damaged activity They also illustrate the Many fell on two small boat ftSMSj movement of industries back to the a pier of the bridge iiS moments warning and spent The day of the local under the spot where it itself In a short time is S883 233232 small towns v w factory serving a small district has gone The advantages a About twentyfive were injured small town as a site for a large lac- striking on the boatbouses or gold fields which a lew years ago was largely in favor of the Amerij cans has now come out the extent of This Is a tory are coming into recognition timbers Many Tell from fJL of we roofs of boat houses into t signCanada lor the Canadians hives host Newmarket is an correctness of our water but dozens of small boats and observations and the samo may be launches in the vicinity quickly pfek- appled to bur neighboring town 888 fc Is more catarrh in this sec- The Toronto Star states that the w Dreadful Scenes Caused by tbe A cablegram this week announces of the Victins Who Were the continued Hon mostly Poor ward Blake although nothing serious Paris Aug bodies with medical advice however he Will moVerM the death seek some mot the of test In Government surveys Have reached their h every Wed- aa4 Saturday GRAND RAILWAY LEAVE NEWMARKET am Daily tor Wharf with boats for on Muskoka Orlllla North Bay am Daily except for Meaford Barrio Muskoka Wharf Daily for ner North Bay and points in the Canadian Northwest pm Daily except for Allandale Barrio and ARRIVE NEWMARKET am Dally from North Bay Wharf OrflUa and am Daily except Sunday from and Barrle pm Daily from points in Can a- North Bay and rle pm Daily arjd neighborhood of Lake good farming land on the slope to wards James Bay It is in this re gion that one the survey staff was drowned a few days ago- The pro- Grand Trunk Pacific is also to pass near Abittibi aid to a certain extent the two government railways will be serving tbe same dis trict and cornicing for the same trade is to en up these and give access to 1 that Ontario njitont is the load The Grand Trunk Pacific however will in for the lions chare it lass through this kind all the way from the Ottawa to north Rat Portage The district Is of the most promising nature rolling land heavily wooded with and balsam the best of paper and drained by rivers flowfnje into Day It ls expected there will be work in abundance for both rail ways able For a great many years doc tors pronounced it a local disease and prescribed local remedies and by constantly to cure wit local treatment pronounced it Science Has proven catarrh to be a constitutional disease and therefore required constitutional treatment Halls Catarrh Cure manufactured by Cheney fe Co Toledo Ohio is the only constitutional cure on the market It is taken internally In doses from 10 dcop to a It acts directly on the blood and mu cous of the system hundred dollars for any case ft fails to cure for circulars and testimonials Address P J CHENEY CO Toledo Ohio Sold by druggists Halls Pills are tbe best Over the signature of Mr T that he has resigned his appointment Railway last evening as chief Canadian Counsel on the A electrical circuit set a train Alaskan Boundary on every soul on fates seem to be against this toart to death in regard to Alaskan trouble One of Canada a died recently arm now her chief M whe Hie victims were brought Counsel in the has resign- out the mast just at critical period of open- of weeping men ing the and women and children struggling in an effort to their missing relatives and friends Most of tire victims arc from middle and working classes as the trains were carrying them home from their work IT CORNS QUICKLY Putnams Corn Extractor is war ranted to cure Corns without pain in a few hours Give Putnams a trial and you will be satisfied It is sure safe and painless During his courtship a man thinks Its a dream after marriage he Is sorry that he woke up A chandelier with twelve burning lamps fell from the celling of the W Baptist Church at setting of the Inst touching to is and pronouncing it a queer I M uncanny political cult covered by Insurance Mich Aug Wallace Bros circus trains were wrecked in the Grand yards here early to- W Strong of Bradford twentythree men mostly been appointed clerk of the Second employees circus were killed Division Court of County In outright Twenty more were injur- the place of T Graham ed fatally During the past year new churches and new parsonages been erected In the NorthWest Territories at a total of a moment go to the nearest drug the same period the store and get a bottle of J average contribution per member has Five times stronger any other been the of members IF YOU SUFFER PAINS DONT WAIT l The coronation of Pope Pius X penetrates to the remotest fibres- added las been and addi- mail In took place on Sunday with great cere- soothes Irritated and car- ticmal have started ii J m with It almost re- work birthplace in the good city of Toron- to and fostered arid brought to light by such welltnown Tory politicians as Dr and Life of Pope Leo MANAGER tf ANTED Trustworthy lady or gentleman in lief Good for pain on outside and if possible even better for all internal agonies Nervlline la sold under guarantees you sire not benefitted your money cheerfully and medicine deal ers sell it everywhere -Hooa- clique of his style and methods In politics Mr on to ray that new high priwt of this new cult is of Manitoulin His followers are called each district to manage our and are no and start agents in the sale of tho giving the creed of this new cult and Authorised Life of Pope Mr amplifies It by stating Leo Book issued under the that all men are aware that the Imprimatur of Cardinal Gibbons and object of the cult Is to gain political endorsed by the leading Archbishops UmtLU pcorer at any cost and by any meth- and throughout the United The Canadian Railway corner and College streets in the Oddfellows Building Toronto Is open for the purpose Sydney and her men and ladles for three nephews named St Pierre are WifljR WBPw a in jail ft ting to the residence of Mrs fcould meet with a neighbor at fflft they guarantee to t positions on the ana doing the community States and Canada printed both An excursion train with the Lis- leading railroads in Canada and will tell the Judges they have lied English and French straight Union Sunday School the United States immediately on will elevate the high priest of cash salary and expenses paid each with about 200 persons on board graduating In the capacity of flu aw week direct from headquarters ex- I Wed with a switching engine In the operators train despatches money advanced position per- yards at Niagara Falls on freight and ticket clerks and 1 1 1 nfluenCe In this David Clark- Saturday Four boys were slightly commercial operators Write or No to men Varicocele At It Id r it a with of It emliiloat of ii the la Id of the and la complete of Manhood led are troubled with Stricture It reaaoa to are with It It will rata let by cattlajr atrotchlna- or It Our Now Method stricture faenca It dlaappears and can return We cm and Stricture operation or lots of time treatmtat may talced at home privately Send for our Free Book on Varicocele and to Cure or No Fey All affect the kidneys a eearce Of Have you aching or over the amall of back la or feet adroway la Dont ntfflact your Our New Uathod la to care any dlaeaae of organs or no pay Without Written ft is Rottc of aaya I had varlcocale In the secondary atajra and two tars standi I operated twice great suffering but only rallaf I finally to try tbe New Method Treatment of K A K veins disappeared In the tissue removed la so waa a man In every I whote heart eight weeks my eeaaal energy and vitality waa a man In respect I recommend yon with GUARANTEED NO CURE HO PAY K I We treat and care Harrow Debility Manhood Stricture Ilia Parte and UnaaUral ConsalUUoa Book Free Write for Home lata SHELBY STREET Detroit Kennedy ti a H E Sovereign Authorized Capital Head Office Toronto- BR Harrow AT clock Mark haw MIIertn Montreal Mount Albert Newmarket Toronto 1 Catharine Stirling Waterloo Mount west End Br Zurich OK OOH Savings Bank Department Interest allowed from Cheque may be Issued Interest la paid twice a year With- day tlm Call and get one of our or Write and wo will you one We Wallace Manaaravf branch W J Stark ALBERT aw not obliged to deposit ofW o the or of the month Tourney do either at I Farm for Sale of the beat far mi on St Newmarket may be for tat See T J Auction Sale of Berths PUBLIC is that pursuant to authority Orders in Council thc and White Timber in the following and aras namely In the DISTRICT of the Townships of Mutton Parkin thy Merrick Afulock part of French part of Stewart Lockhart part of part of part of and Phelps part In DISTRICT of and of Kitchener and Roberts Block near Lake In the RAINY RIVER C23 and and the following berths the right to cut and remove he pine spruce cedar and poplar 04 017 037 G39 Berths SI S3 and will be offered for sale by Public Auction at the Parlia ment in the City of Toron to on Wednesday the NINTH DAY of at the hour ONE oclock In the afternoon House for Sale a Oorttttf Huron Pros- J son Dearborn Street Chicago injured FOR SALE CHEAP j r feet of Iron Cresting without a flaw and small Iron Gate at about half coat Enquire at Era Of fice w a a call on them for floa Streets containing terms of Sale and information as to Areas and Lots and Concessions cool- prised in each Berth will be furnish ed on application either personal or by letter to the Crown Lands Toronto Crown Timber Agencies at Ottawa Ste Marie Port Arthur Portage and Fort Frances- J DAVIS Crown Lands Department of Crown Lands Toronto July of this advertisement be for

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