Newmarket Era, 21 Aug 1903, p. 4

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i jhcp Owe Food and cant If fa A wea rtomch not di gs all that ordinarily token Into it easily and what to Aeon the sign stomach after fits of ran tad disagreeable ich- ten he with tot rasa I- ere aSjtata that m JlKlHidtmparlM I cannot STaidictoa too for ttj toi pa I tak it hi i Mi net be A a Hoods SarsapariUa ad the tooadi and THE Compulsory Voting By proceedings Parliament we that Mr John Charlton do as lo have a Hill put ihritli House making votine at parliament ary compulsory penalty of forfeiture of the franchise lor a period of years The theory is that it will lend to discouragement of bribery inasmuch as it will remove the prospect of corrupt voters mak ing money out the franchise by holding off till the last hour until in of Drops CURED AFTER DOCTORS PRO NOUNCED HIS CASK HOP LESS A semiofficial despatch from Otta wa reports as follows It is expect ed when the accounts are ad justed the surplus for the fiscal year ending June will be at least fefrtf In todays Gazette is a Taking into all stances Or Beat tolW lionize the hero net pronounced success amounted Limbs He had Become to Cure In little village of Rodney not powder At the Liberal convention at far from the raining town of Spring- bridge last week for the hill lives Mr J as Stevens a purpose of nominating a candidate quiet middleaged man who though the Local Legislature to fill the Tbos J Robertson Street Newmarket to on aood Opponents of the movement looking to the federation of Trinity aud To ronto Universities are working to defeat purpose of and the Federation Commit- they their price of an unobtrusive life has lately vacancy occasioned by the of W ami is at any rate worth giving circumstances Hart of was u deration La atrial Of course provision Will scarcely less than- miraculous chosen That ha will the require to be made making excepThe disease which some two is reasonably certaia r- v tions in favor of those who by prostrated Mr Stevens camel The gold fever has broken out afresh 7 teSeof will be unable to go to polls tude did to push the Toronto e to made on but this need not prevent the pas- perform their function and then the ton Electric Railway Ml through the Railway Committee without the farm of Andrew in tins Solicitor At virion Court Iinnox Choppin fl door South ol Newmarket Herbert Lennox Aurora will alto be at on Saturday and Coum J A Co ana Ontario Bank Aurora on I Barrister Block Money to Loan DENTAL sage of a measure calculated to check bribery and take away the opportun ity making merchandise of the franchise The Expositor we notice takes exception to Mr Charltons proposed bill and says To begin with there is no pre cedent for and in next place it is an interference with liberty of action such as no Brit isher is likely to sumbit to with out protest Many a- man ab stains from voting because ha can not conscientiously vote for any man or for any measure which may be up for consideration and is not prepared to vote nay Others abstain in in stances because religious sent pies Are such people to be dis enfranchised The fact that Is no prece dent lor the measure dont count I O Jobbing House Guaranteed INSURANCE body began to bloat This feeling continued extending to the ties unlit Mr Stevens became a helpless bloated mass of flesh A finger pressed upon the bloated flesh would leave a mark all day The urinary weakness painful and distressing the passages becoming very frequent Doctors diagnosed the case as dropsy but as their rem edies failed to effect a cure they pro nounced the trouble incurable At this stage- case of a neighbor who had been cured after a long and painful illness through the se of Dr Williams Pink Pills was recalled and it was decided to give the a trial By the time the second box was used the swelling began to crease the passage of the urine was less frequent and the patient was inspired with fresh hope The use of the pills for some time longer set Mr Stevens upon his feet again a cured man The limbs were restored township experts claiming to have 5 evidence of its existence One the Railway atrng obnoxious municipal rights The lt promoters of the bill to aw few killed to surrender control over their highways contrary to of the precious metal it tsTOted therein by the B a crops- and at the time it was thought St is not to Ontario rep- that had been teedng ov gravel thrown out digging a well As the days and years go by prec came normal kidneys res uned dents are being set along legislative healthfully and fe lines in more than one direction Mr Stevens goes about daily or of constitutional A movement is foot looking to holding a convention of acting Jus tices of the Peace in Ontario to con sider the question of certain disabil ities under which Magistrates now la bor also to bring to the attention of the Government the propriety providing certain remuneration for services in cases of criminal proceed ings which now is done gratuitously It is proposed to hold the convention on Thursday the 2nd week of Members of tbe Canadian Press As- sociation will learn with deep regret of the Mr A editor and proprietor of the Banner on Saturday evening last It was about the same hour just week before that be placed a revolver at his temple and shot himself thru the brain He was a very successful business man and had plenty of mon ey at the time of his death v over his wifes death and illhealth are what are held responsible for the to Exhibition at the Parliament He was one of the bright Buildings lest editors in the province own a number of issues of Government and Municipal Deben tures purchased after thorough expert Inves- tlgotlon For people who want an absolutely sure Investment they cannot bo excelled We have other good Bonds yielding attractive Inter est as high as cent LIST MAILED ON APPLICATION Dominion Securities Corporation Limited King TORONTO tr J -y- j s J A for Fire ami itr to Loan at Current Rate R fl Ramsay Fire Insurance especially in regard to that of Inter- work a good specimen 4 hardy with liberty of action The healthy Canadian manhood His is conferred by tbe state Pink Pills and be does not not for personal gain not for per- to strongly recommend them considerations but as a sacred to sufferers right privilege to- be exercised casual reader cases like for the advantage the country hut Dr ilhahis Pmk Pills have reality community Being given to a cuted thousands of cases pronounced and worthy purpose the state has by doctors to be incurable These the- right to demand that it shall be Pills make new rich blood with every exercised whenever opportunity of- if- k strengthen every organ in the body according to the best judgment the of tbe elector in the interests to be patient to health after all other served If compulsory voting will means have failed Those who are Lords Day Alliance demotion to great island continent had an interview last week with the Australia from distant South Africa Dominion Premier regarding the l to ensure the proper the fowpxre there observance the Sabbath were gathered together Montreal last Monday influential men who I on Farm and Town Property Shop I I Automobile owners will rehire to pay a license tee for the of using public highways lee charged by the Ontario Government have tbe tendency to check bribery weak and ailing or who suiter from i sap the Telegram will be jier ma- and convert into honest vot- Dominion Sir Wilfrid in reply- ing said that he and the members of W by double moine his cabinet fully recognized that there was need for action on the government in the in had not seen a copy of the the Privy Council but when a copy him he would study it Then the rex material considera te part of ionmen who will in the He decision for the British Empire 5 Ho otter Firm la the bis the tor nod New Method hit fcipplcc3jnad comfort to of Cure or Ha Varlcocolo Icipoloncy and Mental Kid Their are was a notable crossed the ocean Lord to tie would be prepared to 1 its responsibility his the lo preside over the tlic most chronic diseases should not waste chine for registration and per It Co TORONTO AND J as a over earnest of men in the Empire And rank and Ale had left urgent to be present at a at which it was clearly one of the most important which had ever been discussed ami which deeply indeed vitally concern ed the Empire as a whole was to be debated and with such illuminating and informative effects as would have their effects upon the minds the List fe a bo feel no Dont let Wfo bo away It mar cot boa fee It al la money and valuable time experiment- afterwards Besides this will era the conscience urged but should be charged for the tag which must J by our coUsuporary heed not be take Dr Williams Pink at conspicuously displayed on the te en into account The elector that if- wish to be restored to full bide- tag decided on dark cannot conscientiously vote either Sold by all medicine leather six or seven ions LorTstrathcona u jijil or sent post Paid cents a with raised aluminum fipiire and of the candidates be or the people sr bearing the coat of arms and wo can surely cast a blank and the Dr Williams Co thus save bis conscience and bis privileges Nay more if he is tbe doubled he ought to cheerfully accept situ- Tmo weeks on the ground that compulsory Shut Licensed by the Province of V J rio Tourists must procure one of these tags and on leaving sl Imperialistic charged for it will be returped j that has its place jin holding all parts of will be sent The Toronto Globe replies to the to the Home Land for consideration a voting Is made law in order to main- 33S3 tain purity of election by removing Massachusetts n S3 H H H S3 purity of election by removing Operatives Idle opportunity for those open to Lawrence Mass Aug bribery to advertize they are in the plant of the Washington cotton mills open market On whole we are closed for two weeks today in favor of compulsory voting belies statement says that the shutdown is made to give the t will do much towards driving vacation and for re both franchise sellers and franchise pairs The Pacific mills will shut buyers out of the political market down next Saturday for two weeks strictures of Brock on the floor of tto House of Commons respecting the survey branch of the Crown Lands Department It is pretty near time this reckless manner of mudslinging was discontinued Mr and thereby tend to secure an honest verdict of the electorate DuPnan Defeats Rate every tad Saturday Afternoon GRAND RAILWAY LEAVE NEWMARKET la more catarrh in this sec- lion of country all eases put together and until the few years was supposed to be uncur- For a great many years doc tors it a local disease and prescribed local remedies and by constantly to cure with local treatment pronounted it Science has promt catarrh to be a constitutional disease and therefore recroires constitutional Aug 15 The match rowing race between Charlie Orillia and Toronto here today for a side and Presented by the town resulted In a win for by three lengths The course was two and a half milen with Cheney Toledo Ohio a turn halt way and the start At the only constitutional Institute The Canadian Railway Instruction The W exploration of northern Ontario in in The Globe Toronto is open for the purpose of what te ladiW lie head the n This is mX in i and should meet with pronounc ed success as they guarantee to fur nish wellpaid positions on sever al leading railroads In and the United States immediately on iTeartleVs aepewTon Hf eTttae the capacity of tele Is just as resectable and is cooked plies If he me was charging the branch in the Crown Lands ment and Urn other surveyors with something like perjury They all make solemn attestation to the truth of their reports and their had not a shadow of ground for his graph operators train dispatchers freight and ticket clerks and operators Write or exceptionally keen among Mo six pm got away a am Daily tor Wharf start of ten seconds over Durnan connecting with boats for J Both started at a clip point on Lakes caught and had a decided ad- North Hay and Soo vantage when he turned the buoy am Daily except Sunday for came home easy rowing Alltndalc Coiling- strokes with rowing hard and game The distance was cover ed in 1550 wood Meaford Barrio Wharf pm Daily for IT WILL GIVE YOU AN APPETITE cure on the market It taken internally In doses from drops to a teaapoontul It acts directly on the blood and mu cous surfaces of the system offer one hundred dollars lor any it fails to cure for circulars and testimonials Address J CHENEY CO Toledo Ohio Sold by Halls Family are the best as member for Centre To ronto is honor is surveyors and as some of those he slandered arc among Ids own constit uents he has ample chance to know how they stand In the community Crops in the NorthWest j Winnipeg Aug The crop I And a stomach to take care of a After what has occurred in the ports of the Canadian Northern Rail- House of Commons says ihe way for the past week show that all read Witness the method along the companys linos grain has of purchasing from members of Par- made a most decided improvement and is not likely 10 ho repeated that the estimates formed three weeks According to law a of Pallia- or a month ago were far below the ac- is supposed to have Ion in- condition of the crop While the dependence it he sells a of weather In nearly all sections ot the nails to a Government work Bui Proline tapped by the lines of the according to the same wonderful law company has been cool and wet and he has only to form a joint not favorable for cutting it has had company and own what he rages the effect of giving the grain a new stock He may in lie chance to head out and for this discovery promoter and president and general son the yield will be heavier than 1 Reports as North Bay and points in the digestion that will fill veins platinum near Ont manager of the same The company anticipated In the Red River valley Canadian Northwest rich blood If weak It wll give confirmed may be but another name for John and In the southwestern portion pm Dally except strength to the heart will the I Burglars blew open and rifled the M the wheat will average htayner discharge its proper functions safe in So foundry llhe as much as It twelve to eighteen bushels to the acre wood will Increase jour nerve Preston and made their escape after dealings but while in the north and centre Barrio and ARRIVE NEWMARKET I am Daily from OrilUa and am Daily except Sunday g tang OrlUla and Barxle c pm Daily from points In dlaa North Bay Orillia and Bar- pm Daily except Sunday from Ott- company This is one of the nest remarkable of the fictions of our of the market Percy H the Bank of Fort William was drowned at Maplehurst He is a son of cessfuUy for years It takes corruption but it reals lit TO A CMAM Take Laxative Quinine MOST CERTAIN CORN CURE u I the others It Is far from being a lets AH druggists the money Is Putnams Painless Corn and Wart harmless one It not only ie and If it fails to cure Extractor which has been sue- the way to signature is on each box Bar- j manager of the Mol- the pain cures the corn and prevents when the pound I The Indians of the Valley rle ard sons Bank In Waterloo jit returning Case comes upon the carpet BC are reported at wax I A alio It to la os of Potash treatment or no A aafl Pi do aoSeelnr no detention from business till The absorb and Cure bach tale A to not beyond nam a to Cora or Ho NO PAY Books for Blank DRS KENNEDY KEKGAN qhklbv H E Sovereign Canada AuthorUed Capital Head v Clinton Harrow Mount Mount Albert Ottawa 1eilb PO PO Zurich OP 00 Savings Bank Department allowed from date of deposit bo la paid a year Youara riot to or on or laat day time either at any Call and tot of our Booklet or rite and wo wilt land you Wallace Bruo Manavar W Stark manager ALB JHtANOH House for Sale For Sale at a Bargain Hall Rack Book Case without a scratch Sideboard and go Common Bureau Enquire at Era Office Auction Sale of Timber PUBLIC NOTICE is that pursuant to authority of in Council the Red and White Timber in the following berths and areas namely In the DISTRICT tho Townships Mutton Parkin Aylmer Vcttf- Merrick b French part of Stewart part part of part or and Phelps P In of Berths Nog WI the ships Kitchener and Block W near In the RAINY Wi Berths and and the following bertha with right to cut and remove tbe spruce cedar and Ot OS 0H Oil 013 S3 S3 and 1 will be or sale by Public Auction at in the to on Wednesday of at ONE oclock in tbe afternoon- Sheets containing tern of Sale information Areas and Lots and Concessit prised in each Berth will or tte on application by letter to the Crown Lands w Crown Timber W Marie Port Portage and Fort France Commissioner Department of Crown W Toronto July P of this advertisement for

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