Newmarket Era, 21 Aug 1903, p. 6

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J 1 Dp Richardson DENTAL Brooks Block- Mount Albert Monday Tuesday and Wednesday of of each Buggies m Repairing end Prices COOK Mount Albert Peter Hamilton THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY A 1903 MANAGER FOR SALE A quantity of good shingles PARK HODG Fresh Jersey Cows Also Three Jersey Heifers due about June 1 STOKES Mount Albert R DENTIST it Newmarket Walla Mount Tuesday Hopkins Block upstairs Mount Albert We are Clearing a Few Lines Summer Goods It will pay you to sen them ply to Mount Albert I HI There was a large crowd- in plans which take you our midst Rest assured dear sister we shall not forget your efforts put forth for the upbuilding of out church in of the rainbow the autumn had a professions Prof Peter Mother ill dressing up SUTTON We earnestly pray that God hedges last week and he did it This aroused the ire local expert who auWior- reward you lor all your unselfish la bors in our behalf and that we may dance at the market Tuesday Friers yet often meet in Christian Fellow- Die to give Father a blow in as follows butter to 15c cuts jship but if not that we may meet up- But I wisely forbore well know- to chickens 36 to CHOLERA INFANTUM around Gods Throne when He shall call His elect- Signed in behalf the Church and Choir Mrs Geo Mies Ada Id be told to mind my own busi ness Grandmother is visiting her daughter Airs Alex Crittenden of Theres a great rush to Jerusalem for thimbleberries- The result is noboddy not even the Sunday pickers are getting many Lloyd This has long been regarded as one Crone Miss Mary Cooke of the most dangerous and fatal disj eases Co which infants are subject made an apt reply It can be cured however when pro- vax treated All that is necessary I I are many seemed hard yet it had been pleasant many to give Chamberlains Colic Choi- the Conner While on the era and Diarrhoea Remedy and castor encouraged the young people to Pshaw i continue in the good work and a Mrs Debbie had a visit from her son last week Joseph of Mrs Rev W A French and family of are visiting her parents Mr and Aire Cole Mr J spent a couple of days last week at Barrio and other points Miss Lily Berry has been engaged to take charge of the 2nd department of the Public School here for Miss Minnie went on a visit week with in ville GENERAL SUTTON Wi T WE OPEN OUR BRANCH at On Wednesday August Don fail to ill a call Wo intend to nuke oar at Billion and Headquarters for all Fall and Winter Goods We not afirti1 compare range price with any other US AND SEE PARK -t- j closely for in Him they would Mod help in every time of need My the new princi pal of our public school arrived on and entered on his duties on Wednesday morning The other REMARKABLE CURE OF DIARRHOEA About six years ago lor the first time I bad a very sudden and severe our school opened attack of diarrhoea savs Mrs Alice Monday Miller of Morgan I got Dr Wesley has purchased the house temporary relief hut it came undergoing a political saw and lot- occupied by Mr Jos Swain again and again and for six long Next Saturday our rifle shots meet me than she has I could live the life of a saint too Now I wonder if theyve ever heard that often those who have the most trouble live the most zealous christian lives Harvest apples are in great abun dance here Kind neighbors see to it I get all I Want J Kestor Zephyr was in our burg last week after a severe attack of appendicitis Thats worse for a number of years and is having years it put in a good state of An alartn of lire down south Monday night proved to be only of straw being a field suffered more misery a in Look at Our Dinner Sets ROSS BROS FURNITURE You can save money by buying your Furniture at the A STOCK THAN EVER OF- Bedroom and Extension and Parlor Loonies Coaches Fancy We are also amenta for Pillow Sham Holders and the Carpet and Picture Framing a delivered of charge when ordered in quantity ALLAN THEAKER VALUABLE TIME SAVED Slight injuries often disable a man and cause several days loss of and when poison develops some times the loss a hand or limb Chamberlains Pain Balm is an anti septic liniment When applied to cuts bruises and burns it causes them to heal quickly and without ma turation and prevents any danger of blood poison For sale by W a foeman worthy of their stael They and Sutton Club clash in a Iriemllv place An PERSONAL- Mrs John Sloan of was in town on a visit to friends this week Mr and Mis Dark of were calling on old friends in town this week Mr Reuben Wheeler who has in or the past four years returned on Saturday night Mr- Wheeler will move his family to his new home next mmth Barrett and son Herman are spending this week visiting with friends in Messrs Corbet Haigh and Wm Ros amond loft Monday for a trip to Man itoba and the North West Mr of La III is in town on a visit to his brother Mr Thoc Ough whom he has not been for 35 years and agony than I can tell It was worse than death My husband at the latter hi ndreov of dollars for physicians j may luck gae ye and mat without From what I have seen of the bone- avail Finally we moved to Bosque- fits arising from a course of treat- county our present home and one day at Institute for the I happened to see an advertisement cure of inebriate- am thoroughly of Chamberlains Colic Cholera and satisfied that a strong will power and Diarrhoea Remedy a testimonial determination are necessary to pro of a man who had been cured by a permanent cure I bad a The case was so similar to my own friend attending one in whose tbat I concluded to try the remedy fare I was much interested but alas The result was wonderful I could I poor boy the spirit was willing but hardly realize that I was well again or believe it could be so alter hav ing suffered for so long but that one bottle of medicine costing but a few cents cured me For sale by Lloyd QUEENS The Lawn Party was a great suc cess on Tuesday night Good atten dance and everybody enjoyed them selves Orchestra was present and the musical program was splendid Local talent was ably as sisted by Rev McKcrrichcr of Brown Hill who contributed three sclos Mr W Williams left the NorthWest on Monday BALDWIN BREEZES Geo was obliged to undergo Mr and Mrs Arthur Cuttle of came over last Saturday to his parents and They went to to see friends there Mrs Dr Noble jr and her sis ter Miss have to visit relatives in Winnipeg We have to express our regret that Dr Graham Dentist removed from Sutton He was a good citizen and Sutton a game of cricket hero last Thursday week Sutton the victors Mr Jas of visited friends here last week The Indian Excursion last week well patronized and a pleasant day was spent Park spent last Friday in the city Mr Jesse Noble of paid a visit to brother Dr Noble last week inder Twine and Repairs Harvest Tools of all Kinds HELOTS HARDWARE MOUNT ALBERT week which will necessitate an ex tension of his vacation and absolute rest for a couple of weeks longer The Joker was making social calls Mrs and children our burg last week but bet- Montreal are visiting at the home Iter exercise bare in introducing his the flesh was A poor in Sutton was heroic efforts to give up the habit Why he brace up throw away his bottle and he a man impatienUy a neighbor Why dont you throw away your filthy tobacco ami make a man of yourself gently remon strated his wife Ah there you have it Selfishness touched right home The farmers have a big laugh oh the threshers A shrkwd Yankee came round told a slickstory and got the threshers to form a combine anil to raise the per day They bit greedily the Yankee had a little rather a great big chaw And now hes conspicuous by his absence rfiid the threshers where are they In the soup You tell me How is it that when a fellow is doing a job of any kind a surgical operation at last everyday so will- jin to him how it ought to be done but not a blessed one will pull Mr T ALBERT DRUG STORED Pure Paris Green Bought in bulk and put up in packages by ourselves Poison Lly Papre and Recommends Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy About months ago Mr Manning of Albany N wide ly known in trade circles as the rep resentative of the Albany Chemical Co was suffering from a protracted attack of diarrhoea I tried Colic Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy he says and obtain immediate relief I cheerfully re commend this medicine to those sim ilarly afflicted For sale by Lloyd kind of politics in homes else his welcome will be a cool one By the way Charlie are you writing I treasure it of his coat and give practical dem onstrations of How lo do it Years years ago before such a thing as photography was known or dreamed of persons who wished some little memento deceased friends would cut off a little lock of hair and We alto carry full line Patent Medicines among them- and Rheumatic Cure Prescriptions and Family Rec eipts receive personal attention day or Bight T LLOYD a Ready Mixed All Shades Beaver Brand Can Guaranted Whitewash Brushes Scrubbing Brushes Everything for J D ROWLAND Mount Albert Miss was surprised last Tuesday when the members of the Franklin Chris tian Church and a number of other young friends making in all a com pany of seventyfive took possession of lcr home Miss has been organist of said church for the past four years and an earnest and energetic Worker in the church Having handed In her resignation in order to complete her educational course for a missionary the friends were desirous of showing their appreciation of her services After spending a goodly part of the evening in outdoor amusements the party retired indoors and presented Miss with a wellfilled hand some silvermounted puree The following address was read J To Miss Wo the members and friends of the Franklin Christian Church that In your arrangements you will necessarily be removed from Us In the near future that your duties as an organist have about cornel t9 an rd Thus we embrace this opportunity of tcsUfying to our love appreciation of your untiring ef forts to advance cause of this place We to accept this which w you not for its value hut as a slight token of the esteem in which you are held We are- sorry to loose your J services not only In the choir but in all the auxiliaries of the church which have been given to us any of those gushing sample billet- doux these days They were sneez ers On Tuesday of last while drawing water in preparation for threshing Master Ross sustained a fracture of bones of the forearm near the wrist The wheel the trucks bearing the tank collapsed under the groat weight and in the hurlyburly the accident hap pened Come to Baldwin or plums ingle has purchased the entire crop of plums from David Graham Mrs Geo has Mr John son our merchant and his two clerks Misses Crocker and Anderson for boarders They ought to be a jolly crew After a residence amongst us Jesse Sherwood and family have I resolved to pull up stakes and settle in Burks Falls ncighborlioor We always regret to lose good hut we never meddle in other peo ples private affairs still were Jesse will neve be sorry but once and that will be all the rest his days They expect to go snow flies One could not find ler neighbors I endorse the remarks re my or I should say our friend Alexander Muir riiisslomhas been to im bue a patriotic spirit in Can ada But from the Way the hard wood forest arc being depleted the future generations will scarcely know a maple Riddell is one of the few who are preserving maple and hes jealously proud of it It lormn a lovely background to the- landscape about his residence All the colors I take much pleasure in recording tho presentation of another Utile kid to Johnnie Kay Zephyr by the lov ing partner of his bosom nee Ida WardcH the beauty of Owl- town As great a nuisance as the prairie dugs of Western States or the Aus tralian Jack Rabbit staring the Canadian farmer in the face The cottontail rabbit is multiplying enor mously and Is found anywhere and everywhere The twins had a rare old circus In a grain field Theyre rum ones to catch Imports arc lo effect that the newly organized in the Baldwin Church is progressing finely The youngster is a hustler Mrs Mumherson New Lowell is her daughter Mrs Will Tay lor It all my energies to hand out fine weather sufficiently for fanners Get an Almanac Hicks it tallies correct every time Sew WANTEDSeveral Industrious Per sons In each state to travel for house established eleven years and with a large capital to call upon merchants and agents for successful and profit able line Permanent engagement Weekly cash salary of and all travelling expenses and hotel bills ad vanced In cash each week Experi ence not essential Mention refer- so generously and in ence and enclose selfaddressed giving which truat precious velope NATIONAL seed has been sown yet we bow tot born St Chicago of Mr Thos Williams de sires to thank all those who so kind ly assisted in putting out the fire in his house last week TO RENT The North acres of lot Con known as the A good chance for a tenant Apply at once for terms and particulars to Sol for Newmarket Mrs spent last Friday and Saturday in the city Mr Leigh arrived homo last week for a visit with his mother He has been engaged in missionary work in New Ontario Mrs Henry Leigh of Dakota is also visiting here at present- The concert in the summer church last Saturday was highly appreciated and resulted in the of 70 to bo applied in payment of the debt on the church The Rev Tracy of Toronto will occupy the summer church pulpit next Sunday evening Mr Geo son of Rev Geo- paid Sutton a visit last week Wo overlooked to state in last weeks items that the County cor has made a for the Metropolitan Railway between Jacksons Point and Newmarket Miss of Lanark a niece of Mrs Mm is visiting here at present Mr Caleb of Port Arthur paid visit to friends here last week Miss Rebecca Brown has returned homo after several weeks visit with her brother at Mr Willie Percy spent Sunday at home with parents He is to be promoted to the position of engineer Mis Win Johnston of is the guest of Mrs McDonald Mr P McClellati has gone for a few holidays with friends at Zephyr Mr John Johnston of has on a pleasure trip to See Marie The A P Brace and Mrs Brace arc spending a couple of weeks holidays with friends in this vicinity The Misses are visiting at Brae the home of their aunt Mrs Silver Miss of is visit ing with friends hero at present Mr arid Mrs Archie McLean who have been guests at have to to pond a few holidays with his parents Mies of Newmarket is guest of Miss Lucy Scott for season Mr commercial travel ler is taking a few holidays at homo In tho Methodist church last Sun day evening pastor the preached an able sermon taking for his text and verso there is no vision tbo peoplo perish Mr is from a severe attack of bronchitis hut is now improving Mr Alex Burrows was taken quite ill last Sunday night and had to call in Dr Hois ina very critical condition Wo are sorry to tho sudden death of Mr Edward Grant of North as a result of blood poisoning The summer visitors at the lake beginning to leave for home Miss Pond of Toronto is tho guest of her aunt here Mrs Richard Os borne LOTH Suits for boys and men A fine range at prices to suit every one Fit as well as ordered clothing D RAMSDEN ALBERT Whitby ratepayers carried the by law to expend in acquiring waterworks and electric light plants I J RHE OF MARRIAGE LICENSES FIRE INSURANCE To Insure Id the beet Block company Is cheapest THE LIVERPOOL LONDON Jc OLOBE COMPANY With of will rati on of as low as Mutual Com panies DAVIDSON Ml Albert I Acres for Sale Situated on the con of East GwilUmbury being part of lot Mostly tamarac pop lar Ate Good pasture and living stream Terms easy Apply to PO The Liverpool London Globe INSURANCE COMPANY Available of Subscribed Capital Total HEAD OFFICE CANADA MONTREAL HOARD Or Andrew Chairman Went worh J Deputy Chair man Fin ley Esq Sir Alex at Current DA VID30N ABcnt Albert Chief A for Dominion- WANT your Wool to the Ml Albert Woollen Mills and get the Highest Prices A large stock of Our Own Manufacture always on hand U81C Alice Woodcock yishea to that she Is prepared to re ceive a limited number of pupils on piano or organ at her home Albert or at pupils homes it so de sired Terms on application GEO MOUNT ALBERT A in Alabama shot three men and wounded ten for stealing his watermelons i MM Try Own of Cod Liver Oil with Wild Cherry Bark An Excellent Remedy FOR Coughs Colds AND Lung Trouble Wo keep the leading makes of Trusses Properly fit and guar- them Forrests Drag Store MOUNT ALBERT Farm for Sale a acres of good clay loam all jo good state of cultivation except l acres of pasture a neverfainc spring in pasture being part tot and In the 3rd con of Good bouse fairish plenty of fruit apples pairs cherries and raspberries In sight of the beautiful waters or Lake Terms easy on the premises ROBERT yueepsvilla Binder Twine Now on hand- Plymouth Twine Barrel Salt and Land bait in sacks at lowest possible prices MOUNT ALBERT

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