Newmarket Era, 21 Aug 1903, p. 7

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THE FRIDAY AUG CHINA HALL jot few remarks we know Interest a peat many Jobbing out odd of Hisses Boya and Boots and Shoes Tikis is Hie time of year to bear in mind the admonition Dont eat cumbers theyll up The Corporation is putting down a block of asphalt on Church street in front the Primary school Whats the matter with the street Iights People are complaining all over Town and Daughter Very entertaining Gramophone Con certs were given on Monday evening at the Club Room over tbe Post fice and at a private residence on Queen Stfreet Others are frequently given at private on are not quite la and on Niagara St The Gramophones will soon be as common but the wearing quality is and you can buy at very Inter- the flub AND TO ORCHARD Mr Francis Morton who was butt so badly was Improving nicely until Thursday last when he appears to have taken another serious turn Just now there is some heart trouble which complicates matters Lovers of baseball had an enjoyable afternoon on Wednesday when a match was arranged between North and South the post office being the dividing line The game was played on the vacant lot immediately north the post office prices Come and see We tire very Fine Lines Right Up-To- at prices to suit the closest Shoe For Ladies please every purchaser Fit Comfortably They Look Stylish They Wear Well They are Moderate in price Our 123 Oxfords for are north a half more Our childrens Leather Strap Slippers for ire away below value and our Bias Corsets Are all right Ladies try a pair Hughes Agent High School Below we give a list of the candi dates from this High School who have passed the Junior Leaving and Jun ior Matriculation Examinations Junior Leaving Anderson EMorton V Eves Pinkertoh Two of these and Morton have also obtained Ma triculation standing The following have completed Ma triculation Geo Morley Cody Leslie Jackson results are highly satisfactory and are another indication of the ef ficient work done at our High School School reopens on Tuesday Sept 1st All who intend to start are urged to be present on the opening day North County Fair Prize Lists are now ready lor the North York County Fair to be held in the Town of Newmarket on Tues day and Thursday Sept and Anybody can get a Prize List by asking the Secre tary Mr Keith for one A copy will be sent by mail to every member this week It is hoped that the lists will be Kisses Patent Leather Strap Slipper oarefully perused and that members for JJS5 are well worth inspecting commence at once to prepare Boys and Girls School the best to be had both in fej quality and fine appearance We would like you to our SETS and TOILET SETS GROCERY DEPARTMENT lbs good cooking Figs for The Leading Reliable their exhibits Nothing like start ing in good time to make a success ful Many special prizes are offered that should command good competition and this is the life of the Fair so far as agriculture is concerned In order to please the general pub lic a list of new and novel attrac tions is being arranged which will be given A Grand Professional Concert will be given in the Skating Rink on the evening Sept The Board is moving in good time this year and everything should be done in a manner that will ensure sat isfaction and success thruout what is the cause Mr John of North Am farm advertised- afso Mr Hoc and and many are quitting the business and living Some ten or fifteen years ago farming was the the- business in Ontario now is the beat Why Some even yarn ago was a change of at h under p administration of Sir went out the Reformers under the cutful ami wise of Sir Wilfrid came in In a very short a took gave place to surpluses Business revived as though a touch of magic became active everywhere Why this change The Govei every of if was an active bus man well qualified for the he held a selfseeking sycophant They made the country known a new High from Canada was sent to England a man of ability incegrity and means who did more for in one year in Eng land than Sir Chan Tupper had done in ten Lord who at the of is still one of cite most active of men They revised the tariff making it more equitable and just they gave England preferential trade they sent soldier to the South African War her i a time of need won for themselves and and for their country immortal on the field of have not knuckled to the States but while showing friendship for that country have taught her that Canada can live without her fact they have so advertised the country so opened it up to trade and that no other country is so happy and prosperous today That is why the are so pros perous now that in a few years they can lease or sell their farms and live retiied lives Foresters at Battue Aug The seventh an nual meeting of the High Court of J Central Ontario Independent Order Foresters convened here today J Hearn of Toronto Chief Ranger presided In his report tire High Chief Ranger reviewed the work of the year which locality A good many farmers have very satisfactory showing a large increase in applications for membership The slight decrease in KESWIOK On Sunday next Dr Warden will occupy the pulpit of the Methodist church On Sunday evening next the Rev J Simpson will preach the an nua Sermon to the of this place Members meet at the temperance hall at half past seven Wm expects to finish har vest on Thursday of this week The intend holding a Garden on the lawn of Mr on Tuesday eve of next week Program to consist of games on the lawn etc A light lunch to be served close Admission one dime Mr Ongh of Illinois an uncle of Mrs visiting and relatives in this neighbor hood after an absence of thirtyfive years Miss Mary Morton left on Monday to pay a visit to her brothers of Sturgeon Falls and John of North Bay We will miss Mr Rogers He started for the W on Monday Mrs Wm Warriner is visiting her sister and daughter Vera at the home of childhood in- Michigan She expects to attend the convention of her former schoolmates while there The brought in one of the largest crowds of the season from Belle Ewart Motions Park and Roachs Point on Saturday Quite number of our citizen took in the return trip The Steamer a blade off her four flange screw on Monday and was unable to take her excursion on Tuesday The trouble has rem edied Harvest is progressing fine in finished cutting The weather has been delightful for work this years balance receipts over Carpenters are at work shingling expenditures was explained as being Mr Howard Mortons house and due to extra expenditures in salaries Mr Morton has wonderfully and allowances Telephone improved his property in the past year We are called upon to record the sad and sudden death of Mr Edward Grant of the Shore Deceased had only been ill about ten days Blood poisoning was the cause of death A scratch from a finger nail The report advocated tho formation of a new High Court to include all the subordinate courts from North Bay inclusive to the southern bound ary of Manitoba and probably some courts in southern Manitoba It was also urged- that the High Court the Supremo Court to TORONTO ONT INSTRUCTIONS I SHORTHAND TOUCH TYPEWRITING BOOK KEEPING Expert Complete Equipment to Positions Kept 1st Free I Chartered Accountant Address The following letter signed by one of the officers of the Society was sent to Mrs A J yesterday which shows tbe esteem and confidence which she won among the ladies dur ing her short residence in Newmarket Dear Mrs At this season of the year a great many of our Ladies Aid Society arc out of Town but learning your intended departure from Newmarket those of us who remain feci that we cannot allow you to leave us without expressing to our appreciation of your valuable in ur We trust that the cheerful and will ing disposition manifested by you the discharge of your duties as Pres ident may prompt us to follow your example and that wherever you go you may let the sunshine hurst fortk in all its natural warmth with radiant beauty all who come in contact with you We shall cherish your memory and pray that your usefulness may le en larged in your new field Signed on of the Ladles Aid of Newmarket ooe All Wales Massacred WHEN TURKS CAPTURE AN V1LLAOK FARM FOR Samuel Smith of Owen Sound was instantly killed by falling from a wa gon the horses having run away I The story comes from Buffalo that an unusual number of intoxicated boys from eight to twelve years old I has led to the discovery that their condlUon was caused fay fumes from I crude oil tanks In the railroad yards W Wr being lot the ad a- of North good Rome Aug Vesuvius is again or cultivation Good causing intense alarm in tbe tank barn and fenci in rounding region the eruptions of the condition Neverfailing volcano being very heavy From a miles from at the base of the clpal crater two streams of lav are which few hours Farm for Sake lot J aci of lew fcu hardwood a tie drained owner prem- P change the constitution so as to the work His many relatives crease thc number of Knights of the have the sympathy of the en- Grand Legion in proportion with the tire community increased growth of tbe order to Walden is visiting at Mrs Hl W Mr and Mrs J A Irwin have re turned to their home in Delhi Mr Irwin is principal of the Pubiic School in that place Morton is home this week looking after business Mrs Jos Connolly visited her son Dr E I Connolly in last week Mr Draper had a number of visitors Tuesday from Jackson Point Mr John Rogers is ill week with inflammation of the lungs School has commenced again the parents not very sorry There Rome talk of having ft mar ket established It certainly will Iks a tho town and community Our merchants here can sell as cheaply as elsewhere and they are end to make it a success Mr Morton and family were at Morton Park on Sunday there being a number of his relatives over from the States it the Park The family of the late Darius Morton were present except Mr Morton Among them were Mr It Moron Mr H Morton Mr Neil Morton Mr Mary Mrs Schmidt and rs Electa Willoughby The family reunion was a very ant one indeed Mrs Howard Morton visited friend in Button on Wednesday Sofia Aug Reports from Mon astic say two hundred women who have arrived there from the Bulgarian village of have presented pe titions to the Russian and Austrian Consuls and to Pasha In spectorGeneral setting forth that their village has been burned that all J the male population have been massacred- Fifteen villages in the district of OkIda three in the district of three In the district of have been destroyed Further details of the fighting at rusher that Insurgents retired to a point In the vicinity of tins town after losing sixty men kill ed and twelve wounded A band of insurgents near Kojle In vill age of fought a detachment of Turks all day Nine of the insur gents ware kilted The Turkish loss is not known On following day a party of entered village and slaughtered all In habitants Severe fighting Is report ed to have occurred near Velfcrsko The result is not known KBTTLEBV Misses Ethel and Ethel Lou- ell with her brother Willie of Toron to were spending a few holidays at their uncles Mr of Spring- dale Master Norman Walls of Toronto wits spending the past week with his aunt Mrs Rev and family are vis- parents and friends at Mono Mills and daring their absence the Aid Society have taken pos session of the parsonage and have been very busy painting papering and making the premises quite acceptable for their return Miss Jennie who has spent the past years in Indian Mission work in British Columbia returned on Saturday evening to her- parents Mr John Elliott of the line Miss Elliotts many friends will join with the family in welcoming her home i Mr of somewhat confused one evening last week when her found some dogs wor his sheep Two sheep killed and a third one will die We deeply regi to report the sad end of Mr John Cuttings little boy on Friday morning last The child had been suffering for days previous from a most severe type of starlet fever Mr Cuttings home has been quarantined by Health Inspector Ed wards of Again at Tory Corners on Saturday morning of last week another death took when Mrs Harrington was called to try of an other world The family have the sympathy of the vicinity This is the third at the Corners within a very months all within a few rods of each other Miss Cons Fox who has spent the past 3 months with her brothers in Detroit has returned Mr Alfred and wife of Pawling New York State are the guests of mother Mrs John Bar- radiJI also Mr and family another brother of Oak Lake Manitoba are of their mother together with a sister Mrs Walker of Miss Vs Pratt and cousin Miss of Toronto are guests of Mrs Pratt thc formers brother The Misses and Pax ton of Toronto are spending their holidays under the parental roof line Miss of Toronto is rusticating with parents and friends in our berg Miss Irene daughter of Mr John Cook of the Gill line we arc pleased to report is recovering from the at tack of pneumonia from which she been suffering the past ten days We sympathize with Mr Wm with Mr who received hi pad week of I he den of brother in Waterloo in consequence in away attending the funeral KM Yh Km Unit if NORTH Last Mr Geo Pollock sold a fine young mare years old to- Mr Wm Henry of for the sum of Mr Richard Pollock of Keswick has bought out Mr VanNormans store and is doing business in the old stand Mr Emanuel has leased his farm on the th con to Mr George Nelson of Albert We that a Port of Spain Trinidad Aug Authentic reports tell of the Impri sonment of German and Ital ian merchants at Bolivar Ven emla for refusing President demand for repayment of taxes during occupation of Bolivar by the revolutionists A reign of terror prevails throughout the district owing to the extortion threats and barbarities of the party in powor The native and German firms at Caracas appear to be seeking to con trol the entire Orinoco import trade The entire region the Orinoco teems with produce accumulated dur ing tho past two years for which there are not shipping facilities Is no money In the Orinoco country and the distress very President Castro Is determined it is said to destroy ho transshipment Mood In American and j are or selling their farmw between Trinidad and the J Thomas of Hamilton a mid dle aged man while leaning out of a street car window was struck by an other car and instantly killed Mr and Mrs Doyle of Mark- ham while driving to to at tend a wedding Wednesday morning were struck by a train driving over Crossing were thrown some distance the buggy smashed and the horse killed CASTOR I A For Infants and Children The Kind You Always Bought Boar the of Food and Regula ting thsStosfudhs and Bowels Promotes neither Mineral Not Narcotic I For I and Children i i j The Kind You Havi Remedy Sour Stomach Diarrhoea Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK EXACT Of WRAPPER Thirty Years CITY sviese THIMBLE BERRIES w K lb Fresh c ernes- I WASTED Good General Servant Old good wages apply to MRS A Wanted to go to the My Highest wages Apply to Mrs Main St Newmarket Why so forming not Orjo country Farm to The South halt of lot No- East of St East bury owned by Mrs containing acres and about miles from Newmarket For par ticulars apply to Solicitor Newmarket THE BEST TALKING MACHINE Comic Sacred and Sentimental Plays like a rcbeatr You can understand every words it speaks It entertainer ever made It uses the Hard It talks I full or the rresteat which iMt for years The Gramophone made Canada A five years written gua rantee each machine Write for Catalogues free PRICES TO M if de E BERLINER 23152319 Catherine for Canada A WATSON Agent I

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