Newmarket Era, 21 Aug 1903, p. 8

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v -ERA- FRIDAY- AUG at 9Q3- I i is Hot That is the average time spent a large city restau rant by three thousand It taiea three hours to digest a fresh egg boiled In fact three is about the time required to digest the average twelve minute lunch The object of the hasty lunch to let the busy man get to his office work But when the brain is active the for lack of necessary The natural consequence indigestion and Indiges tion open the door to many Indigestion is cured by the use of Dr Golden Medical Discovery which cures diseases of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition and enables the perfect digestion and assimilation of foo will be paid by the Worlds Dispensary Medical Associa tion Proprietors Buffalo If they cannot show the original signature of the individual volunteering the testi monial below and also of the wntera of every testimonial among the thousands which they are constantly publishing thus proving their genuineness z Hud trouble vm and Buffered it more or lew a argfop wrftei Mr Co the are of wbj broken down with ferribTe Coold cot without Could wt a few certain thing paw lo iot half the lime lined only me temporary relief My per- Pierce j and took ab Settles of Golden Medical Discovery of Dr Pierce Pleasant then felt so well that stopped taking Common Sense Medical Adviser in paper covers is on receipt of onecent stamps to pay ex- of customs and mailing only Ad- its Pierce S3AT COR- TO About the first in this section to finish was Mr John Jen- con King who wound up the operations on Tuesday evening last rather severe accident one evening re- Mr Jos with a cent He was coining from his lot The Council have finished crushing south of the village driving a load air the stone necessary to complete of straw and on going down a hilt good roads which was tee load divided and Mr Holiingshead commenced last fall work is in jumping to the ground fractured now finished from the to the Wth ankle injuring it severely The lines on Main street contract horses rah down to the hill where called for 2600 cubic but the council cubic yards and have therefore p en a much better road was first anticipated stone used for was loads were caughti- Monday engaged in ground e construction the We understand the building you are afraid of laxatives really will not Little medicine tablets that cure Indigestion naturally butcher store dTo fie Standard printing heard so many reports about this and Char- is ility You can place full reliance In Detachable they will never fetray your trust hardest to punc ture to repair Years of excellent them of almost adoption wheel with a repu tation If fitted with thorn Every rider of experience Insist- on Tirci enthusiasts They of wheeling minimize Is an assured success with The Dunlop Tire Co Limited Toronto you fovndz Coin la the Speight Wagon Works was struck on the eye with a piece of the Lukes grist mill as metal He was at once removed after being shut down Toronto Hospital and it is feared he repairs A new engine has been lose the sight of the injured mem stalled and other hex about While wheeling near Joy Fred Mr George of Holland Cole ran into John an old wan Landing was summoned to was driving some cattle to the fore our on Monday a field Mr was knock- charge by Mr- Henry down his colter bone broken and As far as we can learn Mr Travis his head badly cut He was had teen out on the river rowing scions for a time but is expected to some days ago and one of his oar recover locks getting out of order he aupro- to his use a piece of casting jfroni as he supposed an old cast WHITE ROSE mower on the marsh to make anoth- lock Mr Lowe however says On Thursday of last W Mr Lloyd had a narrow escape from has losing properly from time to Tiny Tonic Tablets had a narrow escape from being killed was engaged in cutting grain with a hinder on his brothers farm near White Rose and had finished one field and was about to go to another The horses wore left standing for a moment when WANTED We want a good reliable man to act as local Salesman In your district The position is a permanent one and large pay to any wideawake honest All our goods are guar anteed We want to deal only with those wbo can appreciate a good position and represent us fairly We Instruct you and furnish you uptodate samples free We pay weekly Alt freight and packing charges are paid by us From to per month and expenses can be earned selling our goods P BLACKFORD Toronto Ont time he took this step in hope that he would not experience further trou ble in this direction in the The case was settled out of court between the parties interested the they started to run away Harry lh endeavored to stop them and in so M which will be in the neighbor- doing was knocked down and run over A ft f by both horses and the machine A fearful was cut his head lhfe a pair of boots had been removed from a buggy in the Central Hotel sheds The party charged with the ofTence returned the articles paid matter machine- A his head be sides receiving several severe bruises in his bosy His brother who was working in an adjoining field saw the accident and immediately ran to his assistance and conveyed him to d the Medical aid was sent for and toe wounds dressed as as j on possible We are pleased to learn he is improving as rapidly as could be ORCHARD expected- but it will be some time be fore he is able to be around again was HILL Sickness a tonic that will build you up keep your blood pure and youf nerves quiet Sure gentle little helpstohealth that will give you energy and vigor to withstand the enervating heat of summer IronOx Tiny Tonic Tablets are gentle but unfailingly effective They will benefit you your children everyone who needs better digestion purer blood more energy more strength Your druggist will sell you fifty IronOx Tiny Tonic Tablets packed in neatest aluminum box you ever for twentyfive cents V- you cannot at your Limited will nd cent Orchard is still leading in Hie holiday sports On Wednesday last there was a ball match between the North and South Ends Thore Miss Delia Maker entertained a J couple days the beginning of this iiss a good batting JS te S damage was done to Mr has Monday night to Mr Paisley o Ohio and has fe Mon isnt the moved to Newmarket He will be all evil Whats matter with la vagrant horned bovine on your Mrs Baker who has been at I J Mr the National Sanitarium Graven- compIc destroyed the hurst for some weeks is getting on j jnsla nicely having gained several pounds m going there in Buy Your night Love makes the wise man foolish tfdinz and the fool too or anything going which to give much sat so sickening In Mrs John Tamieson returns today was the first as to to St Paul Minn alter having spent l a i from Roachs Point to the mouth fete We for a stroll- to piek up John Martin of Whitchurch Is one SSf of the eleven cattle dealers who have ad tilAition of issued a writ against as cottages along the ttf A against tic slock yards 1 seekers Wilson Richmond Mich departed Growth of toe Trade EXPORTS TO ENGLAND HAVE VASTLY INCREASED Teacher Wanted uuiiua was lo pleasantly visiting IwrC friends relative in this ion tiIle Field Seeds at In favor of ihc Western cattle market The writ asks for damages for wrongful wilful and malicious de terment of cattle delivered by plaintiffs to defendants as com mon carriers for transportation AURORA quite changed from those of month ago this life aged about years ceased Is brother to Mrs Sax- Protestant for School Section No North York County Duties to commence Holidays State and salary expected Ad London Aug The agricultural dress PO correspondent of tins today says that Canada still has a great deal to do before butter arrives in as satisfactory a state as that from Australia and New Zealand report suggests that a great advan- Town Carting orders for carting will Promptly attended to Moving after Summer hire HUNTER JR Real of Public School Newmarket Town Carting Having bought tbe catting outfit j I should bo pleased if Toronto were named a collecting point from which to despatch butter and cheese to seaboard Butter 0fflc Promptly at- arriving at Toronto should nded to NOTICE on sfraight into a store and not into an store shipping com panies should examine the tempera ture of butter before shipping and should reject any above 5 degrees The article also a H SMITH Big Point Snake and Fox of Newmarketnow summering at able illustration of thc growth of the Islands Mangold Sugar Beet Turnip and SEED CORN J ids arc the of bass Orchard Beach and of this week A good be- Esq J P by taught hut nothing to bras his first wife Mr Wilson left Lorn about with to size Probably Whitchurch Township to take major part would not exceed from his residence in the about Improved Telephone J Davis of King had fine killed by a railway engine the other day covered a tract of land One stream is going swiftly towards village the direction taken by the eruption of r Kid Cough win jm itu I KM Ji If il Mfltf a- Take Wr Mr urn II- tu 4 1 It Blood Powders Bold by mt Trie excavation for Mr Bonds new store on east side of street has been completed Last Friday evening Hie choir of the Methodist church was entertain ed at the home of Mr and Mrs Phillips oh Catharine Ave A evening spent and after partaking of tbe sumptuous luncheon the hostess had kindly prefar- choir dispersed with kindly oeat wishes to morning Mr Patrick Cannons barn situated on his farm directly opposite Aurora Cemetery on Street was discovered to be on fire and in a short along with most its contents was but a smouldering mass ruins Mr Cannon was milklpg stable when some of women at the house discovered smoke issuing from thc back of the ham where the fire swans to have originate In the straw mow They at once gave the alarm and to gether with Mr Cannon set about saving all possibly could All the stock excepting pigs were saved Most of his as well as about of last years wheat along with years wheat was burned It is supposed the building was set on fiie by some tramp who had passed the night in the straw mow and had lit his pipe before leaving was some Insurance on building as well as the contents to two and weight nice pan same a half pounds ii forty three years ago and made his fish however aU there I Miss Millard of daughter of Sunday School and other Brooks Millard is visiting at services on Sabbath continue Mr Olivers cottage to be well attended Mr I excursion took place was the speaker at the young peoples from Morton Park Be meeting in the and Mr Belle and Pt at ic evening service Mon owning It was fairly During the week Mr auto- attended but boat did not mobile came to He had been Roachs Point on- the homo till about ftra Hill On arriving at the gate lead- ing lb nark lie alighted to open the same and Mrs Hill undertook to the machine through but alas WW IIiea a wrong direction was en and machine came to grief By the Co lapse of a Vessels Upper one wheel being badly injured and had Deck to be sent to the hospital inland Aug A terrible accident occurred on Lake for a yesterday upper deck of a vessel conveying people from church collapsed and forty persons were drowned or and many others were injured lor repairs Fortunately Mr Hill was not hurt Mr Frank Stewart was up We like best to call SGOTTS EMULSION a food it stands so em phatically for perfect nutrition And yet irrthematter of restor ing appetite of giving new strength to the tissues especially to the nerves its action is tht of a medicine lor SCOTT A all Moose Jaw Aug 16 A destucttvo hailstorm passed over this section last I night and damaged the section for miles square It commenced about four miles north of the town and took In a section seven miles wide going south The estimated loss has not been fig ured out but it will go into the six Canadian clicese trade with Britain It states that the British importation for foreign butter far ex ceeds that from the colonies During the ten years tins imports of foreign butter has increased by tons while that from the colon ics has only Increased by tons In import of butter from Canada amounted to tons while this year the amount of Canadian but ter brought Id figures tons Hre butter however the Times does not arrive in so satis factory a state as thai from the Aus tralian colonies The colonial cheese importation is now more than double of the foreign Since the colonial chiefly Canadian Increased over while the foreign product has diminished by tons In the Canadian cheeso import into Great amounted to tons This year it amounts to tons Can ada and New Zealand arc now only colonies which export cheese lo England- Canada sending forty times as- much as New Zealand Both In quantity and condition last years Canadian cheose imported into this country were never excelled Todays again call attention to the scarcity of homegrown fruit especially tuples and pears which promise a poor crop thus giving an opening for Canadian fruitgrowers coo KNOWL Grocery and Provision Call and try our New England Ham tbe Thing for Picnics and Lunches All ready for use only loo per lb Picnic Hams per lb Cottage Hams per lb Bacon to lb Cooked Corn Beef to lb keep nothing but the Best and Guarantee You Satisfaction Berries on Saturday at Lowest Prices A KNOWLES Orchard Lake Simcoe DAVISON BROS Will open their store on the LAKE SHORE about tbe FIRST OF JULY Usual With a NewStockofSummer Supplies FRUITS SERVING SEASONABLE RE FRESHMENTS and DELICIOUS They solicit a continued patronage The pope has given for distribution among tbe poor of Rome Ills Holiness seems to have quite re- of the public on the shore as they covered his health as he is giving wew promoters establishing more audiences than before he suffer- convenience and every effort from Ws recent fainting though will be put forth to study the Intcr- faeat still suffocating i of the campers Orders for Cleaning OutHouses la Newmarket should be at my reaidence 1st door north ot Squire Pump Shop on the road to the Contracts made for rooathly removals during the summer Kills the Bugs Feeds the Plant I Pit la Canada Nov J BUM a KXrN Forty BO YEARS EXPERIENCE C0PVRI0S An Uonnitiell Scientific of four mo is TOR SALE AT THE ERA OFFICE- f f l ii r

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