Era more home news every week than any two North York combined and is acknowledged to be the Leading County Paper ORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER me to to utter and to freely to cosxcioios above all other liberty paper sent outside ot North York unless paid in No 31 rrgb Newmarket Ont Friday Aug 1903 per annum if paid In advance why you should use a Sweeper Oar Toronto Letter I or Agricultural Products BISSELLS WILL FOLLOW THE BROOM AND RE MOVE MORE DIRT THAN THE BROOM DID PRICES 300 360 AT Hardware Stoves etc Newmarket am We have received the formula of what is considered the Old Boys nave an ex- cursion this city to the Hen a number of years the AS Agriculture has paid parKcu- attention to the development of cultural v am if ducts South African Jork Old Boys for the and Department undertook to Sept at Newmarket Fair Former fin a number of very targe orders residents of the old- town are loosing the War Office and as a result for a move from the Old Boys Hour oats meat jam etc to v I value were There is to be a cat how connec purchased in Canada for the with the Toronto Exhibition of the army in the field This ri on wnder the direct The ferry service at bast supervision of Prof Robertson Corn- End from the foot of Georgestreet of Agriculture and Pain- to the swimming baths was closed the- beginning the on Saturday last to the disgust of w decided to hundreds of youngsters of mar- Frederick hamster and Division- and to place at toe son of the late Sheriff has head of it Mr Moore who discovered a sum of money in the was in South Africa for Canada Loan Company in and has been he says belongs the fund connected With all the collected by bis father years ago to forts made to increase Canadian erect the fence to surround trade with that Country It need Raid volunteers monument Appar- scarcely he added that Mr Moore the sum of in excess of will always be found ready to afford requirements was subscribed and has enquirers any information in his been gathering the dust in the Can- power regarding the markets for ada Loan Company vaults Upon Canadian Agricultural products the amalgamation of this concern with the Canada Permanent the ULi money was discovered It will During the past few weeks handod over to the city correspondence has cached the Markets Division from Great Brit- It hasbeen announced that the Peoples Coal Co has gone out ol business- fruit crop- in the United Kingdom During last week might be scon very consequently there is a considerable AH Mercer painting the yue of St forei Michaels Cathedral lie the market is now work without or platform- J ncw Au simply from a bolsom chair sling at the end of a rope passed around an is of- gilded 1 cross above It almost Canadian they made one dizzy to look at him j havc fi1 the It was suggested some tunc ago in Unfortunately it appears that the an evening paper here that Sutton Canadian raspberry crop was also Village Council was the inventor of short this season- The have a method for increasing he census however been placed in possession of the place in order to secure an- of all information at Mr Moores other hotel And now disposal and considerable business is credited with doing the has already resulted All the pulp thingi by taking the census during available will doubtless disposed the holding of a monthly fair so as of at once at a good price to show population sufficient to war rant another tavern license being is sued More ways Killing a dog than choking with butter I is to be a great demand I for boiling and The strike the bricklayers on w Department has civic work has been settled but the thc workmen are out of several pilars h Commissioner in London to the for of time without gaming flr wou1 I tons of each of t above sorts Mr a teamster communication with felt from his wagon while in a fit one day last week Ho alighted obtain whether they can fill the order his head and the jar caused his shipping cider He had been subject to ills for years MnK A trade In CIDER APPLKS view of the short fruit crop Country Its no sixteen page edition that ex presses big mens views And its not filled up with pictures nor with It isnt printed daily with an ex tra every hour And the editors not bragging of Ins influence and power It may have its faults and errors but all these I will forgive its printed in the country way back where I used to live It is only issued weekly and its not made up for style But when it arrives I gladly put the daily by a while I dont read in its pages what the wise and great ones say But- 1 see that Silas brought some wood to town today And that Grandma Parks is better or that Old Bill Jones is dead And it tells just what the parson in his Sunday sermon said I can see again the facts of the friends I used to know In the dim and distant fancier the happy Long Ago And I read up in one corner that the fall winds howl and blow And that Uncle Nathan Smith pre dicts an early fall of snow Or tlhat Our debating club will give a sociable next week At which our fellow townsman will speak There are never learned essays on the questions of the day But it says that folks are looking for another rise in nay I can see no glaring headlines of the last flection fight But it says that Tom Shaw mar ries tonight my thoughts somehow grow fon der when the old folks names I see Telling that Thc Reverend invited there to tea It may be crude and homelythat little country sheet And the makeup of its pages may be rather obsolete It is damp when I unfold it and print is sometimes blurred Yet tis always more than welcome and I read its every word And no reading to a city man a greater joy can give Than the little country weekly print ed where he used to live Rochester Democrat Word has been received here from of this sort would afford facilities for and we prepare it every Fri- day so that all Ladies may be sure of getting a Fresh Bale- ing Powder for their Saturday Baking Friday Baking Powder Ottawa that application or service lo advantage the immense medals for the Raid and Red of cull apples which now go River Rebellion will not be Wastc entertained by thc Militia Depart- 1 van after the 1st of January It is about time this up anyway A cartoon is thing was clos- the Telegram recently Widow Whitney bought the grain letters received at the de partment indicate that on account of crops in theTrans- very suggestive Widow Whitney and children are represent ted as wHlbe short tills season and joying themselves at Island Con- lhot consequence there is likely to picnic Turning a well- a demand for Canadian food known politician she says Ah 1 products in the sister colony of Ottawa will cost you cents per pound Dye Agent Co Cartage and baggage hand led with No A Hew Ten Some motlern has ten new commandments which are PROMPTLY lilt for la vent- ii ire 1 or of your it t whether It In We Iylt withjul Ihio rougbout of MARION MARION Ptcnt Exports and this demonstration at the Island is all right but what well really enjoy is our picnic in the Queens Park No date fixed During Thursday elf last week the body of a welldressed man was found Coating in the bay From letters and a telegram in his pocket it was rather good learned that the dead mans name Never put- on till tomorrow was John Clarke of Pa It what you can do today is thought drowned man lost his 2 Never trouble another tor what way and fell into bay accidently vou can do yourself Great preparations arc being made Never spend your money before for a grand procession aid general celebration on Labor Day J t Sept 1st is Press Day at the Do- minion and newspaper men from all over the Province will be guests of the Directors at supper At this meeting thc completed because it is cheap It will be dear to vou 5 Pride costs us more than hunger thirst and cold ft We paver repent- of having eaten teo IB Ideal k County lifts for two never ft Weekly It for the Press w MiLVuiivfc to Now Ontario will present lhat A young named Annie Rran- was sent the I Refuge for PM on a charge Both the Premier and the Hon Minister of have returned to their respective alter en joying a hhbrt holiday Last weeks official of the Railway Indicate that -8- for ireoexcuruieri Last year the oral was 10 count ten before you speak If very angry count one hundred TO CORK A CORN IN ONK Apply Painless Corn tractor It Is sure safe and pain- The Editors Sheafs It takes more money to be a mil lionaire now than it did fifty years ago Female pickpockets are No lady will pick any pocket but her husbands It has been said that a of society men never pay anything but compliments Pickpockets are busy at Ham ilton Carnival James Anderson lost SI William and Mrs Mary Hart 3 Richardson Sons sold wheat at cents at Fort William Tuesday This is as good as one dollar wheat in Ontario market J Noble Cashier of the Can adian Impress Company at Hamilton- was arrested on a charge of stealing from the company Tweed Aug The packing of the Ontario Co was blown time Conrod little son Of Mrs Jacob Stratford fell into a tub of hot water while his was washing and was scalded to death It is estimated that the wheat For the Era Id the Realms of the Frosts BY A BANKER Far and away the frigid do mains of eternal cold gripped tight in the icy hug of biting ceaseless frosts and face to face with a gelid barrier of ice towering high towards the heavy laden skies is a valient band heroes who year after year have been essaying to reach that new ob ject of explorers ambition the Pole Through the long dead ly winter plunged day and night in Cimmerian darkness furious bliz zards driving before them a blinding whirlwind of froen snow which smites them as though it were a tempest of missiles hurled fiom some angry volcano their good ship Dis covery shrouded deep in an ever de scending snowy avalanche every mast every rope encased in a thick sheeting of ice there brave men while way the time a dead- clock today monotony only broken by ever work he tempests and whirling hurri canes And when at length the tun after its long absence more lor a few short minutes rises above ice- 1 bound horizon thc outlook is but a dead world a very wilderness of up- 1 reared banked hummocks and grind- of Manitoba and the Northwest ing floes all covered deep by the will aggregate fiftyeight million driven snow the entire fro en pros- bushels millions shorter than without vestige of life a last year and deadly stricken realm Booths mills at Ottawa And then leaving their wintry resumed operations Friday tie places home they start oh their sledges I of the thirteen strikers who drawn by a score hardy dogs on a a temporary suspension having long ami dreary journey over the Oiled show waste in order to attain Grasshoppers are so thick in the the summit of their ambition and of Red Lodge Montana thc British Hag upon the very lhftt ra trains find it hard to southern apex of world over the tracks rails being one after tlA other the whole of the so slippery wretched shiaering animals succumb of to the piercing cold and then themselves in the yoke they fe that Mrs- Ray tried to drag toe sleighs slowly and ftcid laboriously back to the ship all hap- pily surviving the melancholy and dismal ice voyage hough frost bit- and O steamer Caroline ten and nipped to the very heme by river six the cruel Antarctic blasts ad be- dense numbed by a so intense that the Passengers were mercury itself is frozen hard landed safely And then though with thc advent John J A man connected with the City less- Never falls always cures Department Is credited paving the genuine Put- 0 that when a man intimates that he feels like a out of it may be taken as a gentle hint The Catholic church at Marmora for you to ask to take something was destroyed by fire- The Premium Habit I know a man whos saving tags stamps labels wrappers stoppers bottles and trademarks On tobacco soap tea coffee pianos and automobiles And when he gets enough Hell have earned a cane collar button umbrella match box house and lot or book of flirtations For Its the ruling passion This saving up of tags And stamps and gaudy wrappers From bottles boxes bags Yes everybodys got it And I have got It too Im simply so distracted I dont know what to do your tags and wrappers your labels friends your castoff stoppers yourseegar ends your extra trademarks your bottles pray Im going to draw tomorrow On the things I save today Ten thousand tags will get me A copperheaded cane And twice ten thousand tags an umbrella for the rain O everybodys got It And Ive got it so distracted I know what to do I Killed by Man Aug During a thunderstorm yesterday afternoon the eldest son of Mr Fields who was working In the wheat was struck by lightning and in stantly killed The young man was about years of age Thc horses received a heavy shock but escaped without serious Injury of the short summer good ship is from its imprisoning ice- yet there they still res remain still content to freeze in inclement inhospitable realm ot busi ness manager of the Globe was ten dered a banquet and presented with a ring by employees of the Sen Woodstock At near cold still endeavouring to discover Mrs Harriet a widow some inlet through which they can years of age was burned to death take their ship yet nearer to the She was working around the stove pote even another and another when her dress caught fire wild winters hibernation may be in- j Robert Hurst was killed at volved by being crushed between two Purely one cannot help admir- fl cars He was loading lumber the indomitable courage and between two moving flinching perseSeranLo of hardy between the bum- explorers even after all it be difficult to sec what material or moral gain will be achieved evcti if they do place a cairn over thc axis of Hie globe But if men would under go as much hardship and as much privation lor thc sake of attaining an Inheritance in heaven it would be Happily it is only needful to live a godly life and An unknown man was found stone dead on prairie near and beside him lay the team he was driving also dead They are sup posed to have been struck by light ning Cecil a young son of Wes ley of oft as satisfaction to divine justice For then inheritance is absolutely assured O Interest to j L A Safeguard for Children Cutting teeth in Hot Weather I 1 The time when children are cutting teeth is always an anxious one for mothers and when this occurs during thc hot weather solicitude often deepens into alarm So many ills that often result fatally are liable to ensue that every mother will be interested In a medical discovery lhat robs this period of many dan gers Mrs It Ferguson of Mansfield street Montreal Que gives her experience for the benefit of other mothers says My baby has always been small pud del icate and suffered so much last sum mer with his that I did not think he would live The medicine the doctor ordered for him did not do him much good Then he was at tacked with and a very hot skin and cough I sent for Babys Own Tablets and Jhcy did him a wonderful amount good and he is now getting on splendidly Babys Own Tabjqys are sold by all dealers in will be sent post paid at twentyfive cents a box by the Dr Williams Medicine Company Out rSend the Era to absent friends to claim the atonement He- water Two comrades threw in a rail but he could not grasp it and he was drowned As a matter of fact the man who gets at what tne newspapers say about him in thc way of news is generally thc man who should re turn thanks three times a day for the things know about him and do not say New York Aug Spitz- nadel a pretty Austrian child eleven years old who totally blind since she was three years old has been made to see slightly as the result of an experiment in using a combination of radium and Xrays A few days ago John son of Mr J who lives on Mr Thos Williamsons farm in Whit church met with a severe accident He was in the act of stepping over a scythe as the hired man was picking it up and received an ugly gash at tho knee which required eight to close It up lie will be laid off work tor some length of time- Cleveland Aug While climbing a hill toward Little Mountain sum mer resort So miles east here last night an auto containing four people suddenly became unmanageable and started backwards down the hill At the bottom It was upset and Mrs one of the occu pants was Wiled other three were seriously injured