Newmarket Era, 28 Aug 1903, p. 4

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THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY AUG S Ml Stuffed Up of sufferere and the history of the Had to School Cold The PITIABLE STORY OF A catarrh bead J country grant a charter the the smell Grand Trunk Railway Co our the breath derange the fftoa not only toed a and affects the appetite for fares kit provided for a re- core catarrh treatment institutional alterative and tonic- of the charter agreement enacts YOUNG wfc HI for four month with a In lbs ai4 throat gad a coop Sd I bad raj bought a of Hoods and em j try it I all to l It bis aid op Wcoomb Hoods Cure soothes and the raucous membrane The fare or charge for third class passenger by any Every Mother of a Growing Girl Will be Interested in I he Story as Told by the Young Lady I J Robertson Barrister Notary Public Main Street Newmarket to Loan on jood Farm Solicitor Notary Public etc to ow vision Court Newmar ket Ontario Chopping door South Peat door South floe r Herbert Lennox Aurora will best and Court Pay J Co and Bank Hooey to Load A fc Jobbing House JriKruntiHl a fur fir Money to Loan t rt fl fl Ramsay Fire Insurance on Town dhoj each train on the said railway shall not ex ceed one penny currency lor each mile travelled and that at least one train per day having in it third class carriages haU run every day throughout the length of the line The foregoing is the law of the land today but tie Company dont J- regard it as worth the paper on I which the clause is printed in tbe agreement- It runs lots of class coaches but the conductor has 1 his instructions to insist on first class fares from those who travel therein In consideration of the undertakings the Co as set forth in the charter Parliament loaned said company fifty million dollars of the peoples money and although it has never protended to pay buck borrowed money it has fail ed to meet the obligation contained in the above clause of the cement by giving a third class passenger rate Now comes another funny feature which the whirligig time has developed During ihe major part of these fifty years has been in apcration Conservatives have been in power but they never attempted to agreement At present Canada has a- Ad ministration and now the Conserva tive press is whining because the Government dont make the Grand Trunk respect this thirdrate fare clause in the agreement That the Co should be made to comply with its charter conditions we quite ad mit but it dont stand in the mouths of Conservative speakers or its press to indulge in at the present Government for or to charge indifference to public interests So long as the Co threw its influence politically in aid of the Tories both press and party were as dumb as the pro verbial oyster Now that the gravi tation appears to be taking another direction the scales are ailing from their eyes and they can see Govern ment obligations large as mountains which formerly appeared ay However in due course the Government will sec to it that the agreement is respected Miss Laura is the J of a welltodo farmer in St Quebec circum stances under which she was forced to discontinue her Following is the comment of the RADIUM STRANGELY EFFECTED Toronto Star on the speech of the BY LIQUID HYDROGEN for West in regard to rr the transcontinental agree- London Aug Another difficulty about a of the extraordinary property hours speech- such as aught on radium been communicatee to the Lennox made on the Grand Trunk Pa French Physical Society by Prof is to keep the terminals In Can- Curie It was only in Match last adian territory that eminent men of science refused to accept the statement so is stated in tne Kingston press citable to scientific experience that that Mr John Judge who for the radium possesses the property of past quarter of a century has been maintaining the temperature at a J I connected with the Kingston and point three degrees higher than its ana Pembroke Railway has resigned to surroundings But the fact that in to the marvellous radio- the properties already bed at a salary of per radium has this unique and for the her experience may lso J of J be to others She says At was sent to a the Metropolitan Co TORONTO AND NEWMARKET is M is tT A SCIENTIFIC IMPROVER lit- cause of its strengthening influence On the vocal chords can not be too highly recommended as a voice improver It almost instant ly removes or hoarseness S I lnus and brilliancy keeps surfaces in perfect condition land its regular use absolutely vents throat irritation h I thereby removing the singers greatest as as my age At the end of a of years however I felt my strength leaving me My appetite grew poor and I suffered from severe I nevertheless continued my studies until October when I ill and was forced to leave school The headaches that bothered roe be came almost constant suffered from pains in the back and stomach and the least exertion would leave mo almost breathless A doctor was called in and he said I vas suffering from anaemia and was in a very dangerous condition He me until February without the least beneficial result Then another was called in but no better re sults followed his treatment My parents were now thoroughly alarmed and two doctors from St theleni were called in and after con sultation verdict was that my trouble had reached an incurable stage I was greatly disheartened and did not expect to live long when one day one of my friends asked me why I did not try Dr Williams Pink Pills I had lost confidence in all medicines but was willing to try anything that might help and my father got me a supply of the pills- When I had used a couple of boxes it was very plain that the pills were doing me good and after I had taken them a couple of months I was once more enjoying the bless- tag of good health I feel Dr Williams Pink Pills have saved my life and I gladly give my experience in the hope that it may he of bene fit to some other young girls No discovery of modern times ha proved such a blessing to young girls and women as Dr Williams Pink Pills They act directly on the nerves invigorate the body regulate the functions and restore health and strength to the exhausted pationt when every effort of the physician proves unavailing These pills are sold by all dealers in medicine or may be had by mail post paid at a box or six boxes for by writing to the Dr Williams Medicine Co Out Remember that no other medicine can take the place of these pills and sec that full name Dr Williams Pink pills for Pale People is on the wrapper around every box -GO- of twelve I was to a con when the has been established beyond the pos- At question Strenuous forts have made to obtain time I was as healthy as any Commons CU measurements of this heat pro- to pass a bill with an for and determine the effects interference wit2i municipal and external conditions in promoting and rights as in the case of the retarding it- Prof Curie found that Toronto and Hamilton Electric heat emission remains unchanged way accompanied by an intimation through a very wide range of it will not repeat the offence there being no perceptible vac- it lowers its dignity and is treading at the temperature of a sum- en dangerous ground To get rid day or that of liquid air but of usurpation of powers not content- if a long downward stride is taken plated by the BN A Act and by the temperature of liquid an way of compromise an amended to of liquid hydrogen radium clause has been added to the bill re- shows that it is not always unaffected quiring the company to obtain per- by the external And mission from local municipalities here comes the amazing new fact that and Toronto as well as other muni- the change in the rale heat eini- corporations are to be con- of radium within the compara- on the result of the fight short distance of absolute made before the Railway Committee is in exactly the dircc- the House to what might be expected in view of the effect of low tempera- Some short time ago the Captain on ordinary chemical action for of the Petrel assigned to do police the temperature of liquid hydrogen duty and present Yankee poachers the heat emission of radium instead from fishing in Canadian waters of being reduced is augmented In Lake Erie ordered the tug Silver simple language the substance which Spray to heave to but its commander does not change its heat at all tern- paid no attention The Petrel skip- from that of an ordinary per then fired a shot at her ail room to that of liquid air gives out the poacher has been trying to make a greater heat when subjected to the a sensational incident out of the greatest cold that scientists have The most influential of the reached These experiments with American press however do not take liquid hydrogen have led to the stock in the story of the discovery that freshly prepared poachers and tell them to keep out or radium has a comparatively of Canadian waters and save their power of giving oft heat at all vesse s The RecordHerald of Chi- temperatures but the power steadily says the talc of the Silver increases for about a month when it Spray Captain is a trifle too hazy reaches its maximum activity which to make reading and it would if then maintains apparently well to refrain from sounding the These remarkable results have while the hardy navigator failed to throw any light upon the who stuck grimly to his post was process whereby radium maintains a away is putting his yarn in- constant emission of boat to bettor shape The Conservatives of North Ontario I are indulging in a lot of political to a speculation just now Every ness or social event is talked oyer Aug Dixon of and construed to mean something I in ton was hurt on Monday S3 t to a i source anxiety unfitness of voice fea Mlch Last J The most eminent speakers and Pri J JJening two boys James and Donas would not be without Ca- climbed for fun on an and credit in no small do- their uniform strength and were caught by the wire of tone to its influence current and hard rubber inhaler fits conveniently current till to into the purse or vest pocket and be used in the church any place or any time Complete outfit 1 Small sizes Drug gists or Poison Co Kingston Out cur rent of 22000 volts Police and linemen released the corpses letting them down with ropes They were in a horrible condition the clothing being nearly all burned off Cat Of by Reaper Man Aug shock ing accident which occurred near Doer wood terminated fatally in the Irostital evening Late on Weil- 1 WHY Rheumatism The remarkable strength and marvellous soothing pro petty of pain cure- renders it almost Infallible in LEAVE am Daily lor Mustek Wharf with boats for point on Orillla North Bay am Daily except Sunday for AUandate Wharf pm Dally for Stay- Orillla North Bay points In the Canadian Northwest pm Daily except Sunday for Allandale Colling wood and Orillla ARRIVE NEWMARKET am Dally from North Bay Barrio am Dally except Sunday from aftemoon Norman the three- 1 atronger than son and only of iiH power en- a it to reach the source of pain arid drive out the disease is more penetrating stronger and more highly pain subduing in its than any medicine heretofore for the relief of mans infirmi ties Druggists sell it everywhere Rate every Wed- jllannan into a field of fceeday and Saturday I grain around wliicb his father was cutting The child was not as tail GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY was not as as We grain and was not noticed by the father till the machine ran upon the child One leg was completely below the knee The child died in the hospital Hon A J Davidson Provincial Treasurer of Manitoba had a slight stroke of apoplexy pm Daily from in Cana dian Bay HuntftVlIle Orillia and Bar- Daily Sunday from Bar- and Killed by an Ottawa Aug George Stone a plumbers apprentice aged was killed by an electric mock yestetdu- afternoon at the Collegiate Institute is more catarrh in this of the country all other easee put togeUter and until the was holding an Incandescent lamp tew years was supposed to be looking for leaks In the water service able For a groat many years doc- and In doing so by some a tors pronounced it a local disease circuit was established and prescribed local remediee and by j A French Canadian 10 to cure local was aVso killed as the result treatment pronounced it imwrable electric hero yesterday Pclcnce has proton catarrh to be a I Raymond who was aged and was disease therefore working as a lineman for the Bell requires constitutional treatment Telephone Company a shock Halts Cure manufactured by I while on a pole at the corner of Cheney Co Toledo Ohio is gin ana streets He tell only constitutional cure on the thirty feet and was picked up market It is taken intern to from to a on Wood Orillla and of the system hundred dollars lor any it fail to cure lor and Address J CHENEY CO Toledo Ohio Sold by Halts are best A III Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets All druggists refund the money if It falls to cure W Groves signature Is on each box M The strike miners at Cumber land BC ended with the men ac cepting the terms managers bearing on the political future of this Riding Recently Mr Geo Grant formed partnership with Mr M Roach of and at once the story is tent forth that Mr Grant remembering that during the late byeelection his residenco was frequently urged against his candidature will at least have a in the Riding But says the Conservative gossip Mr Grant is also alive to the tact that in the redistribution bill West Ontario is wiped from the political map and its present representative Mr I J Gould may have longing eyes for a North Ontario Nomination Mr Grant is trying to make himself solid as a resident of East Sim but of North Ontario Putting these things same old gossip thinks Grant and Gould disputing over their respective can didatures the local house Tory repre sentative Mr MPP may carry off nluini The Liberals say it is all Conservative gas At a recent meeting of the Execu tive of the Press Association it was decided to hold an to Ontario Tie Globe makes the an nouncement as follows A trip to New Liskeard in lilio district and over new Govern ment line from North Bay is propos ed by the Canadian Press Associa tion and at a meeting yesterday of Mr J Pettypiece MPP of the Association J A Cooper VicePresident and Joseph Clark Secretary the details of the trip were discussed and partially ar ranged Idea Is to have as many newspaper men as can find the time to get away to go to the new north country and see for themselves the development that is going on there The plan was presented to Mr General Pas senger Agent the Canadian Pacific Railway Mr Geo Bell General Passenger and Agent of the Grand Trunk Railway and Mr Alex ander of Steamboat Line whose steamers run on Lake They will look after the arrangements for the party and give a special service intention is to start from Toronto on Monday Sept and proceed right through to New at the head of Lake Temiskaming spend a day there and return to North Bay and from there- go up the line of the Ontario Government Railway as far as the Iron Is laid probaoly about tnlrtyAve miles The party should return to Toronto on the following Saturday W J Davis a miner In the coal mines Man was killed by the explosion ol a defective lamp He was engaged in filling the mow with barley and when in the act of having the rack taken up into the mow his hired man noticed there was one rope that looked as though it would break and advised Mr Dixon not to venture upon it Mr Dixon thought it would hold him as he had used the same rope for twenty years and never had a mishap with it So oft went the horses and when about twelve feet from the floor suspi cious rope did break and throw the and Mr Dixon down in a heap on the lloor On falling down he was thrown against one of the heavy posts and down to the with the grain on top of him Tlie hired man instantly set to work and dug Mr Dixon out He was thought to be hut after three or four hours- nursing he was brought around no bones He was badly were broken Up but Good Worlds During summer months a very large number of tourists make their way into Canada and this year the summer resort districts situated on Grand Trunk Railway System seem to be the favorable objective point for this large influx Into Cana da Many of these tourists send travel letters to their home papers which is a means of advertising the Dominion to a very great extent A letter that appeared in tbe Pa Daily Times of Fri day July aith is a sample of these an extract from which reads as fol lows Grand Trunk Railway is equal in every respect and in some points superior to any great railway system in the States roadbed Is in firstclass condition the first- class coaches judging from their ap pearance are of the most modern type and are very comfortable and Pullmans the most luxuriously and conveniently equipped in use Tho Grand Trunk runs Us own din ing cars In addition to what are called CafeParlor cars those latter being about the nicest thing of kind have ever encountered One half of tlie coach is equipped as a Parlor Car the other Is a dining car with a smoking compartment In centre In the dining room sec tion a varied assortment of cooked viands is served In a style equal to that obtained In any first- class restaurant and at prices much more reasonable An adjunct to those is a Free Library service containing a wcBselectcd list from the Library of Philadel phia We own a number of Issues of Government and Municipal Deben tures purchased after thorough expert Inves tigation For people who want an absolutely sure investment they cannot be excelled We have other good Bonds yielding attractive Inter est rates as high as per cent LIST MAILED ON APPLICATION Dominion Securities Corporation Limited King 8treet East TORONTO iA i PECULIAR TO MEN AND WOMEN It is sad to contemplate the unfortunate condition of men of our day wdlSerST At they feel SO at they feci and at when they should be In the very prime of It they are almost ready the grave The fire youth has gone out the is exhausted Premature old age No matter what produced it wheih evil habits in youth later excesses or business worries the one for you to do Is to get back the vim and vivacity of nutwood Dont lose your grip on life There are yet many for you i you only get help We can and will not only help you bat cure you to stay cured Curing diseases and weaknesses and sexual system has been our exclusive business for the past years during which time we have cured enough fallen men to make an way OUR METHOD TREATMENT will restore to you whit you purifies and enriches the BLOOD strengthens vitalizes the sexual organs checks all unnatural drains and losses ana fits a man for the active duties of life or No Pay treat and ear Blood unable to Incur mi COHOULTATtpK ESI ante for Homo and call write for Question St Detroit Tears In Detroit Cured ok Security j- e Sovereign Authorized Capital Rest Office Toronto- BRANCHES Clint Creditor Iuhwood Harrow Maraiore Albert Montreal Mount ft rib HI IQ rjnlovllle Waterloo OK Sayings Bank Department Intercut allowed from Chrijuce may be Intcroot la paid a You are not to or draw iaony the or lat or month You may do either t any time of our Utile Booklets Write and we will aeud you one W Wallace Bruce Wanaaor BRANCH J ALBERT House for Sale of Huron Street Are J K Auction Sole of feertbs is that pursuant to authority of in Council the and White Timber in the following townships berths and aris namely In the DISTRICT of Townships McCar thy Merrick Mulock part oil French part of Stewart part of part of part of and Phelps put In DISTRICT of- Bertha and the of fcitchener and Roberts w Block near In the and and the following berths with the right to cut and remove pin spruce cedar and O No S3 S3 and will be offered or sate by Public Auction at Par Buddings in the City Toron to on Wednesday the NINTH DAY of DECEMBER at hour ONE oclock in the afternoon i For Sale at a Bargain Hall Rack Book Case without a scratch 1 Sideboard and Secretary combin edgood condition Common Bureau Enquire at Bra Office Sheets containing terms and cona tions of Sale and information- as Areas and Lots and Concessions coin- prised in each Berth will be on application either person by letter to the Departments Crown Lands Toronto Crown Timber Agencies at Ste Marie Port Arthur Portage and Fort France J DAVIS Commissioner Crown Department of Crown Toronto July iinauthonwd of this advertisement K for

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