t r JJ i s FRIDAY AUG uqV ONTARIO It is a common expression that one cannot tell by looks a frog how STOCK PAID OP pTO ui a The Temperance Hall was engaged last Sunday afternoon and evening par it can leap and so with railway fori religious services Men- promoters When apply for BRANCH- preacher held with time fervor and enthusiasm There General at ion the preacher and sang A of Of aim tun mail Of warm air I aoltlr- arlo rooric of a tone to Interest Allowed on Deposits T Rifle DRAFTS ISSUED At X rune American Koto Discounted Collection attended to R088f Manager Midway tirtxi earth aha charter no one can tell what their i in the air ultimate purpose is It is now said the will shortly extend Our Sunday Lesson SAUL its line to Woodstock in to make connections with rbe Drift with my dim and alow A drift to fern leaf Simpson WHaloSt Good Fall Toronto Aug Sept Sept Hamilton Sept North York NewmarketSept Sept Sept Markham Oct Oct If Oct Upon the brink Its green reflection greet And toft the shadow that It with touch One The line V The keenest define frank Demean AUCTIONEER Collect street Newmarket Millard Lane and Comer CiarchBtTOCt SMITH V EVES EVES SfQITH DOUGLAS CO paring and pet cent Original and OEe Block A and Sanitary Room Manning Chambers Toronto flaw and Estimates made for all kinds of buildings Lyman of MARRIAGE LICENSES it the Office Newmarket Paper Issued at private residence if lattd NEWMARKET LATEST DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Stones CtlUofore Ordering Allan Mr Robinson who runs a and nursery garden at Keltlefcy sent us a sample of plums last Sat urday which for size and delicious flavor beats anything we have here tofore seen grown in this section of the country The sprig contained a cluster of six fully matured plums the largest one measuring 7 inches around it one way and inches the Other way It was as big as an ex tra large hens egg 11 this is a gen eral sample of all his nursery stock it is a splendid reconimendation A When Mr Peter Belfry of the Township East died on the of May he left an estate valued at to be used by his widow during the balance of her lifetime and then to be divided between his family Robert Bel fry and James Wright have now applied for probate of the will which is dated April By it the deceaseds real estate is to be divided between his two sons and the insurance in the of to be equally divided the four by During the severe thunder storm on Wednesday afternoon of last week Mr Win Cains barn 5th con King was struck by lightning and burned to the ground along with this sea sons crop of wheat barley and hay sheep were also killed Mr Cain who had just returned home from Aurora was passing out ltu building when it was struck but soon recovered and along with sever al neighbors who had seen the firo and tame to his assistance was suc cessful in much of the con tents of the burning building The far fir tree that cover The with needle green and gold The arching old- are Beneath me far Where not a ripple mores to mar Shade underneath or over fa the Standard has the notion that venison will be plentiful this fall it says Tljere is every prospect of a good bunting season hi the blending this fall Deer have not been so plentiful in years as they are fall One man who has occasion to go up and down the lakes says he has seen than twenty deer in the woods where very few have been seen for some years The broods are said to be fairly alive with partridge There therefore a good and power fthotan i v- will never or bend at ahead of the man behind the gun But all the November I Sam aft 12 Aug Golden Text your enemies lc good to which hate you INTRODUCTION In order to be interested in structed in the life of David we must tread the chapters not included in out I lesson we are reveal the event of interest in the newspa per world in Toronto last week was the occupation by the News of new at the corner of and Adelaide St in that city The latest and most serviceable mechani cal equipment in every line has been installed by the News including a Hoe sextuple This is Mi largest newspaper press in Canada and it has a capacity of 12- page papers per hour An invitaton is extended to all Exhibition visitors to the city to call and inspect the News building and plant The mam moth preos can be seen in operation between 3 and oclock each- after noon The News arrives in on the Metropolitan car from To ronto The local agent is is Starr from whom the piper can al ways be obtained A post car J lo Hie News Toronto will bring sample copies of the paper at any time la marred or made It I but dip blade And It alone world seeming pathless life of mine deep Ideal more mr own than the ead For other Fame And red fiame And gold only claim shadows and the dreaming The Hut In these verses how opportunities ters of men To the most hardened of sinners God gives some rays of light to show him his error bit if unused darkness again asserts itself Cultivate an unbounded reference for God as the source of power jus tice and order Steady yourself by constant con viction that God rules that amid all this disorder there is a di vine power on the side right It is not wise to be overanxious about personal vindication and sure ly not to seek vengeance for our wrongs Revolt against authority is one of threatening evils of the day The man who can wait for God will sway a scepire over other men IT FirstClass Photographs Are obtained by calling on SMITH THE PHOTOGRAPHER Opposite Sovereign Bank Newmarket Andrew Hunter Builder Contractor Estimate Given On Short Notice Boiler Batting and Door Before going ANDREW HUNTER St Box THOMPSONS REPAIR SHOP Ave OK IRON WORK OH Uva a Guaranteed A Last Friday morning a nice driving horse ran all the Way in from Street attached to a light wagon Containing several bags of grain The horse was stopped by Mr Smith the carter in front of Mr H Phillips new house on Main Street The dashboard was broken off and the har ness badly wreck On Saturday a runaway on Church street frightened the residents badly for fear that the children playing the street would be run over The owner was delivering produce at Mr house when the horse took fright at something It was caught at the Church of corner Without doing any damage The Toronto inhibition is on now Late trains and cars may be expected Three hooks be borrowed from Newmarket Public Library in each week until the first January next The cost is only This is the time for the annual me teoric shower Autumn and the county fairs will yoon be here DM you see the bright streak across the sky on Friday A man who had his trousers made about twenty inches loo long and then went about the street trying to hold them up from tire dust or mud would be throught crazy even by his wife who is doing the same thing with her dress A Chatham Man Says Tablets art all right January 12 1903 Allow me to gay a few words as to the merits of the Ironox Tablets I have used them constantly for Indigestion and palpitation of the heart also sour stomach and I can assure you that I have derived from them I you continued success with Ironox Tablets for they are aU right I always keep Ironoat In the Care Chatham Co Chatham Ont an cents at or receipt Tie Ironox Co c The crocodile tears of the organ that the last two local campaigns supported a man who knows nothing the employment of labor that actually opposed a man who carried on a large enterprise employing many men are simply wasted on the desert air The editors motive in venting his spleen at Hon Mr because him has decided to better their circum stances by business somewhere outside of North York although Mr continues to reside in the Hid ing is very apparent The fact of matter is the Kingston is only a small concern secured for tlte purpose of making the most out of the firo in King and to retain trade connections The matter of re building in North York is not at all settled hut the Lennox organ all it possibly can to discourage the project of building in Newmar ket and if possible drive Mr Davis out of the Hiding Dollar On Friday at Minneapolis dollar wheat was seen for the first time in five years It was cash wheat there was sales at that figure La ter was asked and bid with no sales The September op tion touched the highest point in years This world is but a fleeting show and all the host seats are taken Lots ol people would rather die a natural death than send for a doctor Frank of London would not his wife although he hus a good trade and was on Saturday sentenced to six months in the Cen tral Prison A cure for the eruption from son ivy Is to wet a slice with water dust it with common washing soda and apply It keeping bread wet the outside rVhalis the use of keeping up the old plan of running a debt at store The man who that makes It herder for himself and lot the man who pays as bo the storekeeper must charge a little more for all he if he is compel led 10 tarry a lot of accounts on his books many of which may never be able to collect Halifax Aug The New foundland sealing steamer Neptune purchased by the Dominion govern ment left this afternoon for an ex pedition in Hudson Straits and Baffins Hay to continue for a year and a half Its object will be to conduct on of the Canadian Government a botanical and natural history Inves tigation of that part North Amer ica to formally proclaim over certain lands and to report on alleged smuggling opera- lions In Hudson Hay Henry for many years a resident of Langstall was found dead in bin bed Saturday morning Me had been living alone in toll- gate house having by death lost his wile wm and his daughter For number of years ho kept store and Post Office but had poor health He hur ried at Trinity Church on Sunday afternoon was a large and In tlic procession were many freemasons of which order had long a was years of aye The lends itself to spearing because of its courage Alone among the swimmers of in land waters It to have no fear of man and certainly it none of a boat A musky lying halfbidden in the with only the front part of its body projecting from the cov er will not stir a tin as a skiff shoots by four feet over it and it will often strike at a spoon trolled not more than ten feet behind the craft This boldness by day Is increased by night when all fishes are more approachable and the great pirate- will Ho perfectly still while the boat In the bow with torch and rowed with in live feet of it The fish thus offers an imtrk for the spear and would be hunted in this fashion even more than it is but for for laws which forbid it Like other fish musk allonge leave the deep holes at night and haunt tho shallows where they find food more plentiful they will lie with the single fin out of water It is not so hard to find and spear muskallongc as it Is to land them after they arc is immensely powerful and CASTOR I A For Infanta and Children The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Destroyed IN re- imiTIStl FIGHTS NORTHERN London Aug Despatches at the Colonial Otlice loday from northern Nigeria dat ed August give details of the de struction of the town of by a British force of thirty whites and five hundred natives rank and tile The enemys loss was kilted in cluding the former Sultan of and a majority o the chiefs The British loss was men killed one officer and sixtytwo men It of wounded The enemy made a size will put up a light against a spoar that will make most men wish they hod let It alone The man stands up to deliver the stroke and stands up to make the fight and unless he he an expert he is apt to go overboard In dark It is a diilieult thing to stand in a house to house resistance NERVOUSLY EXHAUSTED Sleepless poor digestion easily tir ed blue as indigo thats how you feel Do you want tu feel strong narrowbottomed punt on rapid mate plenty of blood enjoy ter and handle a long stiff pole with strength and vim You can do a twentypound thrashing at the other end of it For this reason amateur prefer a spear from which the barb vim so by How it sharpens the appetite and imparts a feeling strength and vim detaches at soon as the flsh Is Improves the appetite digestion as- struck The pole comes out of Its simulation sleep How surely and along There Is a does this you can ascertain string tied to the barb and the man the fish with string and brain it is hard to do any thin Sold by druggists with fish as the barb Is In side and ft all of its length to oppose to any effort to drag through water It Is aim the to drive the spear clean through the fish as near a vit al part as possible so that shock will prevent It from putting out an its strength There Is no more picturesque Way of fish and nothing more exciting than the sceno when a big has been speared light ly Just deeply enough to hold and not deeply enough to injure it Of ten torch Is knocked ovcrhoard and the fight Is continued In dark ness If man goes with the toich he will have to swim for It raddling along the edge of a lake or down one of the rivers It Is not to find or four good fish In an hour but one good one will be all thut a man will care to bundle In a night When he gets through he Is generally tired enough to go home The A Mr Watson the designer Oil Neat Detroit Midi Aug Several gentlemen who commenced drilling for oil near Leamington Out have struck a well that promises to rank among first in Canada The oil was struck this morning at a depth feet and it is thought the contains over GOO Experts are already on ground enthusiastic over tho find The pumping will begin tomorrow frrr lis Shamrock III who was married re cently at Putney to Miss Marie was born In the year In which the schooner Ameri ca captured now historic America Cup In the celebrated match round the Isle of Wight Mr Watsons irvnticeshlp was served on the Clyde first famous yacht was the ninetyton cutter beat the hitherto Invincible Formo sa owned by the then Prince of Wales seventeen In succession during her first season Ills first yacht of worldwide renown was Scottish challenger for the America Cup the Thistle and the most suc cessful of all was Kings nla He also designed for Lord raven who was at his wedding Valkyries two of which raced for the cup the A mercantile vouchee for the story of a Rarr colonist at who being much Impressed by an accident In which one of his mates chopped a toe while endeavoring to split a stick of wood determined to avoid such a la own esse by ataudtng in a while he vllded the axe was on en actual fart and was by a of the in no s of In his I in While on Friday last on tie John Peach farm con Mark- occupied by Mr Frank Lister straw in flic barn took fire and tbe flames were soon beyond control The separator was gob out safely but Mr Lister lost all his wheat barley tons of hay ami implements In trying to save his property Mri Lis ter had his hands badly burned There was insurance but yet Mr Listers loss will bo very heavy CREAM WANTED SWEET OR SOUR Let us make your butter IS eta tbe lowest price we paid last year delivered at your nearest station It Is worth your while to give us a trial You are not put to any ex pense we furnish the cans and pay all express charges SAVE THE WORK And make more money We satis fy per cent of all who sent Thirtythree million pounds of cream ery butter exported last year Let the creameries make It SWEET CREAM Special Inducements tor those keep ing a number cows and having ice who can furnish us with sweet cream delivered at the nearest A trial solicited and satisfaction guar anteed In writing for particulars- state of cows kept whether or not TORONTO CREAM CO I 11 St wanted Toronto APING m he Latest AND Best Design SHELF HARDWARE COMPLETE IN ALL LINES GIVE US A CHANCE TO PLEASE YOU EVERYTHING AS J REPRESENTED J A ALLAN CO NEWMARKET TELEPHONE CONNECTION JACKS FOR HIRE o The Newmarket Pharmacy Next door to Post Office We have now a complete line of Pure Drugs Druggists Sundries comprising choice Stationery Toilet Soaps and Sponges Brushes Combs Atomizers Hot Bottles Ac A Full ot Patent Medicines at reduced prices We pay special attention to our Prescription Department A Call Solicited The NORMAN ROGERS CO fc Limited J PATTERSON phm AGENTS FOR THE GREAT NORTH WESTERN TELEGRAPH COMPANY OF CANADA Phono Ho FINE WORSTED r equals any 2000 Suits to order and the kind other Clothing Houses ask to 14 for They are the by the Thorpe Maddock Co who went to the wall TORONTO JOBBING ICECREAM SODA J Fresh Every Day hi EXT TORONTO JOBBING iJrrJ 1 f