Newmarket Era, 28 Aug 1903, p. 7

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THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY AUG CHINA HALL ft few which we know local The Contest at the picnic o the United settled last Saturday Messrs Trivet and winning out by points i Christian The services last Sunday were interest a groat many We j ducted by Mr a student out many odd of j from Dartmouth College New shire and brother of Elder Cuidlcy a former pastor cere He was favorably received and preach again next Sunday Hisses Mens Boy and Boots and Shoes gome are not quite uptodate In A Crop A field of oats belonging to Mr Silas on lilf the jab COR to HOPS v Rev A Spencer will preach here next Sunday at Subject The secret of true success RAVENSHOE Mr Morton- will preach in The annual picnic of the Marritt the Methodist Church next Sunday at family was at the home of Mr John of this village on Wednesday Aug Notwith standing the very busy season of the year there were fiftysis gathered to honor the occasion Tiie weather KESWICK turned out so well that it attracted company ORCHARD BEACH The baseball match last Saturday was all that could be desire ana the between the ladies of grounds of Orchard were special- and Keswick great prepared for the day There were J on Chinese Lanterns hanging on pearly of Post every tree which not only made the attendance scene more picturesque bat spectators Miss Law toe Keswick nine and Miss Beach Street beautiful light Then too was favored with the but the wearing quality it attention of a passerby and daughter you can buy at very inter- prices Come and see We fcjre very Fine Lines Right ft closest Shoe took the trouble to size it up It contains about acres of land upon which there were shocks with full sheaves to the shock Thats a promise of an yield of The annual sermon of the Royal Templars of Temperance will be preached by Rev Cornell in the Friends Church at am Aug Members will meet in a body at the Temperance Hall at Everybody welcome Three more names were presented for membership on Wednesday even fat Ladies please every purchaser Fit Comfortably Look Stylish They Wear Well They are Moderate In price Our Oxfords for ladles are a halt more Our childrens Patent Leather Strap Slippers for are away below value and our Misses Patent Leather Strap Slipper are well worth inspecting Boys and Girls School Boot in the best to be had both in wear- quality and fine appearance books bike Business The route for the extension of the Metropolitan across the country in almost a direct line from Newmarket to Sutton appears to have met with favor by the Directors of the Com pany Engineer and a of eight men commenced on Monday morning and are going- the again taking accurate mea surements of the levels They ex pect to be three weeks at this work The Company will then the extension For attractive window dressing Mr Phillips at Binns hardware takes cake Neighbor Partridge the gardener says he never had such a crop of po tatoes in his life as he has this year The Manager of the Office Specialty informs us that they are in a would like you to see our SETS and TOILET SETS GROCERY DEPARTMENT cooking tor The Leading of Illinois- Mr is a brother- inlaw of Mr Isaac and hi days gone by was very inflate with the family Thirtylive years have slipped by sine he left this country for Uncle Sams domains Only a few of the older could him but ail in giving him and his daughter a hearty wel come About five oclock the people to gather ani soon the lawn was a hum merry voices of both old and young farmers talked their farms and crops The older talked of the deeds of years ago while the younger ones told latest jokes and ol the great adventures of their young live Between six and seven oclock the call was given and the company around the table where awaited a sumptuous repast prepared by the la dies After the wants of the inner man bad been supplied and the people had spent some time in social inter course Mr John sr took the chair and called the tc order For over an hour the com pany entertained witn a choice program consisting of choruses tatums and speeches The older of the family spoke goodness to them tracing briefly a little of the history of connec tion Mr Oui spoke of the change- of time mentioning incidentally the fact that thirtyfive years ago he could count the Marritts on the lin gers of his hands The younger members spoke in thankful terms of the Christian influences that sui- round them and expressed a desire that they migit be the name power for good that their parents had been before them After appointing the The KeswicK ladies played but the Beach girls came off victorious were served at the close and the Keswick girls promise a close contest in the summer of At the close of last Sunday even ings service a committee was appoint to make enquiry into the advisa bility of securing a rent for next year so as to have service in a per manent place and possibly under the YMCA auspices By so doing suf ficient seating accommodation be secured and also an to as sist in devotional music The pro ject is very favorably received the campers several of whom have ex pressed themselves ready to contri bute to such an object tion now to take on more men There was a private juvenile picnic to arrange for next years in Millards grove on Monday after- picnic and singing the National An- I them the company dispersed by Council meets at Virginia he with you till we meet oh Monday East Council meets at Sharon next Friday Metropolitan Connection It begins to look as though the patrons of the Metropolitan were go ing to get some conven iences at North Toronto The News of Wednesday says Mayor Urquhart reported to have again All agreed that it was the picnic that had ever had Mrs Appleton and two children are spending a week or two at Mr Win Marritfs Good fishing on the Bay on Tues day Mr R caught fine lunge one weighing lbs The Garden Party under the aus pices of the has been son of Mr Clark of the line had a narrow escape from be ing killed He was helping mew away grain and by some means went too near the window in the end of the barn and fell out a distance of or SO feet falling on arm was broken and a small bone and one finger on the other I skillful treatment the boy is getting around all right There will be stereoptical views on the Life of Christ by Mr Robots in the Church on Tuesday evening the 1st of Sept A silver collection will be taken at the door Mr and Mrs J Lemon and family week r of Winnipeg visited his parents last Mrs and daughter Ruth of Buffalo visited at Mr A this week Mr and Mrs V Darby and three chiWren of Toronto arc visiting at Mr Whites Miss Moody of Toronto is visiting at Mr Phillips Mr and Mrs- Miller of Shrub- mount spent Sunday at Mr Geo Martins Mr Hancock visited friends in Darlington last week Mr and Mrs Vanzant of Mongolia called on A Cooks on Monday Mr J Clark of Toronto is spend ing a few days at Mr Win Phillips BELHAVEN The recent rain has stopped farmers from finishing harvesting It was of great use as the pasture needing rain A good number from attended the sermon at Keswick oh Sunday evening Park and have opened up their branch here Mr i on the sick list this week She caught a severe cold John Bud is suffering from Quinsy Mr returned to To ronto Tuesday morning after two weeks holidays John Richardson MPP visited Mrs Draper this week Mr Wellington has bought the farm leased by Goo for the past few yearn from Ellis Miaa Edna Arnold returned to Butte Montana a three months visit among friends here The late Francis Morton had many relatives in this as well as a great many personal friends The mourning friends and relit lives have the sympathy of the entire commun ity was a life long mem ber of the Christian Church and an earnest christian In politics he was a Libera will be missed a great deal in the church home and among his many friends Mr Winch is visiting friends in this vicinity Mrs Allen of Saginaw has been visiting T for the past week Mi and Mr Milne of Sagin aw Mich ha been vUiting Mr Howard Morton for a few days Diphtheria has out in the home of Henry two miles south of thin place Miss Maggie Sherwood is stricken down with it there The Council Board met here on Moiday last and transacted its usual business The barn mining of Mr Duncan King which took Thurs day parsed off without a hitch The barn is of tremendous size and reflects much on its owner Mia Graves of Vivian has been visiting with her mother Mrs John A good number of young people from attended a birthday party at Mount Pleasant last Friday even ing and Fruit Depot YOU CAN BUY Now for Canning They will be A Sheet Fife Causes a Panic on Now York Elevat ed Line Good General Servant Wanted- stated in an interview that he saw no objection to the Metropolitan Railj ladies are very moderate way Company joining their tracks to charge admission being Mrs Jos Irwin until next Tuesday eveningthe J Sept It is to be held on the Lawn of Mr Win The in their We as rented her Telephone those of the CPR at North for a crowd Games of dinet te He thought a recent amendment kinds are to be provided for the TORONTO OHT INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN I SHORTHAND TOUCH TYPEWRITING ROOK KKKPINO Expert Instructors to Positions ReOpen Sept 1st Free Chartered Principal FOR lot in the of North of cultivation Good bank barn and in Neverfalling miles from Keswlcx WM the Railway Act in late years pro tected city In any case the Metropolitan some mouths ago joined their tracks to those of the Aurora Railway which has a Dominion Charier His Worship is also of tie opinion that the Metro politan Company should termin al facilities on their own property The last game of the series between and Newmarket been play ed and as ever Newmarket is on the top After the way they were used a week ago Saturday the team were a little doubtful and betting was not very fast In favor of Newmarket Hut the men in better shape and never played bet ter ball Everything was hot and snappy from start to finish They simply had to win they did it For three Innings Newmarket was out while Aurora scored three In the second Innings the only score they made and then they woke up to the fact and did the trick Howard pitched the best game of Ids life and but one error was made in the fieldl Aurora simply could not stand tire pace while Newmarket piled the score up runs in one innings and 5 in another Rush was not In as good form as last in Newmarket and their fielding was anything but neat Two of the Aurora team wero hurt- Hush second while trying to of Howards balls forearm and a bone and was lilt on Miss Moran of Toronto is spending holidays at Mr Cooks Wanted to go to the Highest wages Apply to Mrs Main St Newmarket FOR SALE CHEAP feet of Iron Cresting without a flaw and small Iron Gates at about half cost price Enquire at Era Of fice Aug A peculiar ac cident caused a panic on a crowded elevator motor train bound from Ja maica to More than a thousand men and women fought to escape from the train which was a sheet of fire for several minutes The trouble was caused by a metal stop on one of the cars coining in contact on a curve with he third rail This shortcircuited the entire train and j sparks fairly rained from every piece commodious brick residence on of metal in the cars Lome Ave now occupied by Mr The passengers who were returning Lloyd Possession 1st of Oct from a day on Long Island were mad Apply to For Sale or to Rent take one it In was broken the head score Farm for Sale aid West part of lot of East Wi acres About 40 acres of mostly hardwood cleared tile drained Aurora a 0 I J ft 3 Howard 15 Bush Pitcher was expected from Toronto but did not come He was not needed Mich pitched as good a game as ever did took the managers prize for putting the ball farthest from the plate striking It over to the swings on the east of the grounds are being made for a game on Labor Day adapted for fanning The Alert Are scheduled to play in owner on Holland Landing on Saturday P fee people in addition to refresh ments and a program Last Sunday morning the pulpit the Methodist church was filled by Rev Dr Warden of Roachs Point The Dr preached an able sermon from TIk people Keawick always look forward with pleasure to the day that the Dr takes the service On Si day evening last the of this place had their animal church parade About sixty of the members of the Lodge marched from tire to the Christian Church Rev preached an able ser mon as a foundation three texts Gal arid He showed carefully mans duty to fellow man to himself and to his God The many friends of Mr Francis Morton of litis place will be sorry hear of his death on Tuesday morn ing A short time ago Mr Morton received Injuries in a runaway acci dent from which he never recovered Mr Morton has long been a resident this vicinity and was loved and re spected by all with whom he catiio contact His bereaved family and friends have the sympathy of the whole community Mrs Morton mother of Mr Ira Morton of this place has been quite ill for the past week We are glad to that she slightly im proved A goodly number from our village attended the raising Mr Duncan Kings barn on Thursday of last week Mr King is continually tear ing down and building greater We wonder if this fact can also bo at tributed to good government Mr John VanNorman our general merchant has sold his business to Mr Richard Pollock of this place We wish Mr Pollock success in his new enterprise We believe if the Owl would come and reside at Keawlck he could se cure enough news to edit a paper of own Rev J Simpsons subject for next Sunday morning in the Ik poem by the greatest poet o Try an Ad to Era It WHITCHURCH COUMCII Met at Jones on the 10th of iitcuibertt all prevent Communications from County Clerk County Bylaw respecting of County Roads Prom Walker Collector hi ret lea Collector C to Wilson In pit were by J on Tor manufacturing cul vert Win Wudaworth K Mitchell hauling culvert llMJ rent for land for mnuufucturlug culvert gravel for culvert pipe Henry Kennedy nursing tiloan a destitute per- afflicted with typhoid 18 The Was instructed to pay presented The Clerk instructed to notify to removing from hill on flth Con line Lot Councillor Clark empowered to deal with the alleged claim of J for daamgo to wagon The of parties offered by the Collector a sureties were ac cepted Bylaws were passed Inatruotlng the Clerk to levy the following rates For County General Pur- jfOvcsf hi For County Industrial Home For County For Township General Pur- 256846 For Township School Rate and such additional rates on the dif ferent school sections as the true- tees of said sections naked for Council adjourned to meet at Hotel Oak on Oat of September ooo AdvertltinR Is the drill that scat- the seeds of business success the Old man Says Not a bird that comes to the coun try but earns its living from the people In some way or other they earn their right to Most of the song birds are insect eaters It Is a question whether we could on this earth If insects were allowed to multiply in the numberless forms and myriads of progeny that nature provides Certainly man alone could not keep the insects down without the help otksbirds the hawks and owls live mostly on held mice and gophers and Mr Crow will eat almost any old tiring which if al lowed to remain to poiute the air means disease and death with fright in an instant They rushed toward the doors which the guards instantly closed and fought I to get out One man was pushed through a glass door and badly cut Women fainted by the dozen but the fire continued to pour upon tire luck less passengers until the train reach ed a station and the step which caus ed the trouble had been removed JOHN MILLARD Newmarket Farm Sale acres in lots and Con Whitchurch Plenty of wood Ambulances were called and the sur- and water Two thirds seeded down Tcvswater Aug During a thun derstorm last night Mr Thos Lit tles barn on the th concession was struck by lightning and burned to tire ground The barn con tained all the seasons crop and im plements together with one and three calves Total loss about Insurance Fergus Aug 25 During a thunder storm last night the barn of Mr A Spent of Mot was struck light ning and entirely consumed Mist of the seasons crop as well as a firstclass implements were de stroyed The loss on amount to about insurance on the building on the con tents A cablegram from Naples dated Aug says prediction of Prof Krull of Munich has been ful filled as Vesuvius had a fresh period of activity last night Frequent ex plosions were heart and hot stones were thrown to a height of 00 feet while at the same time a slight earth quake was felt The of lava has again begun to descend In the direction of Pompeii altho Us pro gress is slow The eruption Is di minishing tonight O0 One of our readers tells the story of a woman who sat up until one oclock the other night waiting ior her husband to come home she It up and went upstairs only to him In bed fast asleep His deception as she called it made tier mad that ahe didnt speak to husband for days attended dozens of persons in cluding many women who had fainted and were carried to the platform Harry Wilson aged 11 jumped on a wagon at Frankfort miles from Belleville and fell oft in man ner that one of the hind pass ed over his He is dead Aug A heavy thunder storm passed over here last night Mr Percy Wallaces bam Was struck by lightning and with its contents to tally destroyed The crop had just been harvested Insurance on and outbuildings about eight hundred dollars contents not insured No live stock lost Woodstock Aug nights electrical storm did consider able damage in The barn of Schillings was struck by lightning and destroy ed and Isaac Sutherland of Harring ton lost his barns together with his crops and some farm implements from the same source The High School Board here met last evening to consider the applications to fill the vacancy on the staff by the resignation of A late classical master who re cently went to Dawson City There were fifteen applicants and choice fell to J Wright of Bradford Mr Wright as Stone wall under barn Vivian PO TO RENT North acres of lot Con East known as Farm A good- chance for a tenant Apply at once for terms and particulars to WIDDIFIELD Sot for Newmarket Horses and Cows OLD BUGGIES For Sale on Saturday The Biggest and Best Sale Yet One While Home old blind In one oat of other as not no si to At him lies a good to work because Billy Gould as he stands In worked him for years his psofession and is a gold M wta in classics and philosophy and all three legs bat lamp on It I horse from Re- BUllsrd He the St Catharines Aug A very severe electrical storm struck this city at an early hour this morning and lasted over an hour People rushed from their beds thinking an other cyclone was coming The lightning was most vivid and struck several places The rain fell in tor rents and on the main streets the sewers were blocked and thy water raised above the kerbstones reaching the doors of several business houses The lightning struck the Orphan Home on Ontario street setting on fire The firemen the blare to the tower lamp la a Jack I iris a bog He a dandy bone all the same Other are coming In for the sale fresh old One years old Poor old Babies be told for cash or two payment to make room for Writers st North York fmwMAHKtrr death end it matter the other on i

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