Newmarket Era, 4 Sep 1903, p. 2

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Y THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY SEPT 9Q Apprentices Wanted To the DressMaking MISS Newmarket- GOOD BOARD Mrs Hoover St prepared to receive a ew warders it Board For a few Boarders at per week Also board for High and public School scholars Mrs A Gordon No Ontario St Wanted for School Section No York County to at once State qualifications experience and salary expected Address PO on he Grand Trunk Pa cific resolutions was continued on Monday Mr Walter Scott for charged that Mr Os ier was one of a body of grafters who made out of the late Government in railway concessions in western Canada it- teacher of p spending a part of her vacation with Miss Thompson returned last Monday oO The agony is over The Govern ments policy on the Grand Pacific scheme was endorsed early on Tuesday morning on a division of to giving a majority of There is no doubt but that it is a progressive step which will be endors ed by the country Canada is grow ing with leaps and bounds under the Liberal rule North York License District Notice hereby given that appli cation has made the License Board- of above District for a Trans fer of Tavern License from John Sutton of toe Queens Hotel Schom- to Joseph Sutton of the same place Dated this 3rd day of Sept A J HUGHES Inspector Farms for Sale A good farm in East being lot con containing acres ol good clay loam On the premises is a good frame dwelling- house good bank barn and firstclass bog pen This property is well and is an excellent chance to buy a good farm Also a good farm in North being lot con contain ing acres of pasture and woodland For other particulars enquire of Sharon PO When You Need It is Wfi days today since the present session of the Dominion Par liament opened longest pre vious sitting in the history of the Canadian Parliament was that of which occupied days The House sat days in 1900 but it is certain that both these records will be far surpassed on the present occasion as there is no appearance of prorogation being reached before Oc tober Word comes from- Montreal that the officials have completed ar rangements for the tour of the Brit ish Parliamentary party which will reach Quebec on Friday next The party will not be as large as at first contemplated and will number only some twenty members After visit ing the capital will proceed to Toronto where twy will spend Sept and and on Sept the visitors will leave for a tour of the West over the Canadian Pacific From a circular just issued We learn that the third annual convention of the Union of Canadian Municipalities will meet at Ottawa on the and September It is announced that among the subjects to be discussed will be following The Canadian municipal town improvement and embellish ment municipal home rule Provin cial rights in municipal legislation the present position of telephone leg islation municipal ownership level crossings good roads public lighting and kindred questions A press despatch from Montreal to dailies states that France wishes to buy Canadian apples and if negotiations now under way are tarried out an extensive trade is OR- FLOUR Mr Will Attoitage of Toronto was over Sunday Mrs Jones and daughter of Perth are visiting Mrs Mr Stephen Wallace of Toronto was visiting in town over Sunday Mr Kerwin of is spend ing a few days with Mr John Mrs Chas was visit- with friends in Barrie over Sun day Mrs Sarah Brown of Detroit is visaing at Mr this week Mr Case spent Sunday at tie- Lake the guest of Mr A Bums r Mr Geo of spent a week home returning on Monday Mr John of Milton bro ther of the postmaster visited him last week Dr P Millard wife and from Vancouver Island are home on a months visit Mr teacher at Gait was visiting in East last week Mr Win Brothers of Delaware formerly of Pine Orchard is visiting at Mr J Mrs John Collins and daughter were visiting Mr George Penrose of Thornbury last weeic Mr of Chicago is calling on relatives and acquaintances in Town and vicinity Mr Robert Randall is back from the NorthWest and visiting friends in Town and vicinity Mr Geo Stewart of Toronto was visiting with Mr Frank Stewart a couple days last week Miss Beech of Winnipeg was visit ing on Sunday at the home of her aunt Mrs M Mr Norman Strong brother of Mrs went to Montreal on Monday to accept a situation Mr Edgar son of Mr has returned from the NorthWest being in very poor health Mr T Hopkins and bride were in Town on Wednesday Mrs Hop kins will remain here for a couple of months before making her home in Chi ago Mrs Pearson and daughter Mrs Roche and Miss were at the Kennedy Ranch BETHEL CORNERS Mr Nee Miss She of Chicago home for a couple of weeks viuit Mr of Toronto also Mr from Michigan are vis iting with uncle The Aid of Bethel Church will be held at Mrs this month Last month they held their meeting as a on the Lake Shore Mrs is on a visit with her ftister at AH were pleased to have a visit from their late pastor and wife Rev and Mrs Brace of The Base line school is not reopenedi having failed to proem a teacher Miller of Toronto spent a week with Mr Mr Arthur who has spent most of his t cation hereabonts re turned to his home in Nearly every person is attending or purpose attending our great Pro vincial attraction the Toronto Exhi bition Mr Willie is now at work on his new farm The harvest is running into Sept this year There are still many fields some uncut A number of the pupils of this vi cinity have returned to their labors at Newmarket We them ev ery success and trust they may up hold the honor of the schools of A number from ihis vicinity tended the funeral of Mr Morton Mr John Morton of Bethel is now the only one of the family left and has sympathy in the lots of his brother Mr seems real hear ty for ago Miss Miller of Toronto is visiting at Mr Davidsons Newmarket s Leading Store Newmarkets OnePrice Store have spent a lot of time and thought in the selection of our Pali and Winter Stock Needless to say we have had access to the best markets and our purchases have been made for SPOT CASH Never duringour business life have we been in a position to do so well for our Customers and Friends as for the coming Fall and Winter Tradb We desire to thank the people of Newmarket and the surrounding country for their confidence in us since the establishing of our Newmarket store promise for the coming season the best merchandise procurable and at prices as low as is consistent quality always considered Our Stock for the Fall Winter Is not quite complete but some lines have arrived for every department and the goods are opening far beyond our brightest expec tations If you favor us with your Fall and Winter requirements We guarantee that the bnefit will be mutual We give always a Dollars worth for a Dollar and often a great deal more I I tHM4H4HK4K Phone No and get the best town in J WILLSON NEWMARKET sure to follow This year the apple throughout tire French Republic is practically a failure During the past week toe French Consul General Mrs McCuIloch and children are in Montreal received a letter from home again after eight weeks vaca- n which information was most ot which time was spent guested as to the Canadian apple the at Lindsay estimated yield season and what Mrs Fred Campbell of might be expected as regards the and Muss of spent opening up of a trade in this special over Monday at the latter s home in line In reply he advised the parties Newmarket tads mw interested to send an esrpert to judge for himself It is believed thai a large and profitante trade can be Mrs Mary Rogers and her son Mr David Rogers left Wednesday for Brandon where tic has accepted a ADMINISTRATORS Notice to Creditors up between France and flrm da in this line year I Mri Win left for Brace- Mulock gave the t the 0 a teirble scoring last in tfce ModcJ School of that town Miss has received the Pursuant to the Statute provided in that behalf all- persons having Claims the estate of Arthur late of Whitchurch yeo man deceased who on July last are required to file the with the undersigned solicitor for Walter Eves Administrator of said estate properly proven on or before the day of October next after which date the administrator Will distribute the estate amongst deliverances week as his contribution to the Grand pacific debate in the Commons and brought out in striking contrast Mr Bordens Alter nate system Referring to this speech the Globe says As lie Sir William brought to bear on his task his business capacity and legal experience it will lie rcidily be lieved that he succeeded analysis of the project Was as thorough and destructive as its worst enemy could have If it was a thing of shreds and patches when he began it was a thing of shrofs only when lie finished Apart from it merit altogether so far as it any he proved that the various speakers on Opposi tion side had been contradicting each other in their ideas and estimates to an extent as to make their col on the subject those entitled and will not be siWe any part of the assets of estate or for any claims of which he shall not then have had no tice Solicitor for Walter lives Administrator FOR SALE TWO GOOD FARMS ON TICK M CON OK WHITCHURCH The undersigned has decided to up fanning and now offers for sale hie two In Whitchurch as fol lows 1 The West lot and acres of lot con containing acre This farm con tains a good brick house a good frame barn with other out building There la about acre of hardwood bush on same The lot con a containing acres There la a good bank barn with under- grouTd tabkr and a good frame house also The soil both Is a good clay particulars apply on the prem ises to JOSHUA quite wortnless as a ieans of promoting a solution of the problem of a transcontinental all- Canadian railway Mr Alex Millard Toronto up on Monday to assist in cel ebrating his fathers birthday Mr and Mrs of are spending two or three days with his brother Mr John Mr Jones of Perth spent a day or two at Mr Irwins this week Mrs and daughter re turned to Toronto with him Mr John Gill and wife who have been residing the past year with ltair daughter near Lindsay are visiting friends in Town this week They were among our residents They have been married years and Mr GUI is in his year years ago he teamed the brick for Mr Coryell in the erection of the Hotel that summer MIbh who has been spending three months with her uncle Squire Bolton left for her home near on Tuesday In tympany Mrs they attended a wedding in Toronto on Wednesday Mtes Oracle Bolton of Toronto was Urn tlM latter part of last week Squire Bolton Is the greatest age of any person in town being in his year appointment of teacher in Aurora Public School and commenced her duties last Tuesday Mrs and the twins also Miss who spent last week at Lloyd Lodge Orchard Beach return ed home on Monday Rev Hoover wife and child from Lansing Mich are over on the and will spend ten days at his lathers Mr Harry of the the Misses and Miss Campbell of Bradford were in Town on of last week Miss of Toron to is spending a few days in Town end of her two weeks vacation She came here from Albert Mr Burnside and family who have teen spending some time at her fathers Mr J Millard left for home in Montreal on Monday Mrs A of Chicago daughter of Mr Kills who has been home on a visit left for the windy city on Rev A MacOllMvray attend ed the meeting in Toronto on Tuesday The call Rev J of to Acton wan ratified Mr Ira son of the Lundy of St is here his wife from Indianapolis for a few on a visit with relatives and friends Dr and wife are back from Moose Jaw Mr Is troubled with a painful knee and they came home to consult a specialist in the city Mr and Mrs Joseph Newton eel their Wedding Monday evening Aug Quite a number of guests were present and a most enjoyable time was spent Stephens of Cleveland is home fox days on account of the Illness of his father Mr Al bert Stephen of appears to be doing well having a good practice and a Vnterinary Hos pital with accommodation for if horses ROLLING STICK WOOD At the Methodist Parsonage on Wednesday Aug by Rev J D Simpson Lewis Rolling of Whitchurch to Mary Jane el dest daughter East office of The Westminster Toronto by the editor Rev Robert on Aug Tfaos Hy Hop kins Chicago to Miss Gertrude M daughter of Mr of Newmarket Wednesday Aug 26y by the Rav James Smith of Appdle at the residence Silver father of the bride Sutton West Miss Ella Blanch Silver to Smith of Rich mond Hill At Methodist Parsonage Newmarket on the 2nd of Sept by Rev J Mr Leslie Glover son of Mr Glover to Ml at Lena Flo son of Mr Allan all of East Ladies Mantles and Skirts Dress Goods Gloves and Hosiery Furs of all kinds Flannelettes Table Linen Towelling Cottons Pillow Cottons Sheetings Carpets Oilcloths Curtains Mens Gloves Ties Underwear Boys Suits Mens Suits Boys Overcoats Mens Overcoats New Boots of all kinds We solicit a continuance of your confidence IPJTO Selected Raisins 5 lb lbs for cts in a fi Salmon at tins for i GROCERY the donee of the brides parents- on Sept 2nd ism by Rev J Morgan Mt Albert Mr to Miss Selena Travis daughter of A all of Hast of the Sept 2nd by Rev Mr Geo Stark Toronto to Ada daughter of Wednesday Sept 2nd in the Central Presbyterian Church Toronto by Rev D MoTavish Miss of the Township Whit church to J Randall of Trail BC the Money Savers NEWMARKET The estate of Fair Co general merchants wlo recent- assigned will only pay 5c on the dollar It is the worst failure for years Sept A lerri accident occurred in Metcalf short after oclock this afternoon in which Neil Munroe and Alex residents that lost their lives While taking a traction over what is known as loughs Bridge the structure suddenly gave way The two men were thrown in to the water and instantly crushed to death by the weight of the en- EVERYTHING FOR THE BOYS AND GIRLS Text Books Exercise Books Scribblers Pens Ink Pencils Paper Compass Rulers Crayons Erasers THE LEADING Undertaking Boose Bargains -IN- Extension Tables and A to a John Millard and QUI NLA At King City to Mr and Mrs a son Aurora Aug to Mr and Mrs P Yorke a son Tomb On the 3rd con King Aug after an illness two years Henry Storey aged years Interred at Aurora cem etery last Friday At Preston Ont Aug Dr John his year Deceased was a son of the late Isaac who owned the Trent farm on the 2nd of Whitchurch He was a graduate of Newmarket arid was Junior with the late Dr J Hunter Moose Jaw N on Aug IMS Elsie be loved daughter of Mr and Mrs J A late of Newmar ket INTS I and GALLONS L M A J MAIN NORTH All will Careful ftnd Prompt Attention Apples Cabbage Cauliflower Pure Spices and Vinegar for Pickling read Pastry In small quantities or by toe barret Special for Preserving by the hundred weight or Central Telephone a L

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