Newmarket Era, 4 Sep 1903, p. 4

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i t J i THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY SEPT Peking Joints fiugcrt tots and other body ere Joints that are end by rbsumatUra condition of the blood Electa lbs also dread to mora especial fiftsr or long and Condition commonly worse in wet weather I from rheumatism fert hare completely by Hoods for which I am deeply grate- aft atUck of be which left and and from rheo- I tailor Hoods and ha entirety cored I no hesitation In say It tared J Trenton Out Hoods ft IXORIAli ON A A The in Fates For Era LEGAL J Public Main Street Newmarket to Loan on Tbe papers are- reminding Hon- George Foster that should be ac cept nomination for at the next general election on the suppos ition he well go In unopposed be should remember Ontario Official notice has been given tbat Minister of Education decid ed that question of Latin and other languages in the courses will not be reconsidered Teachers now know they must walk plank or get down and out of way The- Government and Opposition dont calculate along the same lines Star say Government estimate is for the whole railway the Opposition estimate is for Eastern section is not as deep as a well nor as wide as a church out twill serve PARTICULARLY TRYING TO THE WIVES AND DAUGHTERS A Place Where Womans Work is ver Reason Why There Are so Many Prematurely Aged and Worn Out Women it Solicitor Notary Public etc Court Ontario Coot tic CbopDlo door of Pool Chopplo door South flee Newmarket Herbert Aurora will alio beat Newmarket on Saturday end Court Day Solicitors for J Co Banker and Ontario Bank Aurora t Barrister to Loan DENTAL I Jobbing House tor- Guarantee INSURANCE J A for nod Life Money to at Current Kates Office At Newmarket The medical Board speaking of longevity is authority for the state ment that married people live longer than sjngle ones that those who work bard live longer than those who do not and that longevity is great er among civilized tban people also that people of large physique live longer than those of smalt physique but tbat those of medium build outlive both That Conservatives are not unani mous in their admiration of Mr is evidenced by the speech of Senator Dr Sullivan of Kingston Dr Sullivan is a staunch Conserva tive but is held in the highest es teem by both political parties In reply to a charge that his party had taken Mr as its idol he made the following indignant reply desire to repudiate with all the force in my power the charge the honorable gentleman has just made No Conservative of any that I Know of has endorsed Mr or put him forward as a standard nor desires to do so nor would any Conservative desire to come into- power on tbe strengtb Mr low A Ramsay Fire Agent Kate on Isolated Town Property Shop Newmarket metropolitan It Co TORONTO AND NEWMARKET I is a CO SZ 0 The Globe is informed that the chief Engineer of Railway has reported that an explor ation of the country north of New I has been made by one of his engineers by reconnolssancc It was found to be a comparatively easy country The engineer in charge of the exploration is now on a quick trip over the height of land and up to the valley of the Abitibi and will report in two or three weeks after which a party will be organized for the preliminary survey It Is tuougbt at present that the to give the easiest curves and grades will the valley of the from New for about six miles where there is an easy pass into valley of the Blanche River The survey would then follow the valley of the Blanche River to its source It has been very truly said that womans is never done and this perhaps especially true when applied to the wives of Canadian farmers who are kept busy with their manifold duties from daylight till dark and who find even under the most favorable circumstances but little time for relaxation and social enjoyment They are a class of women whose pluck and endurance everyone must admire are help mates in broadest sense of the word ana unfortunately pay the pen alty either in a complete breakdown of health or in prematurely aged ap pearance A case In point is of Mrs Maiais tbe wife of a well known and farmer living near Riviere du Loup Mrs is the mother a large family and like husband was am bitious for their welfare As a con sequence she overtaxed her strength and after the birth of her last child failed to regain her former health Several months passed and still Mrs was confined to her bed Her strength had completely passed away She was troubled with headaches was extremey nervous subject to pains in the back and unable to take food with relish She was under tho care of inure than one doctor but did not regain her strength and her family and friends believed their was hut little hope lor her recovery Then a neighbor strongly advised her to try Dr Williams Pink Pills and she doing so Soon unier the use of tle pills she began to re cover her strength was able to le up and about again Day by day further beneficial results followed the continued use of the pills until after the use of eight boxes Mrs was fully restored to her oldtime health and vigor She speaks of- Dr Williams Pink Pills in very warm terms and loses no opportunity ti praise them Dr Williams Pink Pills are a boon to overworked weary and despond ent women everywhere Every pill helps increase the flow of rich rel blood through the veins stimulates the nerves and in this way restores health strength and vitality Only the pills can do this how ever and the purchaser should see that the full name Dr Williams a r every Wed- Saturday In a Globe interview of Hon Mr Ross recently it is made quite clear that the Ontario Government has not been neglectful of either the Province of Ontario or municipal rights al though an effort has been made to create impression Our adds The point seems of importance just now however Is that there is some danger that a bill will go through Parliament un less prompt steps are taken to pre vent ft incorporating an electric railway between here and Hamilton with a perpetual charter The Pro vincial Legislature has adopted a definite policy with regard to enter prises of that sort and a particular part of its policy is that char ters shall le limited to a term of years Dominion Parliament therefore if It passes this bill will not interfere with something tbat distinctly Provincial in its scope will moreover upset the policy deliberately adopted towards enterprises by the Local is Pink Pills for Pale People printed on the wrapper around every box If in doubt send direct to tle Dr Williams Medicine Co Brock- Ont and the pills will be mail ed post paid at cents a box or six boxes or 250 GRAND RAILWAY LEAVE NEWMARKET am Daily tor Wharf connecting with boats for points on Lakes Orfllia North Bay am Dally except for Barrio Orfllia Wharf Daily for fiarrie North Bay and points in the Canadian Northwest Dally except Sunday for Allandale wood Barrio ARRIVE NEWMARKET am Dally North Bay Wharf and Barrio am Dally Sunday front and ISA Pally from points In North Bay and pm Dally except Sunday from Bar rio re The fourteenyearold daughter of School House near London sustained probably fa tal injuries on Wednesday by falling from a tree A scaffold at the the Canadian Pacific Railway at Montreal collapsed on Thurs day Six men were injured one of them Jean probably inliakeSimcoe Jolm A Doyle aged years was drowned near Saturday afternoon He went there about three weeks ago to join his family who had been summering at that place In tbe afternoon Ire and a younger brotltcr Bernard went out a boat and when some dis tance from the shore John in for a swim He then said that he would swim ashore but lake was very rough and before reaching land lie became tired and called for help Bernard hastened to his brothers as sistance hut was unable to reach him in time The body was recov ered soon afterward but life was ex tinct The deceased was a son of Mr J Doyle of the Inland Reven ue Department at the Worts distillery He was a of St Michaels College CATARRHAL POISONS REMEDY AND Tfiere is more catarrh in this of country than all other put together and until the last few years was supposed to be uncur- i aw For many J or J tor it a The poisonous secretions from Ca tarrh are because they af fect the stomach and bowels giving rise to an unhealthy condition of organs Catarrh is the source of much Ell health and was considered practically incurable until it was demonstrated to satisfaction the profession that by t ho use of any case of nasal or throat trouble can be permanently and quickly cured by its unusual merit has enlisted the support and endorsement of the most prominent authorities who freely stale that any one giving it a trial Is sure to receive permanent and prescribed local remedies and by constantly to cure Witt local treatment pronounced it Silence has catarrh to be a Kingston Robert McKay a sailor on the r bad bis neck broken constitutional disc during a collision with the requires constitutional Halls Cure by Miss Sarah Gardner Cheney Co Toledo la who returned a- month ago the only cure on the torn India where she represented market It is taken Internally In the Womens Union Missionary do from drops to a ty for 24 years Is dead In the It acts directly on Wood and kills where ah had gone to surf ace the system hundred dollars lor case It falls to curs for circulars and to a otjo Address J CHENEY CO Take Laxative Quinine Tab- Toledo Ohio lets All druggists the noney Sold by druggists M It falls- to Pills are beat Groves signature Is on each box As season of all fairs draws near directors of agricultural socie ties will be on the outlook lor new and attractive features to be added to the program of events A good many societies are making an earnest endeavor to improve their fairs by the introduction of educational fea tures and it will not be out of place to once more draw attention to the exhibition at Whitby which the Dominion and Provincial Depart- of Agriculture are striving to make a model for others to follow The Whitby Model Fair will of course have the services of expert judges who will explain the reasons for their decisions in the ring and give addresses on the best types of horses cattle sheep and swine In this Way way the judging is made an educational feature instead of being merely an allotment of premiums by men who are often Incompetent or biased in their judgment The awarding of prizes at a fair is com paratively an unimportant matter as compared with other considerations What is really desirable is that fairs should be the means of disseminat ing information and of fixing correct in minds of those who are producing foodstuffs and on whom the prosperity of Canada depends The advantages of expert judge system has become so apparent year lairs in Ontario alone arc to be supplied with judges by the Provincial Department of Ag riculture Another feature of tbe Fair which is worthy of adoption by all agricultural societies hut which some have yet taken up is thv series of illustration plots on the fair grounds These plots are in excellent condition at Whitby and will form an and instruct ive exhibit of the best varieties clovers imllcts sorghums com fodder and pasture crops tur nips mangels and sugar beets By studying the plots farmers will be able to learn just what crops and what varieties are best adapted to their farms thus bringing home to particular conditions of soil and climate the general conclusions ar rived at by the Experimental Farms The Whitby Fair Board will tempt to combine amusement with instruction by holding a or series of games on horseback It is a lamentable fact that horseback riding is almost unknown in Canada and that the saddle is rarely seen on a Canadian farm We raise hun dreds of good saddle horses for which there is a good demand at high prices but these horses are sold by the farmer practically unbroken and the middle man finishes them for market and gets the cream the profit This is why attempt is being to interest our people in the plea sures of the saddle Tire events to be put on in gymkhana at Whitby to demonstrate skill in the saddle are as follows polo pony competition walking race obstacle race potato race and skirt race ginger ale race polo pony sourry nomination race and high jumping competition The gymkhana events will be Inter spersed with childrens games and athletic competitions to keep the In terest from flagging The managers are determined to have a good clean fair where all the boys and girls can go to spend a pleasant and Instruct day without coming In contact with any injurious influence But it is not intended to allow the amusement feature to overshadow in any way the educational part of the program Demonstrations of agri cultural processes will be very much in evidence A model kitchen and dining room will be shown in opera tion with exhibitions of cooking sim ple dishes and addresses on domestic economy Desirable and undesirable types of fowls will he shown with features on the fattening chickens for the British and exhibi tions for killing plucking and pack ing for export Practical demon strations of the proper packing of fruit for export will be given by ex pert packers and every effort will lie made to minister to the wants of those who are looking for information that will prove practical benefit That children may be Instructed as well as amused prizes will again be offered to the teacher aird pupils of a public school section making the best exhibit cut flowers grown In the school grounds grain In tire straw clovers and grasses roots and vegetables fruits wild flowers and leaves of trees pressed and mounted weeds and weed seeds beneficial and Injurious Insects native woods This year prizes also offered for best essays on tire wild flowers grains and grasses weeds insects and birds of the lo cality This plan has proved effect ive in inducing children to begin tbe fascinating study of Nature directed towards the elements of ag riculture economic botany and ento mology etc Every lair board would find It advantageous to put on some of these prizes for school chrHdrcns exhibits full particulars of which may be obtained from Mr Live Stock Commissioner Ottawa who la devoting a great deal of energy to the Improvement of Ca nadian fairs of Ag Ottawa For the Era A Chaos lee BY A BANKER To the lover of Nature perhaps the most exhilarating of recreations is to explore higher reaches of some of the great glaciers Switzerland and amongst the most interesting and fas cinating them all the the great sea or rather river of ice which takes its rise amidst pyramids of Mont Blanc Ascending by way of the very the path for a time winds amongst a glorious display of flowers the matchless Spring Gentian pro bably most brilliant aid incom parable cerulean which Natures great labratory has ever produced whether in in flower or in sky masses of carminepink Alpine roses cushions of tinted with the lovely hue the- spikes of and Tiger orchis and hairbells primulas and violets with perhaps though now alas tbe vandal hand of the collec tor has almost the lovely Edelweiss But now snowwhite glacier bursts upon view A broad winding river its upper reaches hid den by the peaks and buttressed pin nacles which guard those plateau of driven snow which form source of the great slowlymoving icestream while its surface appears like an angry tempts ocean suddenly arrested and solidified in the midst of its rage and fury Descending a zigzag narrow path cut in the al most perpendicular rock we now step upon the ice and commence the ascent amidst a wild confusion icy crags tapering spires and frag ments of vast shattered spurs and ledges hurled down with the force of an avalanche Now the path is di verted by a wide crevasse cleft deep down in the solid its sides a glorious emerald hue merging to wards tire lower depths of abyss into a dark blue or Woe be to him who slips down Into tire yawning gorge for their he will probably remain until thirty or felly years hence the moving icy sepulchre yields up her dead on the moraine at the foot of the glacier The whole is a wild la byrinth of chaotic discord and fantastic and Icebound fig ures gripped as in the clasp upheaved towering clusters minarets and lofty turrotted escarp ments pure white domed and steeps or frowning beetling while on all sides are cleft fathomless gulfs and fissures which bar way even more than this chaos of contorted figures and cresteVl and spurred iceformed trophies Ard as the traveller engirt by all this disorder and wild confusion glances upwards bo the glorious azure of the skies he may- perhaps In it all a ftt simile of our own earth- life But when the trammels of earth hinder and obstruct cur pil grimage to the better land if we look upwards to the heavens grasping pierced hand of Him who died as our substitute suppli cate for Divine help and guidance those barriers and obstacles melt away and the gates of the will be opened to us s f Ten priests of the Oblat order who were expelled from France have arrived in Ottawa and will go to the Northwest Territories and Brit ish Columbia to act as missionaries Forty Turkish officers have been ordered to return to to answer for tho outrages committed at K rushevo Good for the We own a number of issues of Government and Municipal Deben tures purchased after thorough expert inves tigation For people who want an absolutely sure investment they cannot be excelled We have other good Bonds yielding attractive inter est rates as high as 6 per cent LIST MAILED ON APPLICATION Dominion Securities Corporation King Street East Limited TORONTO rJ If yoa rer contracted Blood ff been eradicated from At timet tat lira la hope will folio Hey Sore throat on the In Ing pilot Itchlaesi of the tores or blotch on red and weakness Indications of the to lack rata your with the old togy only a hippy la domestic life let quick Oar TREATMENT to la domestic life Oar fay back boadi that will return of cured by NEW METHOD TREATMENT for and no ret am of the No cot tiro cur worst cw solicited HEW will care of it Influence the become blood During a very large number ot tourists make their way Into Canada and this year the summer resort districts situated on the Grand Trunk Hallway System seem to bo the favorable objective point or this large influx into Cana da Many of these tourists send travel letters to thoir home papers which is a means of advertising the Dominion to a very great extent A letter that appeared in the fa Dally Times of Fri day July is a sample of en extract from which reads as fol lows Trip Grand Trunk Railway is equal in every respect and in some points superior to any great railway system in the States The roadbed Is in firstclass condition the first- class coaches judging from their ap pearance are of the most modern type and are very comfortable and the the most luxuriously and conveniently equipped In use The Grand Trunk runs its own din ing cars in addition to what are called CafeParlor cars these latter IxHng about the nicest thing of the kind I have ever encountered One half of tle coach is equipped as A Parlor Car the other Is a dining car with a smoking compartment in the centre In the dining room sec tion a varied assortment of viands Is served In a Style equal to obtained any first- class restaurant and at prices much more reasonable An adjunct to cars la a Free Library service containing a list from tho Library of Philadel phia all pimple and ulcers disappear that tha fall and dear return to systems am all drains ceaae no purified to till become disappear IhaeTt the body and moral ae no mora vital from the a sin fakirs rob you of yoaf me oat oral and manly feel yourself a an ate all the afflicted to coasslt organ cannot be a failure and of chxrre- Dont let qnacka and dollars CURE NO PAY and euro DEBILITY SEXUAL SYPUIL19 GLEET STRICTURE BLADDER DISEASES and peculiar to men teed I Are yon hope Are your blood been Our New Method Treatment will No who has treated write for an honest opinion Free of Charaes reasonable Golden of Wages Sin n Varicocele Slrictaxe d its sealed Ho en or MftfldtalliJ and Coil FREE for Honi f SHELBY ST mm DETROIT MICH H E Sovereign Authorized Capital Head Toronto Harrow Hcnsall Mark ham Marmora MlWcrUn Mount Albert Mount Ottawa Toronto HI ITnloivUle Waterloo Montreal Weal End Br Zurich OK Savings Bank Department Interest allowed from dotoof Cheques be Issued Is paid twice A year You are not to deposit or With on the 6rst or day You may do at any draw of tbe time write aod we you one Wallace Brupe Manager BRANCH J- Stark BRANCH fluetion Sale of Timbof PUBLIC NOTICE hereby that pursuant to authority of in IM and ttfciU Timber in the following and areas namely the DISTRICT Townships of Parkin thy Merrick part French part of Stewart part of part of Orion part of and Phelps In the DISTRICT of and of Kitchener Roberts Block near In the Berths d and the following berths with w right to cut and remove t W spruce cedar and poJi- 0 Berths House for Sale At J CANE For Sale at a Bargain Hall Rack Boole Case a scratch 1 Sideboard and Secretary combin ed good condition Common Bureau Era Office S3 and Si will be offered sale by Public Auction at the in the City of to on Wednesday NINTH DAY of at the how ONE oclock in the Sheets contaioing terms and o4j of Sale and Areas and Lots and prised in ouch Berth be application either by letter to the Crown Toronto o Crown Timber at Marie Port Portage and Fort Frails K J DAVIS Commissioner Department of Crown Toronto July unauthorised of this advertisement for

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