Newmarket Era, 4 Sep 1903, p. 5

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t V wj57sis THE NEWMARKET ERA Fill J Aw SEPT ONTARIO STOCK PAID DP WO TotaI W rrcs i CHA8 General BRANCH BanMng Business Interest Allowed on Deposits Br0HRl CUTRRTJ BATS DRAFTS ISSUED AT POINTS American and fl Simpson Sundries and AUCTIONEER Street Bolton Practical Painter and Corner Street Line EVES south DOUGLAS LACEY CO percent Original and guaranteed Off Block Newmarket A Ellis Architect Engineer Room Manning Chambers Toronto and Estimates kinds of buUdlnja made foe all or MARRIAGE LICENSES At the a Newmarket Piper at private residence If NEWMARKET LATEST IN Monuments and Head Stones Call Ordering Elsewhere J Photographs Are easily obtained by calling on SMITH THE PHOTOGRAPHER Opposite Sovereign Bank Newmarket Andrew Hunter Builder Contractor On Short Notice Boiler Betting Granolithic aad Door Wote Koi2 elsewhere AHDREW HUNTER St P Box were bear school ring so were their The demand lot houses- continues There will be some doub ling up by winter time It looks much as though prices for wheat may reach much nearer the dollar mark before the year ends Foil Fairs- Toronto Aug Sept Sept Hamilton Sept North York Sept 2226 Sept Oct Queensvilla Oct Oct Bolton Oct Produce Big market and good prices last- Saturday Nearly everything was on the rise As high as paid for butter and for eggs- Ruling prices were as follows Butter lb Dressed chickens to Dressed duefcs to Lire chickens 30 to Live ducks to 5c Old hens Pigeons Plums to pail bushel Corn for Potatoes or ft3c bag Cauliflowers each Other vegetables as usual Hughes Silks all Right At least the ladies say so They say the Mercerized Sateen Blouses are just fit and style At a special meeting of the Town Council last Friday night the Road Bridge Committee was instructed to proceed at once with a section of granolithic walk on tha west side of Main Street from the Jackson House to the Sovereign Bank both inclusive and also in front of the Royal Hotel We heartily approve of this action of the Council and believe it will meet with the approbation of the ratepayers The work will be done by day under the supervision of an expert from and it is estimated that it will not cost more than per square foot The cost will be paid out of the general taxes and will not exceed the annual appropriation to the Road Bridge Committee It was the original intention of tire Council to put a similar walk on the east side of Main Street from Timothy St to Hunter Bros but some of the property owners refuse to pay the excess a walk in front of their stores and have very inconsiderately blocked the en terprising step We hope that before tire present undertaking is completed some of the merchants on the east side will take the matter in hand personally and petition the Council for much needed improvement Surely there is not an owner of in business portion of this Town that would refuse to sign it after a little consideration the subject In many towns these gran olithic walks are put down on the condition that the property benefited will pay onethird the entire cost while others demand tin whole cost to be paid by frontage tax In this instance Council propose to build a six foot walk by general taxation and all they ask is that the property shall pay the extra cost from Hit walk to the front of the store some cases only 1 foot and in other cases only or feet The extra cost for any one store would not ex ceed or and there is no similar expenditure that would improve town so much Newmarket Is to hold its position as the Hub of North York it must keep up with progress ive improvements and maintain an uptodaie appearance Little boys without a heard Should be seen and not heard Robbers TWO MEN SLIGHTEST WARNING Chicago Aug Without a word of warning two men were killed and two others wounded by robbers at barns of the Chicago City Railway Co at an early hour today The shooting was done by three men who escaped after securing Three of the who were shot wore work ing in office and tlie was a motorman asleep in the outer office The- men in the office were shot before they were the robbers presence and the motor- man was killed as he was rising from a bench where be had been asleep- Chamberlains Proposals London Aug The Daily Mail has obtained what purports to be an outline of Colonial Secretary Cham berlains fiscal proposals They are said to be as follows A duty of to shillings on wheat and a heavier duty on flour small duties on meat eggs and dairy produce and tent remissions of duty on sugar and tobacco also scales of on manufactured products to per cent with a view to re ciprocity treaties with foreign na tions The proceeds of these duties to be devoted to a relief income tax or further remissions of the duties sugar and tobacco NEURALGIAS AGONY Have you Neuralgia Have you failed to get relief Do not despair will cure you Five times greater medicinal power than any other remedy in penetrating more cannot exist if Cures Toothache breaks up a cold the world more soothing pain is used in one minute in a night Its action in pain internal and pain ex ternal borders on the marvellous Thousands have testified to this ne glect no longer use Druggists everywhere sell it Vesuvius Is Fife Naples Aug A correspondent has returned from spending a night on Mount Vesuvius The scene was ab solutely terrifying but magnificent masses of fire fiowM from the craters forming mounds Occasionally a mass of burning ma terial became detached from the pyr amid and rolled down the side of the mountain detaching in its turn other masses The stream of lava flowed down the volcano until stop ped by mounds of old lava when it divided and filled up the valleys The volume of lava is acquiring vast pro portions With tremendous detonations heard for miles around a new fissure open ed at five oclock yesterday in the cone erf Vesuvius and from the new gap came pouting out tons of lava which flowed In the direction the village of A NERVE TONIC THOMPSONS REPAIR HOP Ave Newmarket OF IRON WORK top a irk en a A THOMPSON Practical A Chatham Says Ironox Tablets are all right January 1903 Allow to Bay words as to the merits of Ironox Tablets I have used them constantly for indigestion and palpitation of the heart also sour stomach and I can assure you that I lave derived them I wish success with the Irofiox Tablets for are certainly alj I ways keep the P Care Chatham Mfg Co Chatham Ont Fifty ca at flrng- of ent receipt price Trie Ironox Remedy Co Out- acts not so much upon the nerves themselves as upon the digestive functions and the abundant formation of rich red blood The nerves can not be led on medicine They can be fed and strengthened by digested and assimilated food mar vellous action arises from Its power over the digestive and assimilative functions of the You take it the grows richer redder You fiel strength and vigor digestion ceases to be noticed for it has be come Work is easier for you have the strength to do It In a short time you have health Use For ozone ft in Shout Present Conditions The war against the liquor trafllc has assumed a new phase Mr A tie promoter of the Liquor Prohibition Bill in the Cape Parlia ment has bill in that pledges be obtained in its favor at the ensuing general election so that when it is brought forward in the next parliament it have an assured hope of success The li censed victuallers of Cape Town and the western districts have through their representatives consented to drop opposition to the bill if amend ments preventing tfceni from being unjustly- penalized- be agreed to All these have been accepted and witt be incorporated in the measure to be submitted to the next parliament A distressing case came to light at- Capetown Hogg a wellknown resident was con victed of embezzling the funds of the Observatory Public School- and to two years in the He handed in the fol lowing statement l am charged with the theft of 1540 In August I became honorary treasurer of the school have I regret to say given way to drink particularly af ter office hours in consequence where of my will and be came impaired When under the in fluence of drink I must have spent large sums details of which I cannot recall f am bound to admit that I received considerable school moneys which I account for As a result of going into matters since my incarceration I am prepared to that I received and cannot account for its disposal I admit the charges do not seek to justify my conduct by my intemper ate habits fully accept the con- sequences- and 1 them only as an explanation my inability now to give an account what has he- come of the bulk of the funds As a result of war there are many actions in the courts mostly against Boer for alleged theft of cattle and horses or unlawful pos session and wherever it is proved that the cattle or horses were taken in actual warfare- by the defendant from the plaintiff and that they were fighting on opposite sides the defendant wins the case whether or There are alsu regret to say many divorce cases also aris ing out of the war the wife going through the form of a second mar riage without positive proof of the of her first love In cases the woman has to sutler im prisonment as according to Dutch law no widow or widower can he without first showing proof pos itive of the death of the first spouse A case both amusing and distress ing is now before the local court here Joseph a couple of days af ter meeting Maggie Murphy impelled to town on the wings of love as his lawyer put it but in reality the journey was effected on a trolley im pelled by the arms ana legs of four Kaflirs popped the ques tion and was accepted The license was obtained and marriage solernnized Joseph- supplying the requisite funds for the etc to the tune of many pounds On the return journey journey he missed his bride at an ho tel only to find he and her mother at her mothers borne and to receive the astounding message from Mrs Murphy that her daughter did not Intend living with him as he was too vulgar and uneducated for the grand daughter a clergyman A rule ni si has been granted returnable in August I16SSOO DEATH OF SAUL AND JONATHAN Sam 31 Sept is a way which right a man but the end thereof are the ways of death it INTRODUCTION The life of Saul is to be studied not because be was first of Israel somewhere three thousand years ago but because his life has applications to this day and genera tion The Bible is no Egyptian pyr amid filled with mummies but a book made up of living people men of flesh and whose struggles hopes failures defeats temptations are a part of the life now filling the world SUGGESTIONS What a sad terrible ending for such a hopeful promising life No man ever had a more splendid opportuni ty no man had richer endowments tor the position to which was called no man had more winsome characteristics no man might have left a deeper or more abiding mark upon his nation and time and yet no man failed so hopelessly of mak ing his life a success And all be cause he was unfaithful to himself- conscience and God- Sin has a marvelous power of lead ing you on to other acts that you did not think of at first Descent in character is not made in one long plunge When a man is going wrong how quick he is to hear criticism of a yourself in rods hand live him your will your obedience your love Oar Toronto tetter attractions at Hani an s Point during the fair in the open air thea tre will be more than usually bril liant The Regiment won competition at A matches last week Lord and Mount Royal Canadas High Commissioner in Kn- was the big gun at the Toronto Exhibition this year at the opening ceremonies It was who pressed the electric button that the ma chinery in motion on -Friday- last He was entertained in tie evening at din ner as the guest of the National Club Lord is of na tures noblemen The York Co Commissioners have accepted the tender of the Hamilton Bridge Company for a new steel bridge over the Creek on street at Islington The cost is ate now be tween 25 and bridges of in the county The Inhibition is in foil swing but the big crowds have not arrived yet Great Britains greatest Military Band the Guards will be here next week Invitations tor about 50 guests have been issued by the Ontario Govern ment for a dinner on Monday next to the party British just arrived in this country The Beacon Kansas puts much in little thus The distiller from the bushel of torn makes four gallons whisky with aid of various harmful pro ducts and adulterations tour gallons of whisky retail for The farmer who raises the corn gets from to cents The government through its tax on whisky The railway company gets The manufacturer gels The drayman who hauls the whisky gets fifteen cents The retailer gets The man who drinks the whisky gets drunk His wife gets hunger and sorrow Ills children get rags and insuffi cient food A car on the Paris underground railway took fire on Thursday and a panic followed the passen gers who feared a repetition of the recent horror Many people were in jured Joseph T Hood of Sydenham township aged years was driving a team of horses down a hill ten milts from Owen Sound when some loose boards on the top of wagon box slipped down and at FIGHTING NOW Aug The Bulgarian insurgents sustained a reverse on Friday of them being killed Tho insurgents to the number of occupied the position on a height- which was stormed by six battalions of Turkish troops com manded by Pasha After los ing of their number the Bulgar ians fled in the face of the heavy Turkish artillery lire Turkish losses were Insignificant of It cannot be said that tlie rebuke contained in the following anecdote was conveyed in the right way but it undoubtedly found its right mark While on a trip to the south soon after the Civil War a prominent man stopped over night at the little town of North Carolina The morning while he was strolling around he met a countryinan who greeted him Howdy and passed the day most cordial ly The native was barefooted and having curiosity about it visitor t Is it the custom of the country for the men to go without shoes It was the drawling reply some on us does but most us tends to our business Experiments in the double glazing of windows with a view to reducing ire loss of heat through them show at the two sheets of glass should hae a space of two and a half to one inches and a half between than to produce the minimum radia tion The man who forgets easiest has the clearest conscience Bradford was beaten at to in the second series of the Fewer farmers than usual will their grain for an advance In price From the time wheat is threshed It will shrink two quarts to the bushel or six per cent in six months in the most favorable circum stances CREAM WANTED SWEET OR SOUR Let us make your butter IB lowest price- we- paid fast year delivered at your nearest station It Is worth your while to give us a trial You are not put to any we furnish cans and pay all express charges SAVE THE WORK And make- more money We satis fy per cent ot all who sent Thirtythree million pounds of cream ery butter exported last year Let the creameries It SWEET CREAM Special for those keep lag a number of cows and having ice who can us with sweet cream delivered at nearest station A trial solicited and satisfaction guar anteed In writing for particulars and vigor come of good number of cows kept whether Hood was thrown food duly digested Force a separator or not out having his ribs crushed and readytoserve wheat and barley TORONTO CREAM CO injuries from which he die food adds no burden but sustains H St on Wednesday nourishes invigorates Haulers wanted v oavav The Latest AND Designs SHELF HARDWARE COMPLETE IN ALL LINES GIVE US A CHANCE TO PLEASE YOU EVERYTHING AS REPRESENTED J A ALLAN CO 1 NEWMARKET TELEPHONE CONNECTION JACKS FOR HIRE The Newmarket Pharmacy Next door to Post Office i We have now a complete line of Pure Drugs Druggists Sundries comprising choice Stationery Toilet Prepara tions Soaps and Sponges Brushes Combs Atomizers Hot Water Bottles c A Full of Patent Medicines at lowest reduced prices We pay special attention to our Prescription Department A Call Solicited The NORMAN ROGERS CO J Limited J PATTERSON B irJ AGENTS FOR THE GREAT NORTH WESTERN TELEGRAPH OF CANADA 1 phono No FINE WORSTED equals any 2000 Suits to order and the kind other Clothing Houses ask 12 to 14 for They are the by the Thorpe Co who went to the wall ICECREAM AND AT- Candy Made Fresh Every To rem to NEXT TORONTO JOBBING

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