Newmarket Era, 4 Sep 1903, p. 6

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yfr if aTiJLPT F V Heifers from months to years old have bred also Fresh For particulars to DSTOKES Mount DENTAL Brooks Block Mount Albert Monday Tuesday and Wednesday at of each week Buggies Repairing and Prices Mount Albert Hamilton DP Main visits Albert every Office Hopkins Block upstairs- Mount Albert We are Clearing a Few Lines of Summer Goods It will pay you to see them NARROW ESCAPE One of our citizens went in the Black River one day last week and a very narrow escape from drowning- He standing on a log and got a from a fish of un usual proportions judging from the pull it gave on line which was strong enough to the off the log and leave him floundering it the water Fortunately the ri ver was only deep enough take him up to the neck and he managed to reach shore in safety Strange to say the fish and has not since been heard o MAKE YOU FEEL GOOD The pleasant purgative ex perienced all who use Chamber lains Stomach and Liver Tablets and the healthy condition of ttic and mind which they create makes one feel joyful For sale by VY Lloyd J a minute should be lost after a stows symptoms cholera infantum The first unusual of the bowels should be sufficient warning If immediate and proper treatment is given serious will be averted- Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea is the sole reliance of thous ands of mothers and by its aid they have often saved their childrens lives Every household should have a bottle at hand Get it today It may save a life- For sale by Lloyd THE MARKET There a much larger crowd Usual at the market on Tuesday and tie town presented quite a lively appearance during the forenoon Prices as follows butter J to eggs He chickens to BALDWIN BREEZES Look at Our Dinner Sets ROSS BROS i You can save money by your Furniture at the It A STOCK THAN OK Bedroom end Parlor Tbleaj Conchy and Fancy Chairs We are also agents for Pillow Holders and the Picture Framing a Specially Goods delivered free of charge when ordered quantity ALLAN THEAKER HARD UP We have to acknowledge being pret ty hard up for news this week but have no apology to offer as we think it is all for the best Everything has been going along peaceably and quietly and we are quite satisfied to let things continue in that condition even if we have to for the want news for our readers We had no serious accidents no exciting runaways no thrilling elopements no delightful scandals dear to the fe minine heart and we to be struggling along very Well them When anything happen in j our midst we can assure our readers that they will he promptly notified In the meantime we are well satisfied to let things run along smoothly and pleasantly and hope that those who are always grumbling for not getting more news will take the same cheerful view of things ALBERT DRUG STORE Pure Paris Green Bought In bulk and put up in packages by ourselves Poison Papre and Tanglefoot THE PROPER TREATMENT FOR A SPRAINED ANKLE m As a rule a man will feel well sat isfied if ho can hobble around on crutches two or three weeks after spraining his ankle it is usually two or three months before he has This is an unnecessary loss of time for in many cases in which Chamberlains Pain Balm has been promptly and freely applied a complete euro has been effected in less than One weeks time and in sonic cases within three days Vat sale by Lloyd When you do not relish your food and feel dull and stupid alter eating all you need is a dose Chamber lains Stomach and Liver Tablets They will make you feci like a man and give you an appetite like a near For sale by Lloyd Wo also carry full line of Patent among them and Rheumatic Cure arid Re- receive personal attention day or T LLOYD Druggist W Ready Mixed All Shades Beaver Brand Every Can Guaranted whitewash Brushes Scrubbing Brushes thing for ROWLAND Mount Albert PKRBONAL Mrs Wallace returned on Satur day from an extended visit througn and Scotland Miss Amy leaves on Saturday morning Jor Midland where she will remain for some months Miss of is enjoying a few days visit With hex friend Miss Miftr Mr Geo and daughter Miss returned on Saturday evening from their trip to the old They visited- several places in Scotland Mrs J has returned homo alter a month vith friends in Newbury ud Mr and Mrs Davidson took in the inhibition on Mr J Shields- returned last week from where he spent several Mr Shields brought with him a genuine I sheep dog The animal is very valuable and is the only Us kind In this Dysentery causes the death of than small pox and yellow fever combined In ah It is dreaded more than a battle It and effective treatment Chamberlains Colic arid has been used in nine of dysentery in the States with perfect succor and has cured the most malignant eases both- lot children And adults and under Ihq trying conditions household should have a bottle ift hand Get it today It may nave a life Sold by Lloyd an Ad In the Era It pay An error corrected It was Mrs Sinclair of this place not as given last week who left a fortnight ago for a visit Winnipeg Ill guarantee no person has a hand- evergreen arch than that which adorns the front of Win lawn It is a perfect arch cedar without flaw or break and has caus ed much patient labor to bring it to such perfection Art is the architect thereof Excepting Newmarket dealers per haps Chas undoubtedly does the largest- fruit trade of any man in business north of Toronto He ban dies hundreds of baskets all var ieties yearly Please look over he figures again in that wonderful oat crop Silas farm There must be an error as the figures given mean about wo hundred bushels per acre The Old Man in his remarks last week touched on a matter of vital to the agriculturalist ie the value of birds as worm destroy ers W Nash the naturalist Toronto is a practical authority on this subject and under the auspices of the Ontario Government publishes a pamphlet enumerating the birds in Canada of value to the Agricultural- interests lie emphatically demands protection for the hawks and owls which by day and by night pursue and devour rats mice sparrows etc ik enemy of the farmer several states of the Union some years ago legislation was enacted and a bounty offered for the destruction of hawks and owls What was the result The land was overrun vermins and the farmers were almost distracted nor was relief afforded until these birds were again dominant thus re storing te balance of nature Save the birds The ladies of the Christian Church arc aiding a good deal Their fi nances are increasing Ten at Mrs Ceo Crittendens this Friday eve 1st Miss the milliner re turns from her holidays in a fort night Millinery opening about Oct 1st Clear the way Im coming Bang smash Cuss you why did nt you get out of the way That about the way some reckless fellow drove after dark trusting to luck to save their necks If Inspector Hughes license not public school In spector were to make a clandestine visit in this neighborhood I think he could catch some chaps redhanded in infraction of license law He- ports say the law is disregarded liquor sold at all and any hour to anybody and everybody that asks If so an example should be made of offenders I think our landlord is OK John Hurst Jersey has purchased Jesse Sherwoods home here Jesse goes up north shortly to arrange for the winter In the Toronto News of soma time ago were some Kartoons the Kids One most laughable one them as puting up a job on ma They dug a deep pit on the lawn filled it with water covering all with a rug Then got ma to show them how he rug to alight on Watch ma see how she does it Deader and dot iss a she says She leaps The you anticipate Somewhat after this style young friend Artie is schem ing to beat Sutton Rifle Club next meeting Watch inc just see Ar tie do it he says But Is no cinch In this game In unison with other scribes I add my testimony respecting the worth and character of late Fran- Morton His was a genuine active christian character worthy of emulation fattier and mother Morton surrounded their children were my ideals of a christian family circle J Koster was up on Saturday to rifle practice Just now he enjoying an attack of muscular rheum at ism which he declares more dread ful than the double barreled toothache Will is reckoned as one ol the crack shots of our rifle association He makes the fire fly In November so the deer say Last Mondays storm so severe as to call for comment from al over the County was indicated in Hicks Almanac and Sundays too Can anyone he unreasonable as as to refuse to reply on his 0iik Arnolds team fradlng they could not run away with their master tried It on with the hired boy last week succeeded after giving the lad a great wrenching And now are happy all the day let us hope- Damages slight hes a stayer The boys are both ering one of their number because he stays late Sunday ami other evening late on Sunday and other evenings also that the- girl yawns looks at the clock- and gives sundry other jjttle hints for him to say And even the old dad threatens to put in a bill for cost of light To North York County Fair Di rectors consult Hicfts Almanac weather during your fair It looks decidedly damp for dates The latest from Baldwin is to the effect thai somebody was seeking Taw for defamation of character Ill give no particulars only enough to whet your curiosity Mia Mary Taylor has returned af ter several weeks visit at Mr Yates Lake Shore Roachs Point My story is laid over for another issue A Miller Mount Albert back in our burg Monday is a frequent visitor to New Ontario of which he has many good things to i On behalf of the business men of our burg communicated with he officials of the in reference to a station bore Wm put a flea in their ear that wakened them up by holding forth that the Metropolitan electric would get the plum Next day a man clothed with authority came up looked round a bit and promised us a station wo havent got it yet Bless IJivAFribgnv Roy A Brace Mrs J and Clara attended the at Beach last week J Mr Aex is very much improved in health and is able to be in the store again Mr Geo Cuttle Merchant has had a new platform put in front of lna store Mis Rev of Port Dover here with her daughter DGIN GENERAL MERCHANTS SUTTON WEST DAY SAL For the next intend a MONSTER BALE Mens and Pea Latest Fall and Winter Una and Caps Boots and to will lk for days J ARK SUTTON WEST AND HODGINS thats all Cholera Morbus and are causing many of our ah unusual deal of exercise these days Eating too much trash is usually responsi ble for such affairs Auctioneer was up to our burg on Monday with a load of fruit He sold out his cargo saw the Owl and went home happy James Newborn informs me that my personal friends his Walter and Charles are doing amazingly well in Manitoba Charles has sold out his hotel business and retires to private life in Brandon whilst Walt manages the farm Were glad to hear good tidings of the boys to whom we owe thanks for many per sonal favors A at market on Mon day Our buyers are making money so I believe I Mrs Geo Wass two children or Severn Bridge are visiting at her fathers Mr Chad Speck at Aider Mr Albert Rogers went up to Bel- haven last Saturday and corning home had a terrible upset He had a little girl with him and it Is a wonder she was not killed HOLIvAND LANDING Mr Harry J Barker of Landing who was the guest of his brother and sister ftlr and Mrs Bar ker of over Sunday has home SHARON Rev Simpson twill preach here at oclock Sunday the subject being Mans threefold duty He will also preach aX Hope at pm Sub- Jest The poem of a good life Council meets at Sharon on Friday M is at her former home with parents at Darling ton m Dr and bis Niece ara spending a couple of in the Mr and Mrs Geo of New York are visiting at his fathers The Rev Herbert and Mr of Islington are at the Lake Shore Mrs A Brace was taken juice ill while visiting here and was under the Dr a care for few days but is now Messrs Park and of this town have their branch store at Belhaven Rev Atkinson of Toronto oc cupied the pulpit of Knox Church Sutton at 11 and the Summer Church Lake Shore at pm last Sunday Rev A T former pastor hero of the Methodist Church preach ed to a large congregation Sunday It is reported here that the branch office of the to be removed from Sutton Mrs E has been away for a few days on a business and social trip Mr John McDonald is having his hardware store and shop reshingled KESWICK Garden Party held under the auspices of the on Tuesday Eve upon the lawn of Mr was quite a success despite the very unfavorable weather On Sunday Eve the Gospel Tem perance meeting in the Methodist Church was addressed by Mr Fergu son of Toronto There was a fair turn out considering tho face that it was a rainy night Some very fine Lunge are being caught on the bay just now Mrs Grose caught one last week that weighed over and Mr Ed ward Rose caught one that weighed J lbs Mr Richard Morton leaves next week for Belleville ho is going to attend the Methodist College pre paratory to entering Ministry We wish him success The question which appears hard to answer is Are wo going to have one or two stores in Keswick The stock in the Coninell store was to been moved into other the first of the week but tho uncertainty as to whether ho would have to continue to pay the rent same as if he occupied it is delaying matteis some wine ton and Repairs Harvest Tools of all Ms THING Suits for boys and men A fine range at prices to suit every one Fit as well as ordered clothing WIT ALBERT FIRE INSURANCE To Insure In beat stock company Is always the cheapest THE LIVERPOOL LONDON A COMPANY With assets of will give- rate on the class of risks as low as Mutual Coin- panics DAVIDSON Ml Albert STRAYED Rev Spencer will preach at wick and on Sunday next Re Simpson will preach in the Methodist Church here at next Sunday a here for On Monday night the subject at the League meeting The allied for ces of will be taken Mrs John Henry The rate on wheat Winnipeg to Port Arthur has been reduced 2c per lbs- Mr brotlier the Mayor of Owen Sound was drowned at proprietor the American House at has been fined and costs second offence lor selling liquor during prohibited hours and the proprietor of the Barrio on a similar charge was mulcted the tune of 20 A Burt tU 56l ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES From lot 25 Con Scott year ling Cattle Red Bull Heifer spotted red and white Heifer nearly all red Information loading to recovery will be suitably rewarded CANE Acres for Sale Situated on the con of East being part of lot Mostly wooded birch pop lar Ac Good pasture and living stream Terms easy Apply to PO Suiting We wish to announce that a large stock of SUITINGS OVERCOATINGS AND and are to do firstcliss and thoroughly uptodate in School Report EAST Class Stella Bennett Alma Beatrice Her- rick Class III Laura Case Jennie Class Percy Frank Andrews Class jr Ger tie Thompson Mabel Wallace Guy Rut ledge Arthur Class Andrew Mitchell Jen nie Walter Case Gertie Traviss Thompson Jennie Wallaco Flossie Willie Willie Artlo Case Var- Aylmer Tablet Mary Mitchell Howard Clarence Case John Ger tie Hopkins Emma Mitchell Cora Thompson Byron Carter Gordon Blanche Rye Stanley Maries Howard Smart Birdie Coatee Jen nie Jones Present every day Case An drew Mitchell Arthur Guy Bertha Gertie Mary Gertie son Jennie McFarland Flossie Maries Clarence Alymer Case John Thompson Stanley Marios Average for month Terry Teacher o The London Globe INSURANCE COMPANY Available of Subscribed Capital 8771800 Total OFFICE CANADA HOARD Or Audrow Chairman J Deputy Chair man Esq K Clous- ton Sir Alex A cap at Current DAVIDSON SMITH Albert Chief for tt Dominion US I Alice Woodcock wishes to an nounce that she prepared to re ceive a limited number of pupils on the piano or organ at her home Albert or at pupils homes if so Term on application Try Own Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil with Wild Cherry An Excellent Remedy Coughs Colds fcvght of Lung Trouble Wo keep leading of Trusses properly fit and guar- an toe them Forrests Drag Store MOUNT ALBERT PS I CO CO Wo Solicit Your Order GEO HAIGH MOUNT ALBERT Farm for Sale acres good clay jf good state of cultivation acres pasture a spring in pasture being part to the 3rd con of li Good house fairish barn plenty of fruit apples cherries and In sight the Lake Terms easy on the premises- ROBERT HOSE St inder Barrel Salt and Now Twine prices in sacks at lowest possible MOUNT i i

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