Newmarket Era, 4 Sep 1903, p. 8

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-PM- ivi VV NEWMARKET SEPT 4 Scares Jfg he Who come of a consumptive family Who come of a consumptive family when tbey begin to coagb sod the But it a feet beyond that consamjU6n fa not and cannot be inherited The microbe which breeds disease must absolutely WtDKAWAEB AND TO the emaciation and weakness been perfectly and permanently cured by the use of Dr Pierces Golden Med ical Discovery It cure the cough heals the tang and builds the body with solid flesh FORFEIT Will be paid by the Worlds Dispensary Medical Association of Buffalo f they cannot show the original signa ture of the individual the testimonial below and also of the writers of every testimonial among the thou sands which they are constantly publish ing thus proving their genuineness When taking your eighteen roon 0 health completely broken down write Cora Of Co At time I not walk across the room without polos In my The doctor who attended I and that never Altogether I have taken eighteen bottle of Golden Medical Discovert and fire of Pellets I aai now almost entirely wall and all my work without any and can run with more ease than I formerly Pierces Common Sense Medical Adviser in paper covers is on receipt of onecent stamps to cover of customs and mailing only dress Dr V Pierce Buffalo Roy Park of Wilfrid occupied the pulpit at tie Methodist Church received by the day night and was assisted by the individual before Wilfrid quartette consumption can number of residents are developed t on Sept 3rd Men and women who have been si- flicted with Mr Geo Thompson has got in a nate doughs I new clover null which stacks the chttia bleeding straw and does away with the old dangerous way of standing behind the rakers Mr Geo has sold one of his black drivers at a good BRADFORD Miss A Martin and Miss Moore are visiting with friends in Newmar ket Mr and Mrs J of Newmarket were in town over Sun- cay Mrs Stewart and Iter daughter Marion of Newmarket were visiting in town from Saturday to Monday night Mr Barry Newmarket was an interested spectator at- the lacrosse match here On Saturday Mrs of Newton Robinson are a wonderful couple Mr in his year and Mrs in her year Mr has been a temperate man all his life using neither liquor or tobacco can read yet without glasses and has more snap left than many of our young men With the exception of Mrs Chant sight which is is as bright as ever and really enjoys life better than many of our young folks yet Witness Miss Maud Smith of Newmarket is visiting friends in town Mr and Mrs spending a week at the home of her daughter Mrs H Tribune- ORCHARD Campers have been leaving pretty generally during the past week In deed shore is in appearance quite deserted A few new are to be seen persons who i C on a A lawyers life Is nut all toes and tun confessed Abraham Levy the the other day I was in the Court a few weeks ago when a from my district asked me to him in Special Ses sions and wait Tor my fee- Just before tbe ease was tobe for trial he came around to borrow a ten and got Send for me your ease called I said When came out of General Ses sions at noon one day the client was waiting for me I was discharged he exclaimed thought I was to defend I said You see he replied I couldnt THE COUPLES IB spending the beautiful September here The editor and his family spent over Sunday at Zephyr Villa with the Old Folks Saturday being M c Squire Jacksons birthday a afford pay a firstlass oi people who heard of toe cheap anniversary congratulated Mr 3 and expressed good wishes re- and Sunday were very very wet and disagreeable for camp ers The one event of general on Sunday was the baptismal serl vice at summer of Pope Leo RANTED Trustworthy lady or gentleman in MAN WANTED We want a good reliable man to act as local Salesman in your district The position Is a permanent one and offers large pay to any wideawake honest worker All our goods are guar anteed We want to deal only with those who can appreciate a good position and represent us fairly We instruct you and furnish you uptodate samples free We pay weekly All freight and packing charges are paid by us From to J per month and expenses can be earned selling our goods P BLACKFORD Toronto Oat I Miss Stewart returned last week to Newmarket While in town she was the guest of her aunt Mrs Shear Mr and Mrs Chopin of Newmar ket the former having just returned from a trip to England were in town last week The man Johnston of Who was charged with assaulting a j little sixyearold girl was fined by Judge on Tuesday The Steamer Enterprise was raised last week by the aid of the town engine after the leak in her stern had been plugged by a diver sent by the Navigation Co Her stern timbers are badly strained and the intention is to tow her to point and the machinery from her hull of Bradford who stab bed his employer Win Church with a pitchfork while engaged in an al tercation with him was allowed to go on suspended sentence by Judge on Tuesday was found guilty but was leniently dealt with on account of a heavily signed petition from Bradford asking for mercy to be exercised It appears both were at fault SCHOMBUUG of each district to manage our to Over were in not- agents in the sale of the withstanding the wet Rev Dr and Authorized Life of Pope den conducted the service and Rev Book issued under the Addison assisted Mr Lister of imprimatur of Cardinal Gibbons and Toronto sang a very appropriate by the leading Archbishops The baby was named Gordon Sim- j and priests throughout the United coo and was congratulated States and Canada printed in both on its good behaviour English and French cash salary and expenses paid each week direct from headquarters They all flttaek the War Office pense advanced position per manent address David dark- son 324 Dearborn Street Chicago MORTGAGE CORPORATION Formerly The and western Morula Corporttoa Toronto Street Toronto ABSOLUTE SECURITY I VicPjretdcDt If itfc are it lie Urate 4 Off MI up wild ay at cMtcilcail oar i la ar will In pa afriu Holiday has been proclaimed for Monday Sept The Misses Pinker ton and left on Monday to take a course in the Newmarket Model School Mr is improving Iris premises materially with a new ver andah some artistic painting etc is a very good sign of a pros perous business I Fishing in he village pond is bo I coming a popular pastime and sumo large specimens of the finny tribe Known as carp arc being daily landed This species was only placed in waters two years ago and now are becoming very plentiful l On Sunday Mr Neil McDonald had a narrow escape what might have proved a very serious accident while on his way- to church was driving a along the Jine London Aug The evidence giv en before the Royal Commission on the South African War is issued- to day in the form of three blue nooks I containing pages Field Marshal Lord Roberts Lord Kitchen er Field Marshal Lord and other generals give reasons for the failures of the war Lord Roberts considered initial error of strategy was practically irre trievable criticised the War with regard to the general pre parations and equipment the first plan of campaign the underestimat ing of the and ignorance as to tle geography and extent of the coun try and the lack of artillery and mounted infantry General Sir said that he was hamper ed by the refusal of the War Oflice to accept his plans and the failure on the part of the War to give him definite instructions and information Lord Kitchener said the officers in many cases were not qualified for their work and expressed opinion liut the juniors were better than seniors He praised the men but said the chief difficulty was lack of training of reservists and volunteers Lord Wolselcy in a memorandum complains that in chief has become the fifth wheel to the coach and that the secretary of for War is the actual coin- mandecinchicf Replying to this criticism Lord War Secretary during the early part of the South African War and Mr his successor suggests that Lord was ig norant of many of the powers of a or failed to use them And it came to pass that after he has advertised his goods there came unto him great multitudes from all the region round about and did buy of him And when his competitors saw it they marvelled among saying How lie it that this man is busy while have to loaf about our doors And he spake un to them saying Verilly say unto you in this last age of push and rustle it is easier tor a camel to enter the eye of a needle than for a business man to flourish without advertising Great Rush of Fine Settlers Since Navigation Opened Over Have Entered Through real natal at I one echoed of the clerks at a largo ancient city of Quebec answer to the put to him what do take ma for anyway He sniffed contempt uously Think Ive been room clerk six years and yera at Nia gara that for nothing Why I can tell a bride as soon oho steps into room and in all of have been mistaken but once and a reminis cent smile over his face that the Sta tistician a at willingness with which this confident one admitted having once been mis taken Well chuckled tho clerk that last Juno You see ho wont on I had a letter from thio iir from New York about two before thotr arrival asking to reserve a room at such and such a for himself and wife and giv ing explicit directions as to certain requirements When I that letter I made up ray mind at once that this a pair of honoy- and reserved bridal chamber in south for them hud Rowers bride ton sent in on the night of their arrival and everything done up brown When they came I was more con vinced than ever and began to look on floor for a stray grain of rice Theyre always dropping It around ho explained Well a corker Pretty as a picture young and innocent looking and an air of hesitation as if she didnt Quite know what to say next and ho was young appearing too and well they seemed a typical brid al couple next morning he cam down to the desk and asked mo if I hud a room adjoining theirs Wo It so well here that I think well stay a few weeks ho said and I want a room for our two children and nurse single bed crib and a cot for the oldest boy years old Ive for them to come to morrow ho said so be sure to it ready v The Kind You Arrays Bought and which has been In use for over year has borne the signature and has been made under his supervision since its Infancy Allow no to deceive you in this All Counterfeits Imitations and huh Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Experience against Experiment What is RIA is harmless for Castor Oil Pare Drops and Soothing Syrups It is Pleasant it contains neither Opium Morphine nor other Narcotic substance Its ago is its guarantee It destroys Worm and allays It euros Diarrhoea and Mind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles cures Constipation and Flatulency It assimilates the food regulates the Stomach and owe Is giving healthy and natural sleep Childrens Panacea The Mothers Friend Signature of The Kind You Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years THE CINTAUM COMPANY r Quebec Aug 29 With arrivals todays steamers the number of immigrants that have entered port since the opening navigation crossed the mark Added to the returns shown in the Government reports for the port Halifax January and May this will bring the total number of new set tlers to A noticeable feature of this years immigration has been that where in former years everybody was headed for Winnipeg and the West the cry that Winnipeg is crowded seems to have reached nearly every part of and large numbers arc now anxious to settle in Ontario and make Toronto their destination From there they scatter out in dif ferent portions Vacations About Over Now that vacations are about over and young people are ready to begin or resume work we to call their attention to the advantages of fered by us in teaching and placing them in railway business and commer cial telegraphy When visiting the Exhibition sec us and be assured how you can your occupation and earn at least double your present sal ary from the start and have very de sirable work Young ladies are es pecially fitted for contmercial telegra phy positions and this branch is given attention with us Day and night classes All graduates arc guaranteed and placed in position soon as competent Call on or write us for full particulars Canadian Railway Instruction institute Cor College Yonge Toronto OJd- Building say you could knock ed mo down with a feather And that had hay beaten at start that tho only time they ever fooled me on the brides ho said as ho turn ed to reach for the register took here and his forefinger traveled down lines of signatures I on page do voted to the arrivals of that day Hero and here here theyre all couples and this and this sec Hero are si couples in from today all on honeymoon Five from New York yesterday four from New York today two from Philadelphia one each from Chicago and St Louis and one from Honolulu bo- sides I dont know how many from other places Saturday ho said turning back to verify his statement by pointing to certain little marked beside several signatures on the We had couples of em and a handsomer lot I never saw nil bridal couples with an wont on the loquacious one then I can tell in a who was and who wasnt you see lots of peoplo want to know about one and that and then again it sort of reminds of Hock of sheep Jumping over a ftrall their loader where he they all go So when a swell girl in Boston woU say gets married and up hero on her honeymoon why it rains Bos ton brides during next weeks They all want to their honey moon where Miss Qulncy spent hers they know shell do most swagger thing out so thats why theres so many think Koon they come they want to feet of Iron Cresting without a know all about this and that one and 2 small Iron Gates at about and to tell mo about the other who cost Enquire at Era will he hero in a week I hoy say all rtrft the World loves a lover ho added and If thats so why the world at large cant mid better place than in which to make Its observa tions THE BEST TALKING MACHINE It talks I Sings Comic Sacred and Sentimental Plays like a full Band or Orchestra You can understand every words it speaks It is the greatest entertainer ever made It uses the Hard Flat Due which for years The is made in Canada A five years written rantee with each machine Write for Catalogues free PRICES TO Sold on Easy Monthly Payments MANUFACTURED BERLINER 28152319 Catherine Montreal General Manager for Canada A WATSON Jeweller Agent Newmarket FOR SALE CHEAP Town Carting All for carting will be promptly attended to Moving a specialty Good bua kept tor hire HUNTER JR Rear of Public School Newmarket Iircrw u iprui when part of the harness broke lhc to wt facility McDonalds bat was and the driver received a blow on the band inflicting an ugly wound No further damage war done however On Tuesday evening last while Mr John was hauling separ ator into Mr Win Ixsonards barn the bridge approaching the building gave way precipitating the horses to tlic ground and tangling up with the timbers below and for a llnrtj the scene was rather critical to look upon A large crowd soon gathered ami willing hands soon Navigation lrk from their peril ous position little the worse of their sudden drop ihc construction train has been with us again accompanied by about workmen who have boon engaged toning up the road bed and straight up things generally previous to erection of the railway depot here A car load of material for cattle has been distributed Plants steamer Pittsburg of the fleet to ters edge while tied a dock in Sandwich boat which was valued is a total loss ism is suspected the up The at about D r Kidney and Cough Will la MOJKior the line as well as other ma terial for purposes- have been a good Bervlce for the second week of the Toronto inhibition by the managers and hope by Newmarket I shall not be kiA wholesale I iqij druggists Toronto Try the for 3 months 25c Every farmer knows that some plants grow better than others Soil may be the same and seed may seem the same but some plants are weak and others strong And that the with children They are like young plants Same rood same same care but some grow big and strong while others stay small and weak Scotts Emulsion offers an easy way out of the difficulty Child weakness often means starvation not because of lack of food but because the food does not feed Scotts Emulsion rfeally feeds and gives the child growing strength Whatever the cause of weak ness and failure to grow Scotts Emulsion seeras to find it and set the matter right for free A fcowne Chtmltl oc all the Old man Says It is an old story which may be duplicated In nearly every commu nity The father a fanner caring more to make monoy than he did for the welfare of his family Boys worked like little slaves and denied nearly all reasonable boyish pleasures Hoys grow to young manhood and finding themselves strong enough to break the tether which has so long held them break loose and raise Cain Old man worries over his bad luck With his boys and wonder why his neighbors do not pity him Raising For Sale or to Rent Winnipeg The Canadian is establish- H Lloyd Possession 1st new at Winnipeg Apply to commodious brick residence on Lome Ave now occupied by Mr of Oct will bo cot and further expansion if necessary will easy Their capacity will bo carloads of stock Canadian Northern Is making progress with Its cur shops in which at the present time about cabooses and flat are being built Chicago are talking of establishing a curing and canning JOHN S MILLARD Newmarket WANTED Farm for Sale acres In lots and 31 Con Whitchurch Plenty of wool and water Two thirds seeded down Stone wall under barn McQUAIN TO RENT North acres East A man to represent Canadas Greatest Nurseries in the town of probably at Winnipeg A Newmarket and surrounding country company has bought the for mill property at Medicine Hat and proposes to start manufac turing with forty a begin- The sugar district Fruit Small oiit reports About Shrubs will be to beets in tho Vinos food Potatoes Ac ltnymond district A drop in the Stock true to name and tree from San price of lumber has given groat Scale A permanent position Our Hardy Specialties lot known a Farm A good for a tenant Apply at owe or terms particulars to Sol or In this district A A curious Manitoba industry is the Ashing for catllnh In of Red River About fifty camps of Indians engaged in It and they got four or five cents a pound for big and easily cap- The for right man on either or commission STONE WELLINGTON over Ontario- brutes The fish go to boys is a different business from St and other Amorlcan cltfes and find a ready as salmon It is said that prices of from fifteen to twenty a pound are paid by actual con sumers i hogs and yet many men see It A CORN CURD Putnams Painless Corn Extractor is guaranteed to remove hard soft or bleeding Corns in twentyfour hours without pain Take only Put nams it Is the best When money talks it seldom has any trouble finding a listener An honest dealer does all his buy ing op the same scales I Tommy what meant by the of humor Father The of my connUts largely of knowing not to be funny Philadelphia Record Church I that florist wants flarmt to write some advertising VorHos for htm Cot ham Soma nursery evidently Statesman BO YEARS EXPERIENCE Truoc Marks DXtlON C0fVKlHT our ft as pltnUb for corlnUnl Mono la tv Kudbyslj Town Carting Having bought the carting outfit Mr I should he to serve public on short notice Terms reasonable Orders phoned w the Era will be promptly it- tended to H SMITH KNOWL and Call and try our New Engird Ham the Thing for Lunches All ready for use per lb per lb Cottage per ft Bacon to lb ft Cooked Corn lSJc to I keep nothing but the Best ana Guarantee Satisfaction Berries on Saturday Lowest Prices G

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