few feft IS if J YORK INTELLIGENCER AMD gift liberty to know to utter and frealy according to conscience above all other liberty a No paper outside of North York unless paid In advance esch J Ont Friday Sept 18 1903 pec annum paid in advance w For the Era Christ All and In nil In God the Father God the Son and God the Holy The ruler of the uni heavenly host Is vested equal majesty The Triune God one in a perfect unity Oar Toronto Letter A At the annual convention of Jus- That Old White Muslin BY ANNA SHIELDS What is your face puckered into and a Sife feci so that remuneration will be received by them for hearing criminal cases the saute as in Misdemeanour complaints was adopted and a cannot solve the mystery which tation appointed who presented the in Godhead lies proposition to Premier Hon Nor the nor Mr Ross thought the suggestion should it cause surprise reasonable The Convention also That He who made us should with- asked- the Government to so amend hold its secrets from the race the law as to compel persons bring- Or man should be as God forsooth actjons against Justices of the and occupy His place j Peace to give security for costs- A fruit dealer had to pay and Man was not made to understand measure skill Owl human folly to presume mans faculties to laud lie who created man at first made him with finite mind He costs the other day the Police Court because his son played the j fraud act of placing the best on the top of fifteen baskets of peaches he had packed A prominent figure in the printing as the Potter man the clay form- him as He inclined sewing to the tabic where her sat writing dainty little notes I am in an awkward dilemma dont know what Set era Pi j What to do about her I do not understand you Myrtle You know Aunt that especial party is in of Mrs Cleveland and her son- Well you know how rich and ex clusive they are When I was their guest last winter none were found at parties but the most refined and elegant people society could pro duce Well said Mrs Madison with grave interest A J y Universal woold to bear the different of Steel tell it that Ihe and only Range on earth They cannot all be the beat made more constructed others We do not UNIVERSAL FAVORITE is the only Range on earth but we do there is none better We and a close and carefnl of the and merits that we claim for oar Range BODIES are made of Planished or Seeh thickness or of Died in parts of Ranges is heaviest that is ted AH parts coming in coatact with fire are re by a lin ing steel with heavy Asbestos between the steel sheets heavy Asbestos tbe entire body inside BOX for coal is deep and strtRht with oval corners linings heavy well ventilated The fire box for wood is large and roomy and is Inches long DUPLEX ORATES The and frame cn be removed through the grate door without diitorbing tbe rest of the fire box Tbe grate can be raked from above Through a poker door opposite the grate rest are and ventilated on scientific principle and bottoms braced with angle iron stays which makes it possible for them to wrap The sliding oveu damper is exclusive draft can be turned on or off the over and it the draft so that a continuous coal fire can be kept with little fuel fiACK FLUE cast Inn and will hot rust or DETACHABLE RE8KRV01R can be attached to any square moved will HIGH CL08ET8 are and roomy roll front Closets and Shelves are provided with Folding Tea Pot Holders THERMOMETER fitted in oven door to register temperature of oven when ordered Bee Samples at this city has Alyttle crimsoned with the death of Robert Jay aunts intent look Dais He was for many years foreman of be invited the Globe office while it was under I Most assuredly Daisy will management of Hon Geo Brown Did Daisy ever omit to Rev Canon Welch has returned you to any society He who spake the world from alter trip to fa naught His breath did animate taken up his quarters at the Kl- ge and house The dust He moulded life t the completion wt new rectory being built by St l she has no longer this t James Cathedral congregation Vrje sines others failure in He holds the stars within his grasp A buffalo at Zoo died last week business To Christ the second person of the Trinity is given The honor of creator of all things in and heaven directs them fa- their- course I from pneumonia- It is ono of the Wn you visited Mrs Cleveland Keeps them within their orbit path most serious fosses the Zoo has you anybody of more refine- by Ills almighty force as the buffalo is fast- Intent than your old friend and without Him naught still exists from the continent mate Daisy Severn on this ball The Farmers Association in con- None but Aunt I have DM she read truly the efforts that were being to bring her Herbert to Myrtle Haines feet The handsome heiress stood before her long mirror on the evening pi the party arranging the lolds of her fleecy evening dross Shimmering sa tin shore throdgh the folds rich white la which was caught there with deepcrimson coses t buds and delicate fern Ipdo e the round arms and ivory throat and in the masses of her glossy hair She was- very band so me and her toilette was at once rich and tasteful- Herbert Cleveland pro- pose she mused try an outdoor party- Croquet now admits of coquettish tasty dress and my new hat is lovely and becom ing- My foot and she put out the satincovered delicate foot JwiU pass muster in a- game of I Heigh ho the girls pro pose i must go down Mrs Madison gracious in rich grenadine was already receiv ing the early arrivals when Myrtle entered the drawing room an4 remainder of the guests flowed in a steady brilliant stream Myrtle Sirs Madison whispered in a pause of greetings I do not see Daisy sent her an invitation said Myrtle to that the note had been posted late on that same afternoon comes Mrs I For He who died the world to save vention last week passed a 0 a twocent passenger rate on railways The can order this rate if so disposed A somewhat generous offering has sustains ajid governs all r i Enough has been revealed to us by Jesus Christ the Word U met her out several times this winter and she always wears that one for lorn white muslin with some varia tion of ribbon or flowers If could offer her an evening dress I would mankind has been care as I do alone to make Daisy name an early date for the quiet wedding I hope she thought as she watched her foyer walking briskly homeward that Myrtle has bad as pleasant an evening as have The thought was lingering in her Heart when Mrs- Madison looking the drawingloom saw Herbert Cleveland advancing to make his late greeting Most of had departed and Myrtle was chatting with Cleveland over aglass of rare ferns not seeing late arrival he was clever in her own way this brunette and since was not within reach of her fascinations she was courting the mother hut very dcci Shewas discoursing eloquently up on and ferneries when Mrs Madison joined couple leaning upon Clevelands arm A bright blush a beaming smile and cordial tone grouted him Better late than never I Mrs Madison had said And merrily the that had kept him away But excuse was a true one Herbert said turning to his mother Must I spare your blushes she asked laughing tell our old friends that you have established a claim upon your time that must su persede all other engagements You have told think he but all the world may know soon for after the- of next month Invitations must include Mrs Herbert Cleveland Oh my ferns cried as the glass case fell crashing to the engagement for her floor face bent low over HARDWARE ETC r I T01 core am r We have received the formula of what is considered the a and we prepare it every day so that all Ladies may be sure of getting a Fresh Powder for their Saturday Baking ill Baking Powder vill cost you cents per pound W Dye Works Canadian Co tod band No they should on Him call V never been drawn from the scabbard Although rebellions He would yet re- without tasting blood It has been thuii from the sold to a leading Methodist of St Ani through the sacrifices taught John Newfoundland for and the much of His holy will amount added to mission reexdpts That in the shadow they might learn Thursdays Telegram gives whal tunc would yet fulfills Lennox a scorching lor some of his decisions in recent lacrosse games we not bow with homage true Lieut of Ontario has that He should deem us worth been secured to open the The sacrifice that was fulfilled Newmarket men must be He on earth slow or they would have made a hit Who bore instead the penalty of laws along this line in riven The Mayor is going to round up Flung wide the gates of Paradise footers who blow their that man might enter heaven horns on Sabbath to the annoyance His eyes ever watching us though wc lawabiding not A recently pre- Ana Sr Provide A bestow from I Unions awful baa His exbawttas store because Directors And pours into our soul no strength ibiUon the r we need each opportunity to blow then- selves at the Association on Gives us abundant promises to cheer Labor Day hut the managers of the us on our road Unions made arrangements to if we on Mm our cares urate at Unions Point instead of will bear the heavy load the J rounds and thus detracted Will lead us through earths lady- iron the attendance at the drinths lest we may stray or fall hence they had no right to is our loving Brother Friend pec- consideration our Saviour all in all Now that coal has become plentiful I GRANT dealers glad to take an order Richmond Hill Aug- j last year earned from passengers and of Winnipeg was from freight The freight trains tfhot and killed at St Pierre Man do not look as well as the palace by Joseph Contois a halfbreed at but theres more money in whose home he was visiting Con- em was arrested but shot and kill- did from to himself with the same weapon damage at on Lodge Mont Sept A night of last week The grand storm swept over Southern ftl rus tana last night Considerable grain i of the fire is attributed to still standing and it is exploding lamp in the old portion ruined The storm covered a wide e grandstand where the It is reported that two foet of snow fell near Mountain Leslie Smith while Ins mother lay Acton Acton tax rate MRS BAYLYS PRIVATE SCHOOL MUSIC Moderate Farm for Bale teres in and Plenty of wood iM water Two thirds seeded down Stone wall barn i Vivian PO it would be considered an It consists of a sword having insult I like Daisy and I am sure j j gc while he presented to the Iter vivacity her inustc and her re- mission rooms here The tradition manners make her a decided I connected with it is that before J anywhere Hut I confess I To give instruction and to teach that conversion of the recent owner it had do shrink from presenting that old white muslin that has been done up until it is nearly finished entirely to Mrs Clevelands fastidious gaze I thought had met Mrs Cleveland Yes when she was here two years ago but when Daisy could dress as she pleased and you remember her taste was exquisite Now Myrtle sighed to finish the Now you want to slight her be cause she is not wealthy but music lessons to support her sick and almost despairing J am heartily ashamed of you Haines Daisy Severn the noblest girl 1 know as well as one of the prettiest I suppose I must invite her Myrtle said and wrote note re luctantly enough Mow it happened that the invita tion was not posted with the rest but reached Daisy the day the party only Myrtle could have told a bore Herbert Cleveland said opening Myrtles carefully pen ned invitation If there is anything I do detest it is one of these village parties in summer time Why cant folks le content to croquet and boat and not expect city people who want all the fresh air they can get to be cooped up in stifling par lors dancing with the up amongst eighties I you must go as it Is Myrtle Haines Mrs Cleveland said sighing gently Thursday Thursday said Herbert musing I certainly have an engagement for Thursday evening Oh Iremembcr I promised to drive my little fiancee over to the falls and ride home by moonlight after taking tea at Alfreds Hut Herbert his mother said laughing any other evening will do as well as for that Mrs Cleveland would you have mo dissapoint a lady above all a lady who has graciously accepted my lifelong allegiance Hut of course she is invited too In that case I must be her escort certainly Do you Intend to announce your engagement before you leave Hunting ton You may If you wish am proud of my position I assure you and defy the world to show a fairer cause for deoerting the list of bache lors than my blueeyed darling I hope lie will he happy the said as Herbert left her al ter his usual kiss He has been a good and he will be a good His choice not have pleased me better no not if he had won all Myrtle Haines thousands Did the mother guess with a wom ans Intuitive how willing these thousands would have been placed in her handsome sons The lady advanced to greet her hostess and after the apology ol a previous son I might a well have let Daisy Moxq come her old white mus in tie thought regretfully belter hex face again is always goodnatured about playing cotillions and I hate it j are You ire ask wonder if I could sen now for her our congratulations Mr late Myrtle too ctpt While the party was in its gayest Hut you have not told us hours light moved to merry ladys name said Mrs Madison music a small party of friends was Is it some city belle we have not bidding adieu to Daisy Severn who met was wrapping a light shawl around is an old friend of yours her for a long moonlight drive and Mrs Cleveland replied I was sus- promising soon to spend another prised when did not see her here pleasant evening in the quiet farm- as Herbert was prepared to escort house five miles from Huntington her either here or to his uncles The tall handsome cavalier who My sons fiancee is Daisy Severn sat beside in the stylish York Myrtle felt as if her cup was lull wagon managing a pair of spirited and she bade her guests farewell and horses looked most lovingly and Sought her own room proudly into fair sweet face and To think she said again eyes as they talked of the veying her own tall figure in thie thousand nothings lovers have mirror of any man in his senses cussed since the days of Adam and turning from that to Daisy Severns live milkandwater beauty in her old As the horses Hew by Mrs white muslin sons brilliantly lighted house Her- Mother Herbert was saying said same moment what first drew You knew Miss Haines had i heart to Daisy was the brave tonight did you not Daisy way in which she met her poverty No She has always invited me and put aside all pretense for her I have imagined lately though Her- former wealth Anybody can look that she was a little ashamed well silk lace and jewels but it took a really brave noble girl to Of you I said Herbert with flat- meet her former friends who still astonishment i once owned Well not exactly me perhaps her simple unpretending dress but of my dress It is a lamentable My wife shall wear diamonds if fact Herbert my sole evening will but I shall not forget how love- dress this winter has been the white looks to me in her muslin have on tonight and Myr- white muslin tie dulses exquisitely As if you were not sweeter your muslin than she can ever be Sleepless Babies Is nulls this year Jess than last year One special feature regarding estimates is tle splendid showing of the electric light plant the prov able receipts exceeding expenditure by Only a couple of years ago town was behind in this depart ment Ienetangukhenc Sept A big black bear weighing nearly sick climbed Into a chair on the aiid vocurcd a- small bo Mile of carbolic acid drinking some its contents Doctors weve in and after working with the for a while he was sent to the Hos pital will recover but he will carry some of the marks the acid on his face The alumni of Trinity University at a meeting last week on a vote pounds was shot in a field belonging of fetation to Mr Cook Tiny Town- will join forces with Toronto ship by Mr Cooks young son Victoria and David Mr Cooks daughters were others picking when were disj has received here through turned by the animal and called- their tho that Ma- brother to their assistance Edward has consented to jallowtho Queens Jubilee the J I to exhibited at tawa Central Tate- Laxative of lets tho money the Hill Hotel Queen St if it to cure 25c result of a is on box of apoplcty in in her and diamonds I Hut you shall wear diamonds soon Daisy as soon as you will give mc the ritj s to deck you with them I Only for poor lather faltered tftl itulti derangement the stomach and My home is open lor him You know dearest what the doctors say this kind that there cannot be much done Babys Own Tablets act like magic now for him Hut you can iheyswoeteii sour little stomach make the remaining time with you little bowels cool happier for him in a home such as fevered mouth and he so lately lost than in one healthgiving sleep An keep up at the price of so much of mother Mrs your own time and says I have used Hut it seems cowardly and wrong Own Tablets for many ail- to burden you ments peculiar to boyhood such as It will bo no burden I have Indigestion diarrhoea etc never told you before Daisy but I them the most ef- a heavy of gratitude to medicine I have ever tried your father years ago through at I would not bo my own youth and inexperience my w them in the house so much business became so heavily involved them that actual ruin stared me in the other mothers who wish health for face lends who suspected their little ones cannot do better state of affairs looked on some cold- Mrs example You harshly some Indifferently can get the tablets from all medt- your father came to the rescue dealers or they will be sent by and by advice and liberal ad- at a pox by writing direct vonces of money enabled mo to to the Dr Williams Medicine Co the storm When Ms owi finan- troubles gladly would I -oao- have repaid the kindness had his a health and mind enabled him to con- The Ontario Christian tlnuc his business a convention at Stratford from Hoth gave way under shock Sept to Daisy said sadly Ho has Peoples Society in the an ailing child ever since Hut you am entitled will allow to a sous will you not more pleading was llirtt I right Daisy delegates Rev A I Elmore Rev A Moore and It Whiting Toronto will deliver i