t Ka i a nT Oi a THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY SEPT symptomi of a weak torpid or condition of or mar cod are a warning ti extremely to neglect bo Important a n thy action of organs They are commonly attended by of energy lack of courage and by gloomy foreboding and de spondency vat taken with kidney The Bar end the Bench had a rrtarttofari talk up in the prai rie province specially refreshing days when in the older Prov inces judges and- members Parlia ment are not above accepting pet- from private corporations In a Winnipeg court last week Mr KC congratulated Mr INVAR AQtY DUB TO POOR AND WATERY BLOOD J Blotches Boils and Ugly Rashes Easily Cleaned Iron tie Blood The statutes Ontario lor 1903 are being Clerk Peace Irwin for- tie County York sent out notices accordingly to I the magistrates of nr wmaiu not anything Sch we jar aiila iScb Ma v7aIlaotburf Hoods Jars Cam and re- the and ear Friday last the Commons gave concurrence to the made to the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway bill an the measure now only the Advocate Justice Perdue upon bis recent royal assent to become pomtmeot to a scat the land and commenting on position of eczema and burning l iudiciary among other things lasall these blemishes come declared his conviction sutii I Mr narrow escape For toe lone day and one day only whiskey to bad blood thin blood i VJi T practice of jobs to Wobd up to ten ft8tt way commissions etc You of clear skin until you mate your blood JTlu pop- pure aad rich vitfa as it used to be and EG a J Robepfcson Public Main Street to Loan on rood is subversive of the usefulness te- Bench and destructive of the pop- pure belie in its integrity backed the most positive proof and tbks connection I we offer testimony rt lifelong J I teemed resident Out l repose tbe Advocate Mrs j obviate the to yean ago I manufacturers who are with itching rom uoder the Court rti it ConTraacn to Choppitt 3 South Of Or T alt Court flee Herbert will turdjir J Co Hanker Bxriter Block to Loan fl I DENTIST House- to INSTJKANCE fl and umji Voney to Loan at In conclusion Mr took to say My Lord now that you are Mr Justice Perdue you will be approached by the railway com- panics and tree transporta tion over their lines of It is belief that you will tee all such degrading accept free from railway and why may they not also accent a cask of wine from Mr Gait a bale of silk from Mr or a bag of flour from Ogilvie Milling Company- of my arms I gave it little at first thinking it would pass away but this was mistaken on it became worse developed into an of ecijtana causing great Ideal pain irritation and suffering iJii fact I was compelled to endure tortures I consulted a doctor and took his medicine for months but re cent act a certificate be issued to manufacturer With it will go a marker lettered instead of being numbered This will exempt him from Provincial license The tag and certificate will cost the same as general license Hamilton is holding a Central Fair this week unique display of its manufactured exhibits is that toe the trouble did not leave neither did entire entries for competition were Home exhibits This head is hitting the nail on Men are but human even it get any better In fact it took a turn for the worse and turned into scrofula As the doctors medicine did not help roe I tried several upon tbe Bench or occupying vertised medicines but with no better seats in Parliament The reply of Finally a lady friend Mr Justice Perdue however is alike Ursed tr creditable to him as a judge and private citizen He agreed that a judge should avoid as far as possi ble being involved in an inquiry or any commission which would mix him up in any controversy and that in Canada will no doubt arouse a widespread interest among visitors and will al so manufacturers thinking as well as demonstrating the importance of declaring the origin of tneir products The Fair was opened by and on which occasion Pre mier Ross delivered an address a Pink Pills The effect was almost magical In a few weeks there was a decided change- for the better and as time went on the trouble gradual- ly left and today am entirely free 0rtts from it I owe mv complete a blackeye every eryif not my life4o Dr Williams n whe Pink Pills a act that I wish to put a fl Ramsay Kate on Farm Kit and To wo Property market and politicians once in a toe last Dominion elections the he should not accept from any on record that others may benefit as Consvative prs of Ontario rt to win by denouncuit Tartc or from any person or i a tun or consideration which lo this trouble that Dr K boating that with might have the appearance of influ- Hams Pink Pills will nor cure You ttie Very the racing the mind This ought to be these pills from any druggist the common for both or they will be sent post paid at 50c judges fttf w lhe election the Dr Williams Mclicine Co- Remember that substitutes cannot possibly cure legislators Co TORONTO AND NEWMARKET a f a daiao via t- to as 3 a 4 IK IS YOUR TROUBLE You will And relief and solute cure which kills the germs and cause Hie case cures the cough presents drop Tussle The Directors of the Toronto Ex hibition have a nice to de cide As a result of their deliber ations will probably be held as a precedent it is hoped the is sue will be decided on its merits The question is Are or are not onions a fruit In the J- Stern who stands charged with obtaining from the Government by fraudulent comes up on an extradition warrant next Monday Lord has consented to President of St- Andrews College and also made a dona tion of to the institution some secondbanded printing material recently purchased by Mr was a type cabinet or case and battered but so strongly made that it is of being used for years to come On the back the case appears the fol lowing shipping L Mackenzie Toronto Can via Niagara Falls and steamer from No doubt the piece of old furniture was part of Mr Mackenzies plant when he returned to this city after the rebellion Although numerous instances have been published where shoplifters have been caught at Eatons and Simpsons still the petty larceny crowd keep up the procession Last week a widow who says her home is in Brampton was arrested for shoplilting at Simp and on being searched a silk skirt valued at ar ticles were found on her Her name is given as Mrs The city has decided to construe a large cage at the jail door so as to prevent the of prisoners when alighting from the van in which are taken from the Police Court No less than eight persons were heavily in the Police Court on Friday last for violations of the Liquor License Act Two were finod each and the others ISO each total A large machine used for putting views on canvas at the home of Mr T Graham St exploded last Saturday evening shattering the ceiling the room and scattering parts or the machine in all directions The front door- of the house was blown out and many windows broken Mr Graham was struck in the face a small piece of metal and several stitches were re quired to close the wound Mrs Amelia Ross is missing from the Asylum on Queen street west and the friends in the city fear that she has ended her life Mrs Ross escaped last Friday night years of age On Saturday Judge Winchester or dered Mr a barber East Toronto to give his son Willie six strokes with a birch rod the having been found guilty of illtreat ing a little girl The lather readily agreed to do so and his Hon dis charged t lad The members of the Royal Astron- Sudbury It Hears are pings In the throat relieves conger plentiful just now Frederick for of fruits the Society of Canada were mn ard quickly he the inflamed raiding a few miles from town firb was awarded to a painting at a garden party in the membranes cures three on his farm a few days jar onions standing on of Mr John Kills at Of w ago use one feet the most chronic eases of lung and throat troubles had an is delightful simple and safe to use one While is a scientific treat- the meat highly indorsed by doctors and druggist sells everywhere for one doll size 26c Jjy mail from Poison Co Kingston Snouistofm in Manitoba exciting adventure with out in the direction ol mine he saw a short distanoc from the road a she bear and cub He a shot and missed when the bear started for him He fired a second time and she dropped table One the unsuccessful poditors called at the Directors of fice to ask if onions were a fruit Leaving her lie started to look has sold plant and good The closed on the ib when looking he the business to Mr Duncan About a down 53 asaaa as52 J a a a a Wed- c4ay tad GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY am Daily Cor Wharf concecUng with boats for points on Lakes North Hay Son am Dally except for Wharf pm for Allaadale Stay North Bay and points in the Canada pm Daily awl Oil Ilia ARRIVE NEWMARKET aw Daily Bay Barrio am Daily except Sunday feow andftarxie potato fai Bay and pm Daily Sunday from CoUlaewood Bar- Winnipeg Sept The central and western portions of Manitoba were visited yesterday says a special by probably he worst storm ever experienced in the month of Sep tember The heavy rain of Thurs day and Friday suddenly turned to sleet and snow and this combined with a heavy wind developed one of Hie liveliest September on record Telegraph wires are down in all directions westward making communication impossible but meagre details gathered from travel lers reaciiinK the city by delayed trains today show that snowfall was general from Hie boundary line to the northern part of the Province with Portage la Prairie and Morden on the eastern limit line Telegraph Lines Over three hundred telegraph are reported down between and virden and a large number be tween Gladstone and The only points to be wire arc so western branch of The reported to be from three to ten Inches deep at points on railway north and west of Carberry A of the wheat crop Is still uncut and will be total loss as the heavy has flattened out the fields All threshing and harvesting operations are delayed The storm is by no means confined to Manitoba aw the old bear within a few feet He fired again but missed and in stepping back to reload he fell over a log- Her ladyship struck I him twice tearing his clothing and inflicting some flesh wounds For tunately his dog came along and di verted the bears attention long enough to enable him to get his rifle reloaded when a shot at close quar ters ended career Life or Pope WANTED Trustworthy lady or gentleman in each district to manage our and start agents in the sale of the Official and Authorized Life of Pope Book issued under the Imprimatur of Cardinal Gibbons and endorsed by the leading ArehblsKeps and throughout the United Stat and Canada printed id both English and French salary and paid each week direct from ex pense money advanced position B Dearborn Street Chicago a The second annual convention of the Young Peoples Society of Chris tian of the Ontario Chris tian Conference will be held in the Christian Church on Inst cotnmenc- on Saturday afternoon and even ing Over people passed I thru the turnstiles at the Exhibition The last issue of the Free Grant this year exceeding all former j Gazette makes toe an- hers On Friday last horses that Mr A Stephen- and cattle took part in the who established the paper in parade before grand stand Saturday restaurant keepers Marshall of the were fined and each lor vio- of lating the license act man who took an active part in the Tlws Atkinson of North Toronto York Mr Stephenson retires with returned home from the Fair one tbe good wishes of the district day during btie latter part last which he has been so intimately con- week under the influence of some netted and in general and thing much stronger than water threw in particular are to be a lighted lamp at his wife smashed congratulated that the Gazette has windows broke glassware and crock- fallen into the hands of so able and and destroyed his wifes a journalist as Mr Mar- except what she ha on lie has consented to his wife having an ordor lof separation Judge Morgan quashed a conviction woman has licen committed a J or trial on a charge of shoplilting few days ago against Mrs Mayer was fined for sell candies at ftM to diamond her store on Shore I fcro flw Sunday His honor held that Mrs to Mayer had tjic right to sell candle came the Fair as part of the meals supplied to her customers or to others calling for tfttem and taking oft the prem ises being part of the light lunches or refreshments she served but the judge said she would not be allowed to soil articles foreign to her business as an eating house keeper a nice point without much distinction be tween allowing and disallowing It is no worse to sell coal oil than can dles RHEUMATISM IS CONSTITU TIONAL DISEASE The pain and localized conditions are mere results constitutional from the States The autumn Aosizes for York open ed at the Court House on Monday for the trial eases with Chan cellor Boyd presiding Judge Mere dith is on bench this week in the nonjury Assize Court The Superintendent of Park states that during the two Ex hibition weeks not le than people visited the Zoo each day The elephant has gained about lbs in weight since Its arrival here There quite a little racket In Conservative circles over lhe resigna tions of Mr A Wright and Mr party organizers No pay forthcoming Is the assigned reason lor the action taken tended to the Minnesota may expected- and the public are Wisconsin Iowa and a portion cordially Invited to attend Northwest Territories There has been no damage in district immediately adjacent to Winnipeg SICK STOMACH t may be often relieved and its unpleasant averted by taking thirty drops of in a relieves the by and ittlraulatlng properties calms the uA enabled It to go on and complete the arottaa of The action of slmpuag pleasant and powerful sell it The strike at piano Co a factory at has and j conditions Poisoned blood sends its Influence to other puis of the very interesting cure permanently you Toronto Street Railway treat- pany a statement giving so completely dispels these comparison of their earnings from the system as- Exhibition this year with REMOVE THOSE UNSIGHTLY WARTS makes new blood ft imparts vi tality and vigor enabling the sys tem to throw off the poisons that receipts for same period year before Two days only showed decrease and the total Increase is for a ffBi goglants and The Kind Yon Have and Not Bears the Signature Tor Sour A aT of tXACT COPT A new tor J Mr OX Firm La tb world bis for K K Their Wow ad perfected Spelaliit to of home With E at at all T ffal IT to obltlty Cursor tttrlctur Glool at and Kid by a drain sride yea feel are not year cij yo feel Dont let fce nwex- BreX a fttsrantootoCnraor raxnkted- not bs crime to It tot It way lto It to t item cues or no cere afely retj Wo Dont K3 aaraaaCarea kidney telle the tela Do Doc to terieiiTaayo Ore A are not ua to Cure or thS Write for DR KENNEDY KERGAN Notice to Creditors Pursuant to the Statute provided In that behalf all persons having claims the estate of Arthur lato of Whitchurch yeo man deceased who died on the July last are required to file the same with the solicitor for Walter Eves Administrator of properly proven on or before the day of October next after which date the administrator will distribute the estate amongst entitled and will not be respon sible for any part of the assets of said estate or for any claims which be shall not theu have had no tice Newmarket Solicitor for Walter Administrator WANTS A man to represent Nurseries in the town of Newmarket and surrounding country and take orders for Hardy In fruit flmoll Vine Stock true to name and free from San Jose Scale A permanent position gender rheumatism Mm to by applying Putnams Corn and Wart fortifies the against vl1ZmH IT WTpVW A ad w J Bunions painless not relieves as most In Hamilton rvexy druggist In Arrir- elites do Sold by- all druggists sells Putnams its the best rf Mr Walter t3 Moore of Brock was killed at a threshing by a pitchfork in ma chine and striking falm breaking his neck Miss Eva Marsh Roach a Point has paid money Into court as securi ty for coats In her suit against j for the publication of an alleged libel OQO firmer and vigor com duly a ready- to- wheat food adds no bat Invigorate price Was put up one cent on Mori- day The reason offered for the ad vance Is that farmers in Manitoba and the Territories are hanging on for dollar wheat -i- Sri St KM Kin fcsjH AT l Yea Wejri rf j -I- ovcrM0Acr it Teacher Wonted Protestant for North York County Duties to comixence at once State qualifications experience and salary expected Address PO fluetion Sole of Berths PUBLIC is hereby that pursuant to authority of Orders in Council the and White Timber in the following township berths and areas namely In the DISTRICT of Townships of Hut ton Parkin Aylmer McCar thy Merrick part part of Stewart part of part part of and Phelps pari of the DISTRICT of and of Kitchener and Roberts and Block near Lake In the RAINY and t following berths with right to cut and remove the pica spruce cedar and poplar fXO 043 Berths SI S3 S3 and will be offered for sale by Public Auction at Pari In tbe City of Toron to on Wednesday the NINTH DAY of DECEMBER at the hour ONE oclock in the afternoon Sheets terms and tlont of Sale and a w Areas Lota and Concessions In each Berth will be on application either personal w by letter to Department Lands Toronto Timber Agencies at Pert Arthur Pottage and Frances J DAVIS of Lands Toronto July 1903 No unauthorized of adrectlscmeat will be for