Newmarket Era, 18 Sep 1903, p. 7

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m f NEWMARKET FRIDAY CHINA HALL a few remarks wo know piil interest a great many We JobbiB out many odd lira of Boys And gome we lot quite uptodate In bat the wearing quality Is and can buy at very inter- prices Come arid We Fine Lines Right at prices to suit the closest Hi- The New For Ladies please every purchaser Fit Comfortably Look Stylish They Wear Well They are Moderate in price Our Oxfords for ladies are north half more Our childrens Leather Strap Slippers for are away below value and our Patent Leather Strap Slipper for are well worth inspecting Boys and Girls School the beat to be had both in quality and fine appearance We would like you to our DIN GER SETS and TOILET SETS GROCERY DEPARTMENT to good cooking lor The Leading Grocer RA a TORONTO fowl The Forty Hours will begin in Church Inektf Sun day at Toronto on Sunday evening at Ft or Toronto on Monday Dean Morris of St will preach on Tuesday evening at The Era till Jan for Try Flanagans for choice groceries vegetables and Mr Bolt Hewitt has the contract to give the exterior o Mr residence in Whitchurch three coats of paint The current topic in the homos of our farmer iriends the next few weeks will be the fall fairs I a gBL- Rev of Moose Jaw sermons last Sunday v -Rev- Cornell is i Kings ton on leave of absence for three weeks A of has- been registered at No all future conveyance must I described ac cord to safd plan Mr Gibson Was working on this for years in be his last Press Superintendent KtTTTLEBr Badly While hauling logs for the United SATURDAY Sept cash sale of furniture on the marVct square Newmarket at Id am Dont bites it Duncan It not items are not MONDAY Sept J that your Scribe is so will his Absence from home a week horses cattle implements etc time makes time so limited that at I the usual terms H AURORA is- Pair Work is progressing on the Fair grounds week and everything is in good shape for the Grand County Fair at Newmarket next week Sir Gen eral has consented to open Fair on Wednesday afternoon immediately after the arrival School Chil drens Proceesion will deliver a short address Exhibitors of plants and flowers are reminded everything must be ready at oclock when the carter calls as he has no time to wait and cannot call the second time All entries should be made this week to avoid the rush The bright headlight on the trolley caused a runaway on Monday even ing Mr of the 2nd of bad driven town Mr horse to do some shopping and the animal was tied in front of Knowles store when the car came along The horse be ing terrified by the coming to wards it its head a jerk the bridle broke in several pieces and the horse started down town as hard as it could go It turned into the Central Hotel yard at such speed that poo who saw the thought buggy would be thrown into Starrs window but the hub just grazed the bricks and the damage done to the rig was a broken People should not tie their horses on Main St as there is no telling I scarcely gather the news but this week I am amused over the great some of our took one evening last week to inconven ience They wired two gates at the head of two lon mile lanes while the aforesaid was out with two fair damsels and of course those In dies had to over the gates as best they could to get home can Mr George Lemon putting a stone foundation under the Royal Factories yesterday morning the Hotel besides making other repairs load upset on account of tie wet While attending Mr leqirge ground and tfce driver Mr horse last was badly hurt by the logs roiling on son had a very narrow escape from top of him horses teeth when It suddenly rear- J lads and fioee he betcr take a ham- arid cold chiael with a of An item appeared in yesterdays Mail and Empire stating that the Highlanders Band would be at Oak- vilTe next Wednesday The Secre tary immediately telephoned to To ronto ami was assured by the leader Mr that he would be Id Newmarket With the Highlanders Band next Wednesday ami Thursday without fail well imagine how indignant that a fatal accident He was filing the young man felt towards those mis- Ready Mr A Evans expects to have the third storey on the Royal Hotel- ready for occupancy by Saturday night This gives ten some of double and affords sleeping accommodation for 30 more people than fqrmerly The sitting room has a new metal on it neatly decorated and the Royal is now the most complete and commo dious hotel in Town The commer cial business is increasing rapidly In the Jury Assizes At Toronto on Wednesday after noon evidence for the defence was heard case of Richard King who is suing Anderson of East for damages for serious and permanent injuries which he received Iby falling a scaffold King is a laborer and in November last was working on a building for the defendant King was carrying a hod of mortar up on to a scaffold when one end of the scaffold fell throwing him to the ground The defence claims that it was Kings own negligence which caused the scaffold to fall Frank KC and J Robertson of Newmarket head very Mr John a loss one of his nor fc animal been sick about two- Weeks meeting Tuesday engaged two teachers a assistant to succeed Mr J to leave shortly Bowmafivillea In the Mr Rumble and Miss assistant- teachers are graduates of experience and come highly There were some Several parcefs valiiable yiltage property belonging to the fete Dr Clement were offered for sale oh Sat urday by auction Mr was the purchaser of the twostory brick- clad dwelling on the west side of St at present occupied by do a crow bar would not come amiss Mr Marshal one of our having secured trie position of totetito Newmarket Public no Primary commenced du ties about Sept 1st and will remove family there about Oct yAr Robtv Seyniour of Essex County wan in on Monday last making hurried on brother and friends h- Mr John of Mich by his wife was calling on old friends last formerly of this section but how of Pittsburg Perm- sylvania spent ten days with his old friends here Mis Aggie Seymour is visiting relatives and friends at Niagara and Rochester Mrs Jaa Davis of the 3rd lino beg to call the attention of our old time friends who do not come to town very often and who intend our Fair not to forget that you will fim us nest door to Atkinsons Jewellery tore will have a big display of of fruit and prices will be away Our Grocery Stock never was in better condition with strictly fresh goods Pure Lard lie by the pail keep old now Mads down Mr A The started in company with a number of price was 51220 The frame house I friends on Tuesdays Excursion foi are appearing for the plaintiff and Herbert Lennox and B Woods lor the defence The case was not more or less damage Methodist Church Large congregations last Sunday The pastor gave two good sermons on the subject of Churchgoing He urged regularity as a rule of con duct and gave many reasons why people should go to church He had made an estimate of the comfortable seating capacity of the churches of Newmarket and placed it at while a week ago Sunday by ac tual count there were per sons who attended church in town that evening Nearly of these were from the country therefore he concluded that was an exceeding ly small attendance out of a popu lation He thought there was work to do in Newmarket for all the churches Tie choir sang that beautiful an thers Angels bright and fair In troducing solos by Miss Miss Lush Mr and Mr Stephens and obligate accompaniment led by Miss Miss McDonald officiat ed at the pipe organ INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN IN TYPEWRITING BOOK KEEPING Expert Iihtitietom fetudtiiUi Agisted to Positions ept I Principal The Roads With the exception of three or tour writers in the Township King we very about the proposed scheme of County f We believe leading roads thru County will be kept irr better con dition if placed hands of com missioners than loft under the control University FARM FOR W mm being- lot li In ile J- of North good el cultivation Good wiudlr bank Urn and fences in Tf condition Jf miles from Farm for Sale lot of East hardwood of the municipal councils and there fore heartily approve of the County Roads in principle as by the York County Council especially as such scheme embraces the opportunity of securing from Government the sum of or towards the expenditure The township Councils that are In sympathy this scheme should pass resolutions to that effect and If tbey have any objections to cer tain roads mentioned ah County roads within their several municipal ities such objections should be noted in said resolutions This would give Co Councillors some information to act upon With regard to Township of King there is no question but a good short road from direct to St would meet with popular favor and be four times more used than It built from school hill to Newmarket on the Town Line The County Council meets in No vember when the matter will be finally settled tlerefore action be taken at once We hear that some Councillors who at ftrat opposed the Co Road Scheme- ow want to double the finished when the court adjourned flnothef Or In Dr A Greenwood who practis ed in Sutton for some years previous to going out to the NorthWest has decided to locate in Newmarket and has commenced practice His office is at Mortimers drug store Leh mans old stand and his residence at Mr Dowries house on Eagle Street- former residence of the late Dr Telephone connection at both office and house Dr Greenwood is a nephew of the late Dr and gradu ated from Toronto University in He is a Coroner for the Co of York and from his family connec tion would surmise that ho would be a very attentive sympathetic and perceptive family physician Having access to both his uncles and grand fathers proscriptions we see no rea son why he should not attain a lucra tive practice in this vicinity Death of Rev After a lengthy Illness borne with great Christianpatience and fortitude Rev J E Gardner passed away at oclock yesterday morning Deceased is the of Mr Thomas Gardner of this Town He was born in Newmarket educated at our public and high school and at an early age won tle degree of at Victoria He was naturally an and lot immediately to the north of the above property found a purchaser In Wood of the town ship at Our highly esteemed teacher in the Model School Miss Parsons had quite a scare one day last week She and her mother were quietly the evening meal together when suddenly her mother experienced a strange feeling in the mouth follow ed by a swelling of the tongue to an alarming extent Miss- parsons had presence of mind to resort to speedy known remedies for relief and in the meantime despatched a nittssenger to Bradford for a physician It was discovered that the trouble arose from eating honey in which it is supposed a sting of a bee had been left Witness Manitoba So much wet weather has prolong ed the hat vest greatly in this district Quite a number of people from thin part ha J a tide on the Aurora Rail nay and greatly it the of the York Exhibition your presence at the Fair next week They are worthy of it THE WEEKLY GLOBE Canadas Great Illustrated Weekly mi energetic young man disposition and exemplary character and when application was made to the Quarterly Hoard of the Methodist Church as a candidate for Ore minis try he was gladly and heartily endorsed He entered the ministry about years ago with prospects of a useful and brilliant career being ambitious to succeed and was cordially received wherever he was located About six years ago his hearth began to fail and he did everything that medical skill could devise He spent a winter in the Bahama Islands and two years in British Columbia attended and encouraged by his devoted wife who a daughter of Mr Robt of this town Hut he slowly and gradually declined till angel ol death gave his spirit release to dwell that upper and better world The funeral will take place from the Methodist Church Newmarket on Saturday afternoon at oclock and Interment in the family plot at New market Cemetery The bereaved families have tire sympathy of a large circle of and friends In this connection we regret to mostly hardwood wJm a le drained mileage in their own municipality state that Mrs J Gardener is This is very unreasonable and would also In a very Weal state of health tend to defeat the scheme Inasmuch has been to her bed most as the present mileage will about the time for the past five weeks exhaust the proportion set apart by the Government for any one County apt lot mixtd farming Apand if or two Township Councils MM iw waft MFr on on an It p might upset the whole- scheme The Gospel Temperance Meeting was welt attended considering that many farmershad not yet finished harvest and it was Exhibition week A good program was given the fol lowing taking part Miss Dra per gave a reading Miss a recitation Miss Dora and Mrs Prosser vocal selections alt very appropriate and well appreciated by the audience Rev Mr Spencer gave a very Doc address By way of introduction he commented upon how few men were present compared with the number the ladies and stated that this is getting to be the case also in many of the churches The speaker ikvcit could it be possible that in twentieth century the men were go ing to leave it to the women to car ry on any moral reform our country needed He said thai if his wife were on a higher plane than he in regard to such matters he would not rest until he had reached as high a plane or even higher than site Man ought to in the leader In moral re forms and should not have to be led Mr Si alluded to periods in the history of mankind when men are raised up for special work Christ to give light to the world Luther to bring about the Reformation- Howard to procure pri son reform Watt to invent the came when lie was most needed stewing that God Is never behind hard nor Is he ever before time in doing his work Just as soon as there is a demand for some advancement in the worlds progress our heavenly Father raises up some one to meet the demand and requires the world to come up to ttie standard thus raised The demand of human life today is honesty Integrity of purpose a spotless character and a concentrat ed personality sanctified to the will of God More christians are need ed today with a nocare spirit la who do not care what the world may say nor what people think so long as they know they have the ap proval of God What do we need to care what this one thinks or that one thinks When we stand at Gods judgment bar it will not be the opinions of our friends that will help us Into beaten or bar us out It will be whether have served God as well as we are able or not arc not alone responsible for what we have done nor what we are doing but for we arc able to I do We are responsible either for yiowth or liick of it Oh that wo net re to the A Successful Vocation For the young men and women Is quite a problem Railway business for the former and commercial telegraphy for the latter is an assured success We give you practical training these branches and make you compe tent in from four to six months and place you in position the moment you are competent Young ladies earn from to per month and men from to per month Call on us or write for particulars Canadian Railway Instruction Inst Cor Col lege St Toronto A leading feature of The Wkkkly Globs to be added this fall will be an fa EightPage Illustrated Supplement ON SUPERCALENDERED PAPER fa For the production of this great paper an immense new photoengraving and printing plant has been added to The Globes mechanical equipment This will make The unques tionably the most desirable home paper Canada have been made whereby our readers can secure this superb Weekly and their own local favorite paper at the specially favorable rate of TREASURERS Stock Market In Toronto this week exporters are selling from CO to with poor er ones down to Ivxport bulls from to Good to choice butchering cattle sold from to Ordinary butchering cattle from to 375 Dry cows to feeders to Stackers S3 to 325 Calves from to 5c per lb Milk cows to Spring lambs 425 For Taxes in the County of York COUNTY OK Hogs are the same lights and fats per Selects ox Virtue of Warrant leant by the of the County of TO WIT York date the Ninth day of September Ono Thousand Nino Hundred and Three and to mo directed commanding me to proceed the Collection or the the Land hereinafter set forth together with the and ex pense I therefore notice that the aald of and sooner paid I cball on the dated and la the placed hereinafter proceed toaell the lands or much thereof as may be sufficient to discharge the arrears of and charges hereon ALL TUB FOLLOWING LANDS DISTRICT No I BALE TO BE HELD ON MNP OK at hour of oclock In the Old Court House Adelaide op OF Fees Street Quantity Taxes Total John north side Buried Beneath Kept A heavy snowstonn has been In progress here since Sunday and shows no indication of abating come of a fall of inches of snow during tnepast 2i hours Telephone and electric light wires broken by weight of the snow and last night the city was in darkness DISTRICT Ho Comprising and Village of Hale to beheld on WEDNEHUAY MM OP 1103 At the hour of 11 am In the PUBLIC HALL Palmers Block a Arnold VllUgo HILL MUNICIPALITY OP w sot us- 1 This Air first addrcs l ATKINSON Optician Lot Assessed I Brooke to D O Brooke 3d to Alex Church Owner part part part li part toWAIkenhed part MUNICIPALITY OP VAUQHAN Lot Quantity acre M Quantity 100 acres 10 acre half acre acres bill acre half aors acre Description to HI chard part to In commonly as the Old Mill Property Taxes Ml Taxes 5 middle pt MUNICIPALITY OP VILLAGE Description Lot Block fllrcet Quantity Taxes Assossea to Bertha Millar Main A Keur Kxps Pees A- Kips Pees Total 3 a Total 111 Total 1113 DISTRICT NO Comprising East and Holland Sale to be held ON DAY OF DECEMBER at the hour of In the TOWN AURORA MUNICIPALITY OP Hon Lot Onn Quantity Tax Ibt Assessed to IM JfTat QSacrea 1 OP Ays Quantity Taxes Mi No 100 111 Harold MUNICIPALITY OP HOLLAND LANDING A survey lot Yonpe ff7 lot 1st St pt Brad I Pees Pees 136 son Total 70 DISTRICT No Comprising North and the Village or Button Bale to be held on TUESDAY MTU DAY OF DECEMBER atlbo hour WOautInQUBKN HOTEL HALL MUNICIPALITY OP NORTH Description Lot Assessed to Keswick to Walter Keswick to Henry Taylor SI VA to Co I Description MUNICIPALITY OP SUTTON Lot Block as 0 Quantity acre as Taxes Pees 135 Pees I in Treasurers Office Co of York 1Mb Afire Total

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