Newmarket Era, 18 Sep 1903, p. 8

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fa the a favor- with duelist Two wen locked a dark room and crawled stealthily from comet to corner until some false step made one them the target for bullet or blade a duel in the dark with One false step one mistake and the attack cornea swift and sudden The mistake which commonly opens way for an attack by disease neglect of the symptoms of stomach trouble When eating if followed by undue full- nets sour or bitter risings disease is attacking the stomach The best way to frustrate such an at tack is to use Dr Pierces Golden Med ical Discovery It cures diseases of tho stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition and makes the body strong and healthy I suffering very hh write Mr of Co- Alt beta- up bed would fill right lo fid to be heavy my I not rest I to belch would up I ate I I too bot tles of Dr Pierces Medial aud fire of bis tod am cow well I feet like a pierced raeddneactedU for it hid from as I coald see Dr Pierces Medical Adviser ia sent frit on receipt of stamps to pay expense of customs and mailing only Send A onecent stamps for the paper covered book or stamps Address Dr Buffalo Formerly The Canada and Toronto Street Toronto George GoopkkhxV 1st Vice- and Managing J Director J ABSOLUTE SECURITY 2nd VicePrcldent Uric year arc steal ike of lie Oar ill fill ri mt aij aUe fcy cull si 11 Mr n Put will In YOUR SAVINGS SAFE Up Capital fiimffW Fund Invested Fundi EVERY FACILITY When You Need Phone- No town and get the best in I J STREET NEWMARKET the Town Carting orders for carting will be promptly attended Moving Good bus kept for hire HUNTER JR Real Public School Newmarket Chicago Sept Stewart John son aged eight years shot and kill ed his Mabel years old at their home last night The boy had been given a ax a present and was playing with it when it was discharged the bullet entering siKterK heart D Kidney and Cough IS Mai I J J tow it Dr fei Bold by and Lyman Co wholealu Toronto teat TO district quarterly meeting erf the Christian Church was conducted in this by the Rev Sar gent Toronto A number the young people the vicinity entertained- themselves at the Lake A pleasant time was reported A- Rev an object seriiion to the children last Sunday He illustrated his discourse by a ladder arranged for the occasion Word has reached here Mich of the death Robert a former pi this place Mr- Hunter was working round a large engine whan steam plug blew out knocking to- the ground a distance of some feet Ills arms and body were badly and he was also injured by fall He died a few days later leaves- a wife Mary A Snider and one sou to his untimely death They The remains will be at Cadillac deceased has been- living for some time services are to in the Methodist Church on Sunday th and continue every night during the week Saturday night excepted sold out his blacksmith shop and business to Mr Myers of and gives possession Oct- We arc to have a weigh scales put tip in the village by- the- Wilson Co The stock has all teen taken and the scales are to be put in dur ing the present month A reception was tendered W Dafoe now of and lovely bride at the home of his fa ther V oh Friday- A large number of and assembled to show their and esteem for him on his return to the village Where- ne was born and brought up A sumptuous was served on the beautiful lawn under the maples with Rev Mr Kemp presiding Afterwards a pleasant afternoon was spent in so cial chat music Ac All wish Mr continued success in his busi ness at and with his bride a long and happy life J has orders in for apple barrels Mr and Mrs of York spent a week at the home of his parents Mr and Mrs of Ring wood Mr has purcbased Mr bakery east of Block j Mr is rushing along new Tribune office and will have it ready for occupation in a few weeks Mr J Cook has purchased the brick residence on Main St now occupied as the Methodist parsonage for the sum of The Rev Wilson is expected to give his farewell address to St James congregation the last Sabbath the present month prior to leav ing for his new charge at Acton The trustees the Methodist Church have purchased the handsome residence lately owned by Mr Na than Forsyth on Church Street for a Methodist parsonage for the sum of Some persons afllicted with a vig orous variety of fancied he would like to be the possessor of Rev Mr Wilsons hammock which was suspended from the verandah and on Tuesday night took it away Articles got in that way make a lamb ing impression of a very character The Camp Meeting com- last evening In Mr J J hush on the 10th line Whit church about a quarter of a from the Mr Jonas electric plant will be ready for operation in a days then will turned into light on our streets dur ing the hours which will be a decided The Maple Leaf base ball from woolen Mills came here Saturday last and played a match with the home team The attendance at grounds was not large Ihc were much more than a match for the visitors and the score stood at to at cloxe On Monday of last Master Ross Davis while on the upper flat of Messrs Peters store slipped through an opening In floor- where repairs were being and broke- through the celling and fell to the lower floor a distance about twelve feet He wis some what bruised and aken up by fall but was all right in a day or so On Monday fast a large crowd as sembled to witness the match played here on Monday the Junior Athletes of St Kitts winners of districts and and Athletes of otm of districts and resisting in a very decided victory for of by a score of After haying been in the de for six the Church in this town was reopen ed for Divine- last Sunday appropriate and eflecthe sermons a former pastor Rev of Toronto The minister in charge Re A Pearson requested to place upon the plates COLONIZATION REPORT Montreal I colonization agent of the has completed his report for six months ended in July shows tie number parties of migrants going from Quebec and the to the expenditure and the po States Ontario pie responded with the surprising thc northern portion of Quebec offer of months covered by I la orate pulpit tea reproeflting meetings concerts and all such mod- entered- the new were these wmUy Canada and free will offering of be- th6 states- Most of them Most likely it is causes the dizziness palpitation depression and which alarm you Let have in six months paid of a last For the most part they are mortgage or and and many church edifice to the extent of cone Lowell Lynn Havcr every dollar was donated as a Worcester Boston free will offering The town prides Springfield and other cities in on having perhaps as fine and and other Status commodious a church as that This years record is heavier possessed ly any town of its in before and from the enquiries province Municipal and reports on hand it is expected that next year there will be an even greater increase- About the same number went in from the Toronto district 9C Pouuep Plant Tiny Tonic Tablets regulate your digestion vitalize your inert liver and assist the bowels to proper activity of heart disease will vanish stomach cleanser nerve builder blood purifier A gentle laxative not a cathartic Keep the little aluminum box in your pocket take the tablets after each meal- good health will be yours Why not try Fifty la an attractive aluminum pocket case cents at druggists or sent postpaid on receipt of price The Ironox Remedy Co Oat The Renfrew Mercury Continues its interesting series of articles dealing Ontario The latest con tribution is a sketch of conditions in of from Water Light Port Arthur written by Mr 1 j and Power Cost Heme Allen editor of The iele that town Port has pushed municipal ownership farther is usually the case in Ontario e issue of the ife town owning a street railway dian and Science system a telephone seevke an article on trie lighting plant and the Development which developing a considerable quantity of strong argument in favor civic electric power It is also installing ownership More than twenty years water works and a sewage system company built street railway is seven miles works which were taken over by the long ami connects town with town in Mi In mi electric light- will be made ready Fori William and William The water- the prospector of small capital An extension of a mile and a half has works and electric light were is a Future of the Yukon Statue Wash Sept When the Dominion Government has finish- el making its plans for the Or and Trunk lines torn Dawson to Port Simpson as at present projected and that road is opened Dawson will spring up and a vast territory now for v mines last nineteen and oneliU and mites from at a cost of itc the cars the municipality amount of power was not available works on Current River revenue derived from the varfous been authorized to a large park power till the electric which recently has been acquired successful opcra- original investment was mstalled and the railway for some years was The Canadian Engineer then tolls operated at a loss Latterly it has of the Ragged pay earn July were rather over ih operating expenses during May by which it was expected last last month for which figures horsepower would be developed but are available was less than 1700 lail defective and that To opera has erected which gives horse power and an services operated by electricity is amount which can be increased to 50K horse power The Canadian 521337 cost Northern has asked the town to the works with repairs is quote a rate for a large quantity of interest investment loaves a pro- power for use in Us elevators Some fit lfM0 is sold at a horse power about adding to which the per year capacity addition town has The telephone fight is going in favor its municipal building of the town Mr Allen declares He flat rate for municipal plant as Voices is per month for each magnificently modern and says candlepower stores that it has an exchange or 459 sub- hotels halls and- churches per When all instruments month When ten or more lamps arc have been installed the list will be mstaiied the current is supplied on a Fort William also has a muni- meter basis at thc rate of per thousands watts On alt these there is a discount of per cent for payment within ten days of presenta tion of the bill Fifteen cents per month is the rental charge for meter The charge for power is 4 per horsepower per annum is a rich Vast This statement is made by Mr Wilis of the Canadian Bank of Commerce who has returned the greatly impressed with the possibilities of the new road Wills supplemented his remarks the following What we need in the Yukon base of supplies Just how that country is no one knows areas have never been explored But with a railroad in there we would be able to get machinery in and the amount of gold that would come out than can scarcely be guessed at Ttie country about Dawson no longer affords an opportunity for the poor man and may be said have passed into the company of develop ment With a chance to form a base of supplies grubstake men will have plenty of chances left in north THE BEST TALKING MACHINE It talks Sings Comic Sacred and Sentimental Songs Plays like a full Band or Orchestra You can understand every words it speaks It is the greatest entertainer ever made It uses the Flit Disc last for years The Grant is made in Canada A five years written gua rantee with each machine Write for Catalogues free PRICES TO Sold on Easy Payments if desired telephone system and the two have a exchange so that each subscriber Can be connected with about instruments The Hell offer of free telephones had practically do takers according to Mr Allen the sight of a Hell Company phone outside of the rail way office is indeed rare The Sd Association will Attend instrument The town owns its lighting plant which has cost it about and is installing a waterworks which will cost about The water will bo pumped from Lake Su perior Sewers will lie laid con currently at taxes at r the dollar New Fall Fair The Tress commit in charge the Association trip to made some in itinerary at the request of lion a cost over I Crown present arc milts on l Vsires show tle people feel that more of country than while they have invested considerable to see Thc re- sums they have value They also vised itinerary is as follows eel that they will profit by any in- Toronto Monday September 2lt crease in profits Tliey expect ulti mately to have the lowest rate of any town in Canada Tuesday inspect thc Govern ment road ail French River Wed nesday proceed Thursday go up White River to sec the country Friday drive and fall fair Saturday return arriving in Toronto on Sunday at Several Montreal Journalists will accompany party which will I number forty or per sons The North Bay Hoard of Trade and New citizens are arranging to banquet the party at their respective towns I Hie New Kail fair On the will give the visitors a splendid Idea of toe progress and pos sibilities of the country and will al so enable them to meet a great many the core Of the Hon J Davis Is called the marrow and racing for teams to take press- some say red Wood also comes SJ roads into the different sections of from the spleen Healthy bone country and has also arranged for marrow and healthy spleen a steam boat to take the visitors up are full of fat tIancl show them as much of thc country In that direction Emulsion makes new possible blood by feeding the bone Mr Davis will deliver a ad- marrow And spleen With at the meeting of the all Wo the afternoon of the pure cti COd liver Oil- r and settlers mooting will he For pal School and at which matters pertaining to invalid3 and for all whose W welfare of the and tii scttkuient of district will be blood is it was in Mr is a pleasant and rich Davis visited the Like the running brook thc red blood that flows through veins has to come from somewhere The springs of red blood arc found in their work UiVf 1 Tml9 OolwU to wonderful change on of thff present visit leav ing New the Commissioner a trip ttiru forest The readers ol this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages and that is Catarrh Halls Catarrh Cure is the only positive cute known to the medical fraternity Catarrh being a constitutional disease re quires a constitutional treatment Halts Catarrh Cure is taken internal ly acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of system there by destroying the foundation of disease and giving the patient strength by building up the constitu tion and agisting nature In doing its work The proprietors have so much faith In its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case it fallu to cure Send for list of testimonials AddrH J CHENEY Co Toledo O Sold by Druggists Halls Family are the best o in London Sept A terrific gale has sprung up all over the United Kingdom Within ten hours the bar ometer fell one inch The wind miles an hour and rain fell in torrents damage was done to properly Heavy Hoods are reported in Wales mid snow is fall ing In Scotland BY E BERLINER 23152319 Catherine Manager for Canada A WATSON Jeweller Newmarket CASTOR I A For Infants Children The Kind You Always Bought Bears tho of Town Carting Having bought the carting outfit Mr should be pleased to serve the public on short notice Terror reasonable Order phoned to Office will be promptly at tended to Grocery and Provision Gall and try our New England Ham Just the Thing for Picnics and Lunches All ready for use only per lb Picnic Hams per lb Cottage Hams per lb Bacon to lb Cooked Corn Beef to lb I keep nothing but the Best and Guarantee You Satisfaction Berries on Saturday at Lowest KNOWLES Farm for Sale Being lot 25 con Whitchurch and consisting of acres about un der cultivation and timber ed with and The farm Is situated three from Newmarket and is convenient to both church and school house On It there are a good frame bank barn with stone foundation and stabling for Cattle and horses a good brick- clad house with solid brick Kitchen and frame woodshed a good well at the house a never failing spring crock a young orchard coming into bearing and plenty small fruit The farm Is well fenced and soil Is a good clay loam and In- a good state of cultivation Plowing will be done this Fall and wheat sown Possession given 1st of April Easy terms can bo given If desired For particulars apply to ARMSTRONG on the promises or p 0 aw QOOD BOARD WESTERN PAIR LONDON SEP TO Newmarket lo London return Good going Sept 12 to inclusive good going Sept All valid for relurn unt Sept HARVEST EXCURSIONS to 1000 to points in Mar Alberta and going Sept valid turning until Nov going Sept valid I return until Nov ANNUAL WESTERN Single Fare for the Round Trip TO PORT HURON MICH DETROIT MICH GRAND RAPIDS MICH SAGINAW MICH HAY CITY MICH CHICAGO ILL CLEVELAND OHIO CINCINNATI OHIO DAYTON OIL INDIANAPOLIS TO MINNEAPOLIS ST PAUL Good going Sept Valid returning on or before For further information and apply to A Agent For DURABLE ROOFING SEE PHILLIPS NEWMARKE for j Careys Magnesia Flexible B Hoover St is Cement prepared to receive a few Cures Crip Laxative Quinine Sweri d In on every box

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