Newmarket Era, 30 Oct 1903, p. 3

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I THE Peeks IS OX IK ft ABOUT Change in the snow and A quiet ding at in Newmarket Since then we jtfucig was a lair audience at Honor Judge Morgan occupied jTown Hall last Friday night and the about two hours at the- Clerics office jot Wtddifield Esq Oaf Lake drama appeared to give satis- on Monday adjusting Ihe Manitoba on Oct- action against town Voters Miss Jennie one Lakes popular rt was given in to Mr David 9ltty Ti I I ft VV P At sale prices Forsyth House Yeats opposite ice snow bright cool ays peals of Christian V our jarcb Tomilso has of Mr took bis Indian now jpace in tee parlor of a large pyramid of palms and lilies Mr Sale supporters being John Rogers fifty head and Mr for Mr raned with Revs Archer and Hilts of Toronto to conduct the services each Sunday alternately till the year- Mr Arches was here last Sunday by the bridesmaids Miss Rubbers is at Miss Una W ten cows to calve Decern- Frank Portage la fun rie The bride immediately followed one circle nay press v The Plaee tons a day capacity also leaning A arm of her father and five WrfJLrH Allan of Newmarket cousin of bride daughter of Mr -Ian- young bride who never boys are beginning to feel fairer than on her wedding 10 put on their steels again gown of blue Whitchurch on Thursday of last Monday night the annual meet- alloverlace and ap- the fire horses nearly Newmarket Hockey Club will duchess satihribbon and The matched heavy draught span sold take in Hall at eight carr shower bouquet for a 5yearold mare for fitoek Selling High At sale of the chattels of the the Arthur ffillson of Monday evening tfie program is as follows Consecration- The Shining Dan Subject Miss Lou Lesson Cane Leader Miss Eleanor Dyke fl pin Stable Mr J Canes new stable js now finished and all it lacks to have the appearance of a lakeside Sttmraeitiome are the blinds A beaver on top of the circular corner tells which way the wind blows Toe front lawn has been nicely graded and the posts are set lor anew wire fence around the whole fouracre let mm MO clock when reports will be present- valley a gelding for and a yearling officers elected A large at- travelling suit was J v v is anticipated The pros- coth of hat of attendance at the sale and thing and Jackets New lot at Hughes Oust a A couple of weeks ago Mr- William wets are that will have velvet and ho team this win bridesmaids who were all in white organdie trimmed with Death of satin ribbon chiffon each ffe copy the following from the a shower bouquet pink cama- Kansas Journal Mr sold well Prices were Mr Lloyds sale high at Scon be Ready The masons and carpenters have the wliich their contracts in connection North was conducted by the Rev A the new Clothing Factory The Oilman was born Lean Oak Lake the guests adjourn- will be heated with steam Juliette WW wot and the machimsU expected to count York March to the dining hall where they died at her home near Parker found the wedding breakfast table September aged SI arranged with roses lilies months She was of the valley and carnations and all years a pleasant running order before the the machinists are expected to in the pipes nest week A gaso line engine will furnish the power and this with Che shafting will be got a small splinter run into bis left hand He thought be pulled it out and continued wording for a day and a half the hand pained so badly had to go to a tor After fussing with It for ten days it was Tuesday last before from pain The hand is healing nicely now but only a splinter caused a good deal of anxiety to P Manners II 1514 then moved toCana- the taste tory equipment will be moved It Five Cottle Poisoned The first case of cattle poisoning brought to the attention the York ni1 lived thpre until ISM at Tee resents which were numerous may be two weeks or more before tttc County authprities in years was were a costly nature whic showed tea about thirty years of age she how highly esteemed young couple cation hex Christian life and was are held in their respective vicinities ia all church work Since she from a distance were Mr of to Kansas she has been hc leave her OntMr and fa Ceule SifK S two an ex- and Mrs Robert Greaves of Kenton mortal late day the instant Walter Ireland a farmer living on lot con King Township found five of his tweaty- six cattle dead in the field They ny- eating Paris scattered over the grass The were promptly reported to High from 10 yds each regular prices of those Cottons from to 10 per yard While they last wo offer them at 2 Special Leaders In Hosiery Ladies Heavy Wool Hose Regular for 15c Jjadies Heavy Ribbed in all Regular 35c for pair Ladies Heavy Winter Underwear from to each Underwear Winter Weight Grocery Cider Vinegar per Oar Shirt Department every a I 1cO fit Floor in 1 width sod all White Wine gal English Breakfast in 1lb tins Sardines tin Choice Pink Salmon per tin Flax Seed per lb Linseed Meal 5c per lb YOU NEVER FAIL WITH BAKING POWDER THE J sons and one daughter don Todd Mr and Miss the ceremony being conducted by w A Manners of St Louis Mo W A and Mss Mr and j lbos a who sent out Con- Manners and Miss Miss Bond of Man- i JJiss Laura J Webb who has resided with for the past twenty years You Can Save per tent by buying youy Boots Rubbers at Hunter Bros They ire selling the Foster Stock at sweep- reductions Miss and Mr Goodwin Miss Etta and Mr B Walton of Oak Lake Mr and Miss of and others Fine Boots present from a distance were the r sisters of deceased Mrs Scott of Bradford Davis of her brother Mr of Au rora her grandson Mr Toronto Mrs Rogers and Miss Davis of Mr For per pair worth of and Mr and Mrs Saturday at Hunter Bros Warren of Toronto Happy Send-OW- fl jBIg Sale Aurora last week f S line the matter recommended whom we are pleased to wel- j the Town Hail mil matter to the ratepayers on Monday night under the auspices the next municipal ejection of Newmarket High School was a The Committee found that if the decided success in every respect made to the The Hall was well filled and program was ably sustained the Free Library Act and con tinued in the same building at the same expense as last year the town will have to pay annually for its support about more than at present means that a person assessed in our midst On Thursday evening last if a la the members of the Rising Sun AM and a lew assembled in the Masonic Hail Library is to wish Mr the Trunk agent agent here who removed to Newmarket success and prosperity in his new to The evening was very it in cards music c were served after which Mayor called the meeting to order in a few weU chosen remarks Mr with a handsome toilet set and on bo- UK rhe masonic brethren of town Mr made a feeling reply and assured those present he good reason to remember Aurora on account many warm friends b made during his stay here were then given by other of the lodge all expressing regret at losing Mr both from the lodge and as a citizen investigate The latter has not concluded his inquiry Dr Burns of King City certifies to the death of the cattle being due to Paris green out Mr Owen A who won for himself such a high estimation his elocutionary ability at the con cert two years ago was equally as again By his versatility and originality he held the attention of Fain Notes Hr Uriah Marsh and Mr Asa Phil- judges of draught for would have an extra tax of the audience at his will Ho is a a year and get in return the capital mimic especially of Hie Irish privilege of perusing books Although he was down on the pro- inK the year as well as all best gram live times be cheerfully respond- papers and in the Reading fed to the hearty applause every time open every night except fiun- Master Frank appeared for day the first time before a Newmarket If the ByLaw is approved by audience and was very favorably ratepayors the Board Management lie is indeed a will consist of the Mayor and three youngster has a strong musical voice other persons appointed by the land is perfectly at homo on the oil throe appointed by the Public His execution on the Xylophone was School Board and two appointed i by simply marvellous Separate School Board I The class Young Ladies In That this is a progressive step is number won repeated applause for attested by the fact hat during the their harmonious marching and years the Act alluded to has drill exercises introducing DRESS GOODS NEW TRIMMINGS NEW GLOVES NEW HOSIERY NEW UNDERWEAR NEW SILKS NEW STINGS I teen in force no fewer than Pub- entirely new figures which were Krj Wilson of Sharon and Mr J Libraries in Ontario have em- through to perfection A Pine Orchard on Light braced the opportunity to reorganize The Certificates and Diplomas from tbe Free Libraries system Ontario Education Department of this lift contains the of were presented to the several red ticket on his span of progressive towns in the dates by the chairman the High l Forrest of Ml Albert won Province Acxtrdihg to School Board who congratulated io last years Report competitors and expressed admiration on his carriage Library had mem- the efficiency the presait stall roadster and let on Gents There were 2139 volumes in and thc probability a fourth I the Library and during the year 4585 added in the near future the A Rogers Newmarket won issued The total assets of- ttie attendance now reaching which is Ins roadster colt Library were and the the highest in the history J lliese liabilities have School on saddle horse and paid on Berkshire also My ft in butter Norman Wesley Newmarket successful candidates arc as When the report of the Committee follows was presented to the Council Col Art School Certificates Prairie fires have caused enormous damage in the cattle ranges west and south of Medicine flat Marie Oct During this week operations will be com menced in the ground pulp mill charcoal plant veneer plant and saw mill which employ nearly six hun dred men This announcement was made by J who was left in charge here by his brother P the receiver appointed by So Co Gait Oct a At the night Henry aged wai killed In some manner his clothes came in contact with the revolving cylinder in Pcrnies factory which is filled with sharp points of steel In stantly he was drawn upon the cruel and before the machinery could be stopped his body was torn to shreds When taken from machine he was quite dead and one arm had been pulled com pletely off Port Arthur Oct 27 As the re- suit of a terrible accident which oc curred at Kings elevator William died here last evening He was employed in the drying romi and stepped into thc box in which a worm screw conveyer runs horizontal ly along thc floor screw caught bis foot and began grinding limb The leg was chewed oil to hip Tho mans cries brought other workmen to the scene and he was Jakcn to the hospital where he died after suffering great agony Owen Sound Oct first scooting accident of season in thin section took place late yesterday afternoon in thc Township of Sara wak about seven miles from town as a result of which a resident of that municipality is lying in a critical condition It ap pears that he was out hunting with a neighbor Dan McAllister and in walking thru the woods Mr led by about six feet Mr McAllis ter tripped and fell and his gun ex ploded striking 111 hip shattering the- bone NEW OVERCOATS NEW CLOTHING NEW PANTS VESTS NEW HATS NEW SHIRTS NEW SOX NEW BLOUSES NEW SKIRTS NEW FURS NEW MILLINERY NEW NEW JACKETS NEW CAPES FORM NEW TIES NEW NIGHT SHIRTS NEW UNDERWEAR NEW SHOES NEW UMBRELLAS NEW WATERPROOFS NEW CORSETS NEW FEATHER BOAS NEW FLANNELETTE WEAR NEW FUR JACKETS NEW CAP NEW FUR BOAS NEW CLOTH CAPS NEW FUR COATS NEW KID GLOVES NEW GLOVES NEW MITTS LIMITED a tte Clark mm of Aurora got 2nd the papers and Morrison of and it provides a public place ticket for best lady driver men to spend their even- Anderson Stella Ad Johnston Wcntworth Junior Leaving J In Fred Newmarket got away from influence gentleman rider I bar or social club f- ol Aurora won in cattle- I of Kettleby won n in Southdown sheep f- J I Davidson of five prizes in sheep f- of Aurora won in l of Zephyr won seven in grain and roots and Mr of the same place won 20 in the same Stephens of Aurora won in grain roots and fruits Mr It Manning of Newmarket Mr Ceo of judges on implements etc of Viola Eves Beatrice McCallum Mattie Morton iTid Council adopted the report and Flossie a ByLaw will be submitted Junior January for the ratepayers to Voile Cody George Whether the institution will be entire- free or not A libeling the Library Board j The net proceeds of the held last Friday night when it amounting MO be ascertained that 50 cover towards the purchase expenses up to the 1st ol Janu- forme for the newly organized Cadet It was decided to appeal to Corps in connection with Ifce school our business people for to which p members out this so as which shows popularity among to present thc Institution to the the boys as well as the activity- or town on the let of January free of Principal Coombs who holds a cec al It is certainly a from the Military School Worthy object and we hope the will with a willing res Stoek In Toronto this exporters are selling from I Export bulls from W Good to choice butchering cattle sold from to Ordinary butchering cattle from to Dry cows to -Sa50- Light feeders to to Calves from to per lb Milk cows to Lambs ewes Select hogs fate and lights Oct Flour per barrel a Spring Wheat per bush a Red Wheat per 73 a Goose Wheat per bush a Buckwheat Barley per bush Oats per bush Rye per bush Wool per lb Hay per ton Bran per ton a Shorts per ton a 40 a a a a a a i4 Butter roll per lb Eggs Potatoes per bag- Chickens per pair Ducks Geese per lb Turkeys per lb 0 0 10 a a a a a a a 0 00 1 CO Oft S3 d Is the Strongest Foundation upon which any successful business can be built When we tell yon that we are only telling you what our cue- lom era tell In words and by orders Or we think It bo we you would If you tried our drugs of Pine and Tar Bent toy Pulmonary Balsam lUpala Camphor Ico IS SyracSDiavory l4ixaQulnlae cured cold In day allround Cough Medicine per OR for fiU Complete Stock of Rubber Goods At Close Prices MORTIMERS DRUG STORE Phono Offloo of DR GREENWOOD Phono oolite- showing Ms for this work f i Tot and Children The Kind You Haw Bears the markets Wheat per a I Wheat bush a 3 Goose wheat per hush a Oats per hush a Barley Eggs per dot a Butter roll per lb a S3 Potatoes per bag a Hay per ton a Wool per per 25 a Beef fore a Beet hind a Chickens per lb a Ducks per lb 0 a Geese per lb a per lb a Dominion Parliament on Saturday was The Chief Charm of any womans lint is its becoming- if wo may bo permitted to coin word Your hat not you nor your on look well on your sister Just there is we claim ability in pleasing women as to ImiH you let us decide for what hat becomes you best and not consensus opinion of your friends masculine feminine ANY OLD AGENT tot took lMllUOclAbiaod fc to forpcU on KlOk This store is noted lor Fit Stylo and Durability in Shoes Wo Agents for the Best Manufacturer in Canada and United States such makers as SLATER SHOES SOVEREIGN SHOES SHOES QUEEN QUALITY SHOES J KINGS other wellknown makers Mens Fine Shoes for 125 Ladies Fine Shoes for Girls Shoes for Special W Cor Main Timothy of fcccfea told In past 12 months tlUline a Cut a Two Day on every box A a I k

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