5C i i- Pains In the Back Are raptoiD8 of a weak torpid or Stagnant condition of the kidneys Brer and area warning it extremely to neglect go important a healthy action of these organs They are commonly attended by loss of energy lack of and toes by gloomy foreboding and ill with kidney trouble end became so weak I could scarcely get I took medicine- without benefit and finally decided to try Hoods After first I Celt much better that I it dm and six bottles me a new woman Whan my little girl a baby the could not keep anything on her stomach and we Hoods which coxed Ha Is- ail Hoods Core and liter re- the back and up whole system LEO At m j THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY tftfrip bosses Talking with a official the other day in regard to gains and los3 of the Postal Department be ventured opinion that the ion was advantaged a good many thousand dollars annually by the put chase of postage stamps which no er used Many people carry loosely in pockets and on fishing them out find they are J Barrister ft Mary Public Ac Main Street Newmarket to Loan on food Farm security Solicitor Notary Public etc Money Loin Division Court Building ket Ontario Conveyancers doors South of Poet Of fice Hew market Herbert LcdWox Aurora will on Saturday and Court Day Solicitor for J Co Ranker and Ontario lank Aurora Reformer Block Money to Loan DENTAL A DENTIST Over Toronto Jobbing House INriUltANCK J A for Fire Money to at Current Kale A A Ramsay Fire Insurance Agent on Farm and- isolated Town Property Over Hodges Tin Sbop Newmarket Metropolitan Co TORONTO AND NEWMARKET S3 W it A to fl e- w S3 CO SO ift a H i v4 S3 cio T a rt CD Co to CO CO CO every and Saturday i GRAND RAILWAY LEAVE Lie Daily Wharf concerting with boats for point on North Bay am Dally except Sunday tor AUmdale Meatord Barrio Wharf pm Daily for Allandale Stay- Barrle HvnisWUe North Bay arrd points Id the Canadian Northwest MM pm except Sunday for aod ARRIVE NEWMARKET Kted and useless Some put in their pocket books fibd- them damaged by chafing or by coin rubbing against than Of course no one thinks of sending such stams back to the De partment for redemption and tbey become a loss to the individual but a to tie public- treasury and Sir William is able to count the same as helping to make up his sur plus Another way the country makes Rain on unused stamps is through tradesmen and specialists who inclose stamped addressed envelopes for re plies which in thousands of in stances are never used To these may added the thousands of re turn postal cards which are laid aside Then again many are careless about putting stamps on letters and papers they drop In which case tie mail matter is held for double postage at its place destin ation Others pit on too much postage placing two twocent stamps on a letter that would have gone for two cents In these and other ways might mention the general public make use of thousands of dollars of postage stamps anrually more than the actual service tails for it is satisfac tory to know that the country gener ally gets the benefit of all these mis takes instead of private individuals or corporation trusts NOTES An Ottawa press despatch says The Government in all likelihood will observance of the Kings Nov until May Victoria Day thus following the same procedure as last year AT DEATHS DOOR THE STORY TiE RECOVERY OF HISS OK ST Speaking of the stand taken bySir Louis and Mr on the Alaskan Commission in regard to Canadian rights the Toronto Star remarks Whatever we may think of the merits of the decision we ought to be proud of two Canadians who boldly asserted their equality with members of tribunal and declined to be dragged at the tail of either the English or the American wagon The protest is an epoch In Canadian history and it may turn out to be more important than the ownership of the strip of coast on the Pacific A very comprehensive digest of the Fish and Game of Ontario re vised to Sept 29 by A Olirien MA Ottawa has been kindly forwarded to this office by the author Price 25cte Every sports man should obtain a copy It is compiled in such shape as to make it a ready reference gives dates of close and season and game and concfudes giving valuable suggestions with regard to camping We take pleasure in commending it to the attention of all desirous information relating to Fish and Game laws of the country m Daily from North Bay HuntftYlSle and am Dally except Sunday from Orlllla and pm Daily from In Cana dian Bay and pm Dally except Sunday from and The Canadian Club Toronto has decided to mark its approval of the stand tarqn by Mr as one of the Alaskan Commissioners in not acquiescing in the award sacri ficing Canadian interests A banquet will be tendered him alter his return The exact date has not been deter mined upon as yet but some day dur ing the first wee in next month has been suggested Mr is now on his way Lome and is expected to reach Toronto Saturday evening Kir Louie the other Canadian Commissioner is not expected to re turn at present or he would also be invited to tbe banquet It Is current report in political cir cles that the ejection protests filed against George Grant for North Ontario Liberal who defeated exFinance Minister Hon Geo Foster Conservative and also against J Thomson for North Grey Tory will be dropped lion Mr Fosters departure for Eng land seems to confirm this report It looks very much like a sawofl though denied A press de spatch from Ottawa to Western pa pers states that an agreement has been reached between the parties to drop the protests and ask for a re turn their deposits as it la not considered prudent to fight election protests with a general elec tion almost upon the country Guess this Is wise She Confident that WW Saved My Lite Hope for all weak To be well to be strong to pos sess a clear complexion bright eyes and an elastic step blood must be pure and filled with lifegiving en ergy When you see pale sallow sickly easily tired to headaches backaches violent palpitation of the heart it is the blood is at fault and unless the trouble is speedily corrected the pa tient passes into tnat condition known as decline and death fol lows The one sure positive way to obtain rich red- blood is to take Dr Williams Pink Pills This med icine has saved thousands of young girls from a premature grave Strong proof of this is offered in the cure of Miss of St Quebec Miss tells the stoey of her sickness and recovery as follows Like many other Canadian I went to the United States and found employment in a factory at Woonsoeket The close indoor work proved too much for me and nearly ended in my death At first I was taken with headache would tire very easily had no appetite and no energy I tried to continue the work bbt grew worse and worse and finally was compelled to return to my home I was so much changed and so emaciated that my friends hardly knew Two weeks after return home was forced to take my ted I had a bad cough was distressed by terrible dreams and sometimes passed whole nights without sleep Two doctors treated me without avail as 1 was steadily growing weaker in fact I Id not my hard above my head for more than three or four sec onds and to be turned in bed No one expected I would get letter thought myself that I was about to die At this lime my brother came from Montreal to see me and strongly urged me to try Dr Wil liams Pink Pills A supply of pills was secured and now bless the day I he an taking them It is enough lo say that before three boxes were used I began to feel better and from on I grew stronger every day By the time I had taken nine or tea Lav I was once more enjoying the blessing of perfect health No symp toms- of the old trouble remain and am Dr Williams Pink Pills S3 my life NEW REVELATIONS BY HIS FORMER PARTNER The following is a summary Mr Crossins relation of events as be knew them in connection with the investigation On September 1903 there was entered in our cash book cash of the Crossin Piano Manufacturing Company a credit to of a cash payment of 300 due the company for balance of stock I entered this in my own hand writ ing in the regular course business in a cash book kept by rue and Mr showing the cash receipts and payments It wasan ordinary blot because we were going to incor porate the company and we did not keep regular sets of books pending the incorporation Mr came in to the business on April He put in at that time and sub sequently advanced other sums mak ing in all about 3000 including the September item of After the statements made on the floor of the House charging with bribery and corrup tion Mr came to me and ask ed if I remembered the payment of this to our credit in the Ontario Bank I said Yes perfectly well and he wanted to know there was memorandum in the books of that date I said there was in the cash book and in the bank book and I turned up the cash book and showed him the entry and it was there September 11 of- having been paid in by him self Wouldnt Hurt the Firm He then said Do you remember my paying any money into the Trad ers Bank about that time I said Yes they were both paid in on the same day He then said Oh no- that could not be as I nave vou the on September said No that is not correct we both went to the bank together when tie deposit of was made and both deposits in te Ban and the Traders Bank were made within an hour and a half of each other and I again referred to tan showing him the entry He then said Well while the bank book and your cash book show the entry of September I gave you that on the afternoon of I again said that could not be possible as I would not carry that money in my over night He then said Well this is a matter that will make a very great aiffer- to me and as it is a matter that is closed so far as the firm is concerned and can in no wise make any to us so far as the business is concerned would Pure is the secret of you to that to August and it is every dost of Dr Williams Pink Pills ma new rich blood and they cure such desperate cases as that above related These pills cure all the troubles that rise from poor blood and that means most the ailments that afflict man kind Give these pills a fair trial and will not disappoint you Sold by medicine dealers everywhere or sent by mail post paid at per box or six boxes for by addressing the Dr Williams Medicine Co do Harry Moore son of an merchant was shot in the head with a small rifle that he was practising with There is little hope of recov ery Oct Tbe mill belonging to the Canada Furni ture Co was completely destroyed by fire today together with several hundred thousand feet of oak lumber The loss upon mill and lumber will be about sixty thousand dollars partly covered by insurance PLEASANT CURE FOR WEAK LUNGS Tie best remedy for sore weak lungs is the soothing vapor of which traverses every air cell and passage of the breathing or gans It treats remote parts that mixtures and sprays cant ap proach and kills thousands of germs at every breath drives away pain congestion and in flammation it makes breathing easy and lobular and exerts a marvelous influence on coughs Colds sore Throat Bronchitis Catarrh Deaf ness and Lung Trouble cures at once is delightful to inhale and simple to use small size or Poison Co Kingston Ont Dr Hamiltons Pills Constipa tion- Wind completely wrecked the new annex to the General Hospital at Brandon now In course of erection The Crown Elevator Company will build at St Boniface opposite Winnipeg one of the largest storage elevators and cleaning plants in the west CORNS BETWEEN THE TOES Or the soles of the feet can be cured by a few applications of Putnams Corn Extractor which has been suc cessfully used for years Put nams Is- safe sure and painless and much better than any substitute At BC two rich who paid a poor fellowcountry man to take the onus of a murder in which they were concerned were with him found guilty and sentenced to be hanged Dec f or I then said I cannot that it was interfering with the statements of the books and simp ly could not do so The matter dropped at that point This would be Wednesday or Thursday preceding the opening of the court The Entry Changed I did not see Him after that until investigation opened and on op ening the books I found that this en try of Sept had been changed to August 21 and the word August and the figures 000 were blot ted over That would on the Tuesday or Wednesday of the week of the investigation certain it was on Tuesday When I first saw this mutilation I called the attention of Mr Carneys Coun sel to it and asked him to come down to the office after the adjourn ment of tin court On the Counsels arrival at the factory he asked if there could le anything in our books that could in any way do harm Meaning the party I said Not that I am aware of so far as I am but that there was an en try in the cash which had been changed On showing him this par ticular entry of September 000 after looking at it for quite a consid erable time he said What docs this mean I explained to him the cir cumstances as I have set forth above He then said after fully grasping the situation What a damned fool he is said to htm 1 am under subpoena to produce the of the company in court and that he bad better see Mr and have him explain that away for I certainly would not attempt to do so as it was the first thing the defence would put their fingers on and that was a change that bad been made in books that there was something to be covered up He promised to attend to It that Was Up Early The following morning on my re turn to the factoryabout I found Mr there an unusual tour I never knew him to be there as early before The matter was not referred to on that occasion The next I the transac tion was on the Saturday afternoon after the bank slip episode and after he had gone to Buffalo Feeling somewhat suspicious as I did I ex amined the book In question and found the two front leaves the sec ond this item of had been torn out of the book and taken away No person had an keys to tho office except myself and Mr ey We ban the only two In existence- No one could get the- office except ourselves I remember the day Mr McEvoy Ultra It on Friday the bank difficulty up about pm and I opened door anil to go in- but declined to do so the arrival Mr for the prosecution He sat me where I was wprkiugiSatmy1 -iintirtfcetat- rival fiiacdonaid the books Mr- wasneVer present in the office except on- that occasion He was never alone in the office The other two solicitors were with him all time So far as I am aware Mr did not know of any entries in the books Certainly not from me There is no doubt that these leaves were gone before Mr entered the From the circumstances I am perfect ly satisfied that these loaves were taken out early on Thursday morn ing I know nothing originally of the Si stock transaction On the Tuesday afternoon the second day of the opening of trial I was sent for was met in the hall by one of the solicitors who introduced me to one of Mr Carneys counsel We were taken into the side room to gether with Mr whom I had met at the factory a lew days before in company with Mr Mr is the member for I first knew of Mr being a stockholder for SI on the day took me into this room at the City Hall the second day of the sit tings of tins commission Mr told me he thought I ought to know that he held from Mr his own personal certificate as col lateral and this money he had no doubt was to represent the 500 which Mr said be received from a member of Gov ern Mr Massons Suggestion The first Knowledge had of the denomination of the bills of the deposit in the Ontario Bank was the day of the bank episode about the slips The deposit was made by and not by me- I did not even know the of bills or their amount except I knew from the bank book that the aggregate was 900 The slip was not in my hand writing I had nothing to do with it but as he told me that he had paid in to the credit of the com pany as I knew this to be tho fact from the I entered the amount immediately after in the cash took on day and therefore I could not be mistaken about the time which was September tie same day we made applica tion for our charter Both facts know happened the same day and they were entered in our books ac cordingly On the morning of the day I was examined by the defence Mr one of the solicitors for Mr Carneys side of the case came to my office and asked me about my I told him I had been subpoenaed other side as well and told him when this had been done and all par ticulars He told me could go out of town as my subpoena had expired and I neednt attend before the com mission Notwithstanding this I did attend and gave evidence on all I matters on which I was questioned The above statements represent the truth as far as I am concerned ao- I A WONDERFUL TONIC j AND Said a Druggist today No doubt about it the tonic that gives tho the best results is the biggest seller j and that is It enriches and purifies the blood restores strength and energy to the feeble and is that was always popular In Chlorosis An Bo livia Tiredness Iangour Brain Eag Indigestion and Dyspasia its action is prompt and satisfactory cures al ways follow Yes I recommend to my customers because I It is best and strengthening medicine that money can buy Large boxes cost contracted any ara carer a tin Ira oners Hits or In lha month hilt est itches tody red ami bsrtiich our In life Dont 1st quacks yon Oar HEW METHOD Is fftiaranUKd to care yea fciimts bands that will cored by oar NEW METHOD return of the cat a pitch J worst solicited Iff OOBRBW will and taw yon Coder become act We blood ifcu all pimples and nicer disappear at to thai despondency disappear eyea become bright face fall and clear energy to the body and the moral phytic and tea aralnTlfforatedt all drains no more from The organs become and manly feel youreelf a marriage We tie afflicted to and of charge Dont let and latin rob yea of dollar WILL CURE OR NO PAY i treat and cora NERVOUS DEBILITY SEXUAL SYPHILIS GLEET STRICTURE VARICOCELE KII ER DISEASES and ail peculiar to men and wetsaa Caret coateciptating Kr yoa weak Wo treat and cara NERVOUS DEBILITY SEXUAL WEAKNESS ft STRICTURE VARICOCELE KIDNEY teed Hare lost hops Are blood been dlfeated Method Treatment will cure Charges reasonable men of Ho names en taxes till end Coil of Treatment for Rene DETROIT MICH SHELBY ST the best talking machine It talks I Singe Comic Sacred and Sentimental Songs Plays like a full Band or Orchestra You can understand every words it It is the greatest entertainer ever made It uses the Hard Flit Due Record which last for years The made in Canada A five written gua rantee with each machine Write for Catalogues free PRICES 1500 TO Sold on Easy Monthly Payments if desired ft MANUFACTURED BY BERLINER 23152319 St Catherine Montreal Manager for Canada A WATSON Jeweller Agent Newmarket WIVES MOTHERS IF MEMBER OF YOUR FAMILY DRINKS the can removed by giving secretly in food or drink Failure Free sample tcntseild REMEDY CO Toronto Can SISTERS BROTHERS farm for Sale acres in lots and 31 Con Whitchurch Plenty of wood and water Two thirds seeded down Stone wall under barn Vivian PO Five persons were killed by a fireworks explosion at Valotla Island of Malta Bam lk KM Kin Formerly Cariidk and Toronto Str Toronto SAVINGS DEPARTMENT and de posit paid or halfyearly at ft AH for I U are with halfyearly coupons attach- I for at O ydur addrtaa for our booklet MONKY MAIL Gillettes Supplemental Chamber to cheap Pistol Cart ridges in rifles saves dollars in am munition THE HARDWARE SPECIALTY CO Toronto HAIL will at Ot tawa on Friday Mm for coDvyAico of lit Mall on a Contract for time per cacti jy and Hill- way 8tllou Aurora and Railway siailon the Printed Infor mation as to conditio a of may bo and blank of Tender be at the of and Kettloby ami at the Once or at Toronto Post Owes Mall Branch Ottawa October 1601 3w9 Sunday Scirooi Mrs A Winch AND ABSALOM Text 15 112 OK A FATHERS MERCY ABUSED Golden thy and thy mother may bo long upon the land which the Lord thee Superintendent Nov J loii that thy days thy God Central to parents is tho first law of childhood Points 1 Even after our Heavenly Fa ther had shown His great love to humanity by the gift of His only begotten son yet some havo rebel led against Him They who de light in vain show find that it is very costly Pro v 10 He who is earnestly striving to attain some object doea not shrink from hard work 3 To tho discontented flattering is as sweet as it 5 Affected often con ceals a selfish insincere heart Such conduct whether at homo at school in political life falls under tho one term stealing Satan often clothes his mes sengers in so pleasing a garb that only they who keep close to Jesus can escape thoir wiles Cor 11 8 Satan never gives his servants leave of absence that they may serve the Lord One ia not apt to suspect an other of an evil which ho himself could commit I Cor 10 The righteous need not ho discouraged at the apparent success of an plot Job 12 The sorest wound of all is that given by a trusted friend From the Christian Vanguard 3 re c re re re o 1