ONTARIO THE NEWMARKET OCT STOCK PAID UP BRANCH General Bufflng Business TRANSACTED Interest Allowed on Deposits DRAFTS ISSUED At inr and American Draft nd Theres ope Glials Next year will be leap year The years divided by four except that pi the century year are leap years Leap puts It up to the girls to make proposals Simpson MUaloSt and Fancy Good AUCTIONEER genu filmcotf Bolton Hewitt Millard Lane J SMITH smiTH DOUGLAS CO fiiockiPTin and percent Original guaranteed Block ft- Ellis Architect and Engineer Boon Chambers and made foe all Of buUdlBSa ai Era will prompt attention Clubbing Rates Era and Weekly Globe Era and Weekly Mail Era and Daily Globe year North York only 00 Era and Toronto Evening- Star Era and Evening News 50 Era and Montreal Star with premium Era and Farmers Advocate SO Era and Farmers Balance year tree or all Weeklies in dtp the tat by man of MARRIAGE LICENSES At the Office Newmarket Private Paper at private If NEWMARKET MARBLE WORKS IN Monuments and Head Stones CnHBforeOrdertntBUewhere Allan Andrew Hunter Builder Contractor Estimates On Short Notice Boiler Setting Granolithic Porches and front Door Before going elsewhere consult ANDREW HUNTER Go roam St P 0 Box Newmarket THOMPSONS REPAIR SHOP Prospect Ave Newmarket ALL K1HD3 OV IRON WORK REPAIRED ON SHORT a SpeclaH Guaranteed A THOMPSON I Practical Farm for Sale Brief lets Bread and Cakes fresh at Flanagans grocery Only eight weeks till Christ mas Time to begin to think about it King Council mees at on Saturday Next Sunday is AH Saints Bay Regular meeting of town Council next Monday evening- Next Thursday is Guy day S Convention The annual Convention or the North York Sabbath School Associa tion takes place at Aurora on Thurs day and Friday of next week and promises to be one of the best ever held The sessions will be held in the Methodist Church and all delegates who require billets must send their names to Mr Jacob Anderson Au rora not later than Nov 2nd The chief feature of the Convention will be the study of the Gospels un der Prof Elmore Harris of the Bible Training School Toronto Anybody this section who has ever heard Mr Harris will be glad of the oppor tunity of sitting under his instruc tion again Then the evening addresses will be of such a character as will interest the general public Thursday even ing by Rev R Atkinson of Toronto a great Sunday School worker Subject The relation of the home and the church to the Newmarket people who cannot tbe day sessions will the trolley very convenient by going to Aurora on the car and returning on the due there at We hope that Newmarket will be well represented A Canadian Honored We note with pleasure that Dr A an Aurora who attended Newmarket High School has been selected for the important position of Home Mission Secretary for the State of Illinois We clip the following from the Chicago Ad vance which also accompanies the article with a splendid With unusual unanimity and enthus iasm the Directors of the Illinois Home Missionary Society have select ed Rev Dr Andrew of Hinsdale a suburb of Chicago to succeed Dr Tompkins as secretary Dr entered upon his duties with the 1st of October There is a story current that when the directors were looking for a secretary Dr carefully outlined the qualifi cations needed whereupon the direc tors arose as one man and said Thou art the man If this lis not authentic it might easily be Dr Andrew Melrose is one of the good gifts of Canada to the States He was born of Scotch parents at Aurora Out Aug Id and received his primary train ing at High School and Collegiate Institute He graduated from Chicago Theological in His have Lewi over Columbia Church three and onehalf years at Mich ten years and at Hinsdale two years pastorates have made him widely and hoitorably known He is a preacher of uncommon ability and an devoted and successful pastor He believes in pastoral evangelism and his ministry been awarded by many conversions He Is also a man of broad outlook and sympathies appreciating the import ance of the general work of the de- He has been a trustee the Michigan Home Missionary So ciety of Olivet College and ol Academy and at the time of his election to his present position ho was president of the Illinois Home Missionary Society the Chi cago Ministers Union In Olivet College conferred upon him the degree of Doctor of Divinity enjoys to an de gree the esteem and confidence of those who know him and his work WIDEAWAKE AND TO Miss Hannah Radjnorc returned home last Saturday after spending a month with friends at Newmarket and Richmond Hilt Mr Pretty and daughter of Newmarket spent Sunday with Mr at The Harvest Home service in tia Memorial Christian was a grand success A sermon appro- to the occasion was preached by the pastor Rev Hainer The church was beautifully decorated ZEPHYR sold his house and Jot to Nicholas Heath and went to Cleve land Ohio on Monday morning Mr will be greatly missed in tha Methodist Church being superintend ent of the School as well as one of the class leaders He was held in the very highest respect by all in the neighborhood both young and old and all regret his leaving our midst Jesse Cook whom he has worked for so many years as foreman in his factory will find it hard to get another that will take as much interest and look after the busi ness as as did Mr Reid Jesse Cook has bought William Horners two farms south of the vil lage which will make him a splendid farm added to his homestead We are sorry to hear Miss Picker ing is no better but hope she may yet pull through Quarterly meeting in the Methodist Church last Sunday afternoon Board meeting on Monday afternoon Lockie left his Horses standing on the road while he went to lay some rails on the fence and they left him fixing the fence and made a dash for On their way they col lided with Henry Meyer smashing his rig before he could get out of their way- SOHOMBEUG AURORA Mr Geo Browning has secured the contract to build the addition to Messrs Caster store The addition to the agri cultural works is being rushed as rapidly as possible The walls of the blacksmith shop which is feet are completed to the first floor Stone foundations are being put under the residences of Mr Andrews and Mr Wellington street Mr Russ Woods an employee of Mr cut his hand severe ly while slaughtering an animal at Mr slaughter house on Wednesday and will be laid up for some time The residence of Mr Thos of the firm of Underbill A on Mostly street east was the scene of a pretty wedding on Wednesday after noon when his eldest daughter Miss Ada was united in marriage to Mr Linton son Mr Wm Lin ton The ceremony was performed by Rev A Pearson Pastor of the Methodist Church in the presence of a few of the most intimate friends of the contracting parties Word was received here of the death of Mr John Sampson at Man Mr Sampson attended church on Sunday evening and retired later in the evening in good health During the night he was ill with heart failure and died early Monday morn ing Mr Sampson from the Township of King to some years ago and settled on a tract land lie was a most farmer and two ago having secured a re tired He leaves a family of two sons and his widow The league of the Metho dist here gave a very pleasing entertainment in the basement of the church on Monday evening A large number were present and thoroughly enjoyed the program Mrs of Toronto and Miss Crosslcy of King as delighted the audi ence with their solos and a duet An instrumental was given by Misses Rogers and Towns Readings were given by Miss M Miss M Mrs Burton of Miss and Rev a Pearson which were appreciated by all A violin solo was rendered by Miss and a trombone solo by Mr Geo both of which received applause Mr I occupied the chair in a very pleasing manner Is busy remodelling the old hotel known as the Commer cial House which he will change into a modern dwelling Mr A of our titan school teachers has been forced to give up his duties during past week owing to illness Mr J Sutton proprietor of the Queens Hotel here has decided to retire has purchased a on Con King and will remove there to commence farming the spring A scheme is now on in which it carried thru will be one of great benefit to the citizens- being the installation of street the village- If the project is carried thru some fifteen lamps on posts will be placed along the streets and will be Tor by the citizens in general tuxes On Tuesday St Alary church was scene of a pretty wed ding when Miss Rolling was united in the holy bonds of matri mony by the Rev Perdue to the Rev John Wesley Williams of New York The brief was given away by her fat bet Mr William Rolling and was charmingly gowned in white taf feta silk wearing a bridal veil and wreath of orange blossoms Mr I Rolling of the bride the groom and Miss Klwaheth Rolling sister of the bride acted as bridesmaid After the ceremony they ail returned to the residence of the brides parents where a sumptu ous dinner awaited The presents were numerous and The happy couple left en the evening train for their home in New York the best wishes of many friends accompanying them The A Co at war with the the result of the refusal the latter company to handle freight which would be af terwards to by the S A As is generally known the only way to bring freight for to Bonds Lake the be ginning of the line is by the and as the latter to do this we must still adhere to the old plan of having our freight teamed from Kleinburg alt ho a little id brought by rail at present The promoter the S A line arc making every effort to have the handle their freight and they have every prospect of being successful Sir lias the case in charge and we understand he lay the matter the highest au thorities in an to bring the to time This is not the first time that company has stood in our way as they first refused to allow our railroad to cross their line and as a result passengers had to cross it on foot for a time But they were in that case to be agreeable Just as we hope they may be compelled to be in the pres ent case A piece of The Red River insurrection began on the October Hud son Bay Company had agresl to sur render their rights in the Northwest Territories for the sum to be paid by the Dominion Govern ment with tbe stipulation that the rights the Indians and halfbreeds be respected The inhabitants ox the country were FrenchCana dian halfbreeds or too who bad for several gen erations trapped and traded in furs throughput that wild When Col Dennis and his men came to lay out the territory the inhabitants were told that surveyors in tended to seize their lands The surveyors instead of telling the ob ject of survey to the natives and assuring than that their rights would j be respected took a different course J and said the less the had to say about thwarting Govern ment the better Other causes com bined with this produced discontent among They formed a provisional Government and only awaited a leader to rise in open re bellion This leader came forward in the person of Lewis The set tlers became alarmed and lied to Fort Garry for shelter but a month after outbreak the rebels had captured the fort and imprisoned the settlers The Governor was warned not to en ter the country and three commis sioners sent out by Lord were imprisoned A short time after this one of the prisoners Scott was murdered because even while in prison his efforts to re store peace to the country were car ried on The Dominion Government now took a firm hand in the pro ceedings Lord was sent out with an ample forte and soon succeeded in retaking Fort Garry and dispersing the rebels Globe 7 We otter One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure J Cheney Co Props Toledo We the undersigned have known J Cheney for the last years and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able carry out any obligations made by their firm West A Wholesale Druggists Toledo Klnnan A Marvin Wholesale Druggists Toledo O Halls Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system Price per bottle Sold by all Druggists Testimonials free Halls Family Pills are the best ioe Applications will be received by for the purchase of w Hunter on St a mile from Newmarket fa a most farm pro perty comprising SO acres and the maple grove of about ten St Bride House other repair For further fl Grand Opportunity Presents Itself for young men and which seems to have been a peculiar young women to acquire vocation preparation for his new duties At this winter that will bring them jits recent meeting Chicago Afrsocia- double the salary at least that they passed a resolution warmly commend- can command in otter office work lug him and expressing lively satis- factory etc Practical train- faction at his selection for this work in commercial and railway icgraphy and railway office account ing places young ladles in line to command from to per month TO CUKE A DAT are tee J ROBERTSON Take Laxative Brorno Quinine Tab- and young men from to 126 per lets All druggists refund the money month We fit you four to If It falls to cure six months and place you In position Groves signature on each box the moment you are competent A common school education Is all that Mr Peter McMurchy family is re Call or write for of left Jaw last Canadian Railway they will their Institute corner von Toronto at Fait The Toronto Stars report of the Bradford Fair fakirs is a racy one and will be read with interest It says There was an assortment of fakirs on the grounds of the Brad ford Exhibition ywsterday but having heard that Provincial Detective was on their trail they kept a hand on their money ready to run at a moments notice As an additional precaution they put a spotter on the high board fence to keep a lookout for tbe Toronto man Mr was wise too Instead of coming Into town by train along with the other visitors from a dis tance he went to Newmarket and from there to Bradford He went straight to grounds The spotter saw him coming up the road Jehu and blew his whistle orUiwitli The money had lust gn to How freely in fakirs row but at the sound of that whistle there wasscatterattcn In a minute the was on the spot but was not a fakir within several hundred yards A few of them was seen disappearing oer the hills in direction of Landing But the detective was not fooled yet His coming had been so sudden that several of the fraternity had been unable to pick their belong ings One fellow left his overcoat Others their instruments of ex tortion Mr drier decided he had better hang around In the neighbor hood for a while It not long until Hie fellow back for his coat His desire to saAehls coat just cost Aim Three others were caught before the day was over and each of the four pleaded guilty before Magistrate and were fined and respectively They op erated the spindle and the check games the former being on tho wheel of fortune principle with a secret spring attaichfncnt and the other a dice game Mr knows some of those who escaped and they are not out of danger yet Mr says that he received lit tle encouragement the fair offi cials to the fakirs Indeed chief- of police is understood to have complained to the department that he was told not to interfere with the operators at all The between representa tives of the Senate and Commons on Friday last in respect to Federal and Provincial Jurisdiction over railway lines resulted in a satisfactory solu tion to the diUcrenees The rights of Provinces and of the municipal ities are safeguarded by Senate provision which the commons accept On the other hand the Senate with draws its amendment In favor an appeal to the courts from the decis ion of the newly created railway com mission to the Auction Sale of Timber Berths PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to authority of Order- Id Council the Red and White Pine Timber in the following townships berths and areas namely In DISTRICT of the Townships of Parkin Mackelcn McCar thy Merrick Mulock part of French part of Stewart Lockbart part of part of Osborne part of and Phelps part of In the DISTRICT of and tbe Town ships of Kitchener and Roberts and Block W near Onaplng Lake In tho RAINY RIVER and and the following bertha with the right to cut and remove the spruce cedar and poplar GO G2S G36 G7 Berths SI S3 and will be offered for sale by Public Auction at the Parlia ment In the City of Toron to on Wednesday the NINTH DAY of DECEMBER 1903 at the hour ol ONE oclock the afternoon King Plowmens Association In tend holding annual plowing match on Tuesday Nov on Mr arm lot In the Con pjv irttiftu in he ai Sheets containing and condi- of Sale and information as to Areas and Lota and Concessions com prised in each Berth will be furnish ed on application either personal or by letter to the Department of Crown Lands Toronto or the Crown Timber Agencies at Ottawa Marie Port Arthur Rat Portage and Fort Frances J DAVIS Commissioner Crown Lands Department of Crown Lands Toronto July 29 No tamed of this advertisement will It pah for rVCwVV atest It signs a SHELF HARDWARE COMPLETE IN ALL LINES GIVE US A CHANCE TO PLEASE YOU EVERYTHING AS REPRESENTED J A ALLAN CO NEWMARKET J TELEPHONE CONNECTION JACKS FOR HIRE fefepg The Newmarket Pharmacy Next door to Post Office We have now a complete line of Pure Druga Druggists Sundries choice Stationery Toilet tlons Soaps and Sponges Brushes Combs Atomlrers Hot Water c A Full Stosk of Patent Medicines at lowest reduced prices We special attention to our Prescription Department A Call Solicited I A The NORMAN ROGERS CO Limited J PATTERSON AGENTS FOR THE GREAT NORTH WESTERN TELEGRAPH COMPANY OF CANADA Phono No i seTj In the Lines we handle DRY GOODS CLOTHING GENTS FURNISHINGS BOOTS SHOES Stock Always Up to Date SHORTHAND BOOK KEEPING PENMANSHIP C Taught TORONTO By Experienced Tho only school in Toronto teaching Famous GREGG HAND or which is affiliated with Institute of Chartered Accountants Over GOO calls each year for office help Catalogues and all particular free J Chartered Accountant principal Farm for Sale Being lot con 3 Whitchurch and consisting of acres about un der cultivation and acres timber ed with hardwood and hemlock The farm is situated about three miles from Newmarket and is convenient to both church and school house On it there are a good frame bank barn with stone foundation and stabling for cattle and horses a good brick- clad house with solid brick Kitchen and frame woodshed a good well at the house a never failing spring crook a young orchard coming into bearing and plenty of small fruit Tbe is well fenced and soil is a good clay loam and In a good state of cultivation Plowing will be done this Fall and wheat sown Possession given 1st of April Easy terms can be given if desired For particulars apply to R ARMSTRONG on the premises or thru Newmarket P O OLD FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE