Newmarket Era, 30 Oct 1903, p. 8

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J out the gas and furnishes the with A and an obitoarf Didnt it was loaded may be an Lone5t plea but it never brought a victim back to life Those who let a cough run on in ignorance of the danger find no escape from the con sequences when the cough develops Into lung trouble The best time to Cure a cough is when It Ordinarily a few doses of Dr Golden Medical Discovery will cure a cough at the beginning But even when the cough is deepseated lungs bleed and the body is wasted emaciation Dr Pierces Golden Medical Discovery will in ninetyeight cases out of hundred effect a perfect and permanent cure FORFEIT will be paid by the Dispensary Medical Association proprietors Buffalo if they can not show the original signature of the Individual volunteering the testimonial below and also of the writers of testimonial the thousands which are constantly- publishing proving their genuineness My husband bad couhlo years people frankly told lhat lit would go writes Mr John Shircnan To Chicago 111 He had terrible we not only alarmed but looked for Ibe a WcodTuctl or a most any time husbands recovery wis remarkable In it dara he begun using Dr Pierce Medical Discovery he was up and and in two core days he went to work cured him The Common Sense Medical Adviser in paper covers is sent fret receipt of onecent stamps to pay ens of customs and mailing only dress Dr Buffalo are also a health necessity DUN LOP Hi- ELS Are likt walking on air wear like hWii Toronto Grocery and Provision TOR Call and try out New England Ham Just the Thing for Picnics and Lunches All ready for use Q only pec fit Picnic Hams per lb Cottage Hams per lb Bacon to lb Cooked Corn Bed to I keep nothing but the Best Guarantee You Satisfaction Berries on Saturday at Lowest Prices When You Need No and get the beat town in I J STREET NEWMARKET ERA If OCT I I I a I J I J I Fall Fair The old terrace at Que built by the Grand Company was- burned and twenty were rendered D r Kidney and Cough Powder W u rt fcwfe SI lvr tftltl liXl rJj Wl iJ tajliJ riKi J It Bold at J3routn8 x4 Toronto LIST OK PRIZE WINNERS- ft The annual Exhibition toe East Agricultural Asso ciation held at on October was most successful in every particular The list of entries was Jar in excess of former years being wo greater than that of last year Every department repre sented and was to the exhibits of former years but the display of Fine and Ladies Work deserve special mention The beautiful which prevailed during the two days of the Fair was to a great extent responsible for the large crowd in attendance and the gate receipts amounted to a sum extremely grati fying to the Directors Much of the of this popular Fall Fair is due to toe untiring efforts of the en ergetic popular Secretary Mr Geo of al though the other officers and the Board of Directors are also deserving of He highest praise Tins list of winners is as follows DRAUGHT HORSES Span in names 2nd Fred Wesley Mare John Twoyearold Gelding or Fill Aligns Greenwood Yearling Filly John A 2nd Angus Spring Colt or Green wood 2nd John Fairbarn OR GENERAL PURPOSE in harness Crake 2nd John A Brood Mare David Wight 2nd Greenwood Twoyearold Gelding or Filly Tiios Cunningham 2nd Jerry Gra ham Spring Colt or Green wood 2nd John sen Cart Horse 2nd Linstead J J AMES WELLS MAJOR CARRIAGE HQRSES Span in harness Single Carriage Horse Frank 2nd John Parkins Mare John 2nd Win Saunders Twoyearold or Filly Yearling Gelding or Filly Frank R Spring Colt or Filly Wit Saun ders 2nd John ROADSTER HORSES Span in harness Blackburn Single Driver Dr J Forrest 2nd Norman Wesley Brood Mare Wm Simpson 2nd Allen Rogers sen Twoyearold Gelding or Filly Wm Knight 2nd John Hamilton Spring Colt or Filly Allan How ard 2nd Simpson EQUESTRIENNE Gentleman Rider Fred 2nd J- J Terry Lady Driver Mies 2nd Miss Morrison Saddle Horse John 2nd J J Terry SPECIAL Span Ponies hands and under James Stiles Pony 1I hands and under J Pony lj hands and under Morton Gents Turnout Dr J as Forrest 2nd Norman Wesley Judges- J Roddy Holt Gorman DURHAM CATTLE Hull Win Bull year old John sen Bull Calf Frank 2nd John sen Milch Cow Win 2nd Da vid 2 old David Heifer old David 2nd David Heifer Calf 2nd John sen CATTLE Best Bull Henry Curtis Milch Cow John sen 2nd Henry Curtis Best HerdHenry Curtis GRADE CATTLE Boot Cow Win 2nd Twoyearold Heifer 2nd Yearling HeiferMartin 2nd Wm Pair Fat Cattle John It Jaw Russell SHEEP Aged Ram J D Davidson 2nd Simpson Shearling Ram J Davidson 2nd Simpson Ram Lamb Thompson 2nd Win Pair Aged Ewes J 2nd Simpson Pair Shearling Ewes Simp son 2nd J Davidson Two Ewe Davidson 2nd Simpson Aged Ram Wra Ram Ram Lamb Rynard Pair Aged W Pair Shearling Ewes Two Wm Aged Ram John Shearling Roan Bell Bros 2nd John Ram Lamb Bell Bros 2nd Bell Bros Pair Aged Ewes Bell Bros 2nd John Pair Shearling Ewes Bell Bros 2nd John Two Ewe Lambs Bell Bros 2nd Hell Bios OXFORD DOWNS Pair Ewes Martin Pair Shearling Ewes Martin Mc- Pair Ram -McCar- Pair Ewe Lambs Martin BERKSHIRE SWINE Aged Hoar John 2nd Brood tet and 2nd John Boar Pig 1st and John Sow Pig 1st and 2nd John CHESTER WHITE SWINE Brood Sow John sen Sow Pig Frank YORKSHIRE WHITE Brood Sow Frank Pig 1903 Ego Sow Pig W Ego Brood Sow Jonn sen DOYLE JOHN FIELDS POULTRY Pair GeeseWalter Foster 2nd Gil bert Johnston Pair TurkeysWalter Foster Pair Ducks 2nd Thomas Stephens Pair Gilbert Johnston 2nd Lee pair Plymouth Rocks Walter Foster Pair White Leghorns Lee 2nd Ego Pair Lee Pair Games Walter Foster 2nd Lee Pair Bantams Lee 2nd Thos Stephens Pair 1st and 2nd Lee JOHN STEPHENS W J HOUGH TON GRAIN Bushel Red Wheat Steph en Sellers 2nd Win Rynard Bushel White Winter Wheat Win 2nd Jacob Smith Bushel Spring Wheat 2nd Jacob Smith Bushel Red Spring Wheat Jacob Smith 2nd Sellers Bushel Barley 2nd Thus Stephens Bushel Small Peas 2nd Thos- Stephens Bushel Large Wm Rynard 2nd W Stephens Bushel Oats Wm 2nd alios W Stephens- Bushel White Oats Stephen Sel lers 2nd Win Ears Indian Corn Green wood 2nd John Greenwood Pock Beans Sellers 2nd W Lee Half Bushel Seed grown Ego Bushel Rod Clover Seed grown Stephen Sellers Half Bushel Timothy Seed grown 2nd Stephens GREEN WOOD ROOTS AND potatoes White 2nd Stephen Sellers Potatoes White Starr Stephen Sel lers 2nd Win Potatoes Empire Sellers 2nd John Stephens- Potatoes Early Everett Stephen Sellers Rynard Potatoes any other kind Stephen Sellers Turnips Win 2nd Stephen Sellers Swede Turnips 2nd Stephen Sellers Long Red Mangold Wm 2nd Stephen Sellers Yellow Globe 2nd Stephen Sellers Long White Carrots Stephen fi lers 2nd Win Rynard Long Orange Carrots 2nd Stephen Sellers snort White CffrrotJrWrn 2nd Stephen Sellers Collect Roots Collection Garden Vegetables Ed Johnston Two Heads Johnston Two yhite Morton John Two Heads Red CabbageGilbert Johnston Two Tabic W Stephens 2nd Stephen Sellers Sir Table Carrots 2nd Six Table Beets A McKcn2ie 2nd John Greenwood sen 0 TdmatbesThos Stephens 2nd Greenwood Two citrons Mrs Geo 2nd Leo Three Heads Stephens 2nd Twelve Red OnionsTbos Stephens 2nd Sellers Twelve White Thos Stephens 2nd Stephen Sellers Two Pumpkins 2nd Stephens Two Squash Greenwood 2nd Thos W Stephens Two Hubbard Squash Stephens 2nd Wash Lewis Two Mammoth Squash Green wood 2nd Stephens Two Mammoth Pumpkins Win 2nd John Greenwood Six Sugar Edwards 2nd A JudgesS MCMULLEN JOHN FRUIT Largest and Best Collection of Ap plesFred Best Snow Apples Greenwood Six Si Lawrence Apples Mrs Jno Smith 2nd Gilbert Johnston Six Snow Apples John Greenwood 2nd John I Northern Spy Mrs John Smith 2nd John sen Six R I Greenings Jerry Gra ham 2nd Jacob Smith Six Waggoner Jerry Graham 2nd John Parkins Six Ben Davis John 2nd Six Golden Russet Jerry Graham 2nd Edward Johnson Six Baldwin John Stephens 2nd Jas Ayiward Six Flemish Beauty Pears James Six Mrs Geo Judges Silver Pear son BREAD DAIRY 10 lb Crock Butter by A A Al lanMrs Geo lb Crock Butter by Abb lb Crock Butter by JPipher John Stephens lbs Butter in Rolls by Mrs Willis lb Crock Butter by Co Mrs Willis lbs Butter in lb Rolls by Lemon John lb Crock Butter by Humphry Mrs Willis lbs Honey in Comb Gilbert Jobnstoti- lbs Honey in Jar Edward John ston Collection Canned Fruits 2nd Geo Lee Collection of Pickles Edward John ston 2nd Miss Maple Molasses Gilbert Johnston 2nd Jacob Homy Bread lb Loaf Win Home Made Bread lb- by girl under Win Greenwood Home Made Wine Edward Jolinson Judges FRED D MOORE R WAIT IMPLEMENTS 0 Covered Buggy J Terry Open Buggy J J Terry Cutter 1st and 2nd J J Terry Sett Single Harness Goo Fogg Set Single Harness special Geo Fogg Judge WM KEITH i FANCY WORK Wight EMULSION Scotts Emulsion is the means of life and of the en joyment of life of thousands of men women and children To the men Spptts Emul sion gives the flesh and strength so necessary the cure of consumption and the repairing of body losses from any pasting disease women Scotts Emul sion does this and more It is a most sustaining food and tonic for the special trials that women have to bear To children Scotts Emul sion gives food and strength for growth of flesh and borie and For pale girls for thin and sickly boys Scotts Emulsion is a great help Bond for roft ChomUU Toronto Ontario Lace Collar fancy 2nd Mtss Sweeping Cap and Bag Miss Necktie Case Mrs John Henry 2nd Wight Fancy Stock Collar Miss Fisher Miss Bennett Pen Wiper 2nd Miss Fisher j Lace Wight 2nd Miss Fisher TatUng4Mtes Madge Bennett 2nd Miss 11 Fisher Point Lace Jacob Lace any kind Mrs John Henry 2nd Jacob Collection Laces Mrs John Henry 2nd Jacob j Tea Tray Cloth Linen Miss Fisher 2nd Miss Wootten 2nd Miss Fisher Table or Stand Cover Miss Fisher 2nd Miss Madge Bennett Embroidery on silk Miss Fisher 2nd Jacob Piano Scarf Mtss Madge 2nd Miss Fisher Toilet Fogg Outline Work Miss Mies Fisher Drawn Work Miss Jacob Fancy Pincushion Mrs John 2nd Jacob Drape Fisher 2nd Miss Wootten Water Color on any subject Jacob TeaPot Cosy 2nd Miss Centre jUfyin Miss Madge 2nd Miss Fisher Battinhurg 2nd Miss Fisher Hair Receiver and Match Holder- Jacob 2nd Fred Photo Fisher 2nd Mrs John Henry Doilies any kind Miss Fish er 2nd Jacob Bead Work Miss 2nd Miss Fisher Novelties new and original 1st and 2nd Wight Fancy Shaving Pad and Razor- Holder Wight Sofa Cushion Embroidered on Or gandie Mrs John Henry 2nd Miss Fancy Tooth Brush Holder Miss Wootten 2nd Jacob Cut Flowers Collection Wil lis 2nd Mrs Geo Bridal Bouquet Jacob Traviss 2nd ward Johnston Crayon Drawing Freehand Gilbert Johnston Oil Painting any subject Mrs John Henry 2nd Pencil Drawing Freehand J Traviss 2nd Gilbert Johnston Painting on Glass or China Fred Cowieson 2nd Mrs John Henry Kensington Painting XL Wight Gilbert Johnston Painting on Silk or Velvet Mrs John Henry- 2nd Geo Fogg Roman Embroidery Miss B Fisher 2nd Miss Wootten Judges Mrs A Widdifield Mrs Silver CHILDRENS Collection Postage Stamps in Album Miss Half Dozen Tea Biscuits by girl un der Mrs John Smith 2nd Wash Lewis Chocolate Cake by girl under Mrs John Smith Cake girl under Gilbert Johnston Pencil Drawing child under 12 years John Smith 2nd Gilbert Johnston Hemmed Handkerchief by girl un der years Miss Wootten 2nd Gil bert Johnston Crochet Work by girl under Miss 2nd Miss Fisher Dressed Doll by girl under Miss 2nd Miss Fisher LADIES WORK Wool Mitts single knitted Miss Fisher 2nd Miss Wool Mitts double knittedMrs 2nd Miss L Fisher Wool Socks Miss End Miss Fisher Gents Shirt White Home Laun- Miss Wootten 1st and 2nd- Gents Fancy Miss Fisher Sofa Pillow any kind Fred 2nd Miss Fisher Carriage or Sola Afghan Fred 2nd Miss L Fisher Splasher Miss Madge Bennett 2nd Miss Fisher Specimen of darning Mrs John Henry 2nd Ladys Apron hand made Miss 2nd Miss Bennett Six Worked Button Holes 1st and 2nd Miss Six Table MatsMiss Fisher 2nd Mrs John Henry piece Work QuiltJacob Traviss Crochet Quilt Cotton Kerell 2nd Jacob Traviss Pair Worked Slippers Miss Fisher 2nd Miss Wootten Crochet ShawlMiss L Fisher 2nd Miss Pillow Shams Miss Madge Bennett 2nd Miss Fisher Fancy Screen Mrs Geo Tomilson 2nd Miss L Fisher White Underwear hand made Miss L Fisher 2nd Miss Madge Bennett Head Rest Miss Madge Bennett 2nd Miss Fisher Foot Rest Miss Fisher 2nd Jacob Traviss Collection of Photos Mrs John Two Pair Home Made Wool Socks special by Hugh McWhirter Johnston Judges Mrs J F Mrs W Keith Fisher 2nd 2nd 2nd Take cold easily Throat lender Lungs weak Any relatives have consumption Then a cough means a great Cherry- Pectoral deal to you Follow your doctors advice and take Ayers Cherry Pectoral It heals strengthens prevents I r tad cold I llJch for I Jan All J a A for Weaklings Incroaso liver and thus aid Fire did damage to the extent of to tho homo Thomas Cross near Port A little tenyearold daughter of George Brooks of Niagara Falls was HatPin Holder Madgo Ben- burned lo death her clothing catch- nctt 2nd Jacob j fire from a The Kind Always Bought and which been In for over years has borne the signature of and been under per supervision its Infancy Allow no one to deceive you in this All Counterfeits Imitations and Justasgood are but with and endanger health of Infants Children Experience against Experiment hat is A Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil Pare goric Drops and Soothing- It is Pleasant contains neither Opium Morphine nor other substance Its age is Us guarantee It destroys Worm and allays It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles cures Constipation and Flatulency- It assimilates food regulates Stomach and giving healthy and natural sleep Childrens Panacea Mothers Friend GENUINE AST Boars Signature of ALWAYS The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years CIHYAUR COMPANY CtT THE SOV REIGN OF CANADA Transacts Receives of and Upwards year from dale of dfpoilt No Trouble Hod or Delay Has Thirty In Ontario and Quebec over Shirehcldcrs Una over Depositors Five Branched hi the County of York Mount Albor Unlonvlllo NEWMARKET BRANCH Corner of Mala and WALLACE BRUCE Manager TREASURERS For Taxes in the County of York ox COUNTY OK I By of a Warrant Issued by the Warden of the TO WIT York Ninth day of September One Hundred and Three and to to proceed wltr hereinafter act together with the fees ulvi that unleas the arrears of and shall h- date- and ID herLtfuifterspecltUd proceed inewia JJ or so as may bo the said arrears of thereon DISTRICT No I SALE TO BE HELD ON DAY OF at hour of oclock am Old Court House Adelaide St Toronto OK nt Street Quantity Taxes to Peers John st north aide DI8TRIOT No Comprising and Vlilago or Markham Hale to be held WEDNESDAY DAY OF DECEMBER At the hour of II am In the HALL Block MS Arnold Street Village of HILL MUNICIPALITY OK Lot Quantity Jfi half Acres to DO Brooko Whaiftt acres to Alex Prby- a Church Owner part half aero K part fi IJJ IS K part a to Wm Harris K part part aero MUNICIPALITY OK Description Lot Con Quantity to part 31 acre commonly known Old Mill Property middle pt ft acres MUNICIPALITY OK VILLAGE Description Lot Block Street Quantity Taxes A Asscstcd to Bertha Millar Malo K I J I to A Crosby 10 A abt W I DISTRICT No 3 Comprising and Holland Landing to be ON WEDNESDAY DAYOF at hour of In TOWN HALL AlKOKA MUNICIPALITY OK BAST Con Quantity Taxes AuMsed to l2dlWYst W g toOnBheppard It- It 2 OK A Lot Avo Plan Quantity Taxes Harold NoW CO JJ 111 Harold MUNICIPALITY OK HOLLAND LANDINO Lot dm or St Quantity Taxes survey of lot HOY at a aero JO Bradford DI8TRIOT NO 4 Comprising North and Vlilago of Button to bo on TUESDAY i9TH DAY OF at hour of In HOTEL HALL Village of BUTTON MUNICIPALITY OK A Description Lot Street Quantity AsaeMod to Walter Keswiok 19 tore 0 to Walter SO Wacro U S 4 to Henry Taylor Kswlek acre Jg Roaerro acres MUNICIPALITY OK SUTTON Lot Block Quantity Tixw Aescssedto KColby Macro fir 3 is Published Sept BXO jtifMMi ft aVJkCL Aii4y v v-

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