1 a m THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY NOV 1 Wanted to Rent- John Smith Yet Judging from the tirade against tfee Commissioner of Crown Lands which House must be medium size and the Editor the ExptessHerard ro coco Possession Dec 1st or of each ieek the February last with its V DENNE W- iDtriqUe NOTIO Ion the part of the Editor must have i left a rankling sting- At that time when not registering as John Smith All persons indebted to the estate city and trying to induce temper- late William ate here- opposition to brighten Mr by notified to pay the same to election he was MULOOK LEE Cor King Toronto Our Society NOT A SPECIAL OF THE V Mr Isaac Silver continues in very poor health Sir C Dyke has returned from Pacific coast Mrs Atkinson gave a thimble tea last Friday afternoon The editor and wife spent over Sunday with relatives the city Miss visited oyer with nirs at Keitle- Mr and Mrs Manning en tertained friends on Wednesday even ing of last week Mrs Jos Millard was visiting in the city over Sunday with her son done anything or the riding or any- one in it Now be is objecting to the possible fact that Mr Davis se cured the appointment of a constitu ent as deputy during hunting season According to John Mr Alex Millard j Smiths argument Mr Davis can do jir Green erf Toronto was nothing for you anyway and if he in town on Wednesday He is feeling it does anything then he ought not to a good deal better Newmarket Dairy Association ta to ill he in the Fire Hall Joba a few con- market on Monday Nov law diluents of Mr Davis should get a at oclock pm for purpose journey hunting Plant any portion of it j the construction tram of the con- STARR tractor for the North Dawson attended the Mr President Railway Free Passes at Got- J Geo Dawson at last reward for Mrs S A Baker of London and Mrs J P Ward of King- ingenious logician put it And spending a few days with John Smiths head this grave and J Mrs Cornell serious charge has nothing in it All j Mr Dickson of was taVeh sayere- ill last week but we are pleased to learn she te improving J Dawson and- Mrs expense as a reward for Stock Farm for The Quarterly service of this on were well at tendee The were full of pranks and had a high old time here on Williamson and of spent Sunday town Mis Cherry of Amber visiting aunt Mrs P P Steel Mr vis ited her brother last week On the at pm the residence of Mr J hit in the con caught fire the chimney and burned down Most of the contents were saved 130 acres welt fenced and under- drained F that- Mr Davis can do in a matter in town on Saturday consulting bank barn cement walls and Mooring like this is to give a constituent a Stabling for fifty head of cattle and of introduction to the engineer complete water system supplied by if it is cendition Mile and a half from ride as the rails are laid is King Station For price terms At the expense of the etc apply to with his brother concerning the farm on St Mr Joseph Meads returned on Tuesday from Winnipeg where he was a pipe organ in a church lor a Totonto firm Mr Albert of the Government Not a bit but at the Ontario Bank stafl of spent A DAVIS c SON a couple of days in town last week King Oat expense of the contractor So much par for this matter of free passes at Government expense to Monday for her home in Vancouver cal servility And by the way BC after spending three months at The Institute Mr wens Mr muni of Aurora expect to be rewarded for Dr Scott was laid but is OF AMERICA SCRAN TON PA the following Course by Mall Ad Writing Stenography Journalism Proofreading Practical For write Interest 10 WILSON NEWMARKET when he asked lor and was accorded this slight favor Perhaps John Smith did not have his own political friends in mind when he penned his worthy protest against this terrible injustice this great and public wrong As a matter of fact John Smith is too sore to give his few readers a it is anything to get a rap at Davis All opportunities look alike to him whether created by political up week around again Mrs Scott talis of going to California with her mother for the winter Mr Stephen Hart and his daugh ter Mrs Latham of were in town a couple days this week on business and calling on friends Mr and Mrs A Roe enter tained about 10 people at their farm residence near on Monday night and a delightful time is report Mrs Martha Terry Albert also her son Mr John Terry and jure One Way Special Excursion Tickets Arc dally until November to In British Columbia California Colorado Idaho Montana Oregon Utah Washington Clemens Mineral Baths treatment for rheumatism nervous etc Situated near Detroit rand J The St Catharines Well ooo The waters of this re a treat able tor tedl bride from St Paul Mini were vis- exigencies or personal misfortune- land if he could ece any further nose he would learn that the net Miss May Keller of Queens- result- is increased sympathy and ville niece of Mrs John Spring al- friendship for the man be seeks to in Miss and Mr Abbs of Roachs Point spent Sunday Mr John Springs I Last Saturday Mr John Spring received a telegram announcing the death of his sister Mrs Harper in Detroit and asking hrni to go at I once but on account of being poorly himself he was unable to go THE FIRST BABY What Joy la In the home when the first baby comes and yet to the young and Inexperienced moth er who has to care for It there is no other period lo her life so try- lug In the little lib that are cer tain to come the Inexperienced moth er scarcely knows what to do To the young mother to all mothers Babye Tablets are a real blessing They promptly such troubles as constipation soar stomach diarrhoea and simple fev ers They break up colds destroy worms allay the irritation accom panying tao cutting of teeth and prevent more Ills These Tab lets sold under a guarantee to contain no opiate nor any other of the harmful drugs always found In the socalled soothing medicines They are good for all children from the new born babe to the well grown child If you do not the Tab lets at your medicine dealers send cents to Dr Williams Medicine Co Oct and a box will be mailed you post paid EDITORIAL BOTES of Toronto came comfortably the York elections Tuesday I to have an The campaign was a remark- one will remain a days with his Will Ciuai4 ix iia- Ux Mrs Timothy St and all the of direct line the Grand hi in rrol religion in the city were arraigned hjp against and l The Feat and conveni ent itic Grand Trunk t a celled for to East Vwt or For and apply to to J Mctlouittd tut Grocery and Provision he won the mayoralty with ftyihg colors The Democrats are again on top in New York and the worst ele ments the party gloat over the triumph as a victory for Mr Charles Murphy the Tammany party new leader tin An intimation has received that the Government together with a slafl of over and Mrs Geo Wood enter tained several guests on Tuesday and Wednesday They were Mrs Elder her daughter Mis ol the same place and Miss also Walter Crone of Toronto A farewell party was to Dr Harry Richardson on Tuesday evening at the home Dr Richardson his cousin Harry having completed his dental course has decided to lo cate in Many friends here will wish him much success Mr Duncan returned from the States this week owing to his wifes continued ill health Mrs have nearly all returned from the northern district It was noted the early last that the instructions is sued lor surveying fifty townships bt a of these have not been If you want good Pork Sausage try competed It is satisiactor to has been out at her fathers ours The very best made that the surveyors who have Mr Wesley for the past three daily at per lb teen working at out lie height of Headcheese per lb land in the neighborhood of Lake report that the soil is very fine and that few lakes were Pork Hocks per lb Picnic Hams per lb All kinds of Canned goods at Lowest Prices cans Peas cans Corn cans Salmon good Mushrooms Asparagus Best American Coal Oil gal All kinds of produce taken In change KNOWLES I a fraud is all the answer necessary to the attack made upon PostmasterGeneral in tie WWII pressHerald last week A large section of the Conservative fc rtJSjLSL California ftoouple of press well as the M New Livery A has taken out License Conservative evening journals Join in commending Win Mulock for his stand against the abuse of the franking privilege by certain members of the Opposition who lent their names to tons of mail matter for the of a party newspaper organ in wee bit there Is very little since her return home Mr J son of the late Nelson Hotsford who now resides in Toronto was up north on a shooting expedition and dropped off at Newmarket on Saturday on his way home He spent till Wednesday catling on old friends in town were days was In partn ership with Mr Samuel at the Northend foundry which was burnt down 2ft years ago He was also a of the old Newmarket Band when the late Bishop was lead er He may well be called one of the Newmarket old boys years of age The many friends of The Altai JOHNSONANDERSON At Bald win on the Oct by Rev Mr Herbert Johnson to Miss Nina Gertrude Anderson all In Aurora on Oct by the Rev Mr Kirby Mr Caster to Miss Pearl both of Aurora Oct 28 Mr Alexander Douglas an old Newmarket boy of to Miss Allison of DAWSON HARVEY At the resi dence of the brides father Rev Neil on Oct Mr Geo Dawson of formerly of to Miss Nettie Harvey daugh ter of Mr Win Harvey of Hamil ton SOULES At the Methodist parsonage Oct 25th by Rev R J Mr Jos J of Whitchurch to Miss Amelia of ville FERGUSONHENRY At the home of the bride by Rev McArthur assisted by Rev J Simp son on Oct 1903 Rev J A Ferguson of Out to Miss daughter Mr Henry of HUTCHINSON VANZANT At Oct by Rev Nixon Mr Leonard of Aurora to Miss Ida daugh ter of Mr H Vanzant of f GRAY Oct by Rev Archibald ville David Gray to Miss Nellie Johnson of JOHNSTON DAVIDSON At The North at residence of the brides par ents on Thursday Oct by the Rev J Davidson brother the bride assisted by Rev Si McArthur John John ston to Annie daughter J Davidson Esq Weekly Store News Newmarket This Week A Wall Papers Reduced Rolls this seasons Newest Papers Regularly sold at and cents Borders and to match Saturday per roll AllWool Carpets Cents yards Pure Wool Car pet full yard wide in neat patterns of red green and brown price per yard Saturday cut and matched for yard i Are advertising Great Bar- Boots and Shoes endeavoring to the people that they are selling goods at- less money than their competitors VERY We have a FOSTER Shoe Stock for the past two weeks at savings of to per cent which advertising we have backed up with our prices The result has been most hundreds left our store delighted with the values we have given them Our sales so far have been phenomenal but past achievements will not suffice we have a large portion of- the stock still to sell and will continue to clear out every dollars worth of the Foster Stock at prices far below what you would expect to pay for Seasonable goods vv Suiker Flannels 600 yards only Shaker Flannels in Pink and Blue Stripes Regularly sold at per yard Saturday yard Gray yards only Grey Flan nel in Twill and Plain nice wide width Saturday 15c yard t at sq yard Neat Patterned Floor Oil cloth in 1 1 and yards wide special at sq yard 150LongBoots76cpr pairs only Long to Hoy at per pHir i were laying down The Foster Boot a took in all Brand New Goods bought within the past nine The Foster Stock was bought for at a low rate on the dollar we therefore in a position to sell you goods below pre sent prices a eat deal below any of our competi tors For of these statements come in be your own judge whether you buy or not you are ways welcome at the Gash Store f Towelling yard yards Crash Hund Glass Towelling with neat red borders Regularly sold at 10c Saturday yard press Goods 36d I v- yds New suitable for Ladies and Childrens Dresses double fold worth Saturday to Oxfords pairs Womens Oxford to in lace and but ton Regularly sold at to sale price pair to Mens Boots pairs only Mens Don- and Buff Boot size to Regularly sold at sale price Madame Complexion Soap in box regular 10c John Bull Pickles regular sale lOe lb Tin Pigs Feet 1 lb lb tin English Breakfast Coffee Canoed Corn can Mixed Bird lb HUNTER BROS NEWMARKET PHONE NO Prompt delivery to all parte the Town The population of Berlin Ont is and the assessment j The KNOWLESIn town Nov tne wife Mr Knowles grower a son 5do That abuse had grown to Slow horses and low rigs toqutoe attempt to exploit but the price will be high enough to treasury for party and make it a pretty hightoned tumour advantage deserved the OfficeMain Tel condemnation given to it on the floor the House but it oo Good Farm for Robert tle nineyearold remained for McKay was by a North York to fault an and killed act that should be commended Tins About eight hundred men went on however shows the measure the strike at Niagara trails on account of outside the New- To cover up a party Iniquity a reduction in wages of the em- market Fine bank barn flowing hits at the man who exposes ployed on the various Canadian pow- good bouses and outbuildings fraud works Several small riots In firstclass now and men who wanted to work occupied by Watson the milkman were driven with stont At one Apply to I In a on the Grand Trunlt oclock Tuesday morning a company near Fireman Mount of local militia Charge of the killed and trainmen Injured j works THE LEADING Furniture Undertaking House gains -IN- Extension Tables and Couches cad A SPECIALTY calls attended to at Residence John Millard Phono 17 and Yonge St Nov 1st 1903 to Mr and Mrs John Fry a daughter HEWITT In town No to Mr and Mrs Hewitt a son On St on Oct to Mr and Mrs K Lewis a son Why not have a clean and newly papered room now when can enjoy it during the whole winter WITH Olt WITHOUT BORDERS CEILING TO MATCH PRICES AND QUALITY SUIT ALL In East on the Nov to Mr and Mrs John a son Premier Fountain Pens LITTLE FOLKS AND BIO ALSO Kino and medium A neat and Pen for money ready when you want to it i Metropolitan Fashions The Tomb 1st Nov at the home his father- inlaw Mr Joseph 7th King Mr William from diphtheria Deceased was only married In March last and leaves a young widow who has the sympathy of a wide circle of friends fa Detroit on Nov 2nd Elizabeth Hoi- Hogshead widow of Hoi- aged about years Deceased was visiting at the of her Mr Frank Webb She was a daughter of the late Mr John Wilson on the Whitchurch and resided at Cleveland Ohio The remains wore interred at Detroit November Delineator Now on Bale Patterns in stock to select form GROCERIES AND FRUITS New Oranges Lemons BANANAS SWEET POTATOES Christies Fancy Biscuits A LARGE ASSORTMENT FRESH Bread Pastry Flour Industrial Home Nov Rogers from IVaged about years quantities or by the barrel Deceased has been ar inmate of the On and alter Nov our bread will be made in lb at- same House for about six years price as formerly This we have been compelled to do on accorot advance In flour ana f labor S j nOfl f I J WERmiNQ MAIN ST NORTH NEWMARKET All Orders will receive Careful and Prompt Attention POTATO BAGS 5c EACH Central Telephone Office a